View Full Version : I just have to say goodbye to CV bars

August 7th, 2011, 10:32 PM
I've decided to give up on the Chagrin Valley shampoo bars. I just can not find a balance, my hair looks good on top nice and full but the length is suffering. It's lank, stringy and greasy looking, and even though the top looks fine my hair just feels coated all over. I have been using these bars for over 2 months so I believe this was a long enough trial. I believe I may be a cone head, because I was using Aussie Moist before and my stylist commented my hair was looking very healthy minus some dryness and splits but I was due for a trim at the time anyway. I always get splits though. :sigh: I've decided to go back to cones and sulfates because my blonde really stands out when using products containing them. Tonight I bought some l'oreal vive pro for medium to long hair that is damaged and I really hope it works and detangles because my hair gets HUGE tangles. If these products don't work, any recommendations for tangle and split end prone hair?

August 8th, 2011, 12:45 AM
You're right, two months is long enough of a trial. :D

Since you're okay with cones, try looking at bed head's detangler spray. Another one I know works very well and smells *divine* is L'Oreal Paris Kids Tangle Tamer Conditional Formula. I know its a kid's detangler, but hey, it works. XD

August 8th, 2011, 01:02 AM
You're right, two months is long enough of a trial. :D

Since you're okay with cones, try looking at bed head's detangler spray. Another one I know works very well and smells *divine* is L'Oreal Paris Kids Tangle Tamer Conditional Formula. I know its a kid's detangler, but hey, it works. XD

I think I love cones now lol! I just used the L'Oreal nutri gloss formula for medium to long hair and WOW!!! The tangles just fell out in the shower. The smell is a little strong, but I think it'll grow on me. :) I blow dried my hair a little and then bunned it for a while it turned out awesome! I can't say I've seen that detangler but then again I haven't really looked. I will absolutely have to get it though because I am Miss Tangles Galore over here. Also, here is a pic of my hair with bun waves, thank you L'Oreal. I really like how they turned out.


August 8th, 2011, 02:43 AM
I use Kinky Curly's Knot Today as a leave in detangler. It is at Target in the ethnic hair care section.

August 8th, 2011, 12:43 PM
I use Kinky Curly's Knot Today as a leave in detangler. It is at Target in the ethnic hair care section.

I've seen that product, I haven't tried it because I think that since my hair is mostly straight it might weigh my hair down or make it look greasy. :(

August 8th, 2011, 12:49 PM
I'm having the same problem with shampoo bars :( I love how full and soft the top of my hair is, but the ends feel coated, waxy and stringy... I'm gonna try to do a CWC with a shampoo bar to try to protect my ends.

I'm just so torn because I used to get along fine with sulfates and cones before, but now even using sulfate free shampoo leaves my hair feeling so dry. Now that my hair is used to more delicate cleansing method I doubt I can go back to regular shampoo :(

My roots and the less chemically damaged hair on my head just LOVE shampoo bars, I've never had hair as soft and fluffy with anything else! I just wish the rest of my hair would cooperate.

August 8th, 2011, 12:51 PM
I really wanted bars to work for me, too. They're nice occasionally, but my length just came out dryer over time.

Feel like trying CO washing or anything like that? Before you get your scalp re-adapted to sulfates might be a good time to try it, since I'll bet your oil production is down a bit.

August 8th, 2011, 12:53 PM
I'm having the same problem with shampoo bars :( I love how full and soft the top of my hair is, but the ends feel coated, waxy and stringy... I'm gonna try to do a CWC with a shampoo bar to try to protect my ends.

I'm just so torn because I used to get along fine with sulfates and cones before, but now even using sulfate free shampoo leaves my hair feeling so dry. Now that my hair is used to more delicate cleansing method I doubt I can go back to regular shampoo :(

My roots and the less chemically damaged hair on my head just LOVE shampoo bars, I've never had hair as soft and fluffy with anything else! I just wish the rest of my hair would cooperate.

I'm sorry you're going through the same thing. Maybe you can try another brand of shampoo bars?

As far as I know, my hair wasn't damaged but I think my hard water just got the best of me in the shampoo bar situation. Ultimately, I believe my hair just likes sulfates and cones better. I have always had soft hair, so the CV bars didn't make it any softer and depending on the bar my hair wasn't soft at all but rough and coated like crazy. The tangles from the bars got the best of me too.

