View Full Version : Shampoo, is it really bad or good?

July 18th, 2011, 10:29 PM
Some people say good for cleansing your hair, others day harsh on your hair.
I tried to find a thread to do with this, but I'm not going to look through hundreds of thread to find it. So if anyone can show me a thread or just simply give their opinion, I would appreciate it.:)

July 18th, 2011, 10:36 PM
I'm sure you could google this question and get a balanced response on both sides of the argument.

In essence, we don't need to use shampoo--women way back in the 1800s didn't, but I'm sure they also had scalp complaints we didn't know of that today's shampoos may be able to help with. Add to that, our lifestyle of eating less healthy foods, rich in bad oils, and more chemicals and pollution, our hair is probably showing signs of that damage (not to mention the sun).

For me, I can't not use shampoo---I work outdoors, with horses and water just never works for me--in fact, water makes my hair very greasy.

However, there are many people with sensitivities or skin conditions that have benefited by just using water or conditioner and it's wonderful there is so much to choose from today, than having to just use nothing.

July 18th, 2011, 10:47 PM
I don't think it is bad yet using any shampoos with sulphates or chemicals makes me nervous now. I still will use them and I clarify a lot but they worry me after being on LHC. I only feel safe using organic SLS free... which I could not do without I have to use shampoo or I'm lanky and greasy. Water also gives me the greasies and CO is okay but I still feel dirty.

July 18th, 2011, 11:12 PM
I think it largely depends on your hair type and if you have any scalp issues. I've tried forgoing shampoo before, and it was alright. No remarkable changes to my hair. However, my scalp itchiness went off the charts, so I went back to shampoo.

July 18th, 2011, 11:14 PM
I say do what works for you. If what you do now works, keep with it, but don't be afraid to experiment for a few weeks to see if you like something else, you can always go back to what you were doing before if you don't like the results.

July 19th, 2011, 12:22 PM
The type of shampoo you use, and how you use it, is important.

Some shampoos are gentle, some are harsher.

A shampoo is meant to cleanse your hair..get rid of the gunk and oil on both your hair and your scalp.

Some here use shampoo at full strength, others dilute it.

You don't need a lot of lather to cleanse your hair.

I've been using the George Michael Pink Shampoo for decades. When I was a child my mom used White Rain shampoo on my hair.

I actually shampoo twice...once to remove the surface dirt and gunk. The second shampoo is massaged into the scalp to cleanse it. I use a tablespoon mixed with 8 ozs of warm water each time..and rinse thoroughly with both warm and cold water.

Because I hate snarls with a passion, I have devised a method of keeping my hair as tangle free as possible when shampooing and conditioning and it helps tremendously.

I wash my hair every 4 weeks and have been doing so for years.
My hair is brushed 100 strokes every day to help keep it clean between washings.

July 19th, 2011, 12:48 PM
Shampoo is not bad! Some people may have scalp problems or they choose not to use it because they switch to all natural things. Eggs, water... You may switch to an alternative way of washing (WO, CO, eggs...) but shampoo is not bad. There are mild shampoos and not everyone's hair and scalp suffers from using them every few days... I use Garnier Natural Care for dry hair and it leaves my hair WAY more shiny and soft than CO. So it depends on your choice and a few conditions.

If shampoo works for you, use it! Don't stop just because someone said it's better not. It's better for them, not necessarily for you. Of course you may experiment with alternative options, but if they don't work or if you like your routine- don't change it ;)

July 19th, 2011, 12:56 PM
I use shampoo only, but I try to get coconut-derived surfactants which are quite gentle. "Cocoyl" is the tip-off on the ingredients list. Some conditioners contain surfactants anyway, even if they're cone-free. The run of the mill system seems to be to put more surfactants and less cones in the shampoo and do vice versa in the conditioner - I don't see the point of doubling up, I do like a little bit of coney-ness, and I want my hair to be decently clean for my leave-in(s)...therefore, shampoo does it for me.

July 19th, 2011, 01:01 PM
I use shampoo (with sulfates) occasionally. I mostly CO wash, with the occasional CWC. And when I CWC, I dilute the shampoo. Personally, I find that shampoo and the lathering process tangles my hair, so I try to use it sparingly. The main thing I hated about having long hair last time I had it was the tangling. If I can minimize that, I'll be good to go!

July 19th, 2011, 01:21 PM
I can't use shampoo often. I CO wash every other day. If I use SLS shampoo my hair gets frizzy after washing and tangled next day and my scalp oily and smelly. I use shampoo just 3 times a month for buidup prevention, but this is the day I do a protein treatment and a deep moisturizing mask as well, so my hair doesn't suffer very much (well I have to deal with smelly scalp next day, so I have to CO).
I know people with great hair that use just shampoo and no CO, shampoo mixed with oil, CWC, the regural S&C, just water or no Water at all. I tried all these already and nothing is better for than washing my hair with a very light CO. As Neko says, do what is better for you.