View Full Version : Who else ONLY wears their hair down?

July 22nd, 2011, 09:54 AM
Just wondering how many of you out there only wear their hair down when they go out? I never put it up- even yesterday when the heat hit 48 celcius here in southern Ontario I wore it all down. I love the way if flows when it's down and wear it with pride, so why pull it all back and hide it? Who out there agrees with me?

July 22nd, 2011, 09:58 AM
A month ago, I would've agreed with you. I made a thread once asking the exact same thing.

However, now that I've been here, I know how good wearing it up is for your hair. Whereas a few weeks ago, I refused to put my hair up, and had it free flowing all the time (I felt the exact same way you feel), I now just love trying out all these beautiful updos, and wear it up everyday.

People said this in my thread, but only now do I understand what they meant: wearing it up all the time makes your hair more mysterious, and seem even more amazing when it's down.

July 22nd, 2011, 10:05 AM
My hair is short right now but it has certainly been very long before. I always wore it down. It doesn't like to stay up. No matter what way with what pins, I would put it up it would come undone quickly.

In instances of extreme heat and cold I will take the time to re-do it, but if the weather is nice I just kind of give up and enjoy it down. I do have resilient hair. As much as I'd like to wear my hair up, I rarely get any detectable damage so it hasn't been a problem yet. If my hair starts to hate me I'll have to keep it up more.

Jenn of Pence
July 22nd, 2011, 10:07 AM
Well, I'm wearing it up more since I've been on the forum and particularly when it's oppressively hot, but I vastly prefer wearing it down and will do so maybe 80% of the time.

Regardless of how one "feels" about her hair, it always needs to be contained whenever one is doing something where it could be a hazard, like working with power tools or machines or anywhere it could be grabbed. Just a PSA since sometimes we don't think about that!

July 22nd, 2011, 10:12 AM
*raises hand*

My hair is down about 95% of the time. The other 5% it's up because it either didn't look good down that day or I'm doing something like cleaning or whatever and don't want it in my way.

I have layers, so the only updo I can really do is a ponytail. I'm pretty bad at braiding, and with layers poking out it's something I haven't learned to handle yet. My go-to style is a half up with either a small claw clip or a flexi-8. After joining LHC and refusing to use the blow dryer (except in cases of VERY unruly bangs), I've learned I'm a wavy, so I love it down. :)

I S&D every so often and I'm very careful with it. I don't let straps, seat belts, chairs, etc. rub against it. DH is kind of annoyed at me telling him to get off it all the time. :) I had to explain to him I'm not trimming for a long time and I'm not wearing it up, so I need to be careful.

July 22nd, 2011, 10:16 AM
Just wondering how many of you out there only wear their hair down when they go out? I never put it up- even yesterday when the heat hit 48 celcius here in southern Ontario I wore it all down.

Er, it hit 38C, not 48C. It felt like 48 though! ;)

July 22nd, 2011, 10:17 AM
I wear it down all the time when i am at home cause it's loose and helps me relax. I have to put it up when I go out though cause my car doesn't have airconditioning and so I have to drive with the windows down. Since mostly "driving"="going to work" I am on the highway everday and my hair would become a driving hazard if it was down :(

July 22nd, 2011, 10:17 AM
Well, I'm wearing it up more since I've been on the forum and particularly when it's oppressively hot, but I vastly prefer wearing it down and will do so maybe 80% of the time.

Regardless of how one "feels" about her hair, it always needs to be contained whenever one is doing something where it could be a hazard, like working with power tools or machines or anywhere it could be grabbed. Just a PSA since sometimes we don't think about that!

Yes- in places I have worked in the past it was manditory to wear long hair up and tied back at all times. It would be so easy it forget at home and get it caught up. It can be very dangerous. Thanx for this important reminder!!

