View Full Version : Official Neon, Shaved chunks, Punk/goth hair thread

June 25th, 2011, 02:43 PM
Maybe there is already a thread for this but I couldn't find one.

I'm a huge fan of multi-colored neon hair, chelseas, CYBERGOTH, and TANK GIRL, haven't done it myself cuz I'm not brave but I would love to see members post pictures of their neon hair or just any pictures you have seen that inspire you.

Here are girls who have inspired me:

A punk girl who shaves chunks out, dyes black and blonde streaks together, and for a long time had silver and purple hair which was sooo beautiful on her. Sorry this is like the crappiest picture in the universe but you can see the color, I wish she would do it again:

Another girl who does all her hair herself since a child and is quite proud of it AS SHE SHOULD BE:

Pinstripe bangs:
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229505_221370694543713_100000123512972_994280_7812 606_n.jpg

Horizontal double mohawk in two colors and vertical bangs in two colors:
http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/6174_100167016664082_100000123512972_1815_7035351_ n.jpg

Three-color bangs:
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc4/74125_172538229426960_100000123512972_629039_16871 90_n.jpg

Two girls with Chelseas. A chelsea is shaved in the back with long bangs.
http://a8.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/229142_211320648901479_100000706372946_654659_1348 322_n.jpg

My hair hero Tank Girl (i would never do this to myself in a million years):
http://cdn.thegloss.com/files/2011/05/loripetty.jpg[/IMG][IMG]http://3.bp.blogspot.com/_mpJRvQpHWXU/S_T0uHFEVCI/AAAAAAAAEn8/K3VxENzonyY/s1600/worstcomics-tankgirl-431.jpg http://www.tankgirl.info/tankgirl/images/strips/tgBat_sm.gif

Here i use the term "hair" loosely.. There are a lot of accessories and obviously-fake plastic dreds..


I'm particularly drooling over the deep-V of her bangs that comes between her eyebrows. Never seen that in real life.

So...anyone else dying to share ridiculous hair, yours or your dreams?

June 25th, 2011, 02:50 PM
http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss15/hazelbagel/41272_1548234073083_1452026215_31467187_7026898_n. jpg

shaved the left side of my head in tribute to my niece who was diagnosed with Leukemia November 2009.
I did this in August 2010.
Shaved it a couple times since then.. right now it's about two inches long. I'm trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out. It has been very helpful in tracking my hair's health's progress though :)

June 25th, 2011, 02:56 PM
I've been wondering for a while if there was a thread like this or if one could be made. I adore unnatural colours and have done quite a few colour combos (plenty of pictures in my albums) but i'm always looking for new inspiration :) I don't do all-over colours anymore and I am in the process of growing out hair dye to go natural but i've kept a bleached strip (currently orange fading to pink) to dye unnatural colours to use up left-over dyes and keep track of growth.


June 25th, 2011, 02:58 PM
http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss15/hazelbagel/41272_1548234073083_1452026215_31467187_7026898_n. jpg

shaved the left side of my head in tribute to my niece who was diagnosed with Leukemia November 2009.
I did this in August 2010.
Shaved it a couple times since then.. right now it's about two inches long. I'm trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out. It has been very helpful in tracking my hair's health's progress though :)

That suits you wonderfully! I love it. :)

June 25th, 2011, 03:07 PM
I've been wondering for a while if there was a thread like this or if one could be made. I adore unnatural colours and have done quite a few colour combos (plenty of pictures in my albums) but i'm always looking for new inspiration :) I don't do all-over colours anymore and I am in the process of growing out hair dye to go natural but i've kept a bleached strip (currently orange fading to pink) to dye unnatural colours to use up left-over dyes and keep track of growth.

Yeah, I looked at your pictures previously. Very nice use of color! I like.:cheese:

June 25th, 2011, 03:14 PM
I've had snow white hair before, that's the most unusual thing I've done.

June 25th, 2011, 03:21 PM
Not me but my best friend for pride week. (I have his permission to post this.) It was much MUCH brighter in person btw


June 25th, 2011, 03:55 PM
This was me a couple years ago, when I had a mohawk:

Pink hair and fake dreads (and wonky eyebrows :p)

I still keep an undercut, I shave that every second week or so. Helps me keep track of growth too!

June 25th, 2011, 04:14 PM
I love Tank Girl too. Have been a fan since her first appearance in Deadline. I used to have her hair cut.
I have been every neon colour under the sun (except purple) and I loved it. Must dig out my old photos and scan them.
I love seeing people with neon bright hair. Makes the world such a happier place.

June 25th, 2011, 04:46 PM
I love tank girl too! One day I am going to do my hair like that and it's going to be awesome!

I've also been every color in the rainbow.

Right now I'm a weird mix of oranges and pinks (more pics in my blog (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/blog.php?u=26280)).

I've had approximately 15 different hair colors in the last two years. Here's a few pics of the brighter ones:
Red & blue: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ERB9FpqyUh8/S2pLL0E0XJI/AAAAAAAAPlQ/xC6A_G14zZs/IMG_8284.JPG

I love seeing all the beautiful inspirational pictures. More, more! :D
Orange & blue:https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gqoYFm87osA/TgZk2eqz-RI/AAAAAAAARjQ/BzIunWpl9DI/s512/2010-03-23%25252014.36.51.jpg

June 25th, 2011, 05:10 PM
I used to have all kinds of fun hair- blue mohawks, the chelsea, buzzcut, braids, dreads, you name it! But now that I'm growing my hair out it's quite boring :/ I did put some fun yarn extensions in for Burning Man last year, though (at my dream length):


And here's a pic from when I had my auburn/orange dreads:

And it's not that exciting of a hairstyle, but I wanted to put this pic up just for fun (I was Tank Girl for Halloween last year ;) )


Cheers! :beerchug:

June 25th, 2011, 05:22 PM
Wow, so many creative, cool hairstyles here! I could never do anything like that. I would LOVE to have shaved my head or gotten dreadlocks before starting the growing out process, but now I'm too scared to do anything drastic to the length.

My sister used to have a pink streak in the back of her head. And she said when she grows up she's gonna grow her hair to mid back, then get a bunch of layers (the longest at her shoulders so she has just one long layer down her back) and dye each layer a different neon color. She has the guts I unfortunately was not blessed with.

June 25th, 2011, 05:27 PM
I love multi colored hair. But a shaved head is not a style. Some of us started with shaved heads for health or personal reason and hope that is will grow nice and healthy. Here are link to guide line rules. Thank you

4. Post Content
Since minors are allowed to be members at TLHC, a “PG-13 rating” standard applies. Violent/sexual language, dating/sexual propositions, profanity, nude images and links to them, haircutting (except styling illustrations), pornographic or ****** videos/sites are all prohibited. Cross-posting, spam, commercial self-promotion, fundraising, libel, and copyright infringement are prohibited. Please report any posts or content that are questionable. In addition, standard rules for written English apply, and “kewl” talk or “txt” speak is not permitted. For our English as a Second Language members, their best efforts at standard English are appreciated.

