View Full Version : Hair Casualty Curiousity

July 15th, 2011, 01:00 PM
The other night I went out to a cookout and let my hair down. Normally I keep it in braids because it currently resembles Medusa's snakey hair. Anywho I had some long dangly earrings on and within an hour my hair had tangled around the earring and I had to run into the bathroom to inspect the situation. Unfortunately I couldn't save the hairs :(

About twice or three times a month I have some sort of hair casualty, whether it be knots, hair being pulled out accidentally, jewelry, etc.. Even though I try to treat my hair well it seems inevitable. So I started thinking if I was the only one with hair casualties? Do you get them too and if so how often do you get them a week or month?

July 15th, 2011, 01:02 PM
Jewelry type makes a BIG difference. I've stretched my ears and now have a bunch of twisty one-piece 12g stuff, which at most hooks my hair and untwists again easily. Also, I can wear earrings again because the gauged metals are better than anything I got for normal pierced ears.

I haven't worn necklaces with clasps much in the last few years, but I know that a number of people here either re-string their pendants with ribbon, or get short sections of clear fishtank tubing to slide over clasps after necklaces are fastened. Both drastically reduce the hair-eating.

July 15th, 2011, 01:09 PM
If I use an elastic, there will be casualties. When I detangle, there will casualties. Hair barrettes etc. Casualties. When I forget and leave the window down in the car, casualties. Roll my hair up in the car window, get it caught in the door. I use to wear it layered and I'd have it thinned about twice a year. Its been awhile since I've needed any thinning since I began to let the layers grow out. I know I kill a lot of hair so I'm darn curious as to how long it can get in spite of all that.

July 15th, 2011, 01:48 PM
I'm so sorry that happened to you :(. Personally I'm so afraid of hair casualties usually I'm very careful. I'm obsessed, when my hair reaches BSL I start carrying around scissors or even sharp nail clippers because if anything happens to the ends of my hair: I find a split end or it gets tangled and needs to be carefully cut out I need to do it right then and there or else I freak out lol. Once I was out running errands and I found a split end and held it in my hand until I asked the florist in the grocery store if I could borrow her scissors for a second and she was like omg I totally understand I'm like that too :p. I used to wear necklaces a lot when my hair was much shorter but now I only wear them when my hair is up because I don't want it to snag or get tangled. I'm thinking preventative measures are key.

July 15th, 2011, 02:01 PM
I don't wear jewellery casually (if only some simple wooden or small metal earrings which don't attack any parts of me) but just yesterday a baby with a strong grasp unrooted a good chunk of my fringe during a stay-happy war.

I sat there for a good 3 minutes staring at the dozen-or-so strands in my hand wondering if I had a bald, red spot on my hairline or not.

July 15th, 2011, 02:02 PM
I stopped wearing necklaces to save my new hairs on the back from tangling there. Sad, poor fellows. Never had a chance.

July 15th, 2011, 02:08 PM
I am careful what jewelry I wear, and am very careful with my hair so I don't have too many casualties. Some small simple hoops that don't get caught on everything, a simple thin chain and I usually wear my hair up. When I don't I'm careful about the clasp and careful about my hair, keeping it smoothed underneath by laying it over my shoulder or finger combing if needed to keep it detangled. I think it actually gets easier to keep hair out of trouble as it is longer because you just have to, so you have good habits. However, wearing it up is the key for me.

That said, one of my most memorable hair-related moments was when my Flexi popped open when I was on a rollercoaster.....

July 15th, 2011, 02:19 PM
I paint for a living and sometimes I will get paint in my ends and it does a tone of damage!!!!

July 15th, 2011, 03:01 PM
My hair is fine and delicate. I break some hair every time I detangle it. Nevermind doing anything fancier. It's not anything to get heartbroken over, just remember the mistake and try to do better the next time.

These days, it's pretty rare for me to wear my hair down. I did for Passover, and I sometimes will run to the local coffeeshop with my hair down because they're a whole block away. But even that last... my hair will be up before the day is out.

July 15th, 2011, 04:18 PM
My indistructa-hair means that even though I occasionally get tangled with things, I can usually get my hair out without losing it. I am careful, though, about earrings. I'm usually more worried about damaging my admittedly sensitive ears than I am about a strand or two of hair.

July 15th, 2011, 04:46 PM
Having really fine hair this is something I should have problems with, however, I very rarely wear necklaces and when I wear dangly earrings I almost always have my hair up.

I do frequently dip my hair in food, though :lol:

July 16th, 2011, 07:07 AM
Having really fine hair this is something I should have problems with, however, I very rarely wear necklaces and when I wear dangly earrings I almost always have my hair up.

