View Full Version : A picture update and looking for some help

August 18th, 2011, 06:40 AM
So this is what my hair looked like earlier this year:

And this is what it looks like now:

So while I am happy that it appears that my longest layers have finally reached waist, I'm a little upset that it looks pretty thin, particularly on the left side of the photo.
Now, I would like to note that when I self trimmed last month, I cut my V a little deeper than anticipated, so the fact that the outer layers are still at BSL is my own doing, not my hair's fault.

Anyway, I really don't want to have to cut all the way back to APL, but it kind of looks like that's where I would have to cut in order for it to be at its peak thickness.

What can I do? I'm really unhappy with the quality of my hair at this point. :(

I don't know what I'm doing wrong...

August 18th, 2011, 06:46 AM
TBH it just looks like you have brushed your hair out more and it's not sticking together as much.

Cameras tend not to capture all the hairs as they just don't "see" some of them.

That said, maintaining where you are probably would mean you wouldn't need to stay there long to achieve thicker ends (and I really don't think they look thin). It depends whether you think cutting will make you feel better or maintaining, or ignoring it.

August 18th, 2011, 06:47 AM
I don't think you have to cut all the way back to APL, but if you wanted to thicken up the ends a bit, maybe a blunt trim to BSL?

August 18th, 2011, 06:50 AM
I just commented on your pics, Honestly its not that bad congratulations on reaching waist.

August 18th, 2011, 07:36 AM
I agree that it just may be the way it's brushed out. Look at my pic below and how weird it looks on the left side. It's just the way things fell when I turned back around after giving my husband directions on the type of picture I wanted.

But maybe just a tiny trim would help thicken things up a bit on the ends. Congrats on getting to waist!

August 18th, 2011, 07:38 AM
A little trim might help thicken. Either way I think it's lovely.

August 18th, 2011, 07:53 AM
I agree that it looks like your hair is fanned out a little more than normal.

When taking these kinds of pics to judge your own progress, it might help to take it wearing the same top and in the same lighting. Lighting can affect things SO much.

I'd personally re-take the pic wearing a different shirt, and try to get the same lighting. See how it looks then. If you still feel your ends are thin, try trimming a little at a time til you're happy. No need for a huge chop. :)

August 18th, 2011, 08:01 AM
I agree with all of the comments above. It really does not look thin at all.

August 18th, 2011, 08:04 AM
I agree that the shirt may be making it look thinner than it is. My hair looks thinner when there is a pattern on my shirt showing through & much more thick on solid colors.

Don't cut to APL - it will be too drastic and put you in shock. If you must cut to feel better, go just below BSL - that will be enough. Be sure tio exercise the two-week rule.

August 18th, 2011, 08:14 AM
I think you've diagnosed your problem correctly.

Your hair looks thin (you can see the shirt through several sections).

It would be better for your overall hair quality to blunt cut it just a trifle below armpit length.

If you cannot bring yourself to part with that much hair, then I'd cut off at least 3 inches - straight across - and dispense with the V look until much later.