Overall, I love the CV bars for my face and body and will continue to buy them for that purpose but I guess sulfates and cones are here to stay.

August 8th, 2011, 01:13 PM
I wanted to love them too. I tried a few different things(ACV, citric acid pwder, lemon juice), but I really don't like the idea of adding so much to my shower routine. They make awesome shaving bars though!

August 8th, 2011, 09:55 PM
I really wanted bars to work for me, too. They're nice occasionally, but my length just came out dryer over time.

Feel like trying CO washing or anything like that? Before you get your scalp re-adapted to sulfates might be a good time to try it, since I'll bet your oil production is down a bit.

They were nice at times but I do love them for my face and body.

I've tried CO a few times, but didn't really like it. It made my blonde hair look dull. But maybe I should try it again, but the past 2 washes I used both shampoo and conditioner from L'Oreal. Any conditioner suggestions for CO that hopefully won't make my hair look dark and dull?

August 8th, 2011, 09:57 PM
I wanted to love them too. I tried a few different things(ACV, citric acid pwder, lemon juice), but I really don't like the idea of adding so much to my shower routine. They make awesome shaving bars though!

I didn't like having to add so much stuff to my shower routine as well. I also could never get the ACV smell out of my hair even when it was fully dry. I haven't tried the bars for shaving but I just may have to try that, thanks for the tip!

August 8th, 2011, 09:58 PM
I gave up on them also. I have a little container of them by the tub and I am using them up on my body instead.

August 8th, 2011, 10:02 PM
I gave up on them also. I have a little container of them by the tub and I am using them up on my body instead.

That's what I plan on using them for. :) It's a shame though, because I loved the natural concept but even stuff like Giovanni and Aubrey's Organics didn't make my hair look nice at all. I feel like I've wasted a lot of money on natural products. I may gave natural products another try but I don't know... I really hate the disappointment. :(

August 9th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I've tried CO a few times, but didn't really like it. It made my blonde hair look dull. But maybe I should try it again, but the past 2 washes I used both shampoo and conditioner from L'Oreal. Any conditioner suggestions for CO that hopefully won't make my hair look dark and dull?
That might be a tough one. CO definitely tends to make hair look a smidge darker. I blame that on moisture -- dried out hair typically looks a bit lighter and well-moisturized looks a bit darker, and CO is ideal for hair that wants a lot of moisture.

For CO washing, you want the lightweight stuff. Suave Naturals and VO5 conditioners are favorites around here. Some have proteins and some don't, which you might take into account if your hair has a preference. Sally's Cure Care conditioner is also light, unscented, and dirt cheap, so it's nice if your hair doesn't hate protein as much as mine does.

August 9th, 2011, 10:27 AM
I can recommend CWC with diluted shampoo; it's been an excellent routine for me. Most of the time I use cone-free shampoo and conditioner, then use CHI Silk Infusion as a leave-in about once per week. It makes the tangles practically fall out by themselves. I also use coconut oil as an overnight (usually) pre-wash treatment to the bottom half of my length.

August 9th, 2011, 10:43 AM
Funny, I liked Lush shampoo bars for a while, so I tried the CV bars with high hopes, but ended up not liking the texture they left on my hair at all. I've pretty much given up on shampoo bars also, although I did use the pumpkin-scented one (produced by a small maker that I didn't recognize) that my sister sent me for Christmas.

Ann Marie
August 9th, 2011, 10:51 AM
I just wanted to share w/ you guys....

I have used Chagrins poo bars also...and I love them for my face and body....I don't have to use moisturizer and my skin is very soft...

I have hard water....so these would leave build up on my hair...:(

But I have tried many natural shampoos....

I found that Yes to Carrots....Nourishing...is almost like a sulphate shampoo as far as performance...with out the damage...

It foams well and gets hair very clean...I have fine wavy hair... just past bsl....I use California Baby also...the tea tree...this one does not lather as well....but it is very gentle and gets hair clean...I use it for a weekly tee tree treatment for scalp(mine is oily in summer)

Burt Bees is very drying on my hair....love the clean and the smell...but was harsh on me!:mad:

I have not tried any natural conditioners yet...they are so expensive and I go through a lot of it...so I use Suave...or Tre Semme..

But it you are transitioning from Sulphates...try Yes to carrots nourishing...I have not tried the other "flavors" yet...but I have a yes to cucumbers in my cabinet...it is for color treated hair....this is more moisturizing! So it will be next on the list!

