View Full Version : tresemme moisture rich with vitamin e

August 18th, 2011, 09:16 AM
(I'm not sure if this post belongs here, I apologize if it doesn't, thank you for your patience though!)

I just bought a quite large bottle of tresemme conditioner (because I can easily go through a normal bottle in just about a week) and sad to say, I discovered it was one of LHCs problematic conditioners.
The first time I used it was the first time I used coconut oil as an after-the-shower leave in.
Needless to say, my hair has been amazing. I also started using a BBB and wow! My hair has been incredibly soft. I've slept with it down the past two nights with almost no tangles the next morning. My hair is at hip... no tangles after bed for me is amazing.
(*hides*) I'm also a cone head to the max... what can I say? They make my hair happy.

I would like to continue the use of this conditioner, and I swore I would never ever give into the "LHC standards", and conehead or not, I'm curious as to whether it would be a bad thing to continue.
My hair likes cones, it doesn't want me to stop.
I really like shampoo, but I do stretch washes to every 2-3 days.
Its a biiiiig bottle, may even last me close to a month. Can I keep using it without worrying? :)

August 18th, 2011, 09:25 AM
Some people like 'cones, some people don't.

I know there's a prevailing sense of "OMG cones are teh evilz" here but really the truth of the matter is that it's up to your hair what your hair likes. We're not going to judge you for it.

If your hair likes that conditioner, then use it!

August 18th, 2011, 09:28 AM
Some people like 'cones, some people don't.

I know there's a prevailing sense of "OMG cones are teh evilz" here but really the truth of the matter is that it's up to your hair what your hair likes. We're not going to judge you for it.

If your hair likes that conditioner, then use it!

Ah! What a sense of relief. I've never been iffy about what I put in my hair, LHC is changing that! My hair is happy, the conditioner shall continue, for now at least. Thanks for your response!! It is very greatly appreciated!

August 18th, 2011, 09:34 AM

August 18th, 2011, 09:37 AM
I don't see a problem with continuing to use it especially if you like cones. There's no reason to stop using cones if your hair is happy on them. My hair did just fine on that conditioner even though I'm now conefree. In fact, it liked that Tresseme Moisture Rich significantly better than a couple of coney salon conditioners I acquired from my SIL.

August 18th, 2011, 10:32 AM
I've used cones my whole life... LHC makes us aware of things we don't want to know. Lol! Thanks for all the feedback, I really appreciate it. My hair likes it, my hair gets what it wants.
Thanks again ladies!
And the few gentlemen!