View Full Version : Did You Ever Feel Like You Were 'Jinxing' Yourself?

July 26th, 2011, 02:31 PM
I know this may sound sooo silly but did you ever feel that when you finally have found a product you absolutely love for your hair that by raving about it to others you end up 'jinxing' yourself? By that I mean bringing bad luck in & the whatever product you've fallen in love with ends up turning just the opposite & you end up hating it.

I've found that no matter what kind of product it is & how long my trial run has been pretty much the minute I boast about it's wonders to others things start going wrong & I end up ditching the product.

Anyone else ever feel like this sometimes?

July 26th, 2011, 02:35 PM
I know this may sound sooo silly but did you ever feel that when you finally have found a product you absolutely love for your hair that by raving about it to others you end up 'jinxing' yourself? By that I mean bringing bad luck in & the whatever product you've fallen in love with ends up turning just the opposite & you end up hating it.

I've found that no matter what kind of product it is & how long my trial run has been pretty much the minute I boast about it's wonders to others things start going wrong & I end up ditching the product.

Anyone else ever feel like this sometimes?

I feel like that with every product I try and love! It's so annoying!:mad: I especially hate when the product works best for who ever I give it to and I still can't find the one. I'm also jealous that when I ask long haired ladies I run into what they use and they say Pantene. Pantene and my hair don't mix ever since all the changes. :(

July 26th, 2011, 02:45 PM
Sometimes I feel like this as well. My hair tends to go through moods, and no matter what I do (or don't do, so I'm not trying too much with my hair) there are those times I feel like I have to start over and find something new to try until the next time it all happens again.

Also, a similar thing... every time I mention to someone here that my husband is growing his hair back out he's usually told at his job to cut it by the next day. I've been getting nervous he'll be told to cut it again, but I'm hopeful this current company doesn't care about that sort of thing. We both love his hair longer even though it probably won't be too much longer than just past shoulder. I guess we'll see!

Sometimes it just feels like that sort of thing happens when you tell someone something you're excited about, and then you end up having to change it shortly after. No wonder I've been so quiet for a long time... I've not wanted to have to deal with disappointments with hair and products! :laugh:

July 26th, 2011, 02:58 PM
I feel this way sometimes too. I think my hair gets tired of using the same products over and over, so I rotate them pretty often. If I use a certain conditioner for over 1 month, my hair gets "bored" of it and stops behaving. So I clarify and change to a different conditioner, and then rotate the first conditioner back into the lineup a month or so after that. It all gets used sooner or later! ;)

July 26th, 2011, 03:19 PM
I feel this way too. Sometimes I feel like the universe brought a certian great product into my life just so I could share it with others and then takes its wonderful effects away :(. On the bright side, I have introduced tons of great products to friends and family and changed their hair for the better so I'm not too broken up about the fact that they stopped working for me. :)

July 26th, 2011, 04:16 PM
For sure. I just went cone free and started using Suave Naturals conditioners. I was really loving my results, so I started bragging that I got such great results for $1 conditioner.

So now my hair isn't loving it so much.... dang I jinxed it!

I'm going to try and stick with it though, maybe try a deep coconut oil treatment!

July 26th, 2011, 05:05 PM
I feel like that with every product I try and love! It's so annoying!:mad: I especially hate when the product works best for who ever I give it to and I still can't find the one. I'm also jealous that when I ask long haired ladies I run into what they use and they say Pantene. Pantene and my hair don't mix ever since all the changes. :(

That's so funny because that's pretty much what all the long hairs I meet in real life say they use. That & the Suave shampoo & conditioner products.

July 26th, 2011, 05:07 PM
Sometimes I feel like this as well. My hair tends to go through moods, and no matter what I do (or don't do, so I'm not trying too much with my hair) there are those times I feel like I have to start over and find something new to try until the next time it all happens again.

Also, a similar thing... every time I mention to someone here that my husband is growing his hair back out he's usually told at his job to cut it by the next day. I've been getting nervous he'll be told to cut it again, but I'm hopeful this current company doesn't care about that sort of thing. We both love his hair longer even though it probably won't be too much longer than just past shoulder. I guess we'll see!

