View Full Version : Spinoff: Do you feel more attractive with certain hair colors?

June 28th, 2011, 02:45 PM
I seem to feel more attractive with anything but my natural hair color. Dark brown, golden blonde or even red suit me better!

June 28th, 2011, 05:06 PM
I'll take anything over my natural color. Burgundy is a little dark. I think blue-black may be too dark, but I'm ready to try it. I grew my hair out all natural and virgin down to my waist. I ended up hating it. I was combing and finger combing, scrunching for waves, using some main & tale as a leave-in, fighting frizz. My natural virgin hair is even coarser, stiffer, and awfully textured than my hair colored. I am the only person I know who colors their hair this much and sees an improvement in the texture!!! Some twit commented that I fried the ends. The ends look like that when I have virgin hair. That's just the lovely texture I am blessed with!!! I now want to ask her when my ends have not looked fried??? But if I have to pick between straightening and coloring, I'll color, hands down. I prefer what my sister refers to as clown red. :D

June 28th, 2011, 05:15 PM
I feel most attractive when my hair is like a coppery red color, lately it's much darker than I like due to too much henna and I just feel like blech about my hair

June 28th, 2011, 05:17 PM
I don't normally dye my hair, but I think I would feel better with a darker brown or a red.

June 28th, 2011, 05:29 PM
I love my natural color(s) - it's every shade of dark, medium and reddish brown there is and shiny/highlighted to boot! I just know, based on heredity, that I'll probably lose it to gray in the next 10 years. ::sigh::

June 28th, 2011, 05:30 PM
Well, I used to have (at different times) blonde highlights and all-over reddish hair. At the time, I thought it was great, but looking back...not so much. When my hair was short, I had it jet black and thought it was cute, but it looked awful in pictures because it washed me out. My hair is basically my natural color now even though I henndigo. (The only way I know it's time to color is when the whites around my part start to show; I only have a few but I hate them.)

I actually love my current color, which is pretty much the same as my natural color and I plan on keeping as long as possible. :)

June 28th, 2011, 06:58 PM
I look really good with a dark brown black (not a true blue black though) or most reds. I can do dark blond too. Warm nut browns flatter me, but I'm not as found of them as I am of red or black. My natural shade is a medium ash brown. It doesn't suit me that well and makes me look older then I am and always has.

June 28th, 2011, 07:07 PM
I used to play with my haircolor a lot, & I would always switch it back to red after a while. I just don't feel as good in any other color.

The only one that came close was bright blue. Then it washed out of my roots so they were just the yucky bleach-blond I had put underneath to get the shade right...not pretty. But I have also been blond, brunette, & blackhaired. Most looked okay on me (though looking back at pictures the darker colors didn't work with my skintone), but mostly I just didn't feel like myself.

Coffee Succubus
June 28th, 2011, 07:16 PM
I have tried every "normal" hair colour except for blonde. And I've even done Purple. :cool:

My hair was strawberry blonde as a child and warped over the years from that to Golden, to cinnamon, to chocolate... and that's when I was like... "enough of this nonsense" and dyed it. When my roots grow in, they are such a deep brown, you may as well consider them black! This boggles my mind. :confused:

Red is my most beloved hair colour. I think it suits me best! Porcelain pale skin and flaming red hair, how can you go wrong? :eyebrows:
Makes me feel like a fairy or a classic beauty from the Middle Ages.

June 28th, 2011, 07:22 PM
RED, definitely! or mahogany <3

June 28th, 2011, 07:27 PM
I look really good with a dark brown black (not a true blue black though) or most reds. I can do dark blond too. Warm nut browns flatter me, but I'm not as found of them as I am of red or black. My natural shade is a medium ash brown. It doesn't suit me that well and makes me look older then I am and always has.

June 28th, 2011, 07:30 PM
I feel more attractive with red hair. That's why I like henna buildup! :)

June 28th, 2011, 08:56 PM
I have no idea since I've never dyed my hair. However, I have photoshopped it in a deep auburn and loved it but I don't think the color went well with my complexion, with is somewhat sallow.

June 28th, 2011, 09:18 PM
I feel attractive with my natural colour (golden brown). I also felt attractive when my hair was a nice bright red from manic-panic.

June 28th, 2011, 10:26 PM
I have both lightened my hair and dyed it black. I felt like I looked awful both ways. I had no confidence. I don't know why I messed with a color I already liked.

I feel much better at my natural color- I will never change it again!

