View Full Version : Howdie from Texas

July 27th, 2011, 09:47 AM
Hello everyone, glad to see other fellow LHL's!

I've been growing my hair long most of my life. My motivator was when my mom gave me and my sister a PIXIE haircut back in the 60's. I cried when all my long hair was chopped off for that ugly boyish style. Then I went into the military right out of highschool and FUMED when all my long hair was chopped off - via my Company Commander's orders (who happened to have looong blonde hair, herself!)

So, here I am at the ripe age of turning-48, and I have hair down to my tailbone. Nobody can make me cut my hair anymore! I love long hair, and it is who I am. Cutting my hair off would be like cutting off my arm. It makes me feel feminine, and I like being different from others. My husband LOVES my hair.

Personally, I feel many women would look better with long hair. One of my pet peeves is people thinking women my age should CUT our hair because we're "too old" or that we're trying to look young, etc.

1.) I AM young because I'm vibrant, happy, and I'm living my life to the fullest.
2.) I'm TOO young to cut my hair. The day I'm too old to grow my hair long is when I take my last breath and my hair stops growing on it's own ;-)

July 27th, 2011, 10:53 AM
Welcome! My goal is to get to tailbone length! :) LHC is a great place, I hope you like it here!

July 27th, 2011, 11:14 AM
Hey welcome! I joined a month or so ago, and this is just a really amazing forum. Hope you have fun! I know I have.

July 27th, 2011, 11:18 AM
Welcome! Isn't it great to be in control of our own hair? I figure I can always cut it if I ever decide I don't want it long any more, but why? It's so much more fun to have it long!

July 27th, 2011, 11:35 AM
My commander tried to tell me to cut my hair....I looked him dead in the eye and informed him that that was not a legal order. I'm guessing we were in about the same time as I'm now 50 and went to college for a bit before joining. I had tailbone or longer hair all through basic and didn't trim it until AIT up to hip.

July 27th, 2011, 03:00 PM
Thanks everyone! :)

@ Swetiepet: I was in Navy bootcamp, and the reason she MARCHED me to the barber was because I was having a hard time maintaining a bun.

I will say that when I was stationed in Hawaii, the Coast Guard ships would come into port and I'd gawk with envy at the females in uniform, wearing their hair down. They were so relaxed! Also, while in Israel, the women soldiers wore their hair down too. Even better, I fit right in! MANY of the women that are my age have long hair and they wear it down, loose and flowing. It was so liberating being there! Can't wait to go back! :)

July 27th, 2011, 04:05 PM
well hang around here and you WILL get to maintain a bun :-) welcome ..