View Full Version : Bobby pins, Amish pins, Other pins?

June 28th, 2011, 08:32 PM
Hi everyone!

I'm a newbie with a question. I recently found this very pretty up-do that involves a bun made out of rope braids. However, when I put bobby pins in to hold it, it simply falls out after an hour. Is there some secret of how to use bobby pins that I don't know about? Or are mine just simply bad quality, or are rope braids too stubborn for bobby pins? I just never seem to be able to hide them nicely and be able to hold my up-do.

I also heard about amish pins, and I was wondering if any of you use those, how, and for which up-do's. It's interesting that I've never seen those in a normal shop before, then again there seemed to be no existing shop that sells good hair accessories :p
Are there maybe other pins that you love to use?

My hair is a little over BSL and not super thick.

Any tips/advice? :D

June 28th, 2011, 08:43 PM
For me, bobby pins are only useful in holding up a Medusa bun, and even then it takes an army. When I'm doing most of my buns, its either Amish pins (which are 3" straight U pins), U pins (which are about 2.5" and easily found in the drugstore/Walmart), or Spin pins, depending on the bun, and how strong of a hold I need. When using U shaped pins, you need to pick up a piece of the bun, and then weave the pin into your scalp hair. With using bobby pins, you are probably not getting enough of either bun hair or scalp hair, or your hair just likes slipping out of them. For me, bobby pins can only take a tiny portion of my hair, and even then they like to slide backwards. Amish/spin pins are typically my go to, if I'm doing a bun and don't want to wear a visible hair toy.

June 28th, 2011, 09:00 PM
I use Amish pins to anchor my buns and then use U pins for added security. I only use bobby pins when I want to pin back small amounts of hair away from my face.
Most beauty supply stores will have the U pins in several lengths anywhere from 1.5 inches up to three inches. (Note that the three inch U pins are not Amish pins. Amish pins are straight and usually made of steel.)

June 28th, 2011, 09:00 PM
I like good day hair pins which are plastic and can be found at sallys. I also like the big pins I made out of double ended knitting needles bent in half. But regular ol bobby pins, no way. My hair eats em up and spits em out. Plus they make my head sore. A good pin alternative are those small claw clips. I haven't tried the spin pins yet cuz they kinda scare me lol

June 28th, 2011, 09:24 PM
Bobby pins are meant to contain small whisps of hair.

To secure an updo securely, I suggest crimped hairpins (crimps are tiny undulations in the pin). I use both 3 inch and 2 1/2 inch crimped hairpins (purchased at Sally's Beauty Supply).

It is HOW you insert the hairpins that determine the success of your updo.

Just don't stick 'em in. They'll wiggle out quickly.

If you're securing a bun - of any variety - here's how to use the hairpins:

1) Arrange a number of hairpins on a cloth so they're easy to pick up

2) With one hand holding the bun in place, take the hairpin in your other hand. Insert it - on a slight angle - through the outside strands of the bun. Grasp a tiny bit of the scalp hair right next to the outer edge of the bun.

3) Now turn the hairpin in to the bun, and WEAVE IT back into the bun in and UP and DOWN motion.

4) Pin the hairpins in the 4 directions - north/south/east/west.
5) If you need more hairpins, pin where desired.

6) Be SURE you do not feel any pinching/pulling/scraping with the hairpins. If you do, take it out and reinsert it.

7) Do NOT cross hairpins!! This puts too much pressure on delicate strands.

Hope this helps!

June 29th, 2011, 09:04 AM
I second the Good Hair Days pins from Sally Beauty. I actually used them yesterday to secure a vortex bun made of rope braids, and it didn't budge. Most people with long and/or thick hair have trouble using bobby pins to support an updo. I only use them to tuck wispy ends, when necessary.

June 29th, 2011, 09:22 AM
Goody's Spin Pins hold like cement.

June 29th, 2011, 10:44 AM
This makes so much sense, thanks everyone! It makes my quest for the right pins so much easier! ^_^

@Madora, that was very clear. So I suppose you put it in as though it is a hair fork? Thank you for your elaborate reply :)

June 29th, 2011, 02:58 PM
Bunhead pins! They're designed for dancers to use, and hold really well. I found them in a dance supply store.

June 29th, 2011, 09:33 PM
Another thread about different pin types

July 6th, 2011, 04:08 AM
Aight, I'm back home in the Netherlands right now and geez, those bobby pins hold like CEMENT, they're so incredibly sturdy, love it. Going to bring a ton back to America in August :cheese: maybe import them too? :p