View Full Version : Shampoo - Opinions needed

August 16th, 2011, 04:25 AM

I know all hair types have different needs but I just wanted opinions on shampoos. I have long medium thickness dark hair and am only just starting to care for it as I should have done for years. Therefore I want to start paying more attention to which shampoos I'm using and if they are actually healthy for my hair. At the moment I use the following:

- Treseme 24hour body
- VO5 Nourish me Truly
- Aussie Long Hair

Does anyone have any opinions / experiences of these?

Also if anyone has any shampoo reccomendations that would be really appreciated.

Thanks in advance : )

August 16th, 2011, 07:19 AM
Well, there's a lot more to hair. Is it dry or oily? And the scalp? Is it dry or oily? Is it curly, wavy, or straight? Is there anything about your hair you're concerned about when it comes to the health of it?

What do like/dislike about your current shampoos?
The VO5 has cones, SLS, and protein in it.
Is the Aussie one the Luscious Long Locks one? Because the ingredients almost look more like conditioner, unless it's a bad list.
The Tresseme has ALS and proteins in it.

August 16th, 2011, 09:07 AM
Well, it all depends on your hair. You said it's medium thickness, but what else? Is it healthy, frizzy, limp, velcro-like, does it shed or break? Do you dye it, perm it? Do you live in a humid or dry place?

That way you'll be able to determine whether or not your hair needs products with protein, moisturizers, silicones, sulfates, etc. And whether you'll benefit from something like CWC or CO.

After you've done a first assessment of your hair, then it's pretty much a trial-and-error process when it comes to products. Although there are some good articles around here about good, and not so good, products. Good luck! :)

August 19th, 2011, 02:28 AM

Thanks for the replies :)

My hair is quite limp and goes greasy quite quickly due to going to the gym every night - yet not wanting to wash my hair every night. My scalp is average, not dry or very greasy. My hair is naturally wavy. The strands themselves are thin yet I do have a lot of hair so it is quite thick yet has a smooth relatively flat appearance.

In terms of concerns I worry that my hair is slightly damaged at the ends due to straightening. I think my hair is shedding at the crown more than it used to which concerns me - which is why I'm starting to look into how healthy my shampoos are for my hair.

I dye it using shop-bought dark dyes, but I only do this once every 2-3 months as my hair is quite dark anyway.

I live in a relatively humid area, although not a hot area. However I sit in an office all day with little air flow and then go to the gym which can be very hot.

I like all of my current shampoos because they smell good, leave my hair feeling fresh and clean, and the conditioners seem to actually make my hair feel healthy and shiny.

Depsite this I still want some reccomendations on whether these types of shampoos are actually good for hair or do they contain too many harmful chemicals? I'm aware that some shampoos contain far too many chemicals and should be avoided.

Thanks in advance for any help :)