View Full Version : Growing out a graduated BOB

July 29th, 2011, 05:54 PM
OK wondering if anyone out there is like me growing out a graduated bob cut with all kinds of funky chunky layers and doesnt want to cut it or trim it yet in fear of losing length. I feel so frustrated with the fly away bits of layers at times and often have a hard time with syles. Thought id see if anyone else out there could relate and or had any ideas.

Terri :)

July 29th, 2011, 06:38 PM
Hi there, I can relate,

I am growing a graduated bob, and it really sucks. It is just brushing my shoulders now, but there are a few shorter layers.

The front bits were much longer than the back so I chopped them recently to even it out a bit. It really sucks because the ends are so wispy right now (my hair is really thin) because the layers have not all caught up yet.

I am too embarrassed to leave it down so i twist it up during the day. I over-styled it so the lengths and ends especially are really damaged and scraggly. I am gonna gradually trim it until all the damage is gone. Hopefully it will start to look better. My hair grows super fast so hopefully I can grow out the damage and start to get it past shoulder length within a year.

July 29th, 2011, 06:56 PM
I know how you feel! I got a bob last August with all the layers and immediately regretted it. My hair grew a tad past shoulder in a few months so by December I cut the worst of the "chunkiness" out. I still have some layers and bangs but now my hair is APL. So there is hope! I am planning on growing to BSL, then maintaining to let my now chin length bangs play catch up. It's frustrating, but I am seeing progress. :) You will, too.

July 29th, 2011, 07:22 PM
I am! It's driving me nuts. If my hair weren't cut in all sorts of layers, I could put it up in a ponytail by now.

July 29th, 2011, 07:43 PM
that would be me!!! too many layers and short (a littllle past my shoulders) but LHC is wonderful and shows us that we are not alone. It has been a big help to me, I am so thankful to them that without this I would probably shave my head! Hang in there friend, our hair will grow and I realize now that patience is key.

August 4th, 2011, 03:19 PM
Me too Brenda I so agree LHC is great for that support. Thanks all. Great to hear im not alone. I know one thing no more graduated BOBS for me or any BOBS for that matter. God its so hard to grow out all the layers and frustrating. Last night i was watching vids on youtube and well was bob layered haircuts was cool to watch but kept thinking OMG so hard to grow all that nice hair back NEVA AGAIN LOL

August 4th, 2011, 03:25 PM
Yep I started growing my bob last year and when I got it evened up, I lost like 4-5 inches of length, but I'm so glad that I did it! Growing out has been much easier.

August 4th, 2011, 04:14 PM
Yup, I've got the same problem. The layers framing my face are MUCH longer than those occupying the back of my head, and a couple months ago had to sacrifice a few inches to give the back a chance to catch up. I'm *hoping* I can grow until the longest layers reach APL, and maintain there until the back catches up. In the meantime, I do a lot of half pony-snubs and creative use of bobby pins to keep my hair out of my face. :)

August 4th, 2011, 04:34 PM
im starting to wonder if the girl that cut mine knew what she was doing cuz it seems some of mine in the back is almost like fuzz yuck.

Im glad you are back on track ARCHEL woot for you, im trying to get there.

The rest of us are working on it lol


August 4th, 2011, 06:17 PM
My current hair style is a kind of bob with lots of shaggy, textured layers. I still plan on having a few layers when my hair gets longer, but growing out the majority of them is hard. I'm planning on waiting till the length is at a point where I can just have the ends trimmed until the shortest eventually meet up. Rag curls seem to work, as well as bobby pins, scarves/headbands, and a few strategically placed dabs of pomade to tame the flyaway bits!

August 5th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Haha, here is a picture of my awful hemline almost 9months after my chin length, asymmetric bob cut:
Vile isn't it!
After this picture I trimmed the left side by 2+ inches to match the right but never had a proper cut until 1 year of growth.
It's almost APL now after 14 months of growing and as long as I kept putting the sides up through that ugly growing stage no one actually noticed it was wonky!

