View Full Version : Other slow growers/short end goals?

July 5th, 2011, 06:29 AM

sometimes it is hard to come to LHC if you're a person whose hair doesn't grow. Many of you know my story, but in a nutshell - recovering bleach addict, no heat or dye since 2005, lost half my hair after baby, and have been between APL and BSL for 6 years.

My hair at the roots is thicker than it has ever been, scalp healthier, and my hair is soft and sometimes even shiny for the first time in my life.

But I don't think it will ever grow past BSL max.

So I am changing my goal from waist to BSL 'with a thick hemline.'

Anyone else? Slow growers, hair loss victims, others whose hair might never be 'long' by LHC standards?

let our voices be heard! :D


July 5th, 2011, 06:57 AM
i don't know if my eyes deceive me, but your profile pic looks waist length (or almost!) to me

July 5th, 2011, 07:25 AM
Well, I am a hair loss victim with very thin ends! They can look okay sometimes... but I can't wear braids (or I won't) because the ends are embarrassing! It also makes for pitiful buns... you'd never guess I had almost waist length hair from one of my buns!

My roots are thicker now, and I think I could get a reasonable circumference (a solid ii but nothing exciting lol) once my hair grows back more.

I can't say I have a short end goal, as I haven't been trying long enough to thicken my ends to decide that it won't work (if that makes sense). My ends are pitiful now, but I do have hope that in time they'll thicken up, and I'll be able to grow hip length hair with a reasonable hemline. However, I estimate this will take some years as the thickness hasn't all even reached chin length yet (maybe to the top of my ears on the side where my part is... not as long on the other side).

July 5th, 2011, 08:07 AM
I have been between APL and BSL for the past 2 years. Oddly enough, I don't really get split ends, they just sort of thin out...I'm still not sure why I haven't had any growth in all this time. I'm thinking that maybe I've gone too long between trims and the hairdresser always tells me she is going to trim only the thinned out ends, but for as much as I know, after going 6 months between trims, that might be even 2 inches or more. So now that I found LHC and I am monitorizing my hairgrowth and going for trims every 3 months, I hope my hair will grow more and reach at least MBL if I can't reach waist. I'd be happy with MBL:). If it were healthy and had a thick hemline. Well...we'll see:rolleyes:

July 5th, 2011, 08:54 AM
I'm a slow grower due to damage I think. My top layers don't seem to grow much. I thought I was average for the longest time but due to a poor diet I usually gain less than over 0.5 growth per month. I've stopped dying and heat styling but have been stuck around shoulder since September-ish. I've recently started re-taking a hair, skin and nails supplement and gained a bit more growth.

July 5th, 2011, 05:00 PM

sometimes it is hard to come to LHC if you're a person whose hair doesn't grow. Many of you know my story, but in a nutshell - recovering bleach addict, no heat or dye since 2005, lost half my hair after baby, and have been between APL and BSL for 6 years.

My hair at the roots is thicker than it has ever been, scalp healthier, and my hair is soft and sometimes even shiny for the first time in my life.

But I don't think it will ever grow past BSL max.

So I am changing my goal from waist to BSL 'with a thick hemline.'

Anyone else? Slow growers, hair loss victims, others whose hair might never be 'long' by LHC standards?

let our voices be heard! :D


I just wanted to say that I know exactly hw you feel Katze! I was stuck a couple of inches past BSL for around 3 years, just accepting that it wouldn't grow any more. I even chopped it all off as I was so annoyed with it! But I found LHC, and now I'm closing in on waist with thick ends :) I think before, just all of the damage was making the ends break off at the same rate my hair was growing! So have hope :D

July 5th, 2011, 05:12 PM
My hair's in good shape, but right now I just can't imagine anything longer than APL to BSL. Shoulder is the very longest it's ever been in my life, so APL looks long to me! I truly admire and enjoy the beautiful lengths that others have, but I don't personally feel the bug to get my hair as long as possible.

July 5th, 2011, 06:15 PM
I wonder what really IS long by LHC standards. I see a lot of waist goals but also some people saying their hair is "just waist". Personally, I'd be happy with BSL and would feel it's "long".

July 5th, 2011, 07:52 PM
I wonder what really IS long by LHC standards. I see a lot of waist goals but also some people saying their hair is "just waist". Personally, I'd be happy with BSL and would feel it's "long".

LHC has the effect of making what would ordinarily be "long" hair, not very long at all!

Now, before LHC I saw waist as sort of the epitome of "long hair" but since seeing so many people with longer... waist just seems sort of "midlength" to me now.