I also use California Baby....the de-tangler...this works like a vinegar rinse....without the smell...it comes in a spray bottle...

It has citric acid in it...this is how it de-tangles...some essential oils also....and coconut oil and some other oils:confused:..
It is not oily at all though....more watery....I added a little more essential oil to it for the extra smells!:D

Not good for a moisturizer...but gives great body and shine...

Love it!:crush:

For all the conies here....I like coconut oil for an alternative to cones...(leave in)

But my favorite moisturizing leave in is
Olive Oil w/essential oils...:crush:

I am trying to transition to Conditioner free!

I think I can do it...My hair is on it's way to Virgin....with only Henna (no Chemical dyes or heat) :cool:

August 9th, 2011, 01:00 PM
Since I love how shampoo bars feel on my roots, but not on my ends, I just did CWC with a shampoo bar! I coated my ends in a light conditioner (suave tangerine), and washed my scalp with a SCH shampoo bar. I rinsed everything out, and used a citric acid rinse for my scalp. Then I rinsed again, and followed up with a thicker conditioner all over (garnier triple nutrition).

Now my hair feels glorious all over :crush: !!! Now I just hope that this method will continue to work.

I think shampoo bars work better on very healthy virgin (or hennaed/henndigoed hair), but not so well on chemically damaged hair.

August 9th, 2011, 02:28 PM
That might be a tough one. CO definitely tends to make hair look a smidge darker. I blame that on moisture -- dried out hair typically looks a bit lighter and well-moisturized looks a bit darker, and CO is ideal for hair that wants a lot of moisture.

For CO washing, you want the lightweight stuff. Suave Naturals and VO5 conditioners are favorites around here. Some have proteins and some don't, which you might take into account if your hair has a preference. Sally's Cure Care conditioner is also light, unscented, and dirt cheap, so it's nice if your hair doesn't hate protein as much as mine does.

Thanks for the info. Well, I was using the L'Oreal Vive Pro and it gave me a crazy head ache so it's going back to the store. I ended up finding some Aubrey Organics GPB Lavender Ylang Ylang and my hair feels awesome! I love his conditioners! My hair feels so soft and is shining like crazy woo!

I don't want to go back to non-natural products, because it seems like a lot of companies test on animals and that is a no no in my book. But I don't go preaching to those who do use products that test on animals because it's their hair so yeah... Sorry, a little rambling going on there.

As for the protein thing, I'm a little confused if my hair likes them or not because when I use coconut oil alone my hair gets yucky, yet when I use the GPB from Aubrey Organics my hair looks AWESOME!!!

August 9th, 2011, 02:35 PM
I can recommend CWC with diluted shampoo; it's been an excellent routine for me. Most of the time I use cone-free shampoo and conditioner, then use CHI Silk Infusion as a leave-in about once per week. It makes the tangles practically fall out by themselves. I also use coconut oil as an overnight (usually) pre-wash treatment to the bottom half of my length.

Thanks for the suggestions. :) I found some Aubrey Organics GPB Lavender and Ylang Ylang and my hair felt awesome. His conditioners really seem to seep in there and beat up the tangles lol! Even though I detangle in the shower the tangles come back once I walk out, but luckily I found some of the honeysuckle rose conditioner and diluted some in a small mister and wala tangles eliminated!

August 9th, 2011, 02:43 PM
I just wanted to share w/ you guys....

I have used Chagrins poo bars also...and I love them for my face and body....I don't have to use moisturizer and my skin is very soft...

I have hard water....so these would leave build up on my hair...:(

But I have tried many natural shampoos....

I found that Yes to Carrots....Nourishing...is almost like a sulphate shampoo as far as performance...with out the damage...

It foams well and gets hair very clean...I have fine wavy hair... just past bsl....I use California Baby also...the tea tree...this one does not lather as well....but it is very gentle and gets hair clean...I use it for a weekly tee tree treatment for scalp(mine is oily in summer)

Burt Bees is very drying on my hair....love the clean and the smell...but was harsh on me!:mad:

I have not tried any natural conditioners yet...they are so expensive and I go through a lot of it...so I use Suave...or Tre Semme..

But it you are transitioning from Sulphates...try Yes to carrots nourishing...I have not tried the other "flavors" yet...but I have a yes to cucumbers in my cabinet...it is for color treated hair....this is more moisturizing! So it will be next on the list!

