View Full Version : Phantom flakeys out of nowhere! (3 family members)

July 3rd, 2011, 08:01 AM
Apparently my dad, sister, and I are all suffering from a sudden dry flakey scalp. My mom, who is usually the first to react to any changes in our water, isn't having any symptoms. The water doesn't feel any different to me and we have a water softener so it isn't hard water. It's really odd... I have no idea what could be causing this.

I put some coconut oil on my scalp to combat the dryness last night but shortly after, it began itching so bad that I hopped in the shower and did a CO treatment followed by a diluted ACV rinse. Both of them BURNED so bad. What could be causing this?

We've never experienced anything like this before. :confused: What is going on??

Edit: I wanted to add that none of us has changed anything that we're using (i.e. shampoo or conditioner).

July 3rd, 2011, 08:18 AM
Several persons in the same household >> probably contagious stuff. Fungus or what not, I'd treat with tea tree EO, and never share towels, wash them with tea tree etc.