View Full Version : Anyone having a HUGE case of hair envy lately?

July 16th, 2011, 02:28 PM
Hi everyone! I know it's horrible to have hair envy but I find myself getting more of it since I'm impatient about mine growing. I'm absolutely envious of my boyfriend's hair and his mother's hair! First off, my boyfriend has thick, gorgeous, wavy hair and it's way longer than mine. I believe its past the middle of his back and I find myself telling him to cut it because I want mine to be longer than his... Now, his mother's hair is about my length right now but she had gorgeous thick hair! It was AWESOME, and she did everything horrible to it. She blow dried, and straightened it with no protection. She is the reason I want to grow my hair out. But I'm very impatient, and I feel like maybe I should just chop my hair off. :(

July 16th, 2011, 02:34 PM
I definitely experience hair envy all of the time!! Whenever I see anyone (in "real" life) with long, healthy hair, I do get a bit jealous!

We'll be there eventually though!

July 16th, 2011, 02:55 PM
I definitely experience hair envy all of the time!! Whenever I see anyone (in "real" life) with long, healthy hair, I do get a bit jealous!

We'll be there eventually though!

Lol, I get jealous too when I see people in public with gorgeous, long hair. My mom laughs, because I'll be like "Aw, she has pretty hair, I love it." A second later, "I hate her!". Lol!

July 16th, 2011, 04:46 PM
When I see pretty long hair, I just wish my hair would hurry up and grow. I can't wait to reach my goal. :)

I also think you should focus on your own hair and not worry about what other people have going on. It's normal to admire long hair, but telling someone else to cut theirs because you're envious isn't very nice..


July 16th, 2011, 04:57 PM
Yes! Im currently envying my best friends hair! It's only APL but it grows much faster than mine and her length is where I want mine to be.
Thankfully I don't know anyone with super long hair anymore as I'd probably force them to sit and have buns done ;)

July 16th, 2011, 05:03 PM
I basically envy everyone with hair longer than a pixie-cut! :P

July 16th, 2011, 05:06 PM
Oh, once in a great while, I'll see someone whose hair is in gorgeous condition and very long (think knee length)..but then, I'll think to myself, but you can do more with what you've got, and the envy vanishes.

I know when you're just starting your hair quest, that envy and frustration can be rampant..but if you want beautiful, shiny, long hair, you've got to patient, and treat your hair gently, and be in the thing for the long haul.

Short hair, by the way, can be beautiful also (though to me it looks a lot better then it is all one length than spikey and chopped to pieces with layers). To each his/her own, I s'pose!

July 16th, 2011, 05:11 PM
Lol I get hair envy all the time but I try not to focus on it too much otherwise I would cry :'(

July 16th, 2011, 05:19 PM
We all have hair envy. Its life we have those jealous moments we have to look past them and look to the future.

July 16th, 2011, 05:35 PM
I'm always a little (okay, a lot) envious of people with super-thick hair. And curly hair. And coarser hair that doesn't break at the slightest pull.

I am learning to love the hair I was born with, truly, but sometimes it's hard.

And hair just grows so darn slow! Grow faster! *sigh*

July 16th, 2011, 05:41 PM
It always seems we want what we don't have. I'm dishwater blonde and want to be red. There are pleanty of curly-haired girls who would like straight hair, thick that would like thinner and more manageable, etc etc.

Not the people on TLCH, however. We're all exceptionally mature and well-balanced, not to mention beautiful. :)

July 17th, 2011, 04:11 PM
When ever I see anybody with longer than mine, i go into a day dream and think a few more years and mine will be that length!

July 17th, 2011, 04:28 PM
I'm always envious of people that have long, beautiful, healthy looking hair. I'm also super jealous of people that have fast-growing hair! My friend once cut her hair shorter than mine and in a year her hair was longer than mine. Made me kinda sad haha..