Keep going with the growing and it will all be worth it! :)

August 5th, 2011, 06:45 AM
I cut my hair in a really layered bob in late december 2010. I've hated it since. Seriously, every single time I cut my hair short I regret it a week later, yet the second it actually starts getting long again everyone around me starts bugging me, "go do something with your hair".

It's finally reaching some "length" now, an inch or so below my collarbones. Though the shortest layers still only reach my chin and ruin everything :( And of course, what did my mom tell me just the other day? Yeah, exactly, "it's time you do something about your hair".

August 5th, 2011, 07:22 AM
I did this 2 years ago, but I trimmed for a year until it was all one length. Now it is just about APL.

August 5th, 2011, 08:25 AM
I grew out a POB, I didn't cut it until the back reached shoulder length, then trimmed the way longer pieces in the front to even them out. Good luck!

August 5th, 2011, 09:56 AM
Driving me nuts too but i had to get it because of damage and i had to get a few layers on the sides too. Cant trim it off for a while though because it has to be long enough in December so i can put it up for a neck tattoo.

I cant wait till its all one length! or t least long enough that it doesn't matter as much anymore!

August 5th, 2011, 10:01 AM
Wet set or bun curls! Makes the layers look great and gives tons of volume to hair :) I would recommend waiting until you're about an inch past shoulder at least, though, to avoid the poodle look.

August 5th, 2011, 12:11 PM
Haha, here is a picture of my awful hemline almost 9months after my chin length, asymmetric bob cut:
Vile isn't it!
After this picture I trimmed the left side by 2+ inches to match the right but never had a proper cut until 1 year of growth.
It's almost APL now after 14 months of growing and as long as I kept putting the sides up through that ugly growing stage no one actually noticed it was wonky!

Keep going with the growing and it will all be worth it! :)

haha well your hair looks cool as heck in that pic i have to say and it doesnt look uneven on each side. Mine is severely uneven left side is so much longer. Jagged as heck lol Sheesh so hard to grow these cuts out man I tell ya im not doing it again thanks for sharing the pic

August 5th, 2011, 12:14 PM
I cut my hair in a really layered bob in late december 2010. I've hated it since. Seriously, every single time I cut my hair short I regret it a week later, yet the second it actually starts getting long again everyone around me starts bugging me, "go do something with your hair".

It's finally reaching some "length" now, an inch or so below my collarbones. Though the shortest layers still only reach my chin and ruin everything :( And of course, what did my mom tell me just the other day? Yeah, exactly, "it's time you do something about your hair".

OMG OMG DO NOT LISTEN to them FORGET them let your hair grow if that is what you want. I find for me i get to thinking oh cuz im heavy and have a round face i need to have short hair with a high crown blah blah and then cut it NON SENSE im growing it and that is that. You hang in there IM here for ya. GROW GROW grow. :)

August 5th, 2011, 12:15 PM
I did this 2 years ago, but I trimmed for a year until it was all one length. Now it is just about APL.

I was gonna do this but if i cut as short as my shortest layer ill be bobbed again lol so i think ill hang in there. My layers are too bad i dont think. I have fly aways in the back but i spray them down with leave ins etc

August 5th, 2011, 02:06 PM
Yes I have the same! And I keep on thinking when will I be able to get it to 1 length? It still looks ok now but once it gets longer it will be so weird...
When should I start cutting it to 1 length? Or trimming it? Can you give me soms advice?

This is what it looked like 2 months ago, it's a bit longer now


August 5th, 2011, 02:37 PM
I'm growing out a POB from 2 1/2 years ago,my shortest layers are just past my shoulders,all tho I had some face framing layers cut in about 6 month ago I just think my hair drags me down when it all one length don't know if I will ever not want any layers.

August 5th, 2011, 02:41 PM
I successfully grew out a VERY graduated pixie about 6 years back and I'm not going to lie- there was a horrible mullet-ish stage that lasted a good 6 months before I could finally chop to a one length bob. I has a bit of a Grizzly Adams look going on for a while there but I go through it.

