View Full Version : I've Always Wondered...

July 15th, 2011, 09:06 PM
Whenever I wash my shoulders and back in the shower, I wonder if the bodywash is damaging my ends in some way. I know I certainly wouldn't wash my entire head in bodywash! so I wonder how negative an effect it has on the ends of my hair that trail through it.

What does everyone else think? Am I damaging my hair when it trails down my back and mixes with the bodywash? Do you do anything to keep your hair out of the way of your bodywash?

I thought for a minute, maybe I should wash and condition my hair at the end of my shower, but I know I would forget! I have washed my hair first all of my life. :p

July 15th, 2011, 09:11 PM
I move my hair out of the way so it doesn't mix with it. Then again, I don't really touch right around my shoulder blades with my wash cloth. I figure all the shampoo and conditioner is getting that part for me. :p I'm more concerned with washing areas that need to be cleansed daily. :) You could also just put it up in a clip until you've washed the soap from your back. I don't know about damage but I'm with you -- I wouldn't douse my hair in body wash.

July 15th, 2011, 09:14 PM
Whenever I wash my shoulders and back in the shower, I wonder if the bodywash is damaging my ends in some way. I know I certainly wouldn't wash my entire head in bodywash! so I wonder how negative an effect it has on the ends of my hair that trail through it.

What does everyone else think? Am I damaging my hair when it trails down my back and mixes with the bodywash? Do you do anything to keep your hair out of the way of your bodywash?

I thought for a minute, maybe I should wash and condition my hair at the end of my shower, but I know I would forget! I have washed my hair first all of my life. :p

I've thought the same since using CV bars, so now I wash my body first with my hair in a bun and then wash my hair after I'm done with body.

July 15th, 2011, 09:15 PM
I try to avoid getting the soap/wash I use on my body on my hair, especially since I don't use shampoo. I am concerned that soap/shampoo dry out my hair too much. It might be worthwhile to change your shower routine.

When I shower, I put my hair up in a shower cap before I get in the shower. Then I wash my body and face first and rinse everything off. If I want to WO or CO my hair, I take it out then and do my thing. If its not a wash day, obviously, I just leave it in the shower cap until I get out of the shower.

July 15th, 2011, 09:17 PM
I roll it into a bun and put on an old cloth scrunchie, my bf laughed when he saw it the first time but I honestly did'nt care as long as my hair did'nt get damaged!

July 15th, 2011, 11:11 PM
I use two plastic claw clips in some form of modified french twist when I'm in the shower. Generally, I start by doing a hybrid wash with shampoo on my scalp and conditioner on the length, twist it up on my head with the conditioner and shampoo still in it, go about my other washing duties, then uncoil it, rinse, condition and clip up again, shave, then rinse it all out. My hair really likes to soak in conditioner for a few minutes, so this routine works really well for me. It also has the added benefit of keeping my hair away from my body wash, though I still wonder if the little bits of facewash that get on my hair at the front of my crown are the reason for the "halo" that I get regularly...

July 15th, 2011, 11:14 PM
I wash my hair first as well, but I slather it in conditioner then put it up on top of my head until the final rinse. It deep conditions the ends that way! ;)

July 16th, 2011, 12:33 AM
I shampoo and condition my hair first, then I wash my back while holding my hair out of the way. I rinse my back and then let my hair back down. If I shampoo and condition after washing my body, the conditioner clogs the pores on my back and I break out. I, too, have wondered the same thing about body wash. I figure the best I can do is to wash it off before I let my hair back down.

July 16th, 2011, 12:46 AM
Yes I agree.

July 16th, 2011, 12:56 AM
Its crossed my mind too now my hair is longer. I wash my hair, pile on the conditioner, then wash my body. I'm hoping that the conditioner will protect my ends from the shower gel. I'm wondering about having a showercap on hand to keep it all extra protected.

July 16th, 2011, 01:07 AM
If I'm not washing my hair in the shower it's in a bun. So, the problem doesn't exist ;) I've started washing my hair bent over the bath so I also don't have to worry, but generally before when I just had a shower I didn't wash my shoulders with body wash if I were washing my hair. I'd always wash body when my hair was slathered in conditioner so I figure anyway the shampoo and conditioner dealt with any dirtiness on my shoulders adequately.

I suppose how bad the body wash would be for your hair depends on how harsh the body wash is. I'm not sure they are formulated that different to shampoos, but I'd have to check.

July 16th, 2011, 01:20 AM
I wash my hair first too, what I do is after rinsing the conditioner out I squueze most of the water out my hair and wrap it up on the top of my head in a towel or old tshirt to keep it lout the way while I bodywash. This way I don't get damage on my ends if it were to occur with bodywash and I remove any conditioner left on my shoulders and back that might clog up my skin.

July 16th, 2011, 03:45 AM
I have also thought about that more than once and I have always avoided that by whatever shower-acrobatics necessary... washing hair first and pile it on head, but then it was too long for that, so wash hair first, then put in towel, but then trying to not get the towel wet... :ponder:

July 16th, 2011, 05:23 AM
I always wash and condition my hair, clip it up with the conditioner on before starting on my body.

July 16th, 2011, 05:38 AM
I had an abscess over my tailbone one time and the doctor told me people often get them from conditioner running down their bodies and clogging pores. So now I always wash my hair first, and then scrub my back well, but I pull my hair to the front while doing that, rinse off, and then put my hair back in the back of me to wash the rest of my body. I never want to have another abscess, that was painful!

July 16th, 2011, 11:44 AM
I have clipped my hair up to wash my back for years. I think it is definitely important for my hair to not get soap on it, I can barely even shampoo it ever. I keep an octopus clip and scruchie in the shower.

July 16th, 2011, 12:43 PM
Lately I tend to slather the conditioner on (Suave for CO on the roots and crown, whatever heavier conditioner on the length) and then put it in a shower cap. I do my other showerly duties, then rinse my hair.

July 16th, 2011, 12:53 PM
I clip my hair while I let the conditioner soak in, both to keep the soap off my hair and to keep my hair out of the way.

July 16th, 2011, 02:38 PM
I bun my hair after I've washed and conditioned, to give the conditioner a chance to do its good work while I wash the rest of me. :)