View Full Version : I was skeptical of ___ but it worked!

July 25th, 2011, 02:08 AM
I tried an apple cider vinegar rinse for the first time and I had to post about it somewhere because the results were so flabbergasting. I tried it because I just started using CV shampoo bars (which my hair seems to LOVE) and saw quite a few other posters here talking about how awesome the ACV made their hair feel. I was skeptical. I didn't know if this stuff would fry my hair or make it feel loved. So I mixed up two tablespoons of ACV with two cups of water in a squirt bottle. I used my shampoo bar (chamomile/citrus, if you're curious), used my regular conditioner (VO5 vanilla mint, which is 'cone and sulfate free), and then squirted the ACV concoction over my hair after everything else had been rinsed out. I was even brave and left it in without sticking my head underneath the showerhead.

My hair has not been this silky soft and tangle-free since I was a teenager. This is amazing! I'm a believer!

What are some of the crazy things you all have been skeptical of but now love?

July 25th, 2011, 02:19 AM
BBBs...without mine my scalp is tight and dry feeling but also greasy, and my length/canopy is dry and frizzy. Used to use one but didn't realize how important it was !

And also CO, at first I was totally for it but then took the benefits for granted after using an sls shampoo at my dbf's. Went on an sls bender and the scalp was also pretty angry about that, lmao.
Acv rinses, catnip, how well vo5 works...

All kinds of things normal people find bizarre, and wonder why their hair is thinning or their scalp is dry or their hair always looks fried. :)

July 25th, 2011, 02:21 AM
I was very sceptical about AVC as well when I started it, but it works great!

also, I was sceptical about honey, I tried it a few times but it never really worked, until I tried it in an SMT and it was amazing!

July 25th, 2011, 02:30 AM
I used to be kinda weirded out by ACV rinses as well. Now...Love them!

I was sceptical of CO before I tried it. But I did and it was great. Now I'm trying to transition to WO, which would have totally disgusted me 2 months ago. Heck, it would've disgusted me less than a month ago. But now, all I want is for it to work, and that one day I might even be able to go SO/NW.

July 25th, 2011, 04:21 AM
Catnip tea soaks to prevent split ends. Works like a charm and allowed me to grow from BSL to waist in a year since my hair quit breaking off!

July 25th, 2011, 05:22 AM
Oiling my hair! I had tried oiling before, or at least I thought I had, before joining LHC, and it always turned my head into a grease ball. But the big difference is learning how to oil hair the "LHC way", i.e. less is more ;)

July 25th, 2011, 06:23 AM
I was sceptical of two things:

Oiling my hair - it really worked :lol:

Using a comb not a brush: It also really worked, but I went back to a Denman after a while and now I'm back on Combing/BBBing.

July 25th, 2011, 06:31 AM
CO: I was so skeptical that this was a viable option, not just for me but for anyone. Everyone shampoos and conditions every day right? Except for hippies who shampoo every other day. :p But if I had to pick the one change I made that has improved the look and health of my hair the most, it's CO.

Oils: Putting oil in your hair = greasy hair, right?! The only time I had previously oiled my hair, I was a teenager and I had dumped a whole bunch of baby oil (:bigeyes:) in it. Needless to say, I was not thrilled with the results. Anyway, I had no idea how beneficial this would be for my hair. And I learned to just use a few drops, haha. :laugh:

July 25th, 2011, 07:39 AM
I use the ACV on myself and my dogs also. Their coat looks amazing after it!

July 25th, 2011, 07:49 AM
Spin pins! They look weird but they do an amazing job of holding my hair up. I only need 1-2 of those so they are light

July 25th, 2011, 07:50 AM
I was also really skeptical of ACV rinses. and oiling. And pretty much everything :P

But nothing I've every tried has had such a dramatic (for the better) change for my hair as ACV, oiling, and several other bits of advice I found totally bizarre here. Next step, CO :D

July 25th, 2011, 08:13 AM
CO, but it worked. Temporarily.
I can't CO exclusively, but done every once in awhile leaves me with very smooth and shiny hair with very little halo. Unfortunately, if I CO too often, I get limp, dull hair.

July 25th, 2011, 09:16 AM
Catnip for me as well - it has done a great job of cutting down on my splits and I never, ever would have thought to try it if I hadn't seen it on the forum - hooray, LHC!