June 25th, 2011, 05:35 PM
This was my hair during my turquoise and blue period:

June 25th, 2011, 05:59 PM
I'm a big fan of bright, multi-coloured hair. I've done it myself in the past, and even now, I'm sporting bright blonde panels in my hair. I've considered putting steps into one side of my hair before, but I think my hair is too thin for the effect I want to achieve, so I never went through with it.

One of the best dyes I've used is probably Punky Colours' flamingo pink. The brightness lasted a long time, and it faded beautifully too.

This was my hair during my turquoise and blue period:

The blue is so vibrant and lovely! I love it.

June 25th, 2011, 06:45 PM
Wow, I rocked the chelsea in High School (1995ish) and thought I was original. Dang.

June 25th, 2011, 07:07 PM
That is so funny, I was Tank Girl for Halloween last year and so was my friend in a different state by coincidence. :cheese:

And it's not that exciting of a hairstyle, but I wanted to put this pic up just for fun (I was Tank Girl for Halloween last year ;) )


Cheers! :beerchug:

June 25th, 2011, 07:39 PM
I have an undercut, well above the ears, all around the head. I usually buzz it at 6mm, but sometimes when I'm bored I do it to the skin. I really like the feeling :) I've been shaving my head for at least 2 years.
And I'm letting the rest of my hair form natural dreadlocks. I love them so far! I will post pics once they look decently dreadlocky.
And everything I do to my hair, I do by myself.

edit: and I will most definitely shave it all off once. I need to :D

June 25th, 2011, 08:30 PM
I've had blonde, purple, and pink hair before I settled on red. Album link ---> http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=5821
I miss experimenting with colours, layering different shades and getting this multi-dimensional head of hair colour.

I think that I'll shave my head one day, when I'm ready for that. Like maybe shaving half of it, and rock that for awhile before I shave it all. :b I want to do this once in my lifetime, but I can't see it happening ANY time soon.

June 25th, 2011, 09:34 PM
Quezie I was looking at your album earlier as well and wondered how your hair is SO shiny despite all the bleaching that was done. Have you since cut all the length out? Henna? I think your hair texture is different than mine too... I have a tough time getting shine with a coarser texture, looks like your hair is pretty slick.

June 25th, 2011, 10:14 PM
the brightest i've ever had my hair was a fire engine red-- loved the color, but hated how fast it faded :(

and i LOVE alternative/punk/goth/extreme haircuts, but have never had the guts to get one myself

fun thread idea!

I love multi colored hair. But a shaved head is not a style. Some of us started with shaved heads for health or personal reason and hope that is will grow nice and healthy. Here are link to guide line rules. Thank you

Style : 1. The way in which something is said, done, expressed, or performed: a style of speech and writing.

choosing to have a shaved or partially shaved head is most certainly a style choice :agree:

i'm not sure i see you point, Catladyintown :confused:

June 25th, 2011, 10:21 PM
i destroyed all evidence of my neon pink hair.. the quest for pink hair left my hair breaking off at the shoulder for a year from the bleaching.. kinda not very conductive to being a long hair if your hairstyle results in it never growing past shoulder

i have had my hair red (fire engine), neon pink, blue streaks, purple streaks, but mostly i did pink

June 25th, 2011, 10:27 PM
http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss15/hazelbagel/41272_1548234073083_1452026215_31467187_7026898_n. jpg

shaved the left side of my head in tribute to my niece who was diagnosed with Leukemia November 2009.
I did this in August 2010.
Shaved it a couple times since then.. right now it's about two inches long. I'm trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out. It has been very helpful in tracking my hair's health's progress though :)
Someone looks very pretty!

June 25th, 2011, 10:59 PM
LaceyNg Okay I except that a shaved head is a style.:) But when you are totally shaved it is not a hair style because were is there hair to style. If you look up on the guide lines #4 it states clearly that hair cutting (except styling illustrations) are not allowed. But if you shave chunks of hair continually are you not promoting hair shaving? There are other forums and community that emphasize hair shaving and that is great if your into that. I personally love the punk/goth style on people. But this forum is all about growing hair not shaving it.

June 25th, 2011, 11:12 PM
Tank girl is awesome!
I've had my hair a ton of different colors, pink, blue, dark green and I used to tease the heck out of it so I looked like a wild child back when my hair was about bsl length in highschool. I've got a picture of it in my album

June 25th, 2011, 11:12 PM
I used to have green and purple spikes. Then, I dyed it black, tried to bleach that and had two tone orange hair that looked like fire. Loved it.

And then it was blue, orange, red, purple... more purple...green.. as white as it could get... I was basically shaving the back and letting the front grow in a sort of reverse mullet. At the time, shaving was part of how I was styling what I was growing. And I had to do it pretty often... my hair seemed to respond to abuse with massively fast growth!

June 25th, 2011, 11:36 PM
Shaving the sides of one's head while growing a mohawk long is certainly an investment in long hair. It's not whole-head, but it's still a long-hair style. I think Drynwhyl puts it nicely on the previous page when she says she has an "undercut" and is growing the rest of her hair into natural dreadlocks. A few people I know shave just a part of their head, side or undercut, and intentionally grow the rest out as long as possible. I know a guy (sorry I can't find a picture), shaves the sides of his head because he has a skull tattoo, and keeps his long curly mohawk in a ponytail so it doesn't poof down and cover the pic. Just lets it down when he's at home. It's about APL when curled in tight ringlets, I never asked him to stretch it out.

Lots of us experimented with haircuts like this before growing out to length. I had to try spiking my hair turquoise before I knew which I wanted for older me. For me, hair has been a journey...

June 26th, 2011, 12:37 AM
LaceyNg Okay I except that a shaved head is a style.:) But when you are totally shaved it is not a hair style because were is there hair to style. If you look up on the guide lines #4 it states clearly that hair cutting (except styling illustrations) are not allowed. But if you shave chunks of hair continually are you not promoting hair shaving? There are other forums and community that emphasize hair shaving and that is great if your into that. I personally love the punk/goth style on people. But this forum is all about growing hair not shaving it.

I assume I shouldn't have made my thread about my big chop then ?????:confused: I guess I am promoting cutting 12+ inches off at one time, which would be the opposite of growing.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with sharing personal preferences and styles here, including shaved heads. I love the pics, different styles and alternative vibe and I think this thread is great.

June 26th, 2011, 12:45 AM
I always wanted to shave the bottom portion of my head but I don't think it looks good on dark hair and I don't have enough hair for that. After my blonde phase I dyed it a really bright unnatural red. OMG I loved it, but it faded in one week to a really pretty auburn then a strawberry blonde then copper. I knew I would have to bleach the roots and dye my hair bright red at least twice a month so I gradually went darker and darker after that. Light brown, then medium brown, then dark brown, now black. All the old bleached hair is long gone but now I cheat and put in clip in extensions in purple when I crave something different. I love this thread! Sometimes I really want to do an elvira-esque 'do when it reaches waist length LOL!

June 26th, 2011, 01:00 AM
I assume I shouldn't have made my thread about my big chop then ?????:confused: I guess I am promoting cutting 12+ inches off at one time, which would be the opposite of growing.

