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View Full Version : I figured out what makes me wanna cut it off - uneven ends!

July 7th, 2011, 07:21 AM
I think I finally figured out why I have the urge to always cut my hair, its the uneven ends! Maybe I (we) focus too much on what the hair looks like at the back? But when you wear your hair down on your front side and run your hands through it your hair automatically looks ''uneven'' and you dont focus so much on inches and centimeters that needs to be trimmed down. I just took a pic from the back and I think my hair looks so uneven I wanna trim off at least 5 centimeters. But when I put less focus on what it looks like at the back and more focus on what it looks like when it frames my face I suddenly dont feel the same urge anymore.

I should really put less focus on looking at my hair from behind! I just realised everytime Ive cut my hair its been because of this reason!

Do you think uneven ends is a big deal or obsession?

July 7th, 2011, 07:45 AM
It's not like random strangers see my ends anyway. It's very unusual for me to go out with my hair down and loose. My partner sees my hair down the most, and his main interest in my hair is that it's soft to touch, and braids can be fun to tug when we're playing around and being silly together. I will sometimes wear my hair down to family parties if it is a suitably grand occasion like Passover. Otherwise, my hair is braided or bunned.

Family members might comment if I'm wearing a new bun and it has turned out well. No comment doesn't mean it's ugly, just it's not worth chattering about. Chances are we've got more important things to talk about, like driving practice, or who is going to keep an eye on my nephew over the weekend, or plotting various home improvement projects. Or dinner. We all like to cook, so dinner is much more important than hair.

Benign neglect is my friend :).

July 7th, 2011, 08:31 AM
To trim or not to trim uneven ends. Trim them if they really bother you, other way you can keep growing. It depend on you and how do you feel about the ends. I won't chop it, only regular small trims.

July 7th, 2011, 08:37 AM
I can't handle them. Or rather, I can only handle a certain degree of them. Since I have/ am trying to get rid of layers some degree of uneven hem is guaranteed. Once it looks extra uneven or thin though I cut. Probably why I can't get past MBL and have been stuck here for like a year.

July 7th, 2011, 08:48 AM
I like nice, even ends, too.
Trimming hasn't kept my hair from growing long.

July 7th, 2011, 04:05 PM
I just about never wear my hair loose, but having uneven ends bugs me anyway. I'm so vain I even prefer my braid tassel to look thick and orderly. :shrug: I think the key is just don't cut too much off. and also, for me, not to cut it myself because I won't know when to say good enough stop already and then bad things happen.

July 7th, 2011, 04:19 PM
My ends are a bit uneven, too. I just learned to ignore it and remember that my hair is healthy and growing. When I'm at a good goal length, then I'll change my goal to having even ends. Until that comes, I just want my hair to grow.

July 8th, 2011, 09:09 AM
While you may want to grow your hair long, consider giving it small trims every 3 months to get rid of any splits/damage.

If you leave your hair untrimmed, any damage you have in those strands will only become worse as your hair ages.

What is the benefit of having long hair that looks damaged because you did not trim every so often?

To make it look nice, you then HAVE to trim that long hair..and maybe trim it a LOT to make it look nice...and so you've wasted all that time growing..only to have to trim it so that it looks healthy! What a waste of time! Bottom line: trim every 3 or 4 months...keep your ends healthy! Trimming WILL NOT hurt your hair. It will HELP your hair by keeping those fragile ends in good condition...instead of all split and damaged and prone to more splitting.

You can apply all kinds of "split" mender products on your hair but the damage has been done! The hair strand is compromised. It will continue to split unless it is cut off.

July 8th, 2011, 12:59 PM
While you may want to grow your hair long, consider giving it small trims every 3 months to get rid of any splits/damage.

If you leave your hair untrimmed, any damage you have in those strands will only become worse as your hair ages.

What is the benefit of having long hair that looks damaged because you did not trim every so often?

To make it look nice, you then HAVE to trim that long hair..and maybe trim it a LOT to make it look nice...and so you've wasted all that time growing..only to have to trim it so that it looks healthy! What a waste of time! Bottom line: trim every 3 or 4 months...keep your ends healthy! Trimming WILL NOT hurt your hair. It will HELP your hair by keeping those fragile ends in good condition...instead of all split and damaged and prone to more splitting.

You can apply all kinds of "split" mender products on your hair but the damage has been done! The hair strand is compromised. It will continue to split unless it is cut off.

True, you should get a handle on splits. S&D if you see any and get a trim if needed. But sometimes people have an uneven, "fairytale" hemline due to old layers or just uneven growth. It may not necesarily be the result of splits.