View Full Version : Total repair five?

August 24th, 2011, 05:32 PM
Ok, so I typically use very natural hair products, but I'm a little intrigued by a product I've been seeing advertised everywhere, L'Oreal's Total Repair five. It's supposed to contain Ceramides and Pro Keratin to fight against "Damage, Thinning, Split-Ends, Brittleness and Dullness".
The range is pretty big, there's poo, condish, a tub and tube of treatment, a leave in spray, and an overnight treatment, which I suspect is why I like it (I get sucked in by sets of things, for some reason).
I can't really find an ingredient list anywhere for it to see if it has cones and such and just wanted to ask if anyone knew if it was super chemically, or had tried it?

August 25th, 2011, 11:25 AM
I've used the conditioner before, a few months ago now, but I really liked it... I'm pretty sure it was no cone... I dont know about the other ingredients or what they do... all I know is it made my hair feel really nice :)

August 25th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I have the hairmask tub, that I use occasionally as a treatment, when my hair feels dry and tangled. It has protein but works well on my hair, spreads really nice and is a great detangler. Makes my hair soft and shiny. And the smell is not bad too.
The hairmask has a water soluble silicone, I think. It doesn't make hair heavy or looking like plastic, though, it just feels light and smooth.

August 25th, 2011, 07:34 PM
I've tried it and didn't particularly like it. The smell is what put me off. I can't find ingredients either, but I am almost certain is has silicones in it. I'm not sure what you mean by "super chenically." Water is a chemical, and it's definitely in there.

August 26th, 2011, 08:12 PM
I have used this product, if I do not remember it wrong, the shampoo and conditioner, I kind of like it. I do not know if it repairs anything, but it did leave my hair feeling clean, smooth and silky and smelled good to.

August 28th, 2011, 07:04 PM
"Super chemically"= Full of unpronouncable words. Yep, water is a chemical...with easy to know and understand properties, and it's most likely not going to cause an allergic reaction or build up in the body. Methylpropylparabens, triethanolamine, zolinones, etc, on the other hand....not so easy to understand.

August 29th, 2011, 09:51 AM
"Super chemically"= Full of unpronouncable words. Yep, water is a chemical...with easy to know and understand properties, and it's most likely not going to cause an allergic reaction or build up in the body. Methylpropylparabens, triethanolamine, zolinones, etc, on the other hand....not so easy to understand.

In that case, yes, I think so. I can't remember off the top of my head what specific ingredients were in there, but they were definitely not all known to me. It's a typical drug store brand full of things you have never heard of.

August 29th, 2011, 03:56 PM
The conditioner has a water soluble cone in it (lauryl PEG/PPG-18/18 methicone), somewhere low on the list. But I'm in Europe and the bottle is not very new, so maybe you can have different ingredients in yours? I like it :D my hair likes the protein too. I use it after my regular conditioner (that is more hydrating. so using the total repair like a sealant conditioner), and I have no problem with buildup (my shampoo doesn't have SL(E)S in it). It doesn't really seem to "repair" anything, but when I use it my hair feels a little stronger than with only my natural conditioner. It only works as long as I use it, next wash it is gone. I remember the shampoo having dimethicone in it (I don't use that).

August 29th, 2011, 07:40 PM
I think I'll probably give it a miss, as i finally saw a bottle and there were lots of very long words in the ingredients.
I like to use natural things and feel a bit funny about chemicals but then these new shiny product lines come out and oooh, I want! I suspect I am very susceptible to advertising :(