I see absolutely nothing wrong with sharing personal preferences and styles here, including shaved heads. I love the pics, different styles and alternative vibe and I think this thread is great.

I saw your post about your new hair style and thought it was lovely. But please tell me Ultrabella how can you style 1/8 or 1/4 inch of hair? Will you next week be cutting another 12 inches off? If you are going to continuously shave parts of your hair is that not promoting hair shaving on part of your head. Please tell me, were in the rules state we are allowed to promote head shaving at TLCH or part of head shaving? Then if you can point out were we are allowed to promote head shaving I will be quiet. Thank you

June 26th, 2011, 01:06 AM
I have shaved half of my head two times :)



I loved it most when it grew in a bit more

http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4135/4868790512_efbfabb3aa_z.jpg (http://www.flickr.com/photos/moresque/4868790512/)

Looooooved it, specially because of the colours! Did it before with redbrownish hair and didn't like it as much as I liked it with the blonde :)

This is not gothic/neo-punk/whatever but ehm I guess it's still a bit different? :P

Edit: also, in my opinion, I think this board is about well.. hair! Are there really rules that says you can not 'promote' haircutting?? If so, I find that very creepy to be honest!! Cutting hair is normal and healthy but some people make it sound like it's a crime (according to the rules of this board??). Pfft

June 26th, 2011, 01:37 AM
I saw your post about your new hair style and thought it was lovely. But please tell me Ultrabella how can you style 1/8 or 1/4 inch of hair? Will you next week be cutting another 12 inches off? If you are going to continuously shave parts of your hair is that not promoting hair shaving on part of your head. Please tell me, were in the rules state we are allowed to promote head shaving at TLCH or part of head shaving? Then if you can point out were we are allowed to promote head shaving I will be quiet. Thank you

Please tell me where in the rules it states that you are allowed to police others posts and school them on what is allowed and what is not ? If you were going to follow the rules, and KNIT, you would hit the report button and leave it up to those better suited to regulate this forum.

I think you are picking on one thread, when many threads are about hair cuts and trims. Why limit yourself to arguing with shaving your head ? If you are going by your interpretation of the rules, you have much catching up to do and all those other threads should have been objected to as well. Including several of mine. You are going to be busy !

It specifically states in the thread title that shaved hair is included, and we have plenty of members that share the enjoyment of this "hair style". I see no reason to suggest that their hair preferences are somehow unwelcome on such a large and diverse forum. Are you suggesting they all seek out a different forum ? Or would you just prefer for them to keep quiet ? No one should have to hide in shame or be told they should not participate in a thread because of ANYTHING they chose to do to their own hair. Ever.

ETA : it's interesting that you would bring this up, since the following post was made by you, June 5th, on the "I want to go bald" thread. And I quote :

"Hi Ulvashi I went totally bald in May 2010 I loved it. I also shaved my scalp too. But the thing you must remember is you get awfully cold when you are totally bald. Think Yul Brynner bald. So you must always were something on your head like a cap. I live in Tucson AZ it is a desert place usually around 100 degrees or higher and I still was freezing cold. How I prevented pimple or ingrown hair was oiling my scalp with Camellia oil every other day. Also if you don't were a hat you could get easily sun burned. After the two month period I stop getting so cold. I had to sit outside during the two month period and try to get warm, it was about 105 degrees and I was still cold. HTH"

You *loved* it ???!?!? You SHAVED your scalp too ???!?!?!?!?!?! I would consider this to be blatantly promoting elsewhere what you are so adamantly trying to sensor here.

June 26th, 2011, 01:41 AM
I saw your post about your new hair style and thought it was lovely. But please tell me Ultrabella how can you style 1/8 or 1/4 inch of hair? Will you next week be cutting another 12 inches off? If you are going to continuously shave parts of your hair is that not promoting hair shaving on part of your head. Please tell me, were in the rules state we are allowed to promote head shaving at TLCH or part of head shaving? Then if you can point out were we are allowed to promote head shaving I will be quiet. Thank you

You style extremely short hair by...
1) Maintaining scalp health; there are ample sources of great info here on this site for exactly that. Having such short hair can expose a lot of problems people can get with their scalp, so maintaining healthy skin is a must.
2) Trimming at regular intervals, just like someone maintaining ANY length of hair, be it ankle, tailbone, waist, shoulder, or shaved.

A shaved head is a style.. And you 'style' it by shaving it.
I don't see anyone posting pictures or videos of themselves shaving their heads, and the thread is well named as a warning to those who dont like images of shaved sections of hair.
I don't see this as promotion of shaving an entire head, but a thread to discuss and share a love of the aesthetic appeal of a multitude of alternative hair styles, including 'shaved chunks'. Not complete baldness. I can't see anyone urging people to shave their entire head here, UNLESS it's to remedy a hair disaster, or starting over to regrow completely virgin, healthy hair.

June 26th, 2011, 01:54 AM
Please tell me where in the rules it states that you are allowed to police others posts and school them on what is allowed and what is not ? If you were going to follow the rules, and KNIT, you would hit the report button and leave it up to those better suited to regulate this forum.

I think you are picking on one thread, when many threads are about hair cuts and trims. Why limit yourself to arguing with shaving your head ? If you are going by your interpretation of the rules, you have much catching up to do and all those other threads should have been objected to as well. Including several of mine. You are going to be busy !

It specifically states in the thread title that shaved hair is included, and we have plenty of members that share the enjoyment of this "hair style". I see no reason to suggest that their hair preferences are somehow unwelcome on such a large and diverse forum. Are you suggesting they all seek out a different forum ? Or would you just prefer for them to keep quiet ? No one should have to hide in shame or be told they should not participate in a thread because of ANYTHING they chose to do to their own hair. Ever.

Where did I police this post? I was just stating a rule. And have I been the only one in the forum to ever just state a rule? Where did I say that there was any shame to being bald or having a shaved head? You are right about the report button and the moderators. I think this should be discussed among the owner of this site and the moderators if they think parts of head shaving is appropriated for The Long Hair Community forum. If the owner and TLCH thinks this is a part of the spirit of TLCH I will except it. So UltraBella I was not telling anyone to leave this forum but suggested that if they like head shaving their are other forums. I for one belong to a lot of different community's. As I have state I believe this is up to the owner and the moderators to see if parts of head shaving is allowed.

June 26th, 2011, 01:54 AM
There have been several threads where members had the urge to shave their heads just to be able to say they did it once. Most responses were very supportive as long as the person understood the consequences and invoked the much loved two week rule. I didn't see any rules being thrown around or threads un-necessarily being stirred up. I think the majority here embrace hair happiness, no matter the resulting style.

June 26th, 2011, 02:01 AM
Please tell me where in the rules it states that you are allowed to police others posts and school them on what is allowed and what is not ? If you were going to follow the rules, and KNIT, you would hit the report button and leave it up to those better suited to regulate this forum.

I think you are picking on one thread, when many threads are about hair cuts and trims. Why limit yourself to arguing with shaving your head ? If you are going by your interpretation of the rules, you have much catching up to do and all those other threads should have been objected to as well. Including several of mine. You are going to be busy !