July 17th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I have extreme hair envy.. I think I suffer from the same emotions as with people who want to get pregnant and only see mums and babies, aswell as someone who wants to lose weight only sees skinny people, or someone who is lifting weights to gain muscles only see's hulks out and about. We pay more attention to the things we want. I just want long hair and all I can see are these girls with long beautiful hair... I compare myself the most to girls that are around the same age and lenght as me, so I can picture what my hair would look like if I had theirs. Drives me mad.

July 17th, 2011, 05:14 PM
I will admit to hair envy over some natural red-heads. When their hair is healthy and they have that rich glowing color--I just know my hair will never be that lusciously eye-catching.

I know part of it is that a man I was deeply in love with dated a red-haired woman after breaking up with me, so since then I've always felt a little resentful of redheads, and feel like they are somehow more "special" and desireable than me.

July 17th, 2011, 05:23 PM
I find myself looking at pictures of myself in high school etc when my hair was soooooo thick.... hormones have made my hair a lot thinner, and while most people would not notice it (at least I hope not), I feel very self conscious about it. :(

Anyone I see "in real life" with heavy, thick, long hair, I just love to gaze at it, lol. There are so many people here at LHC with gorgeous hair!

I keep telling myself that my hair is much longer and MUCH healthier now, even if it is a bit thinner.

July 17th, 2011, 05:33 PM

I know when you're just starting your hair quest, that envy and frustration can be rampant..but if you want beautiful, shiny, long hair, you've got to patient, and treat your hair gently, and be in the thing for the long haul.


AMEN .. patients .. cutting is not going to add length !! lol .. be good to your hair, let it get shiny and healthy no matter what length it is ..

July 17th, 2011, 05:46 PM
i have it too :(
im going to be a sophmore next year (yes my age is wrong on my profile) which will be my first year in the high school.
im not even to MBL yet :( And to top it all off, im on tons of vitamins to get my hair to grow but its only at an inch per month. I need to try that hair formula 37. it looks pretty convincing.

July 17th, 2011, 05:57 PM
Colormeindie, 1"/month is actually quite fast! Average is 1/2"/month.

I've got my share of hair envy. I envy the people who can do more with their hair- my hair is so very thick that at waist length (28"), I still can't do even the most basic buns because the thickness-to-length ratio is still too high. I also envy the natural color my mother and sister have - they inherited the very red hair that side of my family sometimes gets, while I got a more ordinary chestnut color.


July 17th, 2011, 06:04 PM
Not a HUGE case, but I have always admired my sister's hair. It's beautiful, thick waist length strawberry blonde/brown, and never looks messy :)

July 17th, 2011, 06:07 PM
I'll be honest, sometimes I wish short hair was the norm for people my age. Alot of girls at my high school have waist length hair (It's usually riddled with split ends, though.) But sometimes I wish they'd all have APL-BSL hair so that mine seems long in comparison.

Audrey Horne
July 17th, 2011, 06:16 PM
I have the "hair sadness" rather than hair envy :) When I see someone in public with gorgeous, thick, coarser hair I want to cry. Everything I see lately are these waists and TBs everywhere and I'm not even at BSL :( I become upset for a moment because it feels like I never reach my goal and may even chop it all off...

July 17th, 2011, 09:41 PM
Blazing Heart- it used to be about 1/8 to 1/4 at best before i started taking the vitamins. however i am a vegetarian so it makes growing even more difficult :/

July 17th, 2011, 09:47 PM
I get this a lot in the summer. People are flaunting their awesome hair and I'm there with my damaged not-even-shoulder-length hair. The hair envy calms down in the winter, but I'm hoping that I'll be the one flaunting my hair next summer.

July 18th, 2011, 12:09 AM
I envy my childhood best friend's naturally curly, red hair. I colored my hair her shade once and it looked really good on me - but upkeep was awful. What I wouldn't give for that color naturally.......

July 18th, 2011, 12:50 AM
I don't actually. I used to but I suppose I'm feeling more self accepting these days. I've been supershort for a year or two and now growing, and just enjoying how thick and wavy my hair is. I think most people here would cry if their hair were as short as mine, but to me it's getting long.
I also rarely see long hair in real life so I don't get a lot of opportunities to envy.