July 22nd, 2011, 10:18 AM
You might want to check out this group (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/group.php?groupid=193). :)

July 22nd, 2011, 10:19 AM
im trying to wear mine up more at the moment but thats cuz its warmer now i also want to protect it from tangling and splits as its getting longer! however it is quite annoying cuz my hair is very slippery! i have yet to find a hair accessory that doesnt fall out my hair in1-2 hrs!even elastics slip out! usually it will get to about 2 in the afternoon and i will give up and wear it down! i prefer the feel of it loose and free! =)

July 22nd, 2011, 10:20 AM
Er, it hit 38C, not 48C. It felt like 48 though! ;)
38 yes- but the humidex WAS 48 I believe?

July 22nd, 2011, 10:58 AM
I wear my hair down a lot actually... and I really shouldn't D: But I love showing it off >.< Plus it doesn't make these bangs that are growing out look as awkward as compared to when my hair is up :o

July 22nd, 2011, 11:22 AM
I don't like my hair up, so I don't wear it that way. I know from being here that it's better for it to be up and all, but if I'm uncomfortable and unhappy that way it's not worth it. So down it is! I love, love, love feeling my hair swish and brush my arms and back!

July 22nd, 2011, 11:29 AM
I wore my hair down 100% of the time and only used a barrette very occasionally the whole time I was growing it out. Last week I discovered I could make a half way decent looking figure 8 bun and a mere pencil would hold the whole thing even if I slept in it. I've ordered hair sticks as my family cringes when I try to leave the house with a pencil in my hair. When its up, it doesn't tangle. It doesn't need brushing, no one is gonna know if I over oiled it. I still have gaps from the last cut about 3 inches up but no one can see those when its up, including me. I never feel the need to cut out the rest of that cut when its up. And its HOT here, so it feels good up. Oh, and the whole hair jewelry thing totally sucked me in. I have wavy hair and I like the brush so people tend to just assume I have fried hair if its down. Its not but some people expect nice hair to be straight and have a blunt hemline or they think its garbage. I like being able to escape the judgment of those people via an updo. Sad but true. I like my hair, I like it long, but I don't feel great about showing it off to people who are clueless about what they are looking at.

July 22nd, 2011, 11:36 AM
I have wavy hair and I like the brush so people tend to just assume I have fried hair if its down. Its not but some people expect nice hair to be straight and have a blunt hemline or they think its garbage. I like being able to escape the judgment of those people via an updo. Sad but true. I like my hair, I like it long, but I don't feel great about showing it off to people who are clueless about what they are looking at.

I know all too well about this, from my mom mostly. She thinks my hair is "stringy" or something. I don't use heat anymore and discovered I'm actually a wavy, and I love it and embrace it. She is used to seeing me with straighter hair, and so thinks my current hair isn't as good or something. It's really annoying.

July 22nd, 2011, 11:39 AM
If I wore my hair down it would be a mess in a very short period of time! I don't want to deal with the tangles or the possible damage from detangling (although I detangle very gently)!

Also, with my thickness, I'd die from the heat!

Much better for me..and my precious locks..that they stay up, where they still look beautiful!

July 22nd, 2011, 12:09 PM
I agree with you,flowing hair looks and feels really good! From my experience,sometimes it´s better to just leave your hair down,but ...at least try to wear them up from time to time :) A change is refreshing.

July 22nd, 2011, 12:19 PM
well, the many times my hair has been long, I have always worn it down unless it was necessary to put it up - and im talking waist length and hip length hair. Yes it would get caught on chairs or the wind would tangle it up, but i loved wearing it down. I only put it up if it looked bad down that day or if I was doing something and had to keep it out of the way. It was usually all down and if it wasnt, I would have half pulled back to keep it out of my face. I plan on doing the same this time when its long again, but we will see how that pans out since I will have a baby around starting next month lol.

July 22nd, 2011, 12:26 PM
I simply cannot wear my hair down during this time of the year unless the weather is being particularly mild. With the high temperatures I experience around here, wearing my hair down feels like I have a blanket growing out of my head. So once the sun comes out the hair goes up. ;)

I do prefer to wear it down because I love how it looks and feels, but it isn't any fun on windy days or rainy weather, so I compromise by wearing ti down more at home and putting it up when I leave the house.