It specifically states in the thread title that shaved hair is included, and we have plenty of members that share the enjoyment of this "hair style". I see no reason to suggest that their hair preferences are somehow unwelcome on such a large and diverse forum. Are you suggesting they all seek out a different forum ? Or would you just prefer for them to keep quiet ? No one should have to hide in shame or be told they should not participate in a thread because of ANYTHING they chose to do to their own hair. Ever.

ETA : it's interesting that you would bring this up, since the following post was made by you, June 5th, on the "I want to shave my head" thread. And I quote :

"Hi Ulvashi I went totally bald in May 2010 I loved it. I also shaved my scalp too. But the thing you must remember is you get awfully cold when you are totally bald. Think Yul Brynner bald. So you must always were something on your head like a cap. I live in Tucson AZ it is a desert place usually around 100 degrees or higher and I still was freezing cold. How I prevented pimple or ingrown hair was oiling my scalp with Camellia oil every other day. Also if you don't were a hat you could get easily sun burned. After the two month period I stop getting so cold. I had to sit outside during the two month period and try to get warm, it was about 105 degrees and I was still cold. HTH"

You *loved* it ???!?!? You SHAVED your scalp too ???!?!?!?!?!?! I would consider this to be blatantly promoting elsewhere what you are so adamantly trying to sensor here.

Oh Ultrabella I think you are nit picking. Is this the true spirit of civilized talking? I shaved my head for religious reasons. But I have not repeat not continuously shaved my head.

June 26th, 2011, 02:06 AM
Oh Ultrabella I think you are nit pick.Is this the true spirit of civilized talking? I shaved my head for religious reasons. But I have not repeat not continuously shaved my head.
No, it's not. It's ridiculous quite frankly and I am really bothered by where this thread has gone and I do acknowledge my part in it. But, you blatantly contradicted yourself with the post from the Bald thread and it just got under my skin. You can post 20 days ago about how much you loved your shaved head, but now someone else can't ??? :confused:
It's a shame that everyone couldn't just continue along posting their fabulous pics and enjoying their "alternative" hair.
Make you a deal, I will leave this thread alone if you will........

June 26th, 2011, 02:07 AM
Well, when I was shaving bits I sure could have used this site for tips on how to deal with the rest of it! :) It was rather long and needed some TLC.

June 26th, 2011, 02:17 AM
No, it's not. It's ridiculous quite frankly and I am really bothered by where this thread has gone and I do acknowledge my part in it. But, you blatantly contradicted yourself with the post from the Bald thread and it just got under my skin. You can post 20 days ago about how much you loved your shaved head, but now someone else can't ??? :confused:
It's a shame that everyone couldn't just continue along posting their fabulous pics and enjoying their "alternative" hair.
Make you a deal, I will leave this thread alone if you will........

Okay Ultrabella I did not contradicted my self. I have not continuously shaved my head. I did love how my shaved head felt but I knew I am on a journey to long hair.
My religious beliefs showed me why I had to shave my head and believe me it took over 3 years to come to that conclusion. But I don't know why I have to explain this. So I believe this thread should be left up to what the owner and moderators says. Ultrabella I wish you long life and peace.:blossom:

June 26th, 2011, 03:09 AM
wow, I was totally puzzled by the sudden objection to shaving parts of the head or all as a style. Ultrabella said what I was thinking.
Such great pictures on this thread! You all look awesome!

June 26th, 2011, 03:19 AM
I see absolutely nothing wrong with sharing personal preferences and styles here, including shaved heads. I love the pics, different styles and alternative vibe and I think this thread is great.

I agree! Great thread. I admire every single one of you for just doing whatever you want.
I also thought that TLHC has always been one of the most open and tolerant forums and I absolutely don't understand why anyone should be asked to keep whatever stuff to themselves as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.

June 26th, 2011, 03:45 AM
I agree! Great thread. I admire every single one of you for just doing whatever you want.
I also thought that TLHC has always been one of the most open and tolerant forums and I absolutely don't understand why anyone should be asked to keep whatever stuff to themselves as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else.
I am loving the hair pics! Shaving your head is a style, I don't see any reason to hate on this thread, we are not all one waist and beyond length with braid waves!
keep the pics going, I love to see the styles, after all, we are here because we like hair, we are the LHC, The L being very subjective. My long hair or prefered style is not all inclusive.

June 26th, 2011, 04:55 AM
I'm just gonna post some pics to get back on topic :D
I don't see shaving a bit off as something counterproductive of long hair, I used to have tailbone length and half my head shaved at the same time :)
(I'm lucky enough to have crazy thickness, so I can have 2 hairstyles at once :P Plus, less hair to take care of, it was really unbearably thick before, I'm talking 7" pony circumference)



June 26th, 2011, 08:48 AM
Awesome, Drynwhyl. Are those current? Your hair has lost a lot of length!

June 26th, 2011, 08:55 AM
I really like the photos in this thread! It's making me want to try Manic Panic! <runs off to find MP threads>

June 26th, 2011, 09:00 AM
Quezie I was looking at your album earlier as well and wondered how your hair is SO shiny despite all the bleaching that was done. Have you since cut all the length out? Henna? I think your hair texture is different than mine too... I have a tough time getting shine with a coarser texture, looks like your hair is pretty slick.

Quite a few inches of the bleach has been gradually trimmed, I couldn't even give an estimate of how much though. :confused: I don't even know how its still in good health, my hair has always been like that though. I think henna definitely plays a part in it, I went from blonde, to dyed brown, then over that henna.

June 26th, 2011, 09:07 AM
Here are a few styles I think are pretty cool. A few are not quite in the categories but different nonetheless.

Undercut curly bob

Angled bob

Cute disconnected cut. Kind of like Kate Gosselin's. I always liked Kate's "hedgehog" style.

Awesome undercut angled bob with angled bangs

June 26th, 2011, 09:23 AM
Mods might remove this, but I like how you can see the journey, first pretty hairstyles, then religious commitment to shave, then commitment to regrowth over several years:

This is what I was doing in 2007:

Getting heads shaved to become Buddhist nuns, throwing hair in river.
The purpose of this ceremony is to let go of our attachment to our physical appearance:
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/263455_208858542490279_100000984034806_575404_8101 607_n.jpg
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/264486_208860329156767_100000984034806_575407_5701 561_n.jpg
http://a3.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/271014_208861445823322_100000984034806_575410_1026 041_n.jpg
http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/267643_208862589156541_100000984034806_575422_8208 841_n.jpg
http://a1.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/267588_208861815823285_100000984034806_575413_4748 253_n.jpg

The same girls today:
http://a4.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc6/271053_208863759156424_100000984034806_575428_4050 410_n.jpg

My Buddhist perspective: Most of us are trying to grow our hair long and take great pride in this. However, we're attached to it and this attachment can and often does lead to suffering. Me for example, I had APL/BS hair and a stylist cut it to Chin/SL against my wishes, and I cried and cried and cried for weeks... But only because I was attached to the idea long hair in the first place! Desire --> Suffer. Better to just accept yourself and others as is.

