View Full Version : Curly-haired econo-blogger discovers CO and other good hair stuff!

August 19th, 2011, 03:57 PM
Megan McArdle blogs at The Atlantic, not always about economics. Here's part of what she wrote today (http://www.theatlantic.com/personal/archive/2011/08/friday-girl-talk-can-a-professional-woman-go-curly/243870/):

I went in a skeptic, and came out a believer....You don't use shampoo, only conditioner, and/or something they call "No-Poo", which seems to be basically lighter conditioner. This sounds completely disgusting, and maybe it would be on straight hair. But I haven't shampoo'd in over a week, and my hair looks and feels great.

You also don't brush your hair, just detangle with your fingers. This sounds as if it would lead to dreadlocks, but it doesn't, and it's infinitely more pleasant than painfully pulling a brush through the rat's nest that my curly hair turns into once I've slept on it.

I can't see the comments (blocked at my job) so I hope someone is telling her that no, CO is not disgusting on straight hair!

She goes on, however, to point out that heat-straightening is bad for the hair, but that can be problematic in terms of professional expectations.

Moreover, for better or worse, smooth straight hair has become synonymous with "professional" in America. Show up with curly hair, and you might as well show up with waist-length beads and an incense burner.

I would like to fight this, especially since it smacks so much of ethnic prejudice. Why on earth have we defined the hair type that most Irish, Jewish, and black women have as less professional than fine straight hair that can be blow-dried in 10 minutes? I know it's close to my brains and all, but they're not actually connected.

Love that last line!

August 19th, 2011, 04:25 PM
I love reading the Atlantic. And yes, that's a rockin' last line!

August 19th, 2011, 04:36 PM
Good for her! I'd love to see more curlies embrace their natural hair. I'm a 1a as you can see (and I am happy with my hair and don't try to change it), but I like all hair types and I think the world gets boring when everyone tries to have the same hair.

I'm from Brazil, and I moved out of there in 2000. Every time I go back to visit and run into old childhood friends and classmates, I am dismayed to find that everyone who had curly, or wavy, or textured, or very thick hair, has straightened it into something that is pin straight and has no volume like mine :confused:

Sure, people have the right to have their preferences and to try to look however they want to look. I dye my hair, ffs (albeit a very close color to my natural one). It's just sad when it becomes the norm and you become so hard-pressed to find a single person who is... well, different.

August 19th, 2011, 05:08 PM
I'm a bit surprised they're seeing any success at all with that naming scheme.

Best comment.

August 20th, 2011, 01:15 PM
Thanks for the link. I loved the article!!