View Full Version : Swimming pool for exercise - questions

August 2nd, 2011, 11:04 AM
Hi all --

I've been looking on the forums for a long time and couldn't really find an answer to my specific problem. I have taken up swimming recently at my gym for exercise. I've been going 3-4 times a week. I put my hair in a bun and use a swim cap, but my hair still gets wet, of course. Mostly around the edges all around, not really the bun part.

So here's the thing -- I go to the pool before work and try to give myself about 20 minutes after the workout to be ready for work. (I work in a really casual environment, so I don't need to be "put together" necessarily.) But my hair takes FOREVER to dry with a hair dryer. Most of the time, when I wash it, I just let it air dry at home. There is just no way for me to wash it and blow dry it at the gym -- it takes too long. But if I don't, one, my head is wet most of the day because I will leave it in the bun or pony tail because it's such a mess down. Two, it doesn't have the greatest smell from the chlorine/sweat from exercising.

I haven't tried a dry shampoo, because part of the problem is the fact that I can't get my hair dried all the way. I've heard about baby powder for smell, but again with the wetness and I have super dark hair.

Does anyone have any ideas for what I can do to get it dry and smelling nicer? I know the obvious is - give myself an hour to get it dry - but I don't think that will be realistic for me. I love swimming and really want to keep going with it, but I also love my long, thick, dark hair and don't want to always have to wear it up in a wet bun.

Any tips you could give me would be great! Thanks much.


August 2nd, 2011, 11:12 AM
I have no idea what you could do to get it dry, but rinsing your hair off before you get in the pool would help it absorb less of the chlorinated water. Rinsing it after you're done swimming would help rinse off the chlorine or at the very least the sweat. I've heard of using club soda to remove pool chemicals from hair. I definitely wouldn't recommend trying to use anything powdered on wet or damp hair unless you're trying to make paste out of it. Sorry I'm not more help on the drying part.

August 2nd, 2011, 11:21 AM
What type of swim cap are you wearing? I got an extra large silicon one from Speedo, and it covers my hair and around my hairline completely. . . I pull it down about 1/2" below my hairline). My hair doesn't end up wet at all. I went through a few swim caps before I found one that was big enough for me (I have a huge head, and then with all the hair tucked in there it's even worse).

As far as the smell is concerned, if you don't want to rinse your hair afterwards (which I'm assuming you don't, since you're going to work), would some sort of freshening spray help? Maybe a couple of drops of essential oil of lavender or rose mixed with water? Or perhaps a leave-in conditioner that smells nice?

August 2nd, 2011, 11:24 AM
Try a different swim cap?
I braid my hair after swimming so it doesn't look all bleh. I also recommend a microfiber towel to absorb moisture. I wear my hair braided when I swim, because I don't like wearing a swim cap, but I don't swim in pools often, (waterfalls, rivers, etc).

August 2nd, 2011, 11:26 AM
I've heard people get better waterproofing with a "swim band" -- a ~3 inch wide band cut off the bottom of a second swim cap and worn under an intact swim cap. Make sure it covers your ears completely, possibly remove earrings.

This is the best site I know of about swim caps. (http://www.geocities.ws/lapswimr/scg.html) (Yeah, apparently I know about sites specifically devoted to swim caps. Is that weird?) It describes homemade swim bands here. (http://www.geocities.ws/lapswimr/swimband.html)

August 2nd, 2011, 11:40 AM
I swim before work as well, and while my hair is quick to dry....I use a turbie towel and push on the outside of it to help it soak up more water...then i flip my hair upside down and finger comb a bit.

Getting the strands separated helps them dry for me.

I also wonder....if a chamois cloth could be useful........

August 2nd, 2011, 11:55 AM
Wow - these are all excellent suggestions! I really came to the right place!

I have been using a normal Speedo cap, but I will definitely try to find a larger one and I think I'll also give the swim band a try. I am also going to try to use the microfiber towel in case it still gets wet.

Thank you all so much. This has been aggravating and you have given me some great things to try!

August 3rd, 2011, 02:16 AM
I don't have any experience with them, but I have heard good things about My Swim Cap.
