View Full Version : Why ARE you happy with your hair color? Vanity is welcome here!

August 15th, 2011, 12:41 AM
I decided to start this thread after reading though the
"why are you not happy with your hair colour" thread :)

I seem to have the "Undesirable no. 1" hair color that many people end up dying: dirty ash blonde. And I LOVE it! Many people describe it as "dull", "drab", "lifeless", "icky", etc., and I couldn't disagree more. Sure, it doesn't scream "look at me, I'm here" in a crowd, and it is often unnoticed. That's because it is an understated beauty, you see. It is appriciated only by those who notice beauty even in its simplest forms - those who apprieciate the pale violet lilacs growing amidst the vibrant tigerlilies, fuchias, and sunflowers.
It also seems to fit my personality, because as an artist, I am always seeing the simple beauties in life that many people are blinde to. I am also very quite and gentle, which goes along with my soft, muted hair color. As it is a very cool and misunderstood color, I feel it evokes an ambience of mystery. The phrase "snow queen" comes to mind when I see this color.

Why do you like YOUR natural hair color?

August 15th, 2011, 12:45 AM
I have light/med brown hair and NATURAL HIGHLIGHTS. YES. Not even in the winter is it completely monotone. No bleach for me!

August 15th, 2011, 12:49 AM
Spread the hair love!

August 15th, 2011, 01:02 AM
I have naturally dark brown hair (hendigoed a slightly darker shade of dark brown) and I love my color because it contrasts beautifully with my pale skin color. Plus I really stand out in my rich little suburb full of bleach blondes with orange tans. ;)

August 15th, 2011, 01:06 AM
I used to be happy with my old color, which was gold (but gods help you if you called it blonde), but now I am super happy to just have my real color back. Granted, I am not 100% "virgin" hair yet, but it is a start and a happy one. I feel more -me- with my natural color and, given how many blondes there are now thanks to dye, I feel almost unique with dark brown hair. ;)

August 15th, 2011, 01:14 AM
I have a natural color that can best be described as "dishwater blonde" However, I just love how multidimensional it was before I covered the perfectly placed (by nature, thank you very much) highlights and lowlights with brown dye. :(

It also used to be more golden and shiny, and is now more flat and drab, which is ironic because it's supposed to be the other way around.

August 15th, 2011, 01:39 AM
I love how my colour shifts! It's got that often-disliked dark ashy look in some lights but goes completely golden in others, and gets natural highlights in the summer. When I braid it, it looks like I have actual highlights since my canopy is lighter than the underlayer, and the different layers come out in the braid. It looks cool. :D

August 15th, 2011, 01:47 AM
I love my haircolour because it is silver. (and no, I'm not going grey. It just...that's literally the colour. It's so ashy it's grey).

I don't have it at the moment, because I have always wanted red hair. But that is another reason to love it: because it is a wonderful colour to henna over; it gives me wonderful auburn results.

August 15th, 2011, 02:15 AM
I love my natural colour too. I have medium-dark chestnut brown hair, with a natural reddishness to it which look like highlights. I just love how it looks in different lights, like in some it can be a really dark brown, whilst in bright sunlight it's almost an auburn-ish mahogany colour. I've been doing henna glosses for a little while to try and bring out the red more, because I love my natural red so much, although it tends to lean more to auburn than mahogany in the sun now. But I STILL love it!

August 15th, 2011, 02:30 AM
I've also got dark, dirty blonde hair. In some lighting it's blondette while in other lighting it's medium blonde. It looks like one of those crayola gold crayons, with the shine and the different tones. It's multidimensional once you take a decent look at it! In direct light you can see some reddish bits which I love. Sometimes I wish I had red hair but considering I'm already unusual in my family (everyone else has dark brown or black hair), I can't complain.