It makes me uncomfortable that mohawks are being discriminated against. There are so many posts about LH men and women being insulting for their very long hair. I thought this was a place to be supportive of everyone who is trying to take care of their hair and achieve length and style goals with it. Even if everyone's goal is not exactly the same.

Let's keep this thread on track -- post pictures of your alternative hairstyles through the years, or links to styles that inspire you. Thanks guys.

June 26th, 2011, 09:41 AM
Shaved is totally a style, I have either shaved my whole head or a section over one ear lots of times, and I did use to style my "1" by bleaching leopard print into my naturally dark fuzzy shaved bits.

And I totally belong in this thread, always have had at least a crazy colour streak but loved having knee dreads in pink, purple, turquoise, fuschia and black. They were a head turner and heavier than lead but I was a bit sad to see them go!

And you absolutely can have crazy colour and longhair, I'm on my way to waist with my bleached streak, done it before and I'll do it again!

Yay for all the gorgeous colours and styles in this thread, it made me smile :)

June 26th, 2011, 09:45 AM
I love this thread ^_^ And the photo in the second post, WOW!

Anyways, I've had bright red hair:


Purple hair: (you can almost feel it screaming for help can't you :p)


I also had dark blue hair at one point but I have no photos of that :( and these days I have a mildly turquoise/blue fringe.


June 26th, 2011, 10:21 AM
I love this thread, and I'm really enjoying looking at all these pictures! Such beautiful colors and styles!

I think the issue with hair cutting on this board is related to hair-related ******es. As in, you can't show pics/video of hair cutting that exists for the purpose of, or encourages the expression of, hair or hair-cutting ******es. (Not that there is a problem with that IMO, just that it's part of the rules of this particular board)

As far as I understand it, there's nothing wrong with describing hair cutting around here. It's a hair board, can't see how descriptions of haircuts can be avoided :confused: I think the issue is more if someone were to post to a hair-cutting video that is not about teaching hair cutting techniques, but more about making the hair cut part of... other practices. :p

June 26th, 2011, 10:22 AM
I had almost forgotten about leopard shaved! I can't find any of my friends, so I hope someone posts a photo of themselves with leopard! Here's one from Japan (http://www.mynewhair.info/wp-content/uploads/2009/02/pink-mohawk.jpg).

Shaved is totally a style, I have either shaved my whole head or a section over one ear lots of times, and I did use to style my "1" by bleaching leopard print into my naturally dark fuzzy shaved bits.

Oh it's sceaming alright, screaming, "THIS LOOKS AMAZING!"

Purple hair: (you can almost feel it screaming for help can't you :p)


June 26th, 2011, 11:25 AM
Awesome, Drynwhyl. Are those current? Your hair has lost a lot of length!

Yes, these are from today.
Actually I cut my hair, in two big chops since I couldn't make myself do it all at once :) It was a while ago, it was around APL for a while, it has since grown to past BSL. Although it will continue losing length as the dreads tighten, I have quite a journey ahead :)

June 26th, 2011, 11:25 AM
This thread has been reported several times for fighting and for confusion about whether the topic is permitted at LHC. I can reassure you that yes, the topic of this thread is fine. The guidelines don't directly say anything about head shaving. What we are trying to prevent is discussion of forced hair cuts (which certain unsavory types find titillating) and f*t*sh related head shaving. It's true that we are a long hair community with the focus on care for long hair, but this does not exclude partially shaved/clipped long hair styles like Mohawks or undercuts or other haircuts where hair does not have the same length all over. Nor does it exclude discussing care for bright colors. Discussing the care for such styles is fine.

Please get back on topic. If you have further questions, feel free to PM a mod.

June 26th, 2011, 11:29 AM
I love a lot of these styles. Here are a few of my favorites:

I love this, funky and unique.

Not exactly crazy, but I love the colour, cut, and style.

Stunning, both the woman and the hair.

June 26th, 2011, 12:14 PM
I always wanted to shave my head or go some funky color. But, in reality, it's never going to happen. I'm too chicken to even cut my hair to chin length to have totally virgin hair. :rolleyes:

But, I love seeing everyone elses cool colors and styles.

June 26th, 2011, 03:43 PM
I always wanted to shave some of my hair but was never brave enough. I did dye my hair different colours (blue was my favourite) for a year. I would love to go back to blue hair but i have natural dark brown/black hair and bleaching really damages it.

June 26th, 2011, 05:15 PM
Ok so I found a couple of old photos. Forgive the quality as I had to photograph the photos on my iPhone. Scanner not working.



The first one is my real hair, the second is my pillarbox dyed hair under synthetic extensions with lovely roots! The extensions took me 2 days to put in.


June 27th, 2011, 06:34 AM
I don't have any hairstyles to show but I just wanted to say that I love sidecuts and undercuts, especially when the rest of the hair is kept long! I plan on getting one as soon as my shortest layers reach my shoulders. :thumbsup:

June 27th, 2011, 07:08 AM
Ah, I love these pictures!! Keep 'em coming!

I had an undercut throughout high school and many, many different colours. I just hate the fact that the bright colours fade so fast. :( I plan on having either a nice streak of colour or maybe I'll just dye the last 2" or so of the entire length. I'll see as I get longer.

June 27th, 2011, 07:23 AM
Amazing photos!

I'm old (57), so I can't say I completely understand shaving hair, non-hair-colored colors (or even tatts and piercing). That said, I definitely admire confidence, imagination and the spirit of "why not?"

It's all part of taking ownership of one's 'self'--in every way.

June 27th, 2011, 09:59 AM
I love this thread! I don't think I would like to shave bits of my head but I do want lots of crazy colors. I'm thinking of maybe bleaching a streak so I can dye it crazy colors. But then I'd have to give up my beloved henna. :(

June 27th, 2011, 10:37 AM
I don't have any hairstyles to show but I just wanted to say that I love sidecuts and undercuts, especially when the rest of the hair is kept long! I plan on getting one as soon as my shortest layers reach my shoulders. :thumbsup:

Be sure to post pics!

June 27th, 2011, 12:21 PM
Some of these pictures are amazing, the bright colours are lovely.

I am not brave enough (and my hair is probably too fragile) to bleach it, but I dyed streaks of purple in over my natural hair colour. It has faded a fair amount now, although still definitely not normal hair colour - this is what it looked like to begin with!

June 27th, 2011, 12:29 PM
ashke50, that's gorgeous! I love the way it swirls in the bun, too. I really want to do streaks like that for myself, in blue or green, but I'm too chicken so I've just been using "hair mascara".

June 27th, 2011, 12:34 PM
Oooh, I've always wondered if there was a thread like this!

As you can see from my photos, I keep my hair fairly bright red. It was white before, and pink, and orange/black, purple, blue... I've had most colors except green and yellow, hah!

Ironically, I decided to go red (albeit a bright red) for both my hair's health and the fact that I'm a nursing student, I can't do a whole lot with my hair anymore. Turns out, when I dyed over the white with the special effects/henna combo I've been using came out brighter than intended and now I just can't let go! My roots are coming in and being a dirty ashe blonde, dye darker than the rest of my hair... and I'm probably going to bleach them with a 10 vol bleach for 15ish minutes to upkeep my hair. I did a test chunk of hair from my hairbrush and it all bleached to white in less than five minutes. Can't get henna out, pfffshh.