It also depends on your own experience. If you've had short hair all your life, then BSL may feel long...but if you've typically always had BSL+ hair, then it's not going to feel long at all. Perspective has a way of changing depending on the people you're around!

July 5th, 2011, 08:08 PM
My hair grows very slowly. It's also very weak, and get split ends easily. I've been taking my vitamins and doing my scalp massages and using my oils, and my hair has gotten much stronger and I think the growth rate is accelerating.

July 5th, 2011, 08:37 PM
I am definitely a slow grower! For now, I take omega-3 and some B-vitamins to help my average health but also my hair. (Okay, mostly for my hairgrowth, but don't tell anyone) :D

July 6th, 2011, 12:26 AM
Slow-grower here. I had lovely waist length hair about 3 years ago, then got a terrible haircut and my hair hasn't recovered since :/ I do take good care of my hair since I found LHC, but I swear I'm losing WAY more hair now then I ever did with benign neglect. I think I just shocked my hair with too much "pampering?" :disgust:

Well, anyways... just checking in to say "i hear ya!!" :grouphug:

July 6th, 2011, 12:47 AM
i don't know if my eyes deceive me, but your profile pic looks waist length (or almost!) to me

It was about an inch from waist in that pic-BSL and waist are two inches apart for me (big bust, short waist) but I am also sitting crooked in the picture (raced to make the timer). My ends were very thin (have been thin all the time) and I chopped shortly thereafter - that pic is from early 2010.

Well, I am a hair loss victim with very thin ends! They can look okay sometimes... but I can't wear braids (or I won't) because the ends are embarrassing! It also makes for pitiful buns... you'd never guess I had almost waist length hair from one of my buns!

I can't say I have a short end goal, as I haven't been trying long enough to thicken my ends to decide that it won't work (if that makes sense). My ends are pitiful now, but I do have hope that in time they'll thicken up, and I'll be able to grow hip length hair with a reasonable hemline. However, I estimate this will take some years as the thickness hasn't all even reached chin length yet (maybe to the top of my ears on the side where my part is... not as long on the other side).

Oh, I hear you on the braids. Long braids were why I wanted long hair in the first place...but they look so sad and unhealthy (they aren't).

I was waiting for my ends to thicken up before I lost my hair, but the difference between new growth and old is like night and day. The hairdresser even showed me the other day where there is a 'hole' in my hair where my curly undercanopy hasn't grown longer.

So you're someone else who has chosen length over thickness? It seems like there are a lot more here than we think there are...curious, was your reason so you could put it up?

I have been between APL and BSL for the past 2 years. Oddly enough, I don't really get split ends, they just sort of thin out...I'm still not sure why I haven't had any growth in all this time. I'm thinking that maybe I've gone too long between trims and the hairdresser always tells me she is going to trim only the thinned out ends, but for as much as I know, after going 6 months between trims, that might be even 2 inches or more. So now that I found LHC and I am monitorizing my hairgrowth and going for trims every 3 months, I hope my hair will grow more and reach at least MBL if I can't reach waist. I'd be happy with MBL:). If it were healthy and had a thick hemline. Well...we'll see:rolleyes:

Well, I had the same thing, went really long between trims (and try to trim only when it looks terrible. Even the hairdressers say there are no splits to be found on my thin ends, 'they're just thin'. Uh, yeah, I lost my hair in HANDFULS for 4 months after my girl was born.

My problem is I have been doing all this SINCE LHC. Gentle hair care is not a new thing to me, and I thought if I just took care of it, it would grow.

It's the thick hemline I am looking for, too. With my hairtype, seethrough hair looks ratty and damaged even when it's not.

I just wanted to say that I know exactly hw you feel Katze! I was stuck a couple of inches past BSL for around 3 years, just accepting that it wouldn't grow any more. I even chopped it all off as I was so annoyed with it! But I found LHC, and now I'm closing in on waist with thick ends :) I think before, just all of the damage was making the ends break off at the same rate my hair was growing! So have hope :D

Wow. And I am guessing you didn't have hairloss?

I've been here since early 2006, I think. More than five years. When I was pregnant, my hair was almost at waist, and so thick that I didn't know what to do with it. I would like to have some of that hair back now!

My hair's in good shape, but right now I just can't imagine anything longer than APL to BSL. Shoulder is the very longest it's ever been in my life, so APL looks long to me! I truly admire and enjoy the beautiful lengths that others have, but I don't personally feel the bug to get my hair as long as possible.