August 15th, 2011, 02:43 AM
My colour is a dark brownish chestnut. Indoors it looks dark brown, but get me out into the sunlight and you can really see the natural red highlights in the top layer. When I braid, you can really tell a difference in the canopy and the underside, and it makes my braids look dark brown/light brown striped. :crush: I can hold up the individual strands to the light and they look like the colour of a shiny new copper penny.

I've even got 4 silvers. I don't colour over mine at all, I like it fine just the way it is.

August 15th, 2011, 02:51 AM
I love my haircolour because it is silver. (and no, I'm not going grey. It just...that's literally the colour. It's so ashy it's grey).

Mine too. I've currently got about 1.5-2" of roots in my natural colour, and compared to the dyed portion (which was supposed to be Ash Blonde) my hair looks literally like the ashes of a fire.

Silver in some lights, dark blonde almost brown in others.

I like how my hair colour changes so much just because of lighting, and I hope that once I'm completely that colour I still get the silver blonde natural highlights that I used to!

August 15th, 2011, 02:53 AM
Another dark ash blonde here, but I don't think it looks dirty or like dishwater at all. I have been dyeing for many years though, it's a very easy color to alter. And also it's because of my impulsiveness and it's easier to change one's hair than one's life.

Anyway. I have been growing it out for a year now. First the roots looked really grey against the Sun Ined and highlighted hair, but now when the roots are longer... Oh my! I love my color! And the way it shifts in different lights and the way it reflects light. Sometimes it looks very blonde and in some lights it's much darker. Which is pretty awesome when you need change once in a while. :D It's not common where I live to see people with this hair color completely natural in long hair (Even though it's like the most common hair color here most women dye it). But when I see it it's mostly thud worthy. I just LOVE the fresh look of natural hair, and especially dark blonde since it's so rare. :)

August 15th, 2011, 03:20 AM
My hair is dark brown, really dark brown. In most lights it looks black, but in bright sunlight you can see the brown, and also coppery hairs here and there, especially in a tiny streak near my hairline at the front :)

August 15th, 2011, 03:36 AM
My natural colour's a mid-brown, with just a touch of red in sunlight. I've helped the red along with ACV rinses (used for their helpfulness with hard water; bringing out the red has just been a bonus), but besides that it's all my own. I feel lucky to have it growing out of my head, it's such a rich yet unassuming colour. I don't think I'm brave enough to have a naturally bright colour like blonde or red, but brown is just right. :)

August 15th, 2011, 04:32 AM
I love my hair colour. It's quite a dark brown with red undertones, and in the sunlight the individual copper-ish hairs sparkle so prettily! I also love the gradation of colour down my hair - it's darker at the roots (although with the copper/light brown "highlights" even there), and lightens to a coppery brown at the ends. I love how it looks when I do crown braids and you can see the contrast between the different shades of brown. I also have a couple of silver hairs, which I cherish.

I do feel a bit vain now, having waxed lyrical over my hair colour like this. :D But I guess my hair needs the lovin'!

August 15th, 2011, 04:42 AM
I currently have henna, but I'm growing out my natural colour (for about 8 months now!).. it's brown with gold in it. In direct sunlight it shines like gold and it has many natural highlights. I like that :) But it will be a while until I have all of my natural colour again. :D

August 15th, 2011, 05:12 AM
I (finally) love that my hair is mostly white, because I can dye it unnatural colours without any bleaching.

August 15th, 2011, 06:05 AM
I'm Asian and always wanted the jet black, thick hair that my older sister has. Mine is much lighter and glows with a red tint in the sun. I used to hate it as a kid, but I've now learned to appreciate it a lot, even if I do tamper with the color on a regular basis.

August 15th, 2011, 06:16 AM
My hair is a somewhat odd shade of red, I've only seen 2 people with the same color in real life, and they were both men. Even calling it red seems a bit silly, this is straight-up ORANGE. I spent years hating it, now I like the fact that I have a color that doesn't come in a bottle (but I've seen some of the ladies here get close on accident before their henna/cassia mix oxidizes).