I'm going to wind up wearing a wig to work though, because apparently my hair color is still "too bright" and I'm not willing to go duller! Why not amp up the color with some nuclear red while I'm at it? ; )

June 27th, 2011, 12:35 PM
ashke50, that's awesome! I think I may be doing some black chunks in the under part of my hair now so I can get the same spiral effect in my buns, gorgeous!

June 27th, 2011, 12:37 PM
http://i557.photobucket.com/albums/ss15/hazelbagel/41272_1548234073083_1452026215_31467187_7026898_n. jpg

shaved the left side of my head in tribute to my niece who was diagnosed with Leukemia November 2009.
I did this in August 2010.
Shaved it a couple times since then.. right now it's about two inches long. I'm trying to decide on whether or not I should grow it out. It has been very helpful in tracking my hair's health's progress though :)

What a great tribute. Best of luck!! In what ever you decide I'm sure you will look beautiful either way.:D

June 28th, 2011, 12:48 AM
Be sure to post pics!

I will, though it'll probably be a year or two!

June 28th, 2011, 03:31 AM
I just found some old pictures of my hairstyles. I'll be sharing one for now, but as soon as I go through all of them and maybe correct the colouration in some of them, I'll share more.

This one was from 2009 when I decided to go for a straight fringe and what I called an "ear gap" (though there's most likely a correct term for this). Unfortunately, I don't have a clearer picture of the ear gap, but I don't think this picture's too bad. My mom actually thought I had a cutting accident :p

June 28th, 2011, 06:27 AM
Anyone done my little pony hair? Thats my next experiment, block red or pink has gotten a little boring now.

June 28th, 2011, 05:04 PM
ashke50, that's gorgeous! I love the way it swirls in the bun, too. I really want to do streaks like that for myself, in blue or green, but I'm too chicken so I've just been using "hair mascara".

ashke50, that's awesome! I think I may be doing some black chunks in the under part of my hair now so I can get the same spiral effect in my buns, gorgeous!


The first time I dyed some of my hair I just did the bottom 2-3 inches, on the grounds that if it went horribly wrong I could cut it off, and it would not take *too* long to grow back. The second time I was braver, and did streaks. Still only using semi-permanent dye and no bleach though.

I love pretty coloured hair - I lived in Camden (London), for a couple of years, and there are always loads of people with luminous or neon hair wandering about.

June 28th, 2011, 05:44 PM
I think you need to leave her alone. Seriously. The rest of her hair was long in that style with the shaved portion, she has grown it out from shaved which is a long time investment. Many of us have gone through big chops only to grow again. Isn't that the point of this place? Seriously...you need to lay off her.

Now, to keep this thread on topic - I had super bright unnaturally colored bangs. Since I learned to cut them myself, it was ok to bleach the heck out of them to get the bright veggie dyes to show up. I had purple, green, red, blue, depending on my mood. It was a lot of fun, but I'm just not that high maintenance these days!

June 28th, 2011, 05:54 PM
I haven't done my hair, because I'd have to bleach it and I just don't want to go that far, but there's a little old lady at church who used to have bright pink hair. Now it's a lighter pink. She must be nearly 80, and such a cool lady. I just love her.

June 28th, 2011, 06:26 PM
I haven't done my hair, because I'd have to bleach it and I just don't want to go that far, but there's a little old lady at church who used to have bright pink hair. Now it's a lighter pink. She must be nearly 80, and such a cool lady. I just love her.

Awesome! I always wanted to do that when I got older. I'll probably do the tips. :D

June 28th, 2011, 09:56 PM
I love this thread :D such awesome pictures!

I'm planning on doing pink and purple streaks soon, but here's what I've done in the past:


Manic Panic over my natural color.

tinker bug
June 28th, 2011, 10:24 PM
I had some fun dreadfalls a few months ago; pics on my profile!

June 30th, 2011, 07:32 AM
Anyone done my little pony hair? Thats my next experiment, block red or pink has gotten a little boring now.

Like several different colours?

I haven't done it put I seen someone with pastel pink hair that had pastel blue and green running through it that reminded me of my little ponies and it looks sweeeeeet!

June 30th, 2011, 02:47 PM
I love this thread. I just got some Tiger Lily MP and I'm trying it out tonight. I'm going for anything too crazy since my job would freak out...but I figure orange over my light brown might be really nice!

June 30th, 2011, 05:07 PM
So I had a neat idea... "Foxxxy hair" Where you have red hair and bleach the tips to be white, like a fox tail! Then I could have the kick of enjoying a bit of white hair, and trim it off anyway since it would just be 2 inches of the end.

June 30th, 2011, 05:34 PM
Purple hair: (you can almost feel it screaming for help can't you :p)

Oh my gosh, I love purple and your hair looks so magical. I LOVE IT!

However, I can sit forever and just watch and admire all these pictures in this thread. Wish I could have just as awesome hair as you guys do. MORE PICTURES, PLEASE!!! :D:D

June 30th, 2011, 05:40 PM
Oh it's sceaming alright, screaming, "THIS LOOKS AMAZING!"

Oh my gosh, I love purple and your hair looks so magical. I LOVE IT!

Thanks so much:D I do miss it.

July 1st, 2011, 08:55 AM
So I had a neat idea... "Foxxxy hair" Where you have red hair and bleach the tips to be white, like a fox tail! Then I could have the kick of enjoying a bit of white hair, and trim it off anyway since it would just be 2 inches of the end.

A good idea! Especially if you wore your hair in a ponytail but I think stopping the red bleeding into the white might be a pain.

July 1st, 2011, 10:53 AM
Some of these pictures are amazing, the bright colours are lovely.

I am not brave enough (and my hair is probably too fragile) to bleach it, but I dyed streaks of purple in over my natural hair colour. It has faded a fair amount now, although still definitely not normal hair colour - this is what it looked like to begin with!

I just have to say that this looks completely awesome with the streaks swirling through the bun. :D

I had the front of my hair bleached and dyed over with red when I was 14. It faded to orange pretty fast, which was also cool... but after a little over a month I got tired of it. I'm just too low maintenance to do anything like that that requires upkeep. But it looks awesome on others. :)

July 1st, 2011, 11:41 AM
Amazing photos!

I'm old (57), so I can't say I completely understand shaving hair, non-hair-colored colors (or even tatts and piercing). That said, I definitely admire confidence, imagination and the spirit of "why not?"

It's all part of taking ownership of one's 'self'--in every way.

i wish more people of your generation were as open-minded as you are! because even though i might not choose to do something the same way as someone else, i appreciate that we both have that freedom to be different :hifive:

So I had a neat idea... "Foxxxy hair" Where you have red hair and bleach the tips to be white, like a fox tail! Then I could have the kick of enjoying a bit of white hair, and trim it off anyway since it would just be 2 inches of the end.

that would look so cool! and like you said, relatively low commitment too!

July 4th, 2011, 12:59 PM
I just picked up some MP in Purple Haze. I think I'm going to add some streaks, so when I do my cinnabun, it'll look like a peppermint swirl. :) My only fear is that it will never wash out. I've been doing extensive research and haven't seen that its permanent on anyone.