July 22nd, 2011, 12:41 PM
I was so busy in high-school I rarely wore it down. Always finding it :cheese:hard to focus and I found the look to casual. My hair grew so wonderfully, that when I got into college I decided, wow, I have such nice hair, I should wear it down.

And so the damage started, of never wearing my hair up. Kk it was also the time, fall 2007. When Bridget bardott inspired sexy bed head volume was very in, so out went my conditioner, since my hair looked too "sleek and boring" !! :rolleyes: gee...lucky I also stopped using a hair brush, so I didn't really damage my head. And massaging roots for volume maybe helped with growth....

To be honest, now its hard to keep my hair up again. It just seems to stiff. The only style I can handle is a side braid.

July 22nd, 2011, 12:43 PM
Jeez this Canadian summer is insane... I can't believe how hot Ontario is, and how cold the west side of Canada has been!

On the subject of hair I used to be a die hard wear hair down fan. But I am finding the longer it gets, the more I want to wear it down. It's probably the influence of this community, but I've found since I gave up heat that my hair doesn't always look "polished" enough to wear down, especially at work where I have to dress up, and even more so because I bike for 40 minutes to get to work and by the time I get there, no matter how great my hair was when I left the house, it will be a hot mess upon arrival. Bun or braid is the only way to deal with that for me.

That said, I love the look of hair down still and when I go out of the weekends I normally wear it down. I am learning to also appreciate pretty updos though as well:) Each to their own I guess...

For me my hair is pretty damaged so I am happy I am babying it more by wearing up.

scarlet starlet
July 22nd, 2011, 12:44 PM
I never wear it up, only at home when I have lots of oil in it for conditioning.

I also use hot rollers though, which is a bit of a sin too ;) especially around these forums haha

July 22nd, 2011, 12:44 PM
Since I have a pixie I have no other choice :P
I know I know, lame ;)

July 22nd, 2011, 01:26 PM
My hair is short now, so I can't wear it up. When it was BSL, I only wore it down. Updos give me a headache. I used to tie it back loosely with a metal free band at night to keep it out of my face and sometimes that same loose pony tail on hot days. That's it though. No fancy updos. Ouch.

July 22nd, 2011, 02:17 PM
As much as I enjoy wearing my hair down, I personally think it is safer to wear it up when I'm out and about. Fewer tangles, and much less catching on things. Once you get caught on a chair and have to be cut free, your mind may change, lol.

July 22nd, 2011, 02:36 PM
I LOVE wearing my hair down. I would have agreed with you about 100% of the time but wearing it up almost all the time from almost shoulder length to APL is how I got my hair to grow, something I found out by accident lol. This was before I discovered LHC too! So, I've personally seen how it does protect your hair. But no matter what, I will always have hair that I can wear down at least 50% of the time. It's the reason I'm growing my hair long in the first place!

July 22nd, 2011, 02:39 PM
There's no way I can wear my hair down all the time. We get enough wind here that it would be absolutely destroyed, plus with some of the things I do it's not safe either. If I'm home inside and not doing anything hazardous, then I do wear it down, but otherwise I have to put it up. There wouldn't be any sense in me having long hair if it was trashed! :D

July 22nd, 2011, 03:28 PM
I do admire people who wear their's down, from my point of view that takes a ton of patience! I wear it down very rarely, I just can't stand it. It grows straight forward, so it is always in my eyes, is now long enough to get caught on everything, and is like wearing a heating pad across my shoulders.

Plus, I agree with QueenJoey about the mystery!

July 22nd, 2011, 03:41 PM
Well I love wearing my hair down and all but... it gets a bit too hot and humid here in late summer for that to be very realistic. When you're sweating so bad it's getting your hair WET... it's time to put it up.

