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View Full Version : I think I have to invoke the 2 week rule :|

July 8th, 2011, 10:09 AM
My fringe/bangs are currently about 1/2 inch below my chin (with the exception of the wispies from my post-partum shed which are anywhere between eyes and nose). I love the curls I get in this section of my hair, but they are unruly and I don't like the way it looks at my hairline. I end up shoving these pieces behind my ears, into bobby pins or a headband because they get in my way at work.

And then there's up do's. I feel like the fringe is too long to leave hanging, but it's not quite long enough to securely stay in whatever updo I choose. I hate the skinned back look on myself, too, so I would LIKE to have some loose pieces to soften the look of up do's.

Of course, I have no pictures at the moment because I can't take a picture that I deem decent because I'm obsessing over the stupid fringe. GAH! (I'll try and upload something tonight).

I am planning to go to the salon in August for a trim in advance of my high school reunion. I have made the decision a few times to have her cut my fringe, and then changed my mind again. For those of you who have been in a similar predicament, did you cut fringe? If so, did you love it?

July 8th, 2011, 10:23 AM
I am pretty much in the same predicament! I have these short weirdo baby bangs thanks to Monistat, and my real bangs are about a half inch below chin, too. I'm growing mine out. I've wanted to and always cut back when they got annoying and then tried to regrow. Rinse and repeat. This time I'm sticking to it. It sucks though, as you know. If you're intent on trying to grow them out, then stay with it. There is always an awkward phase to get through.

What I do is what you have done: bobby pins and headbands. The only updo I do is a ponytail. My go-to style is a half-up. But lately I find that, after I shower, if I part my fringe in the other direction and let it dry, after it dries I can either wear it like that if it looks decent, or I move it back to the other side and it usually looks good to wear down without securing it with pins or a headband.

Also, what I do every night after my shower, is comb my bangs how I want them to lie. Then I secure them with flat barrettes. Usually 3 on each side. It's my little method of attempting to "straighten" them out so they aren't so curly and unruly. I leave them in until they dry. It leaves a little crease but I sleep on it and they are gone in the morning.

July 8th, 2011, 10:29 AM
Wish I could help you with this. But i always feel the same about fringe. I did cut them 2 years ago and i liked them and kept them for year and a half. It's fun! you can change them, experiment, they grow fast, but they also require some more efforts...in styling them and they can get annoying. At the moment they are same length as yours and I made some face framing layers with my fringe and some nearby hair, you can check pictures, i love it!
But i also miss my short fringe.

So to put it this way, I think you will like it if you cut it! since obviously you've been wanting it for quite a while. Later on they might annoy you or you will want to grow them out..( remember why you grew them out this time???)..then there will be some super weird stages of length..but in general they can grow to chin length pretty fast.

I'd like to see some pictures. now, and some old with shorter fringe maybe? then i/we can give you honest opinion and help decide if you can't decide yourself.

July 8th, 2011, 11:09 AM
I always try to grow out my bangs and then realize I look much better w/ very thin wispy bangs than w/ no bangs at all. Wait a few weeks to be sure it is what you really want, but if you still feel like you look better w/ bangs, I say do what makes YOU feel happy.:)

July 8th, 2011, 11:13 AM
I cut myself some baby bangs. If I had stopped there, I'd be fine. But I added another thin layer cut at chin level. That I'm gonna just let it grow. I'm not sure what I was thinking when I added that little layer. That is the most annoying length for hair to be at. In three months it will be longer and not a problem so I'm just gonna try to leave it alone rather than make thicker bangs. I like bangs because my face is longer, so those I'll keep. But don't cut just because its awkward, hold out for the look that will please you most.

July 8th, 2011, 11:15 AM
if you can get them behind your ears it won't be long before you can get them into a pony or updo, but if you like the look of bangs on yourself more then not having them, I'd just go a head and get them, keep yourself happy

July 8th, 2011, 12:08 PM
My bangs are about that long. Awful length, isn't it? Whenever I think about cutting them, I think long term. Since I only like bangs until a few weeks after the cut, I've decided to just suck it up and let them grow. It isn't so bad, though. They're finally long enough that I can do cool braids and such to them. And I can finally tuck them behind my ears, which ALWAYS drives me insane when they're shorter.

July 8th, 2011, 12:30 PM
I'm exactly the same, I don't want to keep a fringe but then again I /hate/ the look of all my hair scrapped back without it :/

I might just make the decision to keep a fringe and then just trim it myself regularly and not think about it in terms of growing my hair. Just accept that it need to be there so I don't frighten children when I'm wearing updo's ;)

As I am sure that you look lovely fringe or note... and if it is just a case of finding it annoying to grow out then maybe you can stick with it until it's at a good length to be pinned back :)

July 8th, 2011, 12:32 PM
Oh bangs...I have been growing and cutting for about 4 years now! I really wanted heavy, sideswept bangs that I was determinged to flatiron regularly. Well the hairstylist didn't listen and I ended up with this weird, wispy lock of hair. So then I picked up the scissors. Can you see where this is going? For a while I experimented but couldn't get it right. After years of many disasters I started to look into haircare and those awfull bangs became face framing pieces.

But I digress. I can't tell you what to do, but I can give few tips for styling. There are a lot of ways to hide bangs, depending on length. I used to part my hair to the side and do a lace braid, but I would add some of the normal length hair. That way the braid could be braided with the rest of the hair as an accent braid, or you could wrap it around a bun. You can try different braids or section it diferently for different looks. HTH :cheese:

July 8th, 2011, 08:39 PM
Here's some pictures...not the best, so please don't laugh. ;) Thoughts welcome, though!

Well, OK, you can laugh at this one...OLD picture of bangs

A typical updo from the front...don't mind the frizz - I had been in the back yard with the boys all afternoon and it was HOT

Same updo from the back...don't mind the stray bobbypins. I have no idea what i was trying to do there.

Except for the flower, a typical bangs-up style

hair down, after being up all day, and in need of a wash, but you kind of get the idea.

I'm thinking if I do go back to bangs, it'll be something more along the lines of this rather than that first bangs picture (:eek:). I'm not sure how it would look blended into the longer hair, though.

July 8th, 2011, 08:44 PM
I like the long bangs look on you, and I think that would look great with APL hair!

I like changing up my bangs; it gives me something new to do with my hair without sacrificing length. No shame in growing out then cutting back, enjoy!

July 9th, 2011, 09:34 AM
I too liked the long bangs or how they are now. I also thought you looked pretty in the picture with the flower. I don't think you have to have bangs. It all comes down to what YOU want. :)

If you feel that you like having the bangs then get them trimmed. Just make sure that before you do you think thoroughly about why you started to grow them out in the first place. If those reasons are still valid I would just tough it out for now. If they are able to be tucked behind your ears it's not long before they can be secured into updos. :)