August 15th, 2011, 06:25 AM
I have naturally dark brown hair (hendigoed a slightly darker shade of dark brown) and I love my color because it contrasts beautifully with my pale skin color. Plus I really stand out in my rich little suburb full of bleach blondes with orange tans. ;)

Me too, though my hair is black with brown/red strands. Though I'm curious about the benefits of henna and indigo, I just don't want to mess with it. I love my colour as it is!!:inlove:

August 15th, 2011, 07:00 AM
My natural hair colour is very alive; it's a medium brown with precious metal gleam (I totally just made that term up) - depending on the light, it shows copper, silver or gold highlights (usually more than one at once in different places). Bit that are in shadow look black. It tends to get a lot more coppery during summer, which I don't appreciate at all, but hey.

August 15th, 2011, 07:17 AM
For the longest time, I was upset that the blonde hair I had when I was very young had turned brown. I figured brown meant boring for me because mine isn't a rich, deep shade of brown. I've come to realize that it's actually a reddish brown and that parts of it look golden in the light. It's a color that plays nicely with my warm yet pale skin. I even noticed that the "warm, rich brown" I had asked for (for the underside of my hair) the last time I dyed my hair (three years ago) nearly matches what I have perfectly. The only difference I've noticed is that the natural color has more luster.

August 15th, 2011, 07:27 AM
Though I do henndigo to cover greys, I love my natural hair color. (The nice thing about henndigo is that it matches my natural color so perfectly, I can only tell that I need to color when I see a few grey roots.) For years I wanted to be a redhead or have caramel highlights, but then I realized that my hair color is ideal for my eyes and skin tone. Healthy dark brown/black hair seems exotic and is soooo shiny! I also love my nape hairs which refuse to take color of any kind and stay reddish; they make my braids look really cool :)

August 15th, 2011, 07:31 AM
I love my natural colour! No other colour would suit me more. Light brown with red overtones, and glows gold/bronze in the sunlight. Though sun damage isn't the most desirable thing, I love how it lightens in that season... aaand, constant natural highlights! Love it!

August 15th, 2011, 07:38 AM
I like my hair color. It's some kind of dark honey blonde, but in the sunlight and especially on photographs it looks red, strawberry red. I love that :D

August 15th, 2011, 08:35 AM
First off,let me say I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the silver/very ashy brown haircolour! It looks lovely,such a mysterious silvery shade!

To tell the truth,I´m not exactly happy with my natural haircolour.But I must say it´s a rather rare shade of brown (It was hard for me to find a girl with similar hair) and gets very pretty reddish gold highlights in summer :)

August 15th, 2011, 08:40 AM
I have golden colored with natural red highlights hair (not sure what term to give it) and it's lovely. I can't wait for my blonde highlights to be gone.

August 15th, 2011, 08:46 AM
I like my hair color. It's some kind of dark honey blonde, but in the sunlight and especially on photographs it looks red, strawberry red. I love that :D

Mine too! I love it because it's magically color changing all on its own.

August 15th, 2011, 08:51 AM
Yes, very happy, all that salt 'n' pepper and not a chemical in sight!

August 15th, 2011, 08:58 AM
I have a very cool, light brown (avatar colours are a bit off). I used to think it was terribly boring, but now see it as 'understated'. I'm not even sure exactly why I like it.. My best guess is maybe it's because it just looks so natural. I've dyed over it only twice in my life: henna in middle school and blonde highlights in high school. I would like to be able to try henna for my fine hair, but I don't want to alter my colour...

August 15th, 2011, 09:16 AM
I love my natural colour! No other colour would suit me more. Light brown with red overtones, and glows gold/bronze in the sunlight. Though sun damage isn't the most desirable thing, I love how it lightens in that season... aaand, constant natural highlights! Love it!

