View Full Version : "Wavelength pins" not holding?

July 2nd, 2011, 04:59 PM
I bought and bent a set of dp knitting needles today (size 1). They make such nice pins, but they seem to keep sliding out. Am I doing something wrong? I insert them going the "wrong" direction, and then gently leverage them back and into the bun/scalp hair.

Also, is it ok to use several pins if they are crossed under the bun? I read or heard somewhere you shouldn't cross pins/sticks because it put too much pressure on delicate strands of hair? I'm sooo confused. :confused:

If the wavelength pins don't work for me, is there any reason that the helix/starlight (I think they are?) pins from Quattro would work? I can't afford to spend large amounts of money on hair stuff, but I want a couple things that work and hold my hair securely--good "workhorses". (My hair is fairly thick, fairly straight and a bit below BSL for reference...)

July 2nd, 2011, 06:03 PM
I cross mine all the time. Well, when I insert them they tend to cross each other and thus hold really tight. I also bent them slightly so when they are inserted they conform more to the shape of my head. Also the pointy tips are bent really close together and I think this helps them stay.
What kind of updo are you doing with them? I like doing a gibraltar bun, it holds the best for me, but I've also been able to do a cinnamon bun a couple of times. (I think the crossing of the hairpins is a no no is refering to bobby pins, which would grab much less hair) At any rate, sometimes mine work their way out, I just reinsert them, and try to cross them. HTH!