Same for me. I don't want to be able to sit on it, but I want it to LOOK long, and look healthy.

I wonder what really IS long by LHC standards. I see a lot of waist goals but also some people saying their hair is "just waist". Personally, I'd be happy with BSL and would feel it's "long".

Good question. Floor length? :D

Real BSL did feel long, when I had it (I don't count it as BSL when just a few hairs are at that length - that feels like cheating).

And I also have to remember that my hair was never long, not even as a kid - I didn't have the patience to let my mother comb and care for it - so between BSL and waist is the longest has ever been. But it didn't feel like quality length, and the thin ends were very noticeable.

I also think I just have severe taper, genetically.

LHC has the effect of making what would ordinarily be "long" hair, not very long at all!

Now, before LHC I saw waist as sort of the epitome of "long hair" but since seeing so many people with longer... waist just seems sort of "midlength" to me now.

It also depends on your own experience. If you've had short hair all your life, then BSL may feel long...but if you've typically always had BSL+ hair, then it's not going to feel long at all. Perspective has a way of changing depending on the people you're around!

Yeah, you're right. And it all depends on genetics. I don't think that many people with fine wavy hair really can or do grow it long, unless their hair is thick (Spidermom) and they spend a lot of time at it.

DH has fine wavy/wurly hair (he is between a 2 and 3 type) and it grows like a weed, but mats up really easily into involuntary dreads. It's as long as mine right now, and at least twice as thick, and he's turning 40 in a few weeks. Sigh. I think we would be happier if we could trade hairtypes - mine tangles less easily, his is thicker and a prettier color/wave.

It's nice to hear there are others here whose hair won't (or couldn't) reach lengths that are considered 'long' by LHC standards. The point, I think, is to maximize what you've got with the best care possible, but for me, not getting any results from that care is really frustrating.

One final note for mixed and unmaneageble hair types - PRODUCT. As in gel, mousse, and leave-ins. This is the only thing that makes my hair presentable and I recommend it to others with new growth, natural layers, and other things that make your hair not look smooth or tidy.

July 6th, 2011, 12:53 AM
For the past 6 months or so, my growth has been slow due to illness and stress. I really hope it starts to pick up now that the illness is almost gone and the sources of stress have disappeared. I've been around BSL for ages chopping out layers - *really* hope to get close to waist this year.

July 6th, 2011, 12:55 AM
Feeling your pain. Mine is growing slowly, do much so I'm resorting to Monistat, oiling and a skin, hair and nail vitamin.
I think like previous posters though as I have about 3 inches of bleach damage on the ends I refuse to cut, that they are breaking off faster than I grow! I never have splits either! Just breakage.

July 6th, 2011, 01:01 AM
I was waiting for my ends to thicken up before I lost my hair, but the difference between new growth and old is like night and day. The hairdresser even showed me the other day where there is a 'hole' in my hair where my curly undercanopy hasn't grown longer.

So you're someone else who has chosen length over thickness? It seems like there are a lot more here than we think there are...curious, was your reason so you could put it up?

I've also been shown by the hairdresser a weird bit in my undercanopy. She asked me if I had hair damage or something that would account for why it was so much shorter (this is before I had hair loss so it wasn't that) and yet my hair's actually fairly strong and doesn't break... I think it just doesn't grow as much underneath!

As for choosing length over thickness...My reasoning is mainly that whether I cut out all the thinness now, or gradually cut it out, it will still take just as long to have my goal length hair at my goal thickness. Sometimes I toss up whether I should just go get 6" cut off... but then I feel physically ill at the thought lol... I was already growing out a shoulder length cut at the time when I had my hair loss and I really didn't want to go back there (and although I had it cut to just past my shoulders, it shrunk up into a poofy bob-like thing that didn't hit my shoulders).

So, for now I'm just working at trimming regularly, wearing my hair up a lot, and hoping that it doesn't look too bad!! I may reach a stage though where I do get a bit whacked off the end in frustration...

July 6th, 2011, 02:17 AM
I am joining this group for sure!
As you can see, I joined here in 2006 and my hair has grown and lost the same 3 inches over and over again, it gets to a certain length and almost overnight it goes from being ok to being a moody petulant brat that will not behave no matter how nicely I treat it with lovely treatments etc:rolleyes:

July 6th, 2011, 02:26 AM
I've also been shown by the hairdresser a weird bit in my undercanopy. She asked me if I had hair damage or something that would account for why it was so much shorter (this is before I had hair loss so it wasn't that) and yet my hair's actually fairly strong and doesn't break... I think it just doesn't grow as much underneath!

