View Full Version : Help! Hair-toy sellers try to deceive me!! :)

August 27th, 2011, 10:49 AM
Some days ago I was browsing in a shop, and they had this little section with some hair-toys and combs and brushes. So (of course! :)) I went over to see what they had.
One look at the brushes and I had to shudder - that kind of metal brushes that tear your hair off shudder:. Then I went on to look at the elastics, and there was one box with some elastics inside and the following lettering outside:
'Elastics without metal, so that they don't tear your hair off'. Or something like that.
And I think, well, they are beginning to make hair toys here that are good for one's hair - because I know too well how difficult it is for me to find elastics without metal in them. So I go on to look at those elastics 'without metal'...and they all have this big piece of metal, clearly visible!!
:dizzy: Mind adjusting to the quizzical situation... I read the lettering in the box again...'Elastics without metal'...but with metal :bigeyes: So...Excuse me?! Why do you say they haven't metal when they obviously have metal?! :nono: Why are they trying to deceive me?
Any similar situations? :D

August 27th, 2011, 12:23 PM
I have never seen that. Maybe they were refilling a display box with a different product without noticing that it was a different product. Or who knows - maybe they were trying to be deceptive, but with a difference so obvious, well - it didn't work, did it?

I like to use those soft little rings. I don't know what they're called, but they remind me of fluffy bathrobe material. I buy really small ones for the ends of braids. I don't make ponytails, so I don't need bigger ones.

August 27th, 2011, 01:15 PM
You know those annoying stores which sell all kinds of ugly, kitschy jewellery? They usually carry scarves as well. That's where I find my metal-less elastics. They sell them at dirt cheap prices, and they last OK. (which is weird when you think that they sell scrunchies for their price equivalent in gold.)

August 27th, 2011, 02:36 PM
It's funny, I was chatting to a Claire's accessories employee once, and I picked up a clip that looked like a less-bent ficcare clip, and she said "oh, those things are so great, they hold so much hair!"

Um...my hair is BSL and I can't do a thing with the clip! It's pretty, though, so I slide it into already complete dos for fanciness.

Weird, huh? It didn't even look like her hair was particularly thin.