View Full Version : Feeling a little lost with my hair routine - suggestions?

August 27th, 2011, 05:34 PM
Hey everyone!

I've been a big fan of the coconut oil shampoo method since reading about it, and have been using it for several months (and have achieved optimal results). However since then, the thread has been removed, and my information source is completely gone for help!

My apartment in NYC for the summer has no AC, so the bathroom in which I stored my coconut oil gets very hot. Recently the oil spoiled so I had to throw it out, and in a pinch used a teeny bit of my roommate's Pantene conditioner (adds volume for thin hair, don't know the exact name) but it has dimethicone. My hair turned out GREAT. I've been using it for a few days on the length of my hair now and have been loving the results.

My question is this - I can't access the old oil shampoo thread to read about what others have done when they have left the method, so I was wondering if anyone has experienced something similar? My concern is that the cones will re-coat my hair, cause it to dry out, and I'll spin myself back into the condition my hair USED to be in before starting this whole process of healthy, silicone-free hair about a year and a half ago.

However what I am curious of is that now that I've grown the damage out of my hair completely, and my hair has been restored by the coconut oil, maybe I can just carry on with silicones as though I have "normal hair" now, if that makes sense. I have curly, 2c/3a hair.

Does anyone have any suggestions, or is anyone going through something like this? I feel so lost in my hair routine!! My hair improved so greatly after quitting cones, and now it is doing the opposite.

August 27th, 2011, 08:13 PM
It's only a suggestion, but I might stick with the cones since you seem so happy with them now and just monitor your hair for signs of dryness. If you note that, clarify and do a SMT or some other moisture treatment and then resume the cones. I would guess that as long as you keep the cones in line you should be okay. I think some folks get in trouble with cones when they don't stay on top of the build up.

August 27th, 2011, 09:49 PM
I recently returned to minimal cone use after over a year away from them. Honestly, it's so much easier to prevent tangles with cones. I just use leave-ins with cones. I clarify with a sulfate shampoo every 1-2 weeks. But I still oil as well, since- as you say- it seems to be beneficial for hair in the long term. In my opinion, you shouldn't go back to a "normal" hair routine of you want long hair; you need to give it special treatment so it doesn't dry out.

August 27th, 2011, 10:08 PM
If you're worried about buildup, why not try an amine-functionalized silicone like amodimethicone or bis-aminopropyl dimethicone? They're designed to resist building up on the hair, but they still impart that wonderful 'coney slip and shine (^(oo)^)

August 28th, 2011, 05:44 AM
After using SLS free shampoo and giving up on cones for the last few months, i recently did a wash with shampoo containing ALS (also cones in there) My hair has felt really fab, and the freshly undone braids look great! So now a change in my routine!
Still don't plan to use a separate conditioner, i felt in the past that really weighs down my hair.:)

August 28th, 2011, 07:15 AM
If you're worried about buildup, why not try an amine-functionalized silicone like amodimethicone or bis-aminopropyl dimethicone? They're designed to resist building up on the hair, but they still impart that wonderful 'coney slip and shine (^(oo)^)

So the bis-aminypropyl cone doesn´t build up? :-O How come so,do you have any more info about this? I´m curious :)

August 28th, 2011, 07:24 AM
If you're worried about buildup, why not try an amine-functionalized silicone like amodimethicone or bis-aminopropyl dimethicone? They're designed to resist building up on the hair, but they still impart that wonderful 'coney slip and shine (^(oo)^)

I don't suppose you know of a list of 'cones with their properties, like resisting building up, or any such similar article? (Or fancy writing one? :D ) That's really useful info!

August 28th, 2011, 07:34 AM
It's only a suggestion, but I might stick with the cones since you seem so happy with them now and just monitor your hair for signs of dryness. If you note that, clarify and do a SMT or some other moisture treatment and then resume the cones. I would guess that as long as you keep the cones in line you should be okay. I think some folks get in trouble with cones when they don't stay on top of the build up.

I agree with this. I don't think you can combine Pantene conditioner and oil shampoo. I would like to as well, though.

August 28th, 2011, 07:49 AM
I don't suppose you know of a list of 'cones with their properties, like resisting building up, or any such similar article? (Or fancy writing one? :D ) That's really useful info!

Did you mean something like this? http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/vbjournal.php?do=article&articleid=13

August 28th, 2011, 10:17 AM
So the bis-aminypropyl cone doesn´t build up? :-O How come so,do you have any more info about this? I´m curious :)

This one is pretty informative - it's talks about the key properties of aminosilicones and gives a few examples: http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curl-products/curlchemist-amodimethicone-and-other-amine-functionalized-silicones

I don't suppose you know of a list of 'cones with their properties, like resisting building up, or any such similar article? (Or fancy writing one? :D ) That's really useful info!

Sounds like a project for a little piggy, perchance? (^(oo)^)

August 28th, 2011, 06:07 PM
Was this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=57025)the one? This thread isn't gone, just closed. IIRC, there have been other threads about the whole coconut oil/shampoo method since this one closed.

August 29th, 2011, 08:28 PM
It's only a suggestion, but I might stick with the cones since you seem so happy with them now and just monitor your hair for signs of dryness. If you note that, clarify and do a SMT or some other moisture treatment and then resume the cones. I would guess that as long as you keep the cones in line you should be okay. I think some folks get in trouble with cones when they don't stay on top of the build up.

Great advice! I did buy a great clarifying shampoo back at the beginning of the oil shampoo process (to "start clean". Thank you!

I recently returned to minimal cone use after over a year away from them. Honestly, it's so much easier to prevent tangles with cones. I just use leave-ins with cones. I clarify with a sulfate shampoo every 1-2 weeks. But I still oil as well, since- as you say- it seems to be beneficial for hair in the long term. In my opinion, you shouldn't go back to a "normal" hair routine of you want long hair; you need to give it special treatment so it doesn't dry out.

Ah, this is so true. Sounds like clarifying is what I will need to do :) Thanks!

After using SLS free shampoo and giving up on cones for the last few months, i recently did a wash with shampoo containing ALS (also cones in there) My hair has felt really fab, and the freshly undone braids look great! So now a change in my routine!
Still don't plan to use a separate conditioner, i felt in the past that really weighs down my hair.:)

So funny how our hair routines need to change! But, it makes sense - changing hair conditions, health, etcetera.

Was this (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=57025)the one? This thread isn't gone, just closed. IIRC, there have been other threads about the whole coconut oil/shampoo method since this one closed.

YES thank you!! I don't know why I wasn't able to find it - maybe closed threads aren't search-able?

September 11th, 2011, 04:21 AM
Thanks a lot luxepiggy :)