View Full Version : Ive done a stupid, stupid thing

June 28th, 2008, 07:02 AM
Okay earlier on in the week I cut my growing out fringe to blend with the sides; this I like.

Then I thought :brainbleach: I know I will cut my sideburns, not short but just cut them to chin length:brickwall . I was thinking, if I cut them too short I will be paranoid about them, then I will concentrate on growing them back and this way I won't stress over the overall length!

Like DUH! why did I think this would be a good idea? Now their short and Yes I am paranoid!

Have any of you ever done something quite as stupid? :cheese:

June 28th, 2008, 07:06 AM
jojo, you made me laugh.. Remember it's hair and it will grow back. Hugs to you. :sun:

Mary <><
June 28th, 2008, 07:07 AM
Jojo -- Every time I have ever gone in to a salon I do something stupid! I am so sorry that you are not happy with it. Maybe its not as bad as you think though. Sometimes we are our own worst critics. I am willing to bet in a few days you won't hate it quite as much. Just try to give it a chance.

June 28th, 2008, 07:39 AM
:flowers: Maybe after a couple days it won't seem so bad. Good luck Jojo.

June 28th, 2008, 07:41 AM
Um, YES!
I do stupid things like that all the time, but what you did actually sounds cool and mod even- so i guess it is trendy!

Can they be tied up or gelled for updos? Just put them behind your ear if you are worried, no?

I have trimmed the sides of my hair shorter, and gave my hair face framing all the way down- DID NOT look good!!!

And i can't remember all the stuff i've done but i'v cut my fringe since primary school i think or at least highschool- so i've had my hair of experiments and mistakes.

Yeh- I'm still growing out face framing i did the last time i cut my fringe, last year. Boo!

June 28th, 2008, 07:48 AM
Oh yes, I *almost* decided to give myself a trim/dusting the other night, because my stylist that is wonderful, is 30 miles away, I cant get off work, and cant get ahold of her.

Then I said, OMG, what was I thinking, no way!! ack!

But I have done stuff like that in the past, so yes, I have done horirble stuff to my hair, it probobly looks fine though, dont fret too much!!


June 28th, 2008, 09:16 AM
Um, YES!
I do stupid things like that all the time, but what you did actually sounds cool and mod even- so i guess it is trendy!

Can they be tied up or gelled for updos? Just put them behind your ear if you are worried, no?

I have trimmed the sides of my hair shorter, and gave my hair face framing all the way down- DID NOT look good!!!

And i can't remember all the stuff i've done but i'v cut my fringe since primary school i think or at least highschool- so i've had my hair of experiments and mistakes.

Yeh- I'm still growing out face framing i did the last time i cut my fringe, last year. Boo! I just did the same thing about a month ago. Had to go to the salon to get my stylist to blend and reshape the mess I made. She did what she could, but when I look at the front, it just seems shredded to me. But tinyteesha's right. It does sound trendy. If it doesn't actually look trendy, you can always tuck them behind your ears like she said, or pull them back with barrettes. Just yesterday, I used my fingers to guesstimate how many months it would be until they became long layers again. I feel ya, girl. Well, at least you didn't end up with baby bangs like the last time I tried to trim my own. The last ever. If you've ever done that, maybe it would help to focus on what a painful experience growing those out was, and be glad you stopped where you did this time.

June 28th, 2008, 09:42 AM
Awwwwwww poor Jojo. YES I think we all have done something like that at one time or another. There are certain parts of my hair I just don't mess with now because of historical upsets. :mad: I hope you get used to it a bit in a few days like others have said and figure out something to get by until it grows out. Like you said at least it will take your mind off the length/growth right? {{{{{{JOJO}}}}}}

June 28th, 2008, 10:41 AM
aww it's probably not as bad as you think give it a few days,i remember when i did my fringe i regretted it for the first 3 day but everyone else loved it i never got so many compliments in my life over something as i thought ugly like fridge. go figure. you be fine i do dumb stuff stuff all the time it's like i inherited it or something

June 28th, 2008, 12:10 PM
Last time I had an urge to do something different to my hair, I ended up with short highlighted hair. Ugghh. No more great ideas for me!

Your moment was limited. I'd like to see pics to get a real feel for your hair. I bet it looks nice.

June 28th, 2008, 03:00 PM
I have done this too. It will grow back in no time.

June 28th, 2008, 03:18 PM
Oh yes!:rolleyes: I got the bright idea to get fringe one time which ended up bugging the heck out of me, then the next time I got my hair trimmed I had the fringe trimmed back also - I dont know what I was thinking!:confused: So now 2 years later it is finally almost the length of the rest of my hair! I think maybe it is just our impulses getting the better of us sometimes!

June 28th, 2008, 04:17 PM
Hey thanks all.

Well it looks okish when my hair is down but when its up they look a mess, I will put some photos up later and let you all be the judge. There too short to be put back, though could get some bobby pins to control them, when there behind my ears, they stick out (I look like a taxi with its doors open).

I have actually had a laugh at them today to myself at the stupidity of actually thinking and then carrying it out! But maybe it will cure my obsession with cutting, bit drastic and not recommended!