I like my hair color. It's some kind of dark honey blonde, but in the sunlight and especially on photographs it looks red, strawberry red. I love that :D

These things^^

August 15th, 2011, 09:39 AM
I love mine because it doesn't have roots and doesn't fade. If I colour, I'm forever re-colouring and killing my hair because I'm never satisfied. :)

August 15th, 2011, 09:44 AM
Because I really am a redhead. :)

ETA: It is hennaed, my natural color is blonde/brown/w hints of red.

August 15th, 2011, 09:47 AM
I let to grow out my natural hair color for 4 years now. And I love it! My natural color is light brown with natural highlights. The interesting thing is that my highlights are more visible during winter than during summer.
Some people use to say that my natural hair color looks like colored one :rolleyes:
Best thing is that I donīt have to color it all the time! And I will enjoy my natural color as far as I can!:cheese:

August 15th, 2011, 10:01 AM
I've gotten a lot of positive feedback about my golden blonde hair all my life. Now that it's adding a lot of silver to the gold, I think it's even prettier - very shiny. It looks more silver in some lights, more gold in others.

August 15th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I love how my hair looks quite dark in many lights (contrasting my generally pale and lightly freckled skin) but has natural highlights at the temples and in the canopy and when I step into the sun there's a whole lot of red which "comes outta nowhere".

August 15th, 2011, 10:02 AM
I don't know my natural colour yet, though I'm trying to grow out my henna before it gets so long and its too late. Its some sort of ash blonde/gray, haha. I guess id like it just because I've been colouring for so many years and not having roots would be ultimate freedom (:

August 15th, 2011, 10:13 AM
It's so shiny and has glints of deep red in certain light. Its makes me look dark and deep and mysterious.

August 15th, 2011, 10:51 AM
Because it is, under most lights, approximately the color of good dark chocolate.

August 15th, 2011, 10:56 AM
I have dark brown, almost black hair. It's shiny, it complements my skin tone and it makes my features pop.

August 15th, 2011, 12:01 PM
I have dark blond hair and I really like it. In picture, it looks like about 5 different colors, and I get natural highlights in the summer. Also, I live in MN, where it seems like almost everyone is white-blond, so it's nice to be different :)

August 15th, 2011, 04:59 PM
I love my dark brown hair. It's almost black and I'm very pale (Scotts-Irish descent) so I definitely stand out against the faux tan bottle blondes (who are also beautiful and awesome, just in a different way).

I love that my grey is now reddish because of the henna too.

August 15th, 2011, 05:03 PM
I have natural medium-ish- chestnut brown hair, and <3 it because It makes my natural golden highlights pop!Plus, my curls look good with it as well :p

August 15th, 2011, 05:13 PM
I LOVE my hair color. It is indigo black and is ridiculously shiny and glossy. It complements my dark brows and golden brown eyes amd makes my skin look almost creamy. Everytime I try to go back to my med/golden brown I feel dull and yucky and red has never really looked right on me either.

August 15th, 2011, 05:17 PM
I totally love how silky and soft my hair is. It just flows over my hands when I run them through it (if it's not tangled) and when I've twisted and bunned it wet and take it down dry, it has big, soft curls.

I haven't worn it down in public in awhile other than early morning when it's too wet to bun. A couple of days ago I pulled the sticks out of a droopy bun and a woman walking by said, "Beautiful hair!" and another 20-something guy said, "Your hair..." and made a 'long' gesture like he was speechless. It's not THAT long but it's gloriously red (henna) with big silky curls.

August 15th, 2011, 05:17 PM
Good thread!! :)

It's taken me many years, but I finally LIKE my natural hair colour. It's white and silver :inlove: Can you believe I was embarrassed about having silver hair at 16? I frantically dyed it and was appalled whenever my roots grew in! I thought something was "wrong" with me to have this hair colour at such a very young age. I was young and fell in line with what society expected/approved and it tainted my self image :(

So to address the OP question: "Why ARE you happy with your hair colour"?......well because it's ME, the authentic ME who accepts what's on the outside and the inside and has grown to love it. Also, it's kind of a unique thing to see white hair on a "young" person (yeah, I look young at 38....remember vanity is welcome! :D ) Despite my initial doubts, this silver hair does "go" with my natural colouring and it's so healthy and shiney too!