As for choosing length over thickness...My reasoning is mainly that whether I cut out all the thinness now, or gradually cut it out, it will still take just as long to have my goal length hair at my goal thickness. Sometimes I toss up whether I should just go get 6" cut off... but then I feel physically ill at the thought lol... I was already growing out a shoulder length cut at the time when I had my hair loss and I really didn't want to go back there (and although I had it cut to just past my shoulders, it shrunk up into a poofy bob-like thing that didn't hit my shoulders).

So, for now I'm just working at trimming regularly, wearing my hair up a lot, and hoping that it doesn't look too bad!! I may reach a stage though where I do get a bit whacked off the end in frustration...

Mesmerize, do you have different textures? Could that be? Compared to my canopy hair, my underlayer/nape hair is coarse and kinky-curly. It is now almost shoulder length, the longest it's ever been, and I put leave-in into it almost every day to try to give it what it wants. I think if you have mixed types on the same head it makes it really hard to care for the different hair types appropriately! That is definitely part of my problem...could it be yours?

I am joining this group for sure!
As you can see, I joined here in 2006 and my hair has grown and lost the same 3 inches over and over again, it gets to a certain length and almost overnight it goes from being ok to being a moody petulant brat that will not behave no matter how nicely I treat it with lovely treatments etc:rolleyes:

Yay, yes, I thought of you, Gilly. you know you're not alone. :D

My hair just looks like crap so much of the time. I know people look at it and see unhealthy hair, which is totally unfair, but it's something I can't change. Just 'putting it up and forgetting it' isn't an option either unless it is freshly washed and at its best OR greasy and slicked down with gel and oil.

Anyone else? Slow growers, short-despite-good-care, you are welcome here!

July 6th, 2011, 02:33 AM
Yay, yes, I thought of you, Gilly. you know you're not alone. :D

My hair just looks like crap so much of the time. I know people look at it and see unhealthy hair, which is totally unfair, but it's something I can't change. Just 'putting it up and forgetting it' isn't an option either unless it is freshly washed and at its best OR greasy and slicked down with gel and oil.

Anyone else? Slow growers, short-despite-good-care, you are welcome here!

Katze, I could hug you for just understanding!!!:flowers:

July 6th, 2011, 02:42 AM
Mesmerize, do you have different textures? Could that be? Compared to my canopy hair, my underlayer/nape hair is coarse and kinky-curly. It is now almost shoulder length, the longest it's ever been, and I put leave-in into it almost every day to try to give it what it wants. I think if you have mixed types on the same head it makes it really hard to care for the different hair types appropriately! That is definitely part of my problem...could it be yours?

Yeah, my underneath layer is much wurlier than the canopy...it forms full on curls, whereas most of my waves on the top aren't even all that wavy... my hair has a lot of randomness! It's actually reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with such mixed hair! I call myself 2a, but it probably ranges from 1c to at least 2c in differen't parts of my head!

July 6th, 2011, 06:26 AM
I'm so sorry for your very slow growt :flower:
Also my hair grows not so fast, something like 3-4 inches a year, if i'm lucky...
My goal is tailbone and now I am around waist. I don't think to change my goal, let's see, I wonder I could reach tailbone, I don't know if I could really reach it in future and I don't know when, I wish I could, that's all!
If I will not reach my goal I will improve my hemline and the thinckness of my ends :)
we have to be very very patient :) anyway your hair seems longer than something between bsl and waist, and it seems so soft!

July 6th, 2011, 07:45 AM
My hair grows at its own pace. It is so fine though that I am not sure that getting to classic will happen. I have made tailbone once before but the ends needed work.
I really think it will amazing if I can get that far. Yes I should consider myself lucky. But I do sometimes feel a bit envious when I see the I get more than 1 inch a month of growth type posts - in fact I have read on here of people with 2-3 inches a month and they can trim 6 inches a year and grow 6. That makes me feel rather inadequate.

July 6th, 2011, 12:02 PM
Yeah, my underneath layer is much wurlier than the canopy...it forms full on curls, whereas most of my waves on the top aren't even all that wavy... my hair has a lot of randomness! It's actually reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with such mixed hair! I call myself 2a, but it probably ranges from 1c to at least 2c in differen't parts of my head!

My hair is the same! Like you, my hair starts at about 1c on my canopy and gets curlier further down my scalp. At the nape of my neck I have very fine ringlets which are probably 3b or 3c. That hair never seems to get as long as the rest of it.

