View Full Version : who else likes and uses funky colors

August 9th, 2011, 12:39 PM
I enjoy doing funky colors for a change and strikes up a conversation. I just did some blue in mine. I do condition like crazy since I do bleach. Just thought it might be a conversation starter....

Lady Dragon
August 9th, 2011, 12:41 PM
I love dying my hair wild colours. It has been quite the rainbow.
Now that I'm growing it long though I think I'd like to just to a streak here and there rather than the whole thing.
I'll decide when I hit my goal length. :)

August 9th, 2011, 01:00 PM
I'm a fiend for crazy colours, I'm thinking either purple or green at the end of the month.

August 9th, 2011, 01:11 PM
I would love to! When I was in HS I had platinum blonde with fire-engine red streaks. Alas, work dress codes prevent this now. Boo.

August 9th, 2011, 01:45 PM
Yup! Lol ;)

August 9th, 2011, 03:35 PM
No bleach, but the Punky color (not Manic Panic, though) takes pretty well in my natural light-colored hair (blonde, white, and silver). It takes 4-5 months to wash out completely.

August 9th, 2011, 04:50 PM
I've recently stopped bleaching and hennaing over the top to get super vibrant orange. I've also been pillar box red, purple, pastel lilac and blue-black. :)

August 9th, 2011, 05:03 PM
If my field wasn't so dang conservative, I might go back to temping it burgandy, but the law is pretty much the ultimate conservative field in terms of appearance. Bleh.


August 9th, 2011, 05:11 PM
I love doing my hair is funky colors! I've done so many colors and color combinations that I forgot what my actual hair color was. I haven't done it in a few months due to a color mishap haha but I do miss it.

August 9th, 2011, 05:40 PM
Used to but not any more :( The bleach killed my black hair, lately I keep wanting to back to blue.

August 9th, 2011, 05:43 PM
I've never bleached mine, but I have dyed it colours. Examples in my albums.
I haven't done so in a long time, though. :( I keep going back and forth on whether or not I want to.

August 9th, 2011, 06:11 PM
I love seeing colors on other people's hair! I bleached and dyed mine orange once in college (inspired by Run Lola Run) but when it had faded to mostly blond a few months later I decided it was just too much maintenance for me. Share the pretty colors!

August 9th, 2011, 06:55 PM
i just did mine..well actually hubby did my hair for me last night.. it now looks like my avatar pic.. I so enjoy a change of color. Since i did the underside and a little on the sides I can hide it mostly if i needed to.. i work at a school and kids love seeing an adult be on the fun side.

August 9th, 2011, 07:21 PM
A couple of months ago, I dyed the last couple of inches purple. It was fun, but I'm not sure if I'm going to do it again.

August 10th, 2011, 12:57 AM
I love doing it, i've done it for so long too it's became apart of me. I've had every colour imaginable; pink, red, green, blue, teal, purple, orange and I've also done a rainbow which has been most peoples favourite. I stick to just slices of colour now instead of full head though so that I can still get to my goal of long hair :) as it's easier for me to keep changing the colour of one section rather than fullhead.

I have photos in my albums.

August 10th, 2011, 01:23 AM
Hoho i love that too! I like purple colour in hair and also white hair with turquoise highlights! Oh yeah :P But i think i will never do my hair like this...no bleaching..uhh

August 11th, 2011, 08:27 AM
I'm thinking of doing peekaboo streaks in my under layer with Special Effects Burgundy Wine. I posted a thread asking questions about it here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/showthread.php?t=75906) and I *might* be doing it this weekend! If any of you have any tips, please leave them at my thread link above. Thanks!

August 11th, 2011, 10:52 AM
I'd love to do a long streak of bright pink or red through my hair in the front, but I'm afraid of the damage. :(

August 11th, 2011, 11:05 AM
I would love to do some streaks on the underside, but I am afraid my employer might freak!