July 25th, 2011, 10:17 AM

The idea of putting OIL on your hair was repugnant. Nothing ever touched my hair except water, shampoo and conditioner...for decades.

But...I was curious, and LHC memer JOJO (thanks!) told me all about it, and provided detailed instructions on the entire procedure.

I tried it..and was ASTOUNDED!! My hair felt almost as good as after a George Michael Treatment! And even better, the EVOO provided terrific slip that made braiding a breeze!

I was SOLD..and recommend it enthusiastically!

July 25th, 2011, 10:24 AM
I started doing CO, ACV and oiling because of LHC but I wasn't really that sceptical. I'm rather keen on alternative health and beauty so the idea of doing something with my hair that was different from the norm wasn't too weird for me.

The major things I was skeptical of when I first heard about them were hair sticks! Before being on this forum I had never heard of using only a stick to put up your hair and genuinely believed that it would never work on me. In the past my hair has eaten all kinds of conventional accessories or else any bun or other do I have tried has fallen out within seconds. I really did not believe I would be able to put my hair up and make it stay up using sticks only and was amazed when I did it and how secure it was.

Now I tend to use only single stick styles :D

July 25th, 2011, 10:35 AM
ACV and daktarin. I love both now.

July 25th, 2011, 10:42 AM
Queen Joey, I think you are a very smart young lady for catching on to CO at your age, living in CA. The extremely drying climate over where you are screams for a routine like that! I'm sure your hair must feel so much better since switching! I wish I had found this site at your age!

I used to be kinda weirded out by ACV rinses as well. Now...Love them!

I was sceptical of CO before I tried it. But I did and it was great. Now I'm trying to transition to WO, which would have totally disgusted me 2 months ago. Heck, it would've disgusted me less than a month ago. But now, all I want is for it to work, and that one day I might even be able to go SO/NW.

July 25th, 2011, 10:45 AM
Oils!!!!! I never thought I'd be slathering oil on my head, let alone cocktails of oils and honey! I just finished my first full bottle of raw virgin coconut oil, and I love my oils. :D. I don't know where I would be without my sls free shampoos and oils. Probably at shoulder length. :p;)

July 25th, 2011, 10:46 AM
This is more beauty related than hair (it was hard to think of anything; I'm not naturally skeptical, which gives DH hours of amusement . . . :rolleyes: ) but I never believed that wearing eyeliner lighter than your lashes could look good. I bought a tannish/taupe pencil and now my eyes look huge and bright and my lashes look rediculously long!

I don't really wear that much makeup though, so that is to be my excuse! ;)

July 25th, 2011, 12:52 PM
I was skeptical of oiling (works pretty nicely), avc rinses (OMG... what a difference), CO (seems to work, not entirely sold on if it's the right thing for me), and my tangle teazer (which I LOVE Love love!!!!)

July 25th, 2011, 02:31 PM
Satin pillowcases. Before I got them, it seemed excessive and crazy-hair-ladyish. It took exactly one night of sleeping on it to convert me. I can even sleep with my hair down and it isn't all crazy tangled in the morning!

July 25th, 2011, 02:35 PM
I was pretty skeptical of henna- I doubted if it could even dye my hair let alone condition it and make it shine but it worked so well! :)

July 25th, 2011, 03:08 PM
I was a bit skeptical of CO-washing at first, but it seems to be the best washing method for my hair that I've used so far. My hair is much fluffier and has great shine and softness. Ditching the shampoo also helped keep my growing-out layers more moisturized and in line so they don't bother me as much anymore!

July 25th, 2011, 03:17 PM
I was skeptical of SMTs, my hair is drying at the moment after my first and it feels wonderful!!! So light, fluffy, soft and shiny:)

I was also skeptical of coconut oil, I think it would make my hair gross and greasy but if I use the right amount (very little!) it makes my hair look really nice.

July 25th, 2011, 03:32 PM
I haven't been skeptical of much, because, as long as someone explains the science and reason behind something I can usually believe it.

Originally, I got into my hair care routine because I was trying to minimize the fading of hair dye. I started with no-poo. That was awful. Then, that led me to henna. (No fading!) After that I got led to shampoo bars and naturally to ACV rinses and oils.

