View Full Version : Funny hair comment

June 26th, 2011, 09:27 AM
This would not phase me if I was not a member here. I probably would have forgotten it was said.

Wifey and I went on a hike yesterday. Two younger women, in their twenties, were going the opposite direction. One said, "...like shampoo, what's in shampoo anyway?" The other one says, "I don't know. Chemicals!"

Made me laugh.

June 26th, 2011, 09:41 AM
This would not phase me if I was not a member here. I probably would have forgotten it was said.

Wifey and I went on a hike yesterday. Two younger women, in their twenties, were going the opposite direction. One said, "...like shampoo, what's in shampoo anyway?" The other one says, "I don't know. Chemicals!"

Made me laugh.
LOL!!! Right she is! :p

Funny but I'm reading a book now called The totally useless history of Science and in there there is an ad for hair tonic from 1934 called Caradium made out of RADIUM that supposed to restore grey hair back to dark :blueeek:. I guess it will do that just before it falls out. :p
The funniest thing about the ad is that it says that this radio-active product will restore colour and health to the hair, its a FACT.

June 26th, 2011, 09:48 AM
Crazy! I have heard about that before. Its amazing what's in our everyday stuff and we don't give it a second thought.