View Full Version : Wife Swap

June 25th, 2008, 07:02 PM
So I was bored tonight and decided to watch "Wife Swap" and I was in awe of Brandy's (I think that was her name!) hair. Oh my goodness! It is so very thick! I love it and it had such a pretty wave.
Did anyone else catch the episode? Were you in awe?

June 25th, 2008, 07:16 PM
hi! I actially just got done watching wife swap. The one where one family works on the piggy farm and another spends time learning new things such as snake dancing and writing songs? I thought it was interesting! I was glad that one mom finially loosened up and finially started enjoying her family! I did see the other moms hair and i thought it was really pretty! Wavy with some highlights? I wonder if the wavy-ness was natural. And her daughter had nicely braided hair too! I liked the look of their house with the soft red lace and the lights. I haven't watched that show in a while. The other mom had i think it was..BSL hair? It was nice too!:D

At first the familys were resistant to change..but it made me wonder..What kind of family did they think they were gonna get? Didnt they know they usially put very different families together so they can get a new perspective! It was just weird how it shocked them that they were different is all!

June 25th, 2008, 07:29 PM
I think the lady with the piggy farm had just under waist length hair. It was just so thick!
I loved the look of the belly dancers house, and I thought it was cool that piggy farm wife took belly dancing lessons. (I have always loved all kinds of dance- belly dancing included!)
It's nice to hear from you again, Magicknthenight!

June 25th, 2008, 07:59 PM
I think the lady with the piggy farm had just under waist length hair. It was just so thick!
I loved the look of the belly dancers house, and I thought it was cool that piggy farm wife took belly dancing lessons. (I have always loved all kinds of dance- belly dancing included!)
It's nice to hear from you again, Magicknthenight!

Really? I wondered how i missed all her hair! Its one of the first things i look at :p and though i dont always have the courage to approach strangers and tell them i like their hair im working on it! :D Yea i was really surprized when the other mom wanted to continue with belly dancing lessions and how her view changed on it! I also really love any kind of dancing! ive wanted to do something with music and dancing since before i can remember and a while back i took jazz, tap, and ballet. I hope to start one day again!(soon as i can get a job!its hard as a teenager with no experience!) Its nice to hear from you too!:cheese: