View Full Version : New Washing Method

August 5th, 2011, 01:50 PM
I think i may have invented a new washing method :D or at least, mixed some aspects of diffrent methods together to satisfy my hair needs :o

theres a few steps but i find its MUCH quicker than CO method. I like how the CO method leaves my length and ends and helps my wurls but i wash every other day and i have a bit of grease even by then, enough to need to wash. COing doesnt get my scalp clean enough even after three or four weeks of trial and error with different techniques. but at the same time S and C like normal leaves my length dry.. which by the time i need to wash my length is SUPER soft and moisterized and i had to find a way to keep it like that.

okay heres the steps:
1. while hair is dry put in a high braid or pony letting plenty of room between the scalp and braid or pony for washing. (like if you were doing a scalp only wash.)
2. hold up the length and wet your scalp.
3. squirt a small amount of shampoo in a small cup and add water and swish around, then pour it on your scalp at the top of your head letting it run down and through your scalp hair.
4. massage in for 20 or 30 seconds then fill up the small cup with just water and pour through hair again. (this removes the major bit of shampoo)
5. let down your hair and rinse throughly. (this way only a tiny tiny bit of shampoo goes through your length, just enough to get any condish or leave in residue out)
6. (the above steps gets the major bit of grease out but the next step cleanses it just a bit more and moisterizes, i also find it great for my scalp as after using shampoo my scalp burns a little even if rinsed out properly) next take some conditioner and massage it in your scalp for 1 minute or so and either work it down to the ends or add a heavier condish on the ends. (i also find that i use much less condish than when COing)
7. After doing your other shower things rinse hair for 1 or 2 minutes while massaging your scalp just a bit.

Afterward my hair is clean and moisterized from root to tip. not squeaky clean in the least just a gently cleaned feeling that is very soothing to my easily irratated scalp :)

Other things i do are: on the non wash day i let down my hair and masage for a few seconds then spray a little diluted conditioner on my length and then redo my updo. before i wash i also do a minute or two massage.. i feel it loosens up the sebum and helps distribute it on non wash days, probally the reasons my hair feels so soft even when its not wash day, and i think it helps loosen the sebem for easier better washing.

August 5th, 2011, 02:45 PM
oh if any of you try it out please share your results :)

August 5th, 2011, 04:08 PM
I'm really happy with CWC using diluted shampoo. I saved an empty shampoo bottle to use for my mix (rather than a cup).

August 5th, 2011, 06:34 PM
I'm really happy with CWC using diluted shampoo. I saved an empty shampoo bottle to use for my mix (rather than a cup).

CWC was the first thing i tried on LHC and it made my ends dry like i was just normally SC :o