View Full Version : Agh! Scary Hair Dream!

August 28th, 2011, 05:40 AM
So I was asleep last night and this is what I had a dream about...

"I was on LHC and I see a new post titled 'Ducky Dot's hair fraud' so I click on it, scared for what this means. It is a post by a regular LHC'er and she has my pictures in her post saying 'This is fake! She trimmed her hair after!!' and 'FAKE! It's a wig!' after that loads of people post 'YEAH! FAKE! THROW HER OUT!' and I get scared. I post, 'What?! What are you talking about?!' and so the OP posts a magnified image of my ends and says 'Your ends are thin!!!!!' "

Scary much?! :( My hair isn't a wig Lolol.

August 28th, 2011, 08:52 AM
Oh my! That's pretty scary! I never dream about my hair.

August 28th, 2011, 09:02 AM
-Questioning glare- Are you.. sure it's not a wig?
Ha! Baha! No more LHC before bed!

Generally my hair dreams are about it falling out in clumps, and more often than not it's more about my teeth falling out..

August 28th, 2011, 09:35 AM
That's not just a hair dream, it's a LHC dream! :cheese:
I have had hair dreams wherein I got a big chop or something and started to dream my dread over posting about it here.

August 28th, 2011, 09:43 AM
LOL! We wouldn't throw you out for having a wig!

I just had a scary hair dream last night, too. I don't usually have those. I dreamed that I was at my aunt's hair salon (my aunt doesn't have a salon and isn't a hairdresser), and she went and gave me bangs. They were really skinny, long bangs and looked awful on me.

Now mind you, I did have bangs maybe 5 or 6 years ago and they were short lived as they do not flatter me. I grew them out into face-framing layers and kept them that way, then a year or two ago I decided to grow them out. They are currently at BSL, and I want them to catch up to my almost hip-length hair.

So in my dream I was so upset that now I had bangs again... and it would take forever for them to catch up to the rest of my hair. I was fighting with my aunt and crying because she was so inconsiderate as to give me bangs without asking me.

I need to stop reading those threads about nightmare salon experiences. I'm pretty sure that's what did it!

August 28th, 2011, 09:48 AM
OMG!! Poor Ducky! That is a rather traumatic dream (*(oo)*)

kamikaze hair
August 28th, 2011, 10:48 AM
DuckyDot, no more reading scary hair experiences for you! I also have had some pretty scary hair dreams. One time i had a dream almost like the scene in "I Know What You Did Last Summer" where sarah michelle gellar wakes up and finds her hair has been HACKED UP TO PIECES BY SOME PSYCHO!!!. that and i also have the dream (Which actually happened to me, so i wonder where that one comes from!) where i get a round hairbrush stuck in my hair and no matter what it just wont budge. I think i wrote about it on the "only an LHCer would" thread.

(WIGS ARE COOL, just saying....:p)

August 28th, 2011, 12:25 PM
-Questioning glare- Are you.. sure it's not a wig?
Ha! Baha! No more LHC before bed!

Generally my hair dreams are about it falling out in clumps, and more often than not it's more about my teeth falling out..

Teeth falling out, yes, me too !!!!!!!! Gosh I hate those dreams !

August 28th, 2011, 12:30 PM
That is horrible! Wow and to say your ends are thin too at the end, scary.

August 28th, 2011, 12:47 PM
I have had hair dreams too. Usually it is about chopping all of it off. Scary. And I am not new to the teeth falling out dreams. You might just be worried about how thick or thin your hair is. Don't worry. I'm sure your hair is fine. And easier to brush thansuper thick locks. Easier to take care of goes a long way towards wanting to keep long hair. No more bad dreams,ok.

August 28th, 2011, 04:46 PM
*shakes* Time for bed again... What will I dream of tonight?! *shakes*

Thanks everyone!

It's pretty scary to think that a whole online community hates you!

At least it was a dream . . . . . . . ?!?!?!?!?!

August 28th, 2011, 04:53 PM
Duckydot, it's funny you brought this up. I just dreamt last night (very fitful sleeper last night) that I had suddenly cut my hair back to pixie length. I used to have it that length in college. In the dream, I was trying to comb the pixie into an updo...and kept thinking to myself, "Wasn't I growing my hair out?"
Anyway...woke up this morning and thankfully, my hair is at its actual below APL, not-quite-BSL.
Not my goal length, but much closer than when I was a pixie.
I told my husband about the dream and he laughed, saying, "You think about hair way more than most people."

August 28th, 2011, 05:48 PM
Ahh hair dreams...I had one the other night where I had a REALLY WEIRD haircut. It was still long at the front (like BSL length) and the back was really short and undercut. It was...so strange...It was like I could pretend it was long because the front was so long, but the back was not long at all. And for some reason I had brown hair with blonde streaks.

As for teeth falling out dreams... they are so weird, and I think everyone gets them! What do they mean?? I haven't had one in awhile, but I had an extremely vivid dream where one of my front teeth split in two (down the length of the tooth) and I dreamed about going to the dentist to fix it and everything. Very very weird.

August 28th, 2011, 05:53 PM
when I dream about LHC I can't read the words !! lol

September 2nd, 2011, 06:44 AM
Just woke up from a dream where I had super-bleached blonde straightened African American/ethnic hair that broke into glittering, gritty shards every time I touched it. *Shivers*

On the plus side, my boyfriend in the dream was Hunter Parrish from Weeds.:heartbeat