June 28th, 2011, 10:38 PM
My own dark brown looks the best really, and second would be a nice mahogany. I have a huge list of colors which look awful with my skin tone. And even though I know my natural color looks best I can't help playing around with the fun colors. :P

June 29th, 2011, 12:58 AM
I've always liked red, it looks best with my skin tone and eye colour.
My mom is naturally a red head, and I have the same colouring as her, so red hair looks natural on me. (Although the red I have now is quite obviously unnatural, being so bright. :b )

I also like dark hair colours that contrast with my skin and eyes the way that red does, like deep purple and cool brunette.

June 29th, 2011, 01:19 AM
I used to only feel attractive with crazy hair colours but as I have aged I have grown to love and embrace the fact that I was not born with naturally pillarbox red hair (drat!).
I now enjoy being a very dark brunette.

June 29th, 2011, 01:53 AM
I felt really good with coppery red hair. With the right make-up I felt dangerous-looking in a way that my regular blonde would never be able to pull off. I also feel more attractive when my hair gets slightly sunbleached in the summer - it flatters my complexion more and lightens all of me up.

June 29th, 2011, 02:18 AM
black or dark red. I have pretty dark skin (for a "white" person)so I think I look best with dark hair (my natural is a medium brown).

Whenever I dye it black, my friends always use the word "vixen" to describe it.

June 29th, 2011, 02:21 AM
I liked my hair black, and blonde, but I also like red, which is easiest to achieve without chemical damage!! I probably feel least attractive with my natural, blah brown hair.

June 29th, 2011, 02:55 AM
I think I felt most attractive with my gingerish hair. Even when its not dyed though, I like to have some kind of alteration to my hair cause even though brown is a nice colour, I feel very plain with it :(

June 29th, 2011, 06:08 AM
I have no idea since I've never dyed my hair. However, I have photoshopped it in a deep auburn and loved it but I don't think the color went well with my complexion, with is somewhat sallow.

I felt really good with coppery red hair. With the right make-up I felt dangerous-looking in a way that my regular blonde would never be able to pull off. I also feel more attractive when my hair gets slightly sunbleached in the summer - it flatters my complexion more and lightens all of me up.

I'm my colour & when I look after it, it's pretty good. Sunshine brightens it all & I too played with photoshop. Is it time to worry when you look better in black & white?!
Enough sunshine & my hair will just quietly devour a beech hair fork. So the local cabinet maker is used to me dropping in & wrapping a stand around chair legs etc. We're dickering over what to do with a mahogany offcut he's got, but those rich dark browns may not do my hair credit. I'd rather get enough sunshine & hit the beech!

June 29th, 2011, 06:21 AM
I haven't tried many colours; brown-black, dark reds and purple (and the reddish pink mess they faded to), as well as my natural colour. Silly as this might sound, I feel incredibly out of place with a different colour to my natural; vulgar, almost. I had the same feeling when someone painted my toenails last year in a shimmering light purple - the first time any of my nails had seen varnish (besides clear) for four or five years. It just doesn't feel right on me, I kept looking down at my feet thinking they didn't look like mine, and not in a good way. The same happens when anyone attacks me with non-natural-looking make-up. It makes me feel like I'm trying to be something I'm not. I'm not really sure why. :shrug:

June 29th, 2011, 06:47 AM
I look best with warm-toned blonde shades or warm light blonde highlights added in. My natural ashy color does nothing for my skin tone.

June 29th, 2011, 09:11 AM
I think I look best in dark colors. I love my natural brown-black. I've had WAY too much fun with deep reds, bronzy-blacks, and purples. And I'd be happy to try anything that wouldn't impair my ability to get a job or make me look ill.

I find that medium shades are too pale and I end up looking washed out.

June 29th, 2011, 09:18 AM
I feel the most "attractive" with my natural hair colour. It's dark brown without being black and has an auburn glow in the sun. can't get that from a box :P

June 29th, 2011, 10:27 AM
I definitely feel more attractive with the current black color, I'd have to say light brown and blonde were the two colors I felt least attractive with. Darker colors suit me better.

June 29th, 2011, 10:43 AM
i feel super hot with dark mahogany hair and shimmery higlights, BUT people think i look like i am half spanish/mexican/dark when i have dark hair. i do not think so, but it is a bit funny since i am 100% norwegian (okay a little bit swedish from my ancestors)
i like to keep my hair naturally blonde because i think i am much more cute/ innocent with the blonde. but if i had dark hair i would have kept it dark :D

June 29th, 2011, 10:58 AM
I've never really permanently coloured my hair before, but I have done a few temporary colours before. I definitely feel better either with my natural medium-brown-with-a-hint-of-red-in-there-somewhere, than dark brown, or black, and I don't like the idea of me having blonde hair. I used to have it naturally when I was really young, and it looked really odd against my dark so-called camelion-eyes (They often look different colours because they reflect some of the colour from my surroundings. They're just grey really, with a dark outside edge and a tiny circle of hazel, and light grey right beside the pupil).
However, the colour I felt best with was a mahogany/burgundy red that i ended up with from a temporary, wash out conditioning colour I put in. In fact I liked it so much that I didn't care when my hair decided to hold on to it, meaning it didn't actually fully wash out for about a month. I found with my strand test that Henna, after oxidisation was only slightly lighter than my "perfect" colour.