Earth Angel
July 6th, 2011, 02:38 PM

I feel like I'm a slow grower too :( however in the last 3 months it has grown at the average of 0.5 inches per month, but I think that is down to my new hair regime of no trimming and oiling the ends. I think that my 'slow' growth over the past few years was down to breakage, due to heat styling and highlights which I've also cut down on.

My main goal is to grow to tailbone, however i've never went past BSL before so my mini-goal of waist will be a big achievement to get to ;)

July 6th, 2011, 06:09 PM
I am also stuck in the same length for almost a year. My tight curls are "eating" the length. I also have fine and very thin hair, so I have to trim frequent. In fact, my grow rate is normal. But it took me three years from shoulder length to around BSL (with curly hair one day is at BSL and the next is above). It is so frustrating for me. The worst part is that my hair is healthy and shiny.

July 6th, 2011, 08:19 PM
i don't think I'm a slow grower, but because it's curly it grows round and round rather than down, so it takes forever to gain length.

I'm trying not to focus on the length--no measuring--and putting my focus on to the care of my hair instead. That's something I can control, the speed it grows at isn't.

July 6th, 2011, 08:51 PM
i don't think I'm a slow grower, but because it's curly it grows round and round rather than down, so it takes forever to gain length.

I'm trying not to focus on the length--no measuring--and putting my focus on to the care of my hair instead. That's something I can control, the speed it grows at isn't.

I'm beginning to realize that this is what I need to focus on too. I can't make it grow faster, but I can take better care of it, eat healthily, and exercise regularly. I will never have hair that grows an inch a month, my hair is very fragile, and it's curly. A lethal combination for showing progress.

July 7th, 2011, 01:52 AM
Yeah, my underneath layer is much wurlier than the canopy...it forms full on curls, whereas most of my waves on the top aren't even all that wavy... my hair has a lot of randomness! It's actually reassuring to know that I'm not the only one with such mixed hair! I call myself 2a, but it probably ranges from 1c to at least 2c in differen't parts of my head!

HAIRTWIN!!! If I could, i would label myself 1b-2b or 1c-2c depending on how I wash my hair. We both have mixed texture and medium thickness, too. Is that why it won't grow? :silly:

I'm so sorry for your very slow growt :flower:
Also my hair grows not so fast, something like 3-4 inches a year, if i'm lucky...
My goal is tailbone and now I am around waist. I don't think to change my goal, let's see, I wonder I could reach tailbone, I don't know if I could really reach it in future and I don't know when, I wish I could, that's all!
If I will not reach my goal I will improve my hemline and the thinckness of my ends :)
we have to be very very patient :) anyway your hair seems longer than something between bsl and waist, and it seems so soft!

Heh! Waist is not short, IMO.

My pic is old, I have been ashamed to post any new pics (and have not had time) because my hair is getting shorter, not longer.

My hair is the same! Like you, my hair starts at about 1c on my canopy and gets curlier further down my scalp. At the nape of my neck I have very fine ringlets which are probably 3b or 3c. That hair never seems to get as long as the rest of it.

Yeah, why is that? There ARE super-curlies here who can grow long...aren't there? So why do these few curly hairs on a mostly wavy head then NOT grow?

Mine is the fine, straighter hair layered on top of a coarser (M), curly layer. So it can look weird and messy really fast.

I really sometimes think this is the reason why I will never have long hair. And I am not talking about tailbone long, but BSL with a solid hemline - at this point, that's long for me!

July 7th, 2011, 01:56 AM
Hang in there, Katze! You really had a lot going on during the last years. It will take time, but finally your hair will recover from the shedding and everything. And if BSL is the longest you can manage and still have reasonably thick ends - so be it. It will still look fabulous, I'm sure!

July 7th, 2011, 02:57 AM
With wavies it takes a long time to "see" progress as on any given day it might have shrunk up more or less.

My hair is very fine. Definitely a i in thickness and no amount of care is going to make it a iii.

Am I okay with that? Sometimes yes, sometimes no.

I haven't given up but I have moments of doubt.

July 7th, 2011, 04:22 AM
I'm a slow grower as well! My hair doesn't grow that fast, maybe just normal at best!

When I grew it out many years go, I can't remember it grew further than APL! I do think I can grow it longer now (healthier hair and stuff) buuut I'm not sure how long exactly. It doesn't grow like weed, sadly :P

It's also weak, my hair gets easily damaged! I have bleached it to platinum last year, the top layers are still a bit velcro.. ughh :(

July 7th, 2011, 04:42 AM
if i could just get my hair to bsl, it would be the longest ive ever grown ;)

July 14th, 2011, 02:16 AM
It's also weak, my hair gets easily damaged! I have bleached it to platinum last year, the top layers are still a bit velcro.. ughh :(

I would not call that 'easily damaged' - bleaching to platinum is a chemically harsh process (I know, I've done it several times).