July 18th, 2011, 12:50 AM
I envy my childhood best friend's naturally curly, red hair. I colored my hair her shade once and it looked really good on me - but upkeep was awful. What I wouldn't give for that color naturally.......

That's what I envy:CURLS!!!:)

July 18th, 2011, 02:23 AM
I get this a lot in the summer. People are flaunting their awesome hair and I'm there with my damaged not-even-shoulder-length hair. The hair envy calms down in the winter, but I'm hoping that I'll be the one flaunting my hair next summer.

I bet you will! My hair was a little longer than yours last July and now it is more than halfway between APL and BSL. I finally feel like I have gotten somewhere , you can make it .

July 18th, 2011, 02:24 AM
ALL the time! Especially since my hair isn't really that great :(.

July 18th, 2011, 03:57 AM
right now im living in a city with the most longhairs ive ever seen irl.. that is quite hard sometimes, but see it as motivation.. dont want others to chop off there beauty, just try to get to that point too.
eventually if you try hard you can have it too. i remember being so envious of my best friends hair and the lead singer of the *****cat dolls,Nicole, now mine is longer than both of them and i actually laugh about the envious thing.. Happy growing!

July 18th, 2011, 04:01 AM
I'm envious or my friend. Her hair grows at an alarming rate. She has haircuts all the time and its still always longer than mine. Right now its at mid-back. Again :p. I swear, if she refrained from haircuts, her hair would be at hip by now. So jealous.

ETA: My boyfriend's hair sends me into bouts of jealousy too. Naturally dark red ( i kid you not), waist length, wavy. Gah.

July 18th, 2011, 05:09 AM
All The Time!!! My bff has this thick gorgeous tail bone length hair and she doesnt do a thing with it except wash it once a week! :rolleyes: Adn then there is me, thin, limp, frizzy barely to my shoulder blades hair...blah :(

July 18th, 2011, 05:48 AM
I am definitely suffering a lot of hair envy recently. Whether it's length, thickness, hemline, texture, or colour -- I'm always envious of a lot of hair I see in public :)

July 18th, 2011, 07:53 AM
All the time watching this forum... Especially the knee length and beyond thread... Still find them extremely beautiful :)

Plus seeing those Japanese girls with floor-length hair :) simply stunning.

Oh, and seeing any natural redhead :)

July 18th, 2011, 07:59 AM
I really do.

But I think everytime we get a little twinge of hair envy we should all take a second to appreciate that there are many people who would be envious of our hair! Whether it is shoulder... waist... knee... thin... thick.....wavy...straight black... red... blonde etc etc etc

It is really hard to do but worth it for a little bit of pride and motivation :D

July 18th, 2011, 08:00 AM
Most of my hair envy is contained to this forum. It is rare to see anyone with genuinely long hair around here. The receptionist at our vet's office is the only one I can think of. She has gorgeous, shiny, black, hip-length hair.

July 18th, 2011, 11:41 AM
YES! I just finished a Lord of the Rings marathon and envy most of the hair in that movie... :D

July 18th, 2011, 11:56 AM
Firefly, I have LOTR hair envy also. I also envy a couple of my hair idols on this thread....

July 18th, 2011, 06:13 PM
Yes! Every time I see nice straight hair, I go green with envy. What drives me really crazy is when people people say if your hair isn't in great condition its worth nothing. My hair thinks its strong, it sure does grow, and its never gonna look like shampoo commercial hair! All my life it has been, trim off the "dead ends", maybe if only let it grow to BSL, get it thinned, etc and always from people with different textured hair. I even grew it out all natural, never used heat, did everything right. Yep, I got that "advice" too. It wasn't any better. So when I see hair that could rock a shampoo commercial, I go green with envy every time. But I like my hair long, even if some people might deem it worthless.:p

July 18th, 2011, 08:07 PM
I will admit to hair envy over some natural red-heads. When their hair is healthy and they have that rich glowing color--I just know my hair will never be that lusciously eye-catching.