I love the pink in sugarpixie's hair. I love the dip-dye look too. So rockin'!

July 4th, 2011, 05:29 PM
Wow! How did I miss this thread!?
Well, here is my hair over the years:

1. Red Manic Panic(dont remember which one) over brown
2. Fresh Manic Panic Electric Lizard, Sonic Green, Atomic Turquoise, and Midnight Blue
3. Very faded Special Effects Fishbowl
4. Just for fun, braided extensions(my friends all thought it was very punk, despite my very boring wardrobe :D )

July 4th, 2011, 05:47 PM
I had almost forgotten about leopard shaved! I can't find any of my friends, so I hope someone posts a photo of themselves with leopard!

DBF did leopard spots on his shaved head in January. He hand-painted the spots, too. He's a punk hair genius. He's had long hair, long Jane's Addiction style braids, mohawks, shaved head, dreadlocks...you name it. In fact, he used to apply the black hair dye to my hair underneath all that red.

July 4th, 2011, 09:06 PM
I bleached my fringe last year, atm i'm growing it out back to long so i can re-bleach it again. (sister made me chop it off for her wedding, understandable!)
This was when i had five colours in my hair, just like the McFly (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h76uVRSJ5bc) song!
and finally the "violet" i seeked so badly!
Made this oen by mixing whakk "purple" with directions "neon blue"
I heart directions, i was blue for a long while, but i would almost always mix 2 colours, i scarily, rarely, took photos of it. So that's why i have like no photos...haha.
But yeh always a mix of half half or roots one colour tips the other. I had vendetta red, purple, blue, and i let it fade always, so i got green, and even lavender and white. It was rad.

July 4th, 2011, 10:29 PM
A punk duo from Japan "hANGRY&ANGRY" this fashion/hair is for their new single, their official website: http://hangryandangry-f.com/


July 4th, 2011, 11:18 PM
I've been every colour I can think of, and I've had an undercut and very short sides. I gave up the blue and purple stripes when my hair got to about hip length, because it was just too much hassle!
Maybe one day I'll shave most of my head except for a ponytail and have besquillions of multicoloured dreadlocks. ;D

July 5th, 2011, 08:08 PM
I'm a week or so late to this thread, but thank goodness for UltraBella! She is the defender of alternative hair wearers AND she has GORGEOUS hair!! I see signature wherever I go and I am SO jealous. Hers is one of the few that makes me actually yearn for more wavy, less curly hair :)

It's sad that someone will call out people with alternative hair on a forum geared towards hair that is alternative and far from the norm. We alternative hair wearers need to stick together! To catlady, your 'religious beliefs' that compelled you to shave your head do not make you better than people who shaved all or part of their heads to express themselves. You have no need to explain why you shaved your head, just as much as the people on this thread have no need to explain why they shaved their head, so let them be.

You guys on this thread are very inspiring. I hope to incorporate one of your techniques into my hair eventually. maybe I could dye the tips an atomic color? :D

July 5th, 2011, 08:18 PM
Oh, I forgot, I actually DO have an idea on how I want to dye my hair eventually. Tips is an idea, but I'm REALLY loving how Joss Stone incorporated a seriously bright color into her hair with highlights! I really hate to dye my hair monochrome, since I don't think it grows out gracefully. I think highlights grow out much more nicely. Joss's hair excites me, since it is on dark curly hair similar to mine! The stylist that did it said he used three different colors to achieve the affect in her hair (so it needs to be done in a salon). I'm just sad it apparently wears out in 2 weeks... I don't have the time or money to get salon highlights every 2 weeks! I think tips might be the better option for a lazy girl like myself.



July 5th, 2011, 08:27 PM
I'm particularly drooling over the deep-V of her bangs that comes between her eyebrows. Never seen that in real life.

So...anyone else dying to share ridiculous hair, yours or your dreams?

That deep V in her bangs is pretty crazy. I don't know what to think of it. It's so original. It's something I would expect on lady gaga nowadays, haha. I hope to see that as a new trend eventually. Too bad I could never rock it without frying my curls with a flat iron every day.

PF Graham
July 5th, 2011, 08:33 PM
I love tank girl too! One day I am going to do my hair like that and it's going to be awesome!

I've also been every color in the rainbow.

Right now I'm a weird mix of oranges and pinks (more pics in my blog (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/blog.php?u=26280)).

I've had approximately 15 different hair colors in the last two years. Here's a few pics of the brighter ones:
Red & blue: https://lh6.googleusercontent.com/-ERB9FpqyUh8/S2pLL0E0XJI/AAAAAAAAPlQ/xC6A_G14zZs/IMG_8284.JPG

I love seeing all the beautiful inspirational pictures. More, more! :D
Orange & blue:https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/-gqoYFm87osA/TgZk2eqz-RI/AAAAAAAARjQ/BzIunWpl9DI/s512/2010-03-23%25252014.36.51.jpg

Wow - you and your hair are sorta crazy beautiful!

July 6th, 2011, 06:18 PM
I love all the beautiful pictures in this thread. Keep posting! I need more ideas for the future.

Wow - you and your hair are sorta crazy beautiful!

Thanks! :blushing:

July 8th, 2011, 12:23 AM
Anyone ever used Manic Panic Tiger Lily? Or the new MP Electric Tiger Lily?

I'm looking for experiences/pictures.

July 8th, 2011, 12:41 AM
Where did I police this post? I was just stating a rule. And have I been the only one in the forum to ever just state a rule? Where did I say that there was any shame to being bald or having a shaved head? You are right about the report button and the moderators. I think this should be discussed among the owner of this site and the moderators if they think parts of head shaving is appropriated for The Long Hair Community forum. If the owner and TLCH thinks this is a part of the spirit of TLCH I will except it. So UltraBella I was not telling anyone to leave this forum but suggested that if they like head shaving their are other forums. I for one belong to a lot of different community's. As I have state I believe this is up to the owner and the moderators to see if parts of head shaving is allowed.

If you read the rule more carefully, rule #4 is not about no posts about hair cutting, but about not allowing VIDEOS of hair cutting as such things are seen by some to be hair "porn" (i.e. sexually explicit). Reread it and you will see this is nothing to do with length but to do with preventing sexual content given we have minors who are members.

ETA: Sorry posted this before I read all the way through and saw a moderator already addressed this. Forgive me.

July 8th, 2011, 02:52 AM
This thread is making me miss my hennaed hair. I use to bleach my black hair yellow then dye it with henna to get an almost neon orange color. Of course it only stayed that shade for a few days, but I would add red and pink highlights to it with Manic Panic every few weeks. Too much upkeep though to maintain those roots.

July 8th, 2011, 04:42 AM
That deep V in her bangs is pretty crazy. I don't know what to think of it. It's so original. It's something I would expect on lady gaga nowadays, haha. I hope to see that as a new trend eventually. Too bad I could never rock it without frying my curls with a flat iron every day.