I also use California Baby....the de-tangler...this works like a vinegar rinse....without the smell...it comes in a spray bottle...

It has citric acid in it...this is how it de-tangles...some essential oils also....and coconut oil and some other oils:confused:..
It is not oily at all though....more watery....I added a little more essential oil to it for the extra smells!:D

Not good for a moisturizer...but gives great body and shine...

Love it!:crush:

For all the conies here....I like coconut oil for an alternative to cones...(leave in)

But my favorite moisturizing leave in is
Olive Oil w/essential oils...:crush:

I am trying to transition to Conditioner free!

I think I can do it...My hair is on it's way to Virgin....with only Henna (no Chemical dyes or heat) :cool:

Thanks for sharing! Personally, I wasn't too fond of the smell of the Yes to Carrots brand it gave me a headache. I must really be sensitive to scents like CRAZY!!!

I totally agree that Burt's Bees is HARSH!!! It had a nice scent but the dryness and tangles it gave me was HORRIBLE. :(

Though I do love the Aubrey Organics conditioners they are very expensive which is a bummer...

August 9th, 2011, 02:46 PM
Since I love how shampoo bars feel on my roots, but not on my ends, I just did CWC with a shampoo bar! I coated my ends in a light conditioner (suave tangerine), and washed my scalp with a SCH shampoo bar. I rinsed everything out, and used a citric acid rinse for my scalp. Then I rinsed again, and followed up with a thicker conditioner all over (garnier triple nutrition).

Now my hair feels glorious all over :crush: !!! Now I just hope that this method will continue to work.

I think shampoo bars work better on very healthy virgin (or hennaed/henndigoed hair), but not so well on chemically damaged hair.

I am so happy your hair is feeling "glorious". :) You should definitely take a picture of your hair, and I too hope your washing method will continue to work.

I think you may be right about the shampoo bars, but I don't have any chemical damage. I'm just thinking my water was way to hard for the bars to fully work.

Ann Marie
August 10th, 2011, 09:14 PM
Thanks for sharing! Personally, I wasn't too fond of the smell of the Yes to Carrots brand it gave me a headache. I must really be sensitive to scents like CRAZY!!!

I totally agree that Burt's Bees is HARSH!!! It had a nice scent but the dryness and tangles it gave me was HORRIBLE. :(

Though I do love the Aubrey Organics conditioners they are very expensive which is a bummer...

I agree with the smell of Yes to Carrots...like Baby Powder!:p

I will try Aubrey Organics....I like to give scalp massages when I have conditioner on...so I like the thought of natural on my roots(scalp)...maybe I will put the cheap stuff on the ends!;)

I am guessing it will not matter....just to detangle....But I don't like animal testing either! So the search continues for me!:confused:

August 11th, 2011, 11:03 PM
I agree with the smell of Yes to Carrots...like Baby Powder!:p

I will try Aubrey Organics....I like to give scalp massages when I have conditioner on...so I like the thought of natural on my roots(scalp)...maybe I will put the cheap stuff on the ends!;)

I am guessing it will not matter....just to detangle....But I don't like animal testing either! So the search continues for me!:confused:


If you try AO, I hope your really like it but I have heard that their conditioners can make the scalp look greasy but I would experiment with them them. I really love them on the length of my hair!

I really don't like animal testing either, but I find myself looking into products that sadly do test. :( Like Pantene... Their ads always suck me in yet their new products don't work for me. But I have heard the volume one works pretty well which makes me want to try it...

August 12th, 2011, 10:54 AM
I began using a CV shampoo bar 2-3 months ago and really, really wanted it to work. But eventually I had to admit that my hair just does not like it. So back to Pantene (yay cones!) I went. The hair wants what it wants, eh...

August 12th, 2011, 04:38 PM
I began using a CV shampoo bar 2-3 months ago and really, really wanted it to work. But eventually I had to admit that my hair just does not like it. So back to Pantene (yay cones!) I went. The hair wants what it wants, eh...

Sorry they didn't work out for you either. I haven't decided if my hair is better with cones or without but organic seems nice and gentle. :) You are lucky Pantene works for you, it no longer works for me. :( It worked for me in the 90s and when they first came out with the expressions line but as soon as they changed them up they became a no go for me. :(