August 15th, 2011, 05:21 PM
I recently had a change of heart about my color. I do like it. I have super ashy dark blonde, almost grey color too. Very dimensional. I only see about an inch of it right now. It hasn't been natural in over 10 years. I want to grow it out. I think LHC helped me decide to want my virgin hair color back. :)

elbow chic
August 15th, 2011, 05:27 PM
I like it because it never ceases to amuse me how much $$$ and time women spend to make theirs look like mine. I don't know that it's all that flattering, but it IS interesting and nobody ever forgets seeing me. Well, that's a bit of a double-edged sword, there.

Oh well. :D

August 15th, 2011, 05:29 PM
But I currently don't like my dyed color now. :disgust: It had blonde hightlights throughout and I dyed it light natural brown. It has faded now and looks weird. You can sort of see the blonde underneath the dye.

I've been looking into natural hair rinses to darken it a little.

August 15th, 2011, 06:07 PM
I like that it's freeeee!

I really do think that my natural hair color suits me very well. It's a slightly ombre, neutral-colored blonde. I blush very easily and turn bright red, and my natural hair color keeps that ruddiness in check. It can also range from dark venetian blonde to a lighter wheat blonde.

August 15th, 2011, 06:10 PM
I'm happy with my hair color because its part of who I am. It is the same as my mom's and my sister's. It is different from others' I work with. It is just part of what makes me, "me."

August 15th, 2011, 06:36 PM
Why am I happy with my hair color? Because I know I better be, that's why!

I know I would never be up for the maintenance involved in dying it some other color.

If I am lucky and got hair genes from my mom, I'll be keeping this color for a long time. She is in her 70's and still has her honey brown hair.

August 15th, 2011, 06:46 PM
I <3 my hair color. I am a redhead. I dont know what i will do when it finally goes grey!

August 15th, 2011, 07:16 PM
I love my hair color because it matches me, and because it's naturally tricolored! It's dark, dark brown in the under layers. My canopy gets reddish highlights from the sun, and I'm getting more and more silvers coming in all over. It's a color party!

August 15th, 2011, 07:18 PM
My hair changes color in different lights and has a lot of natural blonde and reddish highlights sprinkled through. It is really easily lightened in the sun, so my canopy is a lot lighter than the rest- it looks cool in a french braid. Vain of me, but I get a lot of compliments on my color and take pride in showing it off.

August 15th, 2011, 07:22 PM
I love my natural. I have dyed it pretty much every natural color (except for blonder than my natural). None of those colors are as good as natural. It's a golden, light brown. It has natural highlights. It's just awesome for me. :)

August 15th, 2011, 07:39 PM
I love my color! I have a light brown with red highlights. I have used henna in the past to go to more of an auburn color, but that was just because I like change and one time I had a mild nervous breakdown and the henna was my venting point! :justy: I think I henna'd for about a year and a half after that. I'm over it now, and back to my natural, beautiful color.

August 15th, 2011, 11:29 PM
I was always afraid of getting old and turning grey but now that I am here, I just love it! I went from a brunette to having white hair. What a drastic change but it's so pretty. My father's hair is also white.

August 16th, 2011, 12:30 AM
I guess I have no choice but to be happy with mine, which is okay with me. I'm too light to go especially dark, and too dark to go especially light. So, my hair color is where I stay.

August 16th, 2011, 12:34 AM
Because of LHC I am happy with my hair color now. :)

I'm so excited to grow it all out. I love it's silvery/ash/champagne tone.

