View Full Version : Diagnose the shedding?

August 22nd, 2011, 02:53 PM
About a week and a half ago I tried Deva's Low-Poo for the first time, then used it two times more within the scope of a week (normal washing schedule for me). By this third wash I noticed hair coming out at easily 3 times the normal rate, so for the next wash (last friday) I went back to my regular shampoo. I'm pretty sure the shedding is decreasing, but it's not yet totally back to normal.

I know some people react badly to not having their scalp as thoroughly cleaned as sulfates and the like can do, but I've gone over a week without washing my hair at all in the past, and nothing like this has happened. So I'm going to venture that's not it.
I also don't think it's the fault of scrubbing more vigorously with a low-foaming cleanser, since I dilute the regular shampoo and have to scrub to get a lather going anyway.

Has anyone experienced anything similar? There are a few search results coming up, but nothing terribly informative. Is there any consensus over whether such a reaction is more likely due to the cleanser itself (coco betaine) or some of the other chemicals in the Deva shampoo? Does this reaction suggest any particular "try this instead" cleanser? I do really want to get away from harsher cleansers, but after this I'm a bit scared to go experimenting.. I'd like to keep my hair, if possible :rolleyes:

Edit: So I checked, and the regular shampoo I've been using is L'Oreal EverSleek, which has cocamidopropyl betaine as the second ingredient (after water). So definitely that isn't it. I feel a bit better about trying another coco betaine shampoo sometime in the future.

August 24th, 2011, 11:46 AM
Anybody? I'm taking back what I said about it getting better - counted 40 hairs within last night's finger combing session, and 50 more this morning. That's 90 within 12 hours... getting pretty freaked out here. Could it be seasonal? :(