The only thing I've been skeptical of is CO...because...I have straight hair, y'know? But it totally works on my mop.

July 25th, 2011, 03:51 PM
I was skeptical of oiling, but seeing so many LHC members using it make me give it a try. And as a curly, with fine hair prone to tangle I was really skeptical of the tangle teaser. Now, I don't know how could I live without them. Thanks for share the best hair allies.

July 25th, 2011, 04:07 PM
My daughter was helping put groceries away, and she came upon the apple cider vinager. She said "Mom, you buy the strangest things!" After that statement I didn't have the nerve to tell her it was for my hair.


July 25th, 2011, 04:48 PM
CO washing. The first time I heard of it, I thought it was something special for dry hair. I thought eh, whatever, my hair is oily so that wouldn't work for me but I can see how people with dry hair would like it (after all, I figured, I need to wash my oily skin twice a day to keep it from breaking out and I can't even think about putting thick cream on it, but I have friends with dry skin who can slather on oily substances without causing so much as a little pimple). Then I realized CO washes are kind of like an old kitchen trick of removing the left-behind adhesive from sticky labels on new dishes by smearing the sticky spot with peanut butter; the peanut butter is an easy-to-wash-off oily substance that also disolves the hard-to-wash adhesive. I tried it, and it worked! While I don't CO wash every night, and definitely not on nights when I've taken dance class, I'm now shampooing less frequently and COing in between.

July 25th, 2011, 06:23 PM
1 was skeptical about conditioning my ends,leaving it on while washing my hair and conditioning after,also oiling my ends.My frizz prone curly hair is so much improved in texture especially with my ends which are no longer dry.Thanks.

July 25th, 2011, 07:03 PM
CO. I haven't used shampoo in over a week and my hair is even better than when I did my usual poo and conditioner

coconut oil i used like 2 drops of almond oil and i look like a teenager who hasn't washed their hair in a week but coconut oil my hair just eats it up!

July 25th, 2011, 07:19 PM
oh and I almost forgot. Being told by every hairdresser I have ever been too has said suave sucks it's full of alcohol and water but this $$$$ is better

my hair has done better with suave than with the $$$$ poo and condish i bought

July 25th, 2011, 07:21 PM
Before I tried my first shampoo bar, I was skeptical. The first one was a bust for me (Serpentine Hair - my fiance loved them, though, and used all the ones I'd bought for myself and even bought more, but they left my hair waxy). I tried again with a Lush shampoo bar, which was nice, but then I developed a SLS sensitivity. I was hesitant to try another SLS-free bar, but I didn't have a whole lot of choices that were affordable, so I bought a CV bar and I LOVE it.

I was really uncertain about ACV, but it has such a nice effect - softness and shine! I don't leave it in, though, I rinse it out, I can't stand the smell of vinegar.

Um, I also didn't think there could be a huge difference between ball-tipped brushes and straight pin brushes. I'd used ball tipped brushes for most of my life, ever since my grandmother gave me my first when I was about 12 (a steel-pinned brush that was AWESOME) to replace the nylon bristle brushes we used as kids. But oh, I love my straight pin wooden bristle brush, it's lovely. Also, it scritches my scalp soooo nicely.


July 25th, 2011, 07:24 PM
I forgot coconut oil! I tried EVOO years ago, and all it did was make a gunky mess of my hair, so I was quite reluctant to try a new oil. Ooh I love coconut oil. It's nice in the hair, and when my scalp itches I massage it with coconut oil and all is well. It also works nicely as a moisturizer for my skin!

mrs carol
July 25th, 2011, 07:43 PM
I was skeptical about ACV rinse but my hair loves it. I use it after every shampoo.
I also wasn't sure about spin pins but they work great.

Aqua Gal
July 26th, 2011, 09:17 AM
Baking soda!

Using baking soda (diluted in water) once a week to clarify/clean has changed my life. I thought it would be drying, but my hair absolutely loves it! Much better for me than any shampoo I've ever tried.

Thanks LHC!

Dr. Girlfriend
July 26th, 2011, 09:28 AM
I was extremely skeptical of CO, but it has worked wonders on my hair. I'l never go back to pooing lol. :)

I was also skeptical of spin pins but they are one of my favourite tools now. Great hold from such a little pin.