View Full Version : Question about damp hair

Autumn Light
August 17th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Sorry if this is kind of a noob question...

Is it ok to tie your hair up in a pony tail, or put it in a bun, whilst it's damp and leaving it like that until it's dry? and is it ok to do this frequently?

I was wondering cos I've read how it's damaging for hair to be tied up when it's wet, i.e. still dripping with water, and wondered if this also applies to hair that's been towel dried but is still damp.

August 17th, 2011, 01:34 PM
There are lots of people here who damp bun their hair. I'm pretty sure bunning would be better than putting it in a poytail though, as all the weight would be pulling on the spot where the hair tie is, whereas with a bun the weight is more distiributed and less likely to stretch and break strands.

August 17th, 2011, 02:13 PM
I think it's OK, but it's ill-advised to make it as tight as possible. A bit looser is better because you don't want to stretch the hairs while they're wet.

Honestly, though, my scalp isn't always OK with me keeping a soggy bun against it for hours. I prefer to put my hair in a loose braid to dry, which seems to go faster while still keeping the hair contained.