View Full Version : Hairdresser advice pls

July 27th, 2011, 03:03 AM
Hello all, newbie here! First I have to say I have been addicted to LHC site for the last two months and my hair thanks you all! Wanted hair down my back for around 10 years and could never understand why it didn't happen... Cue hairdresser "trims" every 12 weeks, blow-dry, straightening etc now I know why!! I am currently s&d to take off splits as I see them but in a few months I want to go get a professional trim to even up and get any I have missed (LOTS of layers which I don't mind, fine hair but lots of but want to grow some out to thicken up again). My point for this thread after my life story is that I want to find a long hair specialist/hairdresser in the north west of uk/north wales, somewhere around here. I know of the ones quoted in London but fear my husband may finally think I love my hair more than him if I suggest a 7 hour round trip for a cut he won't even see!! I just want to go to someone without the scalping fear and who will share my dream for long healthy hair. Any suggestions??? Thanks for all the advice so far and any help you can provide!
p.s. - thanks to hotrox for advice to post here. I am a little scared I would do more damage than a snip happy stylist if I sell trim!!! Is it even possible to do a good job when never self trimmed before with so many layers??????

July 27th, 2011, 04:54 AM
Before you go in, decide on what you want: Do you want layers, or not? Do you want a fringe? And just how much do you want to trim?
If you want a particular style, you might wish to take along a picture of that style - and many here will bring along a ruler in order to show the hairdresser exactly how they want her to cut.
Also, practice saying "No" in a polite, but firm manner, and also practice declining certain things politely but firmly - like flat ironing! ;) Haing a phrase that you have mentally prepared will make it easier for you to actually use it - at least I have found it to be so. Last time I was at the hairdresser, I also brought along my favorite seamless comb - and it also saw use when the hairdresser started to use a brush from the top on my wet hair.
So I ended up doing the detangling after washing myself.
Don't be afraid to speak up - you are after all paying for her services, and you should get what you are paying for - which is what you want - not the hairdresser's idea of what you should want.
Keep an eye on what is happening, so that if the hairdresser seems to be doing something you re not happy with, you will be aware of it and able to stop whatever she is doing.

July 27th, 2011, 05:10 AM
Thanks for the tips, I think I would have a panic attack if they came near my wet hair with a brush!! (I am converted and now understand the error of my foolish previous ways!) I completely get your advice, I am one of those people that wouldn't stop someone doing something - just cry all the way home!! Need to practice nice but firm and remember my hair is still my own property even in a salon :rolleyes: Thank you x