View Full Version : Large Flexi-8; hoping to swap for XL

June 23rd, 2008, 09:59 PM
I bought this Large silver-toned Flexi-8 about a year ago, I think? I've never "worn" it. When it first arrived, I put it in my hair for 2 minutes to take the pic shown below. It's been sitting on the dresser ever since. I had thought it might be OK over buns, but on my thicker-end-of-ii hair, no such luck.

So, I'm hoping there might be someone out there with an Extra Large Flexi-8 that doesn't work for them, who might want to swap?

My only real criteria is that it cannot be gold-toned, since I only wear silver-toned jewellery etc. I would prefer as simple a design as possible, but I'm open to anything, realistically.

Any chance? I might consider a swap for another hairtoy, but not immediately, since I really do want to try an Extra Large Flexi-8 and I'm hoping someone might come along. Not considering a sale at this point, thank you.

Pic (click for larger version):

http://farm1.static.flickr.com/197/480919722_a7182a954f_m.jpg (http://farm1.static.flickr.com/197/480919722_a7182a954f_b.jpg)

June 30th, 2008, 07:34 AM
Bump. :)

And extra blah so that LHC accepts my post. :D