Sometimes it just feels like that sort of thing happens when you tell someone something you're excited about, and then you end up having to change it shortly after. No wonder I've been so quiet for a long time... I've not wanted to have to deal with disappointments with hair and products! :laugh:

Well I hope they don't make your hubby cut either.
This is exactly why I don't share my routine here too much either. Because I swear each & every time after I post about it later that week my hair becomes a hot mess. LOL

July 26th, 2011, 05:08 PM
I feel this way sometimes too. I think my hair gets tired of using the same products over and over, so I rotate them pretty often. If I use a certain conditioner for over 1 month, my hair gets "bored" of it and stops behaving. So I clarify and change to a different conditioner, and then rotate the first conditioner back into the lineup a month or so after that. It all gets used sooner or later! ;)

I've just found a product that my hair has loved for over a month & so far it's doing great. I'm really hoping that I don't have to switch this one up. I also love the scent & it's really economical too.

July 26th, 2011, 05:09 PM
I feel this way too. Sometimes I feel like the universe brought a certian great product into my life just so I could share it with others and then takes its wonderful effects away :(. On the bright side, I have introduced tons of great products to friends and family and changed their hair for the better so I'm not too broken up about the fact that they stopped working for me. :)

LOL I love it! This is such a positive way of looking at it! Well here's to you finding that one that amazing for you too.

July 26th, 2011, 05:11 PM
For sure. I just went cone free and started using Suave Naturals conditioners. I was really loving my results, so I started bragging that I got such great results for $1 conditioner.

So now my hair isn't loving it so much.... dang I jinxed it!

I'm going to try and stick with it though, maybe try a deep coconut oil treatment!

Good for you for trying to stick with it. I'm absolutely in love with their fragrances. Some of my absolute favorite on the market.

For the record I haven't yet figured out how to respond to more than one person's post in just one of my own. I can't believe I've been on this board for so long & have yet to do that. So sorry for the many posts in a row. LOL

July 26th, 2011, 05:55 PM
Well I hope they don't make your hubby cut either.
This is exactly why I don't share my routine here too much either. Because I swear each & every time after I post about it later that week my hair becomes a hot mess. LOL

I hope they don't either... he has a 6 month review tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see what they tell him. :)

For the record I haven't yet figured out how to respond to more than one person's post in just one of my own. I can't believe I've been on this board for so long & have yet to do that. So sorry for the many posts in a row. LOL

I also quoted your reply to me so I could explain multi-quote as I did it for this reply.

Do you see in the bottom right of each person's post in the thread... there is a "quote" a "quote +" and "reply"...

For each post in the thread you want to quote, you must select "quote +" -- the middle option. It will show up as "quote -" If you click it again, it will remove that particular reply so you won't include it.

Then scroll down and click "reply" at the bottom of the replies. This sets it up so you can reply to each one you selected... and you can even remove some of the text so you don't have a huge block of someone's reply in there and can respond to one sentence if you need to. Just make sure to preview so you don't miss something that formats it like the quote and end quote tags.

I hope this helps! :)

July 28th, 2011, 12:24 AM
I hope they don't either... he has a 6 month review tomorrow, so it'll be interesting to see what they tell him. :)

I hope all went well for your hubby!

I also quoted your reply to me so I could explain multi-quote as I did it for this reply.

Do you see in the bottom right of each person's post in the thread... there is a "quote" a "quote +" and "reply"...

For each post in the thread you want to quote, you must select "quote +" -- the middle option. It will show up as "quote -" If you click it again, it will remove that particular reply so you won't include it.

Then scroll down and click "reply" at the bottom of the replies. This sets it up so you can reply to each one you selected... and you can even remove some of the text so you don't have a huge block of someone's reply in there and can respond to one sentence if you need to. Just make sure to preview so you don't miss something that formats it like the quote and end quote tags.

I hope this helps! :)

Thanks so much for clearing things up. I finally get it!

July 28th, 2011, 07:39 AM
Yay, I'm glad! I was so happy when I learned how to do that multi-quoting trick. Very handy! :D

July 28th, 2011, 08:22 AM
I have tried a few products I've seen on the board. When I first found something that worked well for I wanted to shout from the roof tops. Soon I understood that just because it works for me doesn't mean it'll work for everyone. I still like to see which products get mentioned. Some things don't even work for a little while. Anything that is good for a time is better than a ton of products that don't work out of the gate.

July 28th, 2011, 08:27 AM
All the time! :rolleyes: it happened with a bunch of products with the last one being Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition. I'm keeping my big mouth shut this time!

July 28th, 2011, 11:07 AM
This is exactly why I mix up products all the time. I find my hair loves it for a month then wants something else. I'll eventually come back to it and it loves the product again. Weird.