View Full Version : your conditioning routine how much is rinsed off?

June 26th, 2011, 09:01 PM
I have started conditioning differently as my hair was feeling blah! I used to rinse all the conditioner out but then got to thinking my hair isnt benefiting from this. I leave on for 3 mintutes and rinse for 1 minute only, aiming shower head at my crown and nor the ends. I then apply a pea sized blob to the very ends as a leave in.

Result softer hair and nice ends.

Please discuss how you condition.

June 26th, 2011, 09:32 PM
Ugh I'm also looking for answers as I'm suffering from dry hair at a very short length. Maybe leaving more conditioner in, or adding a bit like you do, could be good?

June 26th, 2011, 09:37 PM
I rinse all of my conditioner off, however I use a leave in conditioner.
I did this for awhile though when my hair was rather dry, and it did work. It's not necessary for my hair anymore though. :)

June 27th, 2011, 01:33 AM
I rinse it all off, mainly because I am a CO washer (I use Whole Foods 365 brand unscented conditioner to CO). After the contitioner is completely rinsed, I add about 1/2 - 1 teaspoon of Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle Rose conditioner as a leave-in while my hair is still as wet as it can be and work it through well. I put it up in a turbie to absorb some of the wetness before letting it air dry. Sometimes I will dampen my hair and add a small amount of the AO conditioner if it feels dry and I'm not planning to do a wash. Every now and again I will also do a deep treatment with the AO and some coconut oil under a heat cap. That also is very well rinsed.

June 27th, 2011, 01:54 AM
I've started doing the same thing, I rinse my roots so some of the conditioner is washed out as the water runs down but I don't carefully rinse the ends.
I don't apply conditioner as a leave in at the moment but I do generally apply coconut oil to the ends while damp.

June 27th, 2011, 08:54 AM
Since I CO wash, I rinse it all out. But when I step out of the shower I spray my hair with a leave-in conditioner and detangle my hair. After that I put it in a turbine to dry, and when my hair comes down I put a different leave-in conditioner. It really helps my hair with dryness, because I just couldn't get the right amount left in during my shower.

June 27th, 2011, 11:05 PM
I rinse until there is just a bit of slippery feeling left. Sorry I can't be more specific. I try to leave some on my length, especially towards my ends. My hair thanks me.

June 27th, 2011, 11:27 PM
My hair can't stand having any conditioner in it after it's been washed. Personally, I rinse out everything very well to make sure there is nothing left on my hair or scalp. Afterwards I don't put anything in it. I used to use a lot of mousse and pomades and hairsprays but I've been cutting back almost entirely on that. Since I trim a lot less than normal I do notice my ends get a bit dry. I might use a bit of coconut oil on the ends but only if really dry because it gets greasy fast. I've been using Kimberlily's defrizz spray with distilled water, clear aloe gel, and coconut oil about 75-20-5 mix as a styling spray as the only thing I use on my hair to style it and wow it has made such a difference! Been using it about a week and I love it.

June 27th, 2011, 11:30 PM
It works better for me to rinse it all off, but then to add some back as a leave-in.

If I try to just not rinse it all, it is never well distributed, I always have a patch in the middle with too much conditioner and other parts without enough.

June 28th, 2011, 03:45 AM
I rinse all of my condition off, until the slippery feeling is gone, but not until my hair feels kind of grippy and squeaky clean. I used to not rinse away the slippery feeling, and I never knew how much it was weighing my hair down until I rinsed it away, and my hair felt so fresh and light after that.

June 28th, 2011, 06:46 AM
I rinse it all off and then oil when damp or dry. :D

June 28th, 2011, 07:35 AM
I rinse till it's mostly all off, I never time it or anything. And everytime I plait my hair (regularly) I put a generous amount of condish and/or oil on the tail.

June 28th, 2011, 10:56 AM
I rinse it all out, otherwise my hair tends to look a bit greasy afterwards.

June 28th, 2011, 11:01 AM
I'm careful to rinse it all out, otherwise I always seem to miss a bit and it looks greasy. I do add a little bit of condish or oil to the ends when they need it though.

Curly Hermione
June 28th, 2011, 11:16 AM
I rinse the tiniest bit off my roots, by filling my cupped hands with water and sprinkling it onto my scalp, that's all. I co-wash most washes and about once or twice a week (every other wash) I use DevaCurl no-poo sulphate free cleanser. I find leaving in pretty much all the condish makes my curls more managable, soft, moisturised, less frizzy etc.
I was worried it would dull my colour (i'm verging on dark blonde already, I have nothing against brown hair, but when my hair's weighed down, it doesn't look brown, it just looks blagh.) but I didn't have a problem, if anything, my colour seemed more vibrant when i started leaving it in.
It could be because i'm using Naked Blonder conditioner, whatever, i'm basically completely happy with everything about my hair, except the length.
Sorry this post is so long, i'm sure you're all thrilled to hear my life story.:)

June 28th, 2011, 12:29 PM
I rinse my conditioner out with ionized water (from my home water ionizer). I find I can't leave anything in my hair because its so fine. Anything left in my hair and it simply goes flat, as my hair has gotten longer, it seems to have become even more sensitive to things left in it.

The ionized water rinse is awesome, my hair comes out silky and shiny, even without any leave-in conditioners.

June 28th, 2011, 12:37 PM
I rinse it all out, I'll sometimes apply oils when it's wet to the ends and also when it's dry if it needs it. I might try using a little conditioner as a leave in whilst wet though, you lot have given me an idea to try :)

June 29th, 2011, 03:42 AM
I rinse it all out. My current conditioner is very thick and conditioning, and when I tried not rinsing it all out, or using it as a leave-in, my hair felt gunky and sticky. I'm super happy with my conditioner in all other respects, so I'm not going to swap it out. Instead I use panacea salve and EVOO as leave-ins.

I have been slowly reducing the cleansing portion of my washes (from sulphate poo, to dilute sulphate poo, to non-sulphate poo, to dilute non-sulphate poo...) and I thought I would stay there but having tried a CO wash I think I'm going to stick with it. My hair was much more moisturised with the CO wash anyway, and I think gunkiness can be a concern with CO, so I'm going to continue to rinse very well.

June 29th, 2011, 03:45 AM
I got the last method of my washing from a website this curly girl made,I rinse out the first time i apply conditioner as a whole on my hair(or i do it twice if i feel like it),then i part my hair in two, add about a quarter size or more of conditioner on to both sides, then add more when i put them together and detangle. That's it, and my hair likes it better, it's manageable.