I do frequently dip my hair in food, though :lol:

I thought I was the only one who had food dipped ends!

July 16th, 2011, 07:51 AM
I haven't worn necklaces with clasps much in the last few years, but I know that a number of people here either re-string their pendants with ribbon, or get short sections of clear fishtank tubing to slide over clasps after necklaces are fastened. Both drastically reduce the hair-eating.

Glad I read this thread. Yesterday I had my hair up so thought it was safe to wear one of my necklaces. Not so. It got tangled in my fine nape hairs. :mad: Hair casualty! I will scrounge up some tubing. Of course I had a bunch of it before I started growing my hair out, but I've since Freecycled it. See, that's why I'm a packrat. :p Whenever I give something away, I find that I need it.

July 16th, 2011, 10:07 AM
For me it seems the only time I get my hair stuck in my necklaces is when its between shoulder length and apl... once I reach past apl, my hair seems to loose its magnetic attraction to my necklaces (watch now that I've said this, my hair will do it just to spite me!)

but that being said, because I've such fine delicate hair, I'm constantly breaking hairs whether its during de-tangling, or it gets stuck in the car door, or under my purse strap, I could go on and on...

I think I've hardened my heart to it, because if I let it get to me every time I had breakage I would be a muttering wreck never able to leave the house...

BUT that being said, I don't like it, and I try to do everything in my power to baby the hair I have, and avoid damage as much as possible, but its going to happen in my hair, and all I can do is baby it.

July 16th, 2011, 08:37 PM
Mine gets caught in the hinge of glasses: no way to move the hinge without taking off the glasses; no way to take off the glasses because the hair has them tied to the face...

The other problem I have is a lovebird that sits on my shoulder and can't resist grooming my hair. It doesn't sound like she bites it off, and I don't see little hairs afterwards, but there sure is a lot of short hair where she sits.

July 16th, 2011, 11:08 PM
My puppy used to bite off pieces of my hair while I was sleeping. Now he 'grooms' me by removing my hair ties and pawing out my sleep braids.

July 17th, 2011, 01:38 AM
I'm getting them on a regular basis since hubby recently replaced my wedding band with another ring that has a gap.

My hair gets caught in the gap whenever I run my hands through my hair (during washing, while I'm smoothing my hair to out it up, in my sleep, etc). Apart from that, I don't really get any hair casualties.

July 17th, 2011, 08:33 AM
Mine gets caught in the hinge of glasses: no way to move the hinge without taking off the glasses; no way to take off the glasses because the hair has them tied to the face...

The other problem I have is a lovebird that sits on my shoulder and can't resist grooming my hair. It doesn't sound like she bites it off, and I don't see little hairs afterwards, but there sure is a lot of short hair where she sits.

Oh yes, I have the glasses problem too, my hairs always seem to find a way into the hinges and then I am trapped!

July 17th, 2011, 08:34 AM
Duplicate posting

July 17th, 2011, 08:48 AM
I used to have the necklace problem like whoa. I wore a necklace my DBF gave me all the time except in the shower, and there would inevitably be a little group of hairs wound around it and caught in it by the end of the day. :( Now I either don't wear a necklace (not because of hair, but because I wore that locket until it nearly fell apart, and I really don't want to break it for good since it was the first gift DBF ever gave me) or my hair is up and it's not such an issue. I will have to look for some of that tubing, or some nice ribbon, though, as I'm asking for a substitute necklace soon.

I've also dragged my hair in food, but that wasn't a casualty since it washed right out. Back when I used a blow dryer I had a few hairs sucked through the back of it -- they came out all knotted and crispy through the front a week later. I've gotten it caught in twigs, car doors... when I wore it down all the time, my purse used to slide off my shoulder, taking down hairs that had been trapped between the purse strap and my shoulder. That happened almost daily. Updos solve most of those problems. The one thing I'm having trouble with is detangling. I usually hear a few snaps during each session. I'm trying to do better, but it's hard to ease off in time, since I have so many fragile hairs.

In short, you are far from being alone in your "hair casualties." I think many of us understand. :blossom: I most definitely do. :lol:

July 17th, 2011, 08:50 AM
My hairs like to get stuck in the links of my watch, if I didn't need to know what time it was I think I would not wear one.
That happens to me too sometimes. :p I love my watch, it's one of my favorite possessions, but I have to remember not to let the clasp area too near to my hair.

July 17th, 2011, 08:56 AM
my son damages my hair more than anything. He manages to rip at the hairs right at the nape, even though my hair is up in a bun always. That area is now frizz city due to him! I imagine that as he gets older, it will get better!