I know part of it is that a man I was deeply in love with dated a red-haired woman after breaking up with me, so since then I've always felt a little resentful of redheads, and feel like they are somehow more "special" and desireable than me.

Oh my goodness, I'm sorry that happened to you. I have a similar thought like that, except its with the boyfriend I have now. The girls he's previously been with before me were super skinny, darker than me, you know the total opposite. He always gets upset with me when I bring them up...

I find myself looking at pictures of myself in high school etc when my hair was soooooo thick.... hormones have made my hair a lot thinner, and while most people would not notice it (at least I hope not), I feel very self conscious about it. :(

Anyone I see "in real life" with heavy, thick, long hair, I just love to gaze at it, lol. There are so many people here at LHC with gorgeous hair!

I keep telling myself that my hair is much longer and MUCH healthier now, even if it is a bit thinner.

I know how that is! My hair was so thick, but then I got it thinned out, suffered bulimia and took meds so now my hair is way thinner. But your hair is absolutely GORGEOUS!!!

right now im living in a city with the most longhairs ive ever seen irl.. that is quite hard sometimes, but see it as motivation.. dont want others to chop off there beauty, just try to get to that point too.
eventually if you try hard you can have it too. i remember being so envious of my best friends hair and the lead singer of the *****cat dolls,Nicole, now mine is longer than both of them and i actually laugh about the envious thing.. Happy growing!

Your hair is the exact length I want mine to be!!! GORGEOUS!!! :agape: I don't know if I can keep up with my hair, I try to take care of it but no matter what I do I always get split ends! :wail:

July 18th, 2011, 08:23 PM
I bet you will! My hair was a little longer than yours last July and now it is more than halfway between APL and BSL. I finally feel like I have gotten somewhere , you can make it .

Yay! That's really encouraging. I can only hope to hit BSL by September 2012.

July 18th, 2011, 08:23 PM
I'm envious or my friend. Her hair grows at an alarming rate. She has haircuts all the time and its still always longer than mine. Right now its at mid-back. Again :p. I swear, if she refrained from haircuts, her hair would be at hip by now. So jealous.

ETA: My boyfriend's hair sends me into bouts of jealousy too. Naturally dark red ( i kid you not), waist length, wavy. Gah.

I know how it is about the boyfriend's hair, mine hair thick wavy middle of the back hair.

July 18th, 2011, 09:34 PM
Sometimes I am envious of my DD's hair! Even when she was 3 years old (at an age when most little girls have quite thin/fine hair) she had a big thick plait (with basically no taper) that people would oooh and aaaah over.

BUT I don't envy her for the tangles her thick, fine hair gets! Even with it cut fairly short and with an undercut to the top of her ears, she can't get a brush or the Tangle Teezer through it. Most mornings ends with her in tears and me trying to get her knots out... and she's at an age where she HATES it if I have to do her hair!! But wow does it tangle. I have no idea why it tangles so much!! It's just... wow...

For me, my hair may not be as naturally beautiful, but I can sleep with my BSL+ hair loose, and even with tossing and turning during the night I get hardly any tangles and those I do get are easy to remove.

Soo... when I find myself envying thick hair, I remember that it's not always what it's cracked up to be!!

Then I see someone with gorgeous super shiny fine hair, and I'm envious of it...but maybe hers splits more than mine, and maybe she needs to straighten it every day to get it to look like that.

I try and see the positives in my own hair even when I'm feeling down about it!! It CAN be difficult sometimes. I know my hair won't look its best until the damage is all gone and that will take YEARS... and it will also be years before last year's thinning has been completely eradicated and I no longer have these stupid much shorter hairs throughout my head making my ends thin and the top weirdly thicker!

July 19th, 2011, 01:04 PM
I keep seeing people with waist length hair and it makes me sooo jealous

July 19th, 2011, 01:09 PM
Oh my goodness, I'm sorry that happened to you. I have a similar thought like that, except its with the boyfriend I have now. The girls he's previously been with before me were super skinny, darker than me, you know the total opposite. He always gets upset with me when I bring them up...

Thanks for your kind words. These things are hard, aren't they?