August 5th, 2011, 03:23 PM
Yes I have the same! And I keep on thinking when will I be able to get it to 1 length? It still looks ok now but once it gets longer it will be so weird...
When should I start cutting it to 1 length? Or trimming it? Can you give me soms advice?

This is what it looked like 2 months ago, it's a bit longer now


I guess its really a personal decision. I think your hair looks good thou. You have nice lines. mine is all jagged, looks yuck not like yours at all. I have at least for now decided to just let it all be and grow and once its longer and I get more lenght Ill chop it to one lenghth. I dont want to lose all the lil bit of length I have so far. I think your hair looks great personally.

August 6th, 2011, 01:13 AM
Thanks Slo2gro!

You are right I want to wait until it is much longer, I would be so sad if it's short again at this point.
And thanks for the compliment, that was still mi pre-LHC time so my hair looks much better/shinier/henna-redder now :)

August 6th, 2011, 02:16 AM
I had my hair cut in a layered bob four years ago to disguise breakage. I have been growing it, and have had trims but never removed the layers. My hair is just about BSL and my shortest layer (with the exception of my bangs) is just past my shoulders. I partly want to cut the layers out, but it would mean losing so much length and this is the longest my hair has ever been so I'm torn.

August 6th, 2011, 01:32 PM
Yeah seems we are all in the same boat and dont want to lose the lil bit of lenght we have, so I can so understand that. Im there with you all. Im trying to hang in and keep my ends protected until i get it a bit longer before a do a weee trim. Hang in there all.

August 6th, 2011, 03:48 PM
I cut my hair in a really layered bob in late december 2010. I've hated it since. Seriously, every single time I cut my hair short I regret it a week later, yet the second it actually starts getting long again everyone around me starts bugging me, "go do something with your hair".

It's finally reaching some "length" now, an inch or so below my collarbones. Though the shortest layers still only reach my chin and ruin everything And of course, what did my mom tell me just the other day? Yeah, exactly, "it's time you do something about your hair".

Ya I get this all the time too, mostly because when the bob is overgrown, it usually looks horrid! Especially on fine/this hair (which is what it is recommended for).

The thing is that I really like the bob, it suits my face. But it doesn't suit my hair, and I want to have healthy undamaged hair.

I had to straighten my hair in order for the bob to look good, and use mouse and hairdryers. I had a bob for 10 years, and for 10 years I styled it everyday, now my hair is a disaster!

So no more bobs for me! If my hair was naturally straight, I would probably still have a bob though

August 6th, 2011, 04:03 PM
I started growing out from a pageboy. Last cut was May of last year. I have a huge difference in my layers, which annoys the hell out of me, but my hair still isn't long enough to put up in a bun. I decided once it gets long enough to easily put in a bun, I may stop and even it up. For now, I have a fairly deep U hemline, which I'm not fond of. I prefer a much blunter cut to show off my thickness.

It went through some awful awkward stages. Cute clips and pomade got me through, though! Clips for pulling it away from my face were an absolute necessity.


August 6th, 2011, 04:23 PM
I want a blunt hemline, right now its very jagged all over the place really at some point ill have it once i get a lil more length. I cant wait til im all one lenght again really :)

Audrey Horne
August 6th, 2011, 06:03 PM
I've been growing it out and I still have some not really visible but it's...layers. I really hate it.

August 6th, 2011, 07:00 PM
Hey there. I'm 2 years in to growing out a graduated bob. Its about BSL on me now. I recently had to even it out because the differences in length have started to become obvious. The sides were much longer than the back. A few inches come off the sides and its now even kind of....such a pain to grow out. The awkward length just past shoulder was the worst. I felt like I had to sit on my hands I wanted to cut it so badly. Its been so hard to wait and trim. I'm glad that mine wasn't that severe when I got it. I feel your pain :)

August 6th, 2011, 07:05 PM
awww thanks silver see you do feel our pain indeed. I feel like that omg i keep thinking trim... NO Terri dont do it... then omg just trim it Terri lol the battle goes on lol thanks for sharing