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View Full Version : Damaged Hair Split Ends and Catnip

August 3rd, 2011, 03:31 PM
OK here is my story as brief as I can make it. I had been double processing my hair (bleach and tone) until about december, prior to this I had been red and before that blonde and before that red (you get the idea). So I made the decision that I wanted long healthy hair and not blonde. I went to an Aveda salon and now have my hair colored a really pretty dark bright red, I get my roots done about every six weeks (the color is the same level as my natural color but a just a different redder tone) I have a few grays that I do not like to see. ANYWAY.....:p from all of this my hair is not in great condition although better since I have started to CO wash and use oils. My longest layers are just shy of APL and my shortest layers (which are along the hairline all around and up on my crown) are only 5"-6". My colorist mentioned the damage at the crown felt really dry and I should moisturize it more with a protein free conditioner because she said you have some splits and you don't want that damage to travel. Add to this that I think I might also have seborrheic dermatitis around my hairline...yuck! My question is can I use catnip for my damage and splits? Is it OK to use or color treated hair? Will it alter the color? And aside from oiling and Nightblooming Panacea, CO washing once a week, combing with a seamless comb, being cone and protein free, and taking biotin what else can I do to help my hair?:confused: If you have read this far I thank you! You all are so wonderful and knowledgeable! Any advice, suggestions, masterplans:eyebrows: are all greatly appreciated!

August 3rd, 2011, 04:45 PM
I think you are doing lots that will be helpful and now it's just a matter of time!

Catnip may give your hair a temporary gold tint but it does not last. So you can experiment with it and see how it goes. I found catnip left my hair a bit too coated, but very soft. The best thing that I found for conditioning was cassia obovata (see the long thread on the herbal haircare forum). I also found cassia good for flaking. But it really depends on what your hair likes, and a little experimentation. If you decide to try catnip or cassia, you can always use smalled amounts as part of something like an SMT.

August 3rd, 2011, 05:16 PM
Thanks! I have been debating catnip vs. cassia....I have MUCh more reading to do :)

August 4th, 2011, 01:43 AM
I think start with whatever is easiest- probably an SMT (4 parts protein free conditioner, 1 part aloe vera gel, 1 part honey, from memory- check the thread).

Many people can find catnip at a local pet store, which also makes it fairly accessible. Cassia is a bit more of an investment (finding it, mixing it, applying it, washing it out).