July 22nd, 2011, 03:46 PM
I've tried but I just can’t do it. People even say that I should wear it down more often, that it looks better down than up, and I agree it does. But I just can’t stand it getting messy, if it’s down I would be touching it all the time trying to get comfortable.

July 22nd, 2011, 04:16 PM
I love my hair down it comforts me... And when it is up i am always looking for an excuse to put it down except for when it is hot outside.

July 22nd, 2011, 04:20 PM
I wear my hair down a lot after it has just been highlighted or cut.

In this weather, though? It's up ALL THE TIME! :lol:

July 22nd, 2011, 05:51 PM
I like to wear both - up at home, half up when I'm out .. I love my toys :-)

AND, yeah your hair seems to grow overnight if it's up all the time and forgotten about ..

July 22nd, 2011, 06:07 PM
I love having my hair up, but at the same time, the updo's usually don't match well with what I'm wearing. I work in retail and I have to wear the clothes of that company, which are very modern, very urban. Romantic braids and buns are so lovely, but I never feel well-put together when I wear them with my work clothes. It's unfortunate.

July 22nd, 2011, 10:45 PM
If it looked good all the time and didn't tangle I would too. :)

July 22nd, 2011, 11:29 PM
I wish I could. Even on the odd times when I do like it down I have to use a lot of product to have semi manageable curls and not a tangled fro in a few hours.

Bohemian Haze
July 23rd, 2011, 03:32 AM
I wear my hair down most of the time....I braid it at night to stop the overnight tangles; and it gets put up in a bun while I'm teaching (cooking!). I know I should put it up more - but *shrug* I like it down!

July 23rd, 2011, 08:01 AM
I am a newbie here- so I am missing the "WHY" keeping it up is so much better for the hair?
I don't have problems with tangles- don't mind the heat in hot summers, and I haae air-conditioning in the car, so I dont have to worry about it flying out the window or getting in my face when driving.
But, sooo many ppl are saying up is better for the hair and helps it grow faster- would someone mind explaining? Is it just the tangling that is a concern?

July 23rd, 2011, 08:35 AM
The tangling, the damage from friction, the damage from hair getting caught in/under things. It all adds up. It may not seem like a lot of damage, but all it takes is for your hair to get that little bit of extra damage on a daily basis and eventually it is noticed but by then it is too late to do anything about it. A lot of the members on this forum want to have the very best hair they possibly can, at what the rest of the world would consider to be ultra long hair lengths. To have that great hair, you can't let it accumulate damage on a daily basis.

You can wear your hair however you like, it is your hair after all. :) But while some of us will wear their hair down most of the time, it won't be a very large group. And I feel pretty safe in saying you won't find anyone in that group with classic or longer length. It is a system of hair care for long hair...from cleaning it to sleeping in it, to how one wears it on a daily basis, all designed to give you the best chances for long and strong hair. And it all is based on minimizing the potential for damage. Since hair cannot repair itself, and there are no treatments to repair it either, you must take care to preserve it.

Think about how long your hair is now, at 34 inches. Hair grows an average of 1/2 inch a month. Some are lucky enough to have more, but 1/2 inch is average. Also, at shoulder length, your hair is probably around 16-17 inches as measured here. So you have about 17-18 inches of length that took about 3 years to grow. If you aren't protecting your hair, that means more breakage and more frequent trims for damaged ends. Three years is a pretty big investment, and like I said before it is your hair to do with as you like. But it will probably never look as good as it could if you protected it most of the time, and only wore it down occasionally. And it won't grow as long as it could either.

Right now my hair is short. I cut it to get rid of dye as I am growing out my natural grey color. But even so, I am doing everything I can to protect my hair. My goal is classic and if I don't protect it now, it won't look very nice in a few years when I start getting nearer to my goal. I want it to look good when it gets to my goal.