As one of those many people who was blonde as a kid, I used to bleach because I felt I looked better blonde, deserved to be blonde, etc etc etc. But my hair never grew much past APL. The thing is now, after 5+ years of gentle LHC care, my hair is still at APL. Soooo this makes me wonder if it is worth it to treat my hair so gently if it still won't grow...!

July 14th, 2011, 03:04 AM
Getting it all to APL layer-free and healthy would be a dream come true for me. :shake: My hair is very fine and delicate, it used to be thick, too, but now it's thinner and I get scared that I'll never be able to grow my hair out :( last time I 'grew it out' it was pretty much due to benign neglect and even then it broke off all the time and was only APL; but thats hard to do now because i do hair for a living and i have to keep it looking presentable. :l being curly right now and front bangs growing out, its hard to not do something to it and get away with not looking crazy. really its still too short to do anything with, I just want long healthy hair for once, before it's too late :[

Totally feel ya, though I'd do anything for your length :o

July 14th, 2011, 03:16 AM
As one of those many people who was blonde as a kid, I used to bleach because I felt I looked better blonde, deserved to be blonde, etc etc etc. But my hair never grew much past APL. The thing is now, after 5+ years of gentle LHC care, my hair is still at APL. Soooo this makes me wonder if it is worth it to treat my hair so gently if it still won't grow...!

I know exactly what you mean, my hair is growing but its so slow and the canopy is starting to go straigher again and it won't be long before it starts sticking out again at the back:rolleyes:
I am back to using CV shampoo bars, cone free condish, I am also trying to use Panacea on my hair whenever I can;)

July 14th, 2011, 03:20 AM
4 inches in 2 years with only two trims IS slow, right? I actually never measure, I always keep my hair up, but recently I was curious and measured and was...depressed. Pffffff!!! My hair is very brittle and fragile, although I don't use any harsh products, do deep treatments and always have them in comfy braids or bunned with a hair-friendly maximas.

But anyway, since I have found LHC my hair is so much better than ever, I think I simply got the best possible out of it. I guess this is the case for everyone in this community, no matter whether slow or fast grower ;)

July 14th, 2011, 03:23 AM
I would not call that 'easily damaged' - bleaching to platinum is a chemically harsh process (I know, I've done it several times).

As one of those many people who was blonde as a kid, I used to bleach because I felt I looked better blonde, deserved to be blonde, etc etc etc. But my hair never grew much past APL. The thing is now, after 5+ years of gentle LHC care, my hair is still at APL. Soooo this makes me wonder if it is worth it to treat my hair so gently if it still won't grow...!

True, but I have darkblonde hair which turns platinum easily, and it was like one inch short when I did all that :P I even shaved half of my head of and bleached the virgin hair but it was all soooo damaged.
It's obviously normal for platinum hair to get damaged, but I do feel that my hair is way more damaged than other people with platinum hair. Specially cause my hair was and still is sooo short!

My black hair was very damaged as well, sigh. But I didn't take care of it at all back then.. if only I knew about LHC back then! Sigh :P

July 14th, 2011, 03:32 AM
True, but I have darkblonde hair which turns platinum easily, and it was like one inch short when I did all that :P I even shaved half of my head of and bleached the virgin hair but it was all soooo damaged.
It's obviously normal for platinum hair to get damaged, but I do feel that my hair is way more damaged than other people with platinum hair. Specially cause my hair was and still is sooo short!

My black hair was very damaged as well, sigh. But I didn't take care of it at all back then.. if only I knew about LHC back then! Sigh :P

You have fine hair, too, and ours just gets damaged quicker. Sad truth.

Mine is dark blonde/light brown but goes brassy very easily, so those cool blondes were really hard to get. Toner just washed out, too.

Back when my hair was lots of different colors I thought I didn't need conditioner since it got greasy so fast. So I went for years without conditioning it, was heat styling (curling and using the curling iron to straighten, getting it wet then blowdrying to style) on top of platinum, black, etc etc dyed, then bleached, then dyed again...I actually think it is probably OK for short fine hair to go through this, but in my case, it seems to be that my taper is so severe and my hair so thin at the ends that it needs to be babied...and even then doesn't grow.