I just feel so much better with red in my hair than anything else. I guess thats why I like my natural hair better than other browns, is because of the natural reddishness in the highlights, and why I like hennaed hair so much.

June 29th, 2011, 02:40 PM
I feel the most "attractive" with my natural hair colour. It's dark brown without being black and has an auburn glow in the sun. can't get that from a box :P

I just feel so much better with red in my hair than anything else. I guess thats why I like my natural hair better than other browns, is because of the natural reddishness in the highlights, and why I like hennaed hair so much.

Yes, we can get that from a box (or henna). Lots of brown dyes I tried had that reddish glow in the sun. I didn't think it looked very natural at the time, but since you two have it naturally I think it's fine now. :)

June 29th, 2011, 11:53 PM
When my hair is natural or when I had it with some extra red semi dye in it.. I dyed it black and it was cool for about a month but I really missed my natural.. I still have some of that black "washes out in 20 washes dye" in my hair.. visible dark line of where my regrowth is. I have not had a good couple years with my hair

June 30th, 2011, 12:20 AM
I hate my natural colour. Reddish-brown, blah. I feel most comfortable in blue-black, but the most awesome in aqua. It's just too bad it's so damaging and difficult to find a job with, so I'm sticking with black.
Amusingly enough, I had a friend who I'd known for a year (with my natural colour the whole time) go "Wait, your natural colour isn't black?" when I told her I was dyeing it black XD Apparently I look more natural with black than my natural colour, go figure.

June 30th, 2011, 01:34 AM
Aleria, you definitely look like black is your natural color, going by your complexion and eyes and brows!
When I had my hair dyed dark brown everyone thought it was my natural color too, even though I have light aqua eyes (and it looks quite striking with dark hair. Photos in my private album). My skin is that color - I don't know if it's olive? Yellow tones and anything coppery or yellow blonde makes me look sallow and SICK! So definitely cool toned, though I used to think yellow meant warm.
I don't burn easily and tan to a deep golden bronze color. With dark hair, people say I look like a blue eyed Latina :D

I have dark haired people in my family and ancestors and my hair type is that thick, thick, wavy wurly that isn't common here (Scandinavia)..

I really feel like me with dark hair so I've been coloring it a little bit darker most of my adult life. I'm currently one year into growing out natural but boy, am I tempted to go back to a little darker!!!

My natural color is, well, dark blonde or light brown, who knows what it is? I don't know yet, I have only 4-5" of natural roots.

Cool reds look great on me too but I never stayed a red head for long, too much up-keep and I dunno.. just missed the dark hair and when I colored over the red I immediately felt like, oh, hello, there you are, LOL!

I guess my natural color look okay too, and it's subtly pretty, but I'm a dramatic person and I feel like with my natural color everything is too much the same value.. I like that dark hair frames my face and it makes my eyes pop (red does too, obviously).

June 30th, 2011, 02:45 AM
I used to love my natural hair color. Honey brown, with light blonde streaks in the front. I also had a natural ombre thing going on, and about 3 inches of my roots were very dark brown, for some odd reason. I thought I'd never love any haircolor more than the one I was lucky to be born with.

Then I dyed my hair this mahagony color for a gothic photo shoot, and was shocked when I realized that (gasp!) I loved it more then my natural color. It was so dark brown it almost looked black in some lighting, then it shone red in the sun. So beautiful! I've been trying to duplicate it without using those chemicals. About to try henna for the first time. Maybe even attempt henndigo, whatever I need to get that lovely color back.

It's so flattering. it matches my dark eyebrows, unlike my naturally blondish color, and somehow makes my skin tone look very pretty. The natural color highlights my natural tan, but the darker color contrasts so nicely. When I get it back, I'll definitely post some pictures.

July 1st, 2011, 12:13 AM
YES!!!! I just dyed my hair for the first time ever, and I feel so much more attractive with my new blue-black hair. I think it suits my skin tone and my overall style so much better than my natural dark brown, especially as the ends had a tendency to fade to a lighter golden brown that was very unflattering next to my cool undertoned skin.