July 23rd, 2011, 09:14 AM
The tangling, the damage from friction, the damage from hair getting caught in/under things. It all adds up. It may not seem like a lot of damage, but all it takes is for your hair to get that little bit of extra damage on a daily basis and eventually it is noticed but by then it is too late to do anything about it. A lot of the members on this forum want to have the very best hair they possibly can, at what the rest of the world would consider to be ultra long hair lengths. To have that great hair, you can't let it accumulate damage on a daily basis.

You can wear your hair however you like, it is your hair after all. :) But while some of us will wear their hair down most of the time, it won't be a very large group. And I feel pretty safe in saying you won't find anyone in that group with classic or longer length. It is a system of hair care for long hair...from cleaning it to sleeping in it, to how one wears it on a daily basis, all designed to give you the best chances for long and strong hair. And it all is based on minimizing the potential for damage. Since hair cannot repair itself, and there are no treatments to repair it either, you must take care to preserve it.

Think about how long your hair is now, at 34 inches. Hair grows an average of 1/2 inch a month. Some are lucky enough to have more, but 1/2 inch is average. Also, at shoulder length, your hair is probably around 16-17 inches as measured here. So you have about 17-18 inches of length that took about 3 years to grow. If you aren't protecting your hair, that means more breakage and more frequent trims for damaged ends. Three years is a pretty big investment, and like I said before it is your hair to do with as you like. But it will probably never look as good as it could if you protected it most of the time, and only wore it down occasionally. And it won't grow as long as it could either.

Right now my hair is short. I cut it to get rid of dye as I am growing out my natural grey color. But even so, I am doing everything I can to protect my hair. My goal is classic and if I don't protect it now, it won't look very nice in a few years when I start getting nearer to my goal. I want it to look good when it gets to my goal.

Thank you so very much for taking the time to answer me in such detail! I never knew it made a difference. I am a newbie and it has been a lot to take in. I shall keep this in mind and try wearing it up more. You are so right about just how long it takes to grow and I do need to protect it.

July 23rd, 2011, 09:34 AM
I used to wear my hair down, mainly because pony tails gave me such a headache and making a bun with dozens of bobby pins just, well, hurt.

However, since I've discovered the comfort of hair forks and sticks I wear it up most days, especially at work. Plus, I love how much more I can extend the time between shampoos when I put it up.

July 23rd, 2011, 11:14 AM
I would love to wear mine down more but on days I don't wash, it's bent from sleeping no matter what I try. I've slept with it in a scrunchy, metal-free ponytail hoder, etc. I'd love to wear it down more but I don't know how to keep the terrible cowlicks out of it that are caused by sleeping.

July 25th, 2011, 11:39 PM
Just wondering how many of you out there only wear their hair down when they go out? I never put it up- even yesterday when the heat hit 48 celcius here in southern Ontario I wore it all down. I love the way if flows when it's down and wear it with pride, so why pull it all back and hide it? Who out there agrees with me?


My hair sometimes gets stuck in/under my armpit area if I'm wearing a tank top or halter top, but that's no biggie. It doesn't stick to my neck, so I leave it down even in hot weather.

July 25th, 2011, 11:57 PM
I wore my hair mostly down, but not 100% of the time. It's very hard to make any up-do's with thick hair, and what I managed to make would either pull and weigh on my scalp, or they would unravel. I got frustrated with it and would give up after a couple of failed attempts...

In the winter big up-do's with a hair fork or ficcare have to fit under a hat.. Also I'm just a bit of a wild child, I like free flowing hair more. So for me to wear my hair down is the norm, and to wear a bun is special :)

For really hot weather I would most often do a braid.

My hair is very resilient though and wearing it down doesn't cause damage.

July 26th, 2011, 12:18 AM
I usually wear it down, but when its hot, I fold it up in a bun.

July 26th, 2011, 05:14 AM
When the weather is normal to cold (ie not ridiculously hot summer weather) my hair is always down.

July 26th, 2011, 05:39 AM
Mostly up to protect it. Hair forks are great for holding hair. I find they work better for me than hairsticks.. But yes I do lke to wear it down sometimes