August 16th, 2011, 01:05 AM
I really like my hair color, too. :D

It's dark brown to the point where many people mistake it for black, but in the sunlight I have red highlights. It matches my dark brown eyes, too. Also, I was surprised and extremely flattered when one of my friends said it was her dream color and texture. :o :heart:

August 16th, 2011, 01:08 AM
I'm happy with my hair color(gray/white/blond) because I'm forcing it! LOL It's a struggle actually because that color generally ages people..... but i'm comin' around :)

Jules diamond
August 16th, 2011, 01:47 AM
I've got dark brown hair that's almost black, but in the sun you can see firey red and golden highlights. :p Who needs bottles when you can have the real thing? I mean, I know there are methods to bring out those colors more. And some women look great with them. But my hair color is mine. :3 no one else's. Can't bottle that.

August 16th, 2011, 04:08 AM
i have always been very happy with my chestnut brown colour hair with a bit of natural blond and some red highlights running throughout! it changes colour with the seasons being lighter in summer. now it's slowly going gray. But no, I never wished to have any other colour hair.

August 16th, 2011, 01:56 PM
I have the most mutitonal med brown with henna copper color ever. A million strands each its own color.

A woman at work commented that everyone was envyous of my awesome color :)

August 16th, 2011, 03:18 PM
I recently used henna/indigo/cassia on my medium brown 10&#37; gray hair and I love it. The brown is dark and shiny and the gray is now a beautiful copper gold! I'm no longer afraid of going gray because now it is the prettiest after henna! When hubby isn't looking I take the little mirror out to the back porch and look at my hair in the sunshine. So silly I know.

August 16th, 2011, 03:36 PM
What can I say, I just like brown. :D

August 16th, 2011, 04:05 PM
I LOVE my hair color. It is indigo black and is ridiculously shiny and glossy. It complements my dark brows and golden brown eyes amd makes my skin look almost creamy. Everytime I try to go back to my med/golden brown I feel dull and yucky and red has never really looked right on me either.

I have the same problem as you. But I've just stripped out some of the darkness tonight - and the autumn gold-brown looks quite nice. I look striking dark, but it builds too heavily sometimes - hence I've pulled some out tonight. I'll probably darken up again tomorrow, lol.

August 16th, 2011, 04:14 PM
I've always liked my natural hair color, which is very dark brown with some auburn highlights. The gray I'm not so thrilled about. If there was more of it I'd like it better, but right now I'm covering it up until it decides to become more salt and pepper (but coloring to my natural color).

One of my nieces has beautiful hair--it's light to medium brown with lots of golden highlights. Very striking. She doesn't like the highlights, so she colors it so it's all one shade (and not nearly as lovely, IMO, but it's her hair and that's how she likes it). :D

August 16th, 2011, 06:51 PM
I love all people's natural hair!!! Its so flawless and its just nice to see true colors for what they are and appreciate natural beauty.. I love my natural hair color after trying different things.. Im done with experimenting.

August 16th, 2011, 06:55 PM
My natural color is jet black. When I don't have extra colors in my hair I get so many compliments. The black reflects so much shine and I get so many compliments on it :D

August 16th, 2011, 07:08 PM
Nice thread! I have virgin hair and my natural color is a very dark brown, as in almost black but you can still see different brown tones. I personally think it goes nicely with my eyes and skintone :D

August 16th, 2011, 07:15 PM
My natural color is a light chocolate brown and I don't think I'll ever dye, bleach or do anything to it! I have two very very small streaks of hair by each of my ears that are bleached just for a fun look, but they're soo damaged! I can't imagine how people can bleach their whole head! But I think my virgin brown hair is naturally so pretty and shiny and just plain suits me :wink:

August 16th, 2011, 07:25 PM
I wasn't quite happy with my hair color until the other day. I was laying my head in my fiancee's lap so he could run his fingers through it. Any way he had a huge smile on his face,looked and me and said "you have the most beautiful hair. I love the color." Made my day.