The deep, harsh V has been a staple of Gothic/Industrial fashion for... Heck, nearly 2 decades now? Can't go out to a goth nightclub without seeing at least 5 girls sporting one! Not very original, but very striking nonetheless! Makes me wish I looked good with a fringe. Alas, I have too much of a square jaw to carry it off, despite my high cheekbones!

July 8th, 2011, 09:19 PM
Has anyone ever tried Paintbox Fudge? Reds? It's a semi-permanent thing like Manic Panic, I was just wondering what experiences anyone has had.

July 8th, 2011, 09:44 PM
Super amazing tumblr of neon hair. A bunch of the pictures have descriptions of which hair color used as well.

Candy Colored Hair (http://candycoloredhair.tumblr.com/archive)

July 8th, 2011, 09:51 PM
Here's another one with about a hundred pics of red and orange hair where each person describes which semi permanent hair dye they have used.

Funky Hair Shop Red and Orange Hair Dye Pics (http://www.funkyshop.com/RedandOrangeHairpics.htm)

July 8th, 2011, 10:17 PM
I tried Manic Panic for the first time. I'm so happy with the results. Thanks to Ashke for her tutorial on streaking. :)


July 10th, 2011, 02:21 PM
I tried Manic Panic for the first time. I'm so happy with the results. Thanks to Ashke for her tutorial on streaking. :)



You have beautifully shiny hair too. :-)

July 10th, 2011, 06:51 PM
That is just what I was guessing to be the case....I was wondering how there could be rules about how much of our hair we choose to pamper and grow long? Even if I were to shave off all of my hair except a rope in the back like Kung Fu monks used to, I'd still be growing that hair out, right?

July 11th, 2011, 08:29 AM
Super amazing tumblr of neon hair. A bunch of the pictures have descriptions of which hair color used as well.

Candy Colored Hair (http://candycoloredhair.tumblr.com/archive)

Wow. That was awesome. Thanks for sharing!

July 11th, 2011, 03:21 PM
After several weeks (read : I don't remember how many) I decided my roots were long enough to try a "strand test" : alpine green + apple green (Directions dye). I'm really pleased with the result (here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=4850&pictureid=107583) in my "roots" album), so next shampoo I'll take the plunge and do the whole head - not all of the length of course, but roots + a bit. It shows a bit on the henndigoed hair, like highlights mainly visible in the sun, but not enough to go through the hassle of doing it all. I can hardly wait, I'm supposed to shampoo on saturday but I might do it earlier just cause I want it now :D !

July 11th, 2011, 03:57 PM
After several weeks (read : I don't remember how many) I decided my roots were long enough to try a "strand test" : alpine green + apple green (Directions dye). I'm really pleased with the result (here (http://forums.longhaircommunity.com/album.php?albumid=4850&pictureid=107583) in my "roots" album), so next shampoo I'll take the plunge and do the whole head - not all of the length of course, but roots + a bit.

I thought a strand test is where you cut out a bit?

July 11th, 2011, 04:14 PM
Actually I don't know, I may have not used the proper term (that's why I used the " " ), well anyway, I did a ... test on a small portion of hair, and it was pretty conclusive \o/.

July 11th, 2011, 04:26 PM
You don't have to cut it for it to be a strand test, it's just another way of saying test piece really. Many people on here, thier strand test is usually shed hair they have collecting. My strand test is usually a piece of hair on the underneath that can't be seen.

The colour looks lovely! I used to mix Alpine Green with Lagoon Blue for some lovely teal shades.

July 31st, 2011, 05:53 PM
Just wanted to share this bit of wisdom from my friend who always has to-die-for colorful hair:

"I have used a lot of bright color dyes. Since they are all veggie dyes and do absolutely nothing to your hair but add pigment, you can keep it in for as long as you want. I usually put it in for roughly 8 hours, I just go on with my day and let it chill and wash it out at night. Rinse it with cold water, don't wash it, and don't use too warm of water when you wash it from now on, because heat washes it out sooner. You can also use vinegar to rinse it out, it has the same effect as dying an egg and will fuze the color to your hair better and longer."

I already rinse my hair with vinegar so I will definitely rinse out my veggie dye with cold vinegar!

July 31st, 2011, 08:19 PM
Thanks for the tip, whitestiletto! I'll definitely try the vinegar rinse next time.

July 31st, 2011, 08:49 PM
I've always had long hair except the one time when I shaved it (I have a few pictures somewhere....). I really like punk rock inspired hair, clothes, and music so I'm really enjoying all your pictures!

July 31st, 2011, 10:53 PM
Has anyone ever tried Paintbox Fudge? Reds? It's a semi-permanent thing like Manic Panic, I was just wondering what experiences anyone has had.

It's my favourite, but I don't have access to special effects which I hear is great but haven't been able to try.

So, here are my favourites:
Cherry bomb - a bright, cherry, cool red
Hot chili - a bright warm red, not as pinky at cherry bomb
Red corvette - I didn't like this because of how dark it was.

These are very permanent in my hair. I used to use the pinks and purples, and try stayed bright for a long time. Now, I use hot chili over my henna'ed hair to get a less orangey red.

August 7th, 2011, 12:40 AM
I have an undercut (pics in my album) & i actually just bought some Amplified Manic Panic atomic turquoise today so i am tryin g to decide if i should give in & bleach/cut my hair & then dye it blue. I put in the 2 week rule exactly 2 weeks ago & i still wanna do it!

I love this thread by the way! Such amazing hairs!!!

August 7th, 2011, 01:06 AM
This was my hair during my turquoise and blue period:

Wow, this is soo beautiful! it really suits you,awesome!

August 7th, 2011, 01:11 AM
With pink front in Singapore last year

August 8th, 2011, 04:59 PM
The blue is so vibrant and lovely! I love it.

Wow, this is soo beautiful! it really suits you,awesome!

Thanks, guys :flower:

August 10th, 2011, 01:04 PM
I was going through a photographer in my areas facebook album, and came across some stunning alternative, long haired photos. The dreadlocks aren't natural, but still beautiful.



GAHHH such beautiful hair.

August 10th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Awe this makes me miss my goth stage!

August 11th, 2011, 10:55 AM
Just bought some Directions Mandarin hair colour, I'm gong to do a few streaks on my under layer. I'm hoping it will turn out BRIGHT orange like photos i have seen on the beeunique website... :D Time for a hairball test...

August 11th, 2011, 12:44 PM
Great thread and great pics! I so wish to have courage to pick peroxide and try out a few colours :D

@sugar&nutmeg: :hifive::bowtome:

August 11th, 2011, 06:02 PM
I like my hair color just fine but I love seeing everything all you guys are able to do. So cool!

August 12th, 2011, 08:36 PM
I love Deathhawks. <3
Though I'd go insane with a super colorful teased mohawk, they're really cool looking.

August 12th, 2011, 09:09 PM
Awe this makes me miss my goth stage!
ok u guys will laugh at me, but this is from over 10 years ago lol

I love it! Very pretty and nice smile :)

August 12th, 2011, 09:20 PM
I've always wished I had the courage to do something crazy with my hair. I did have a buzz cut once, but it was rather accidental (don't get your hair cut in a foreign country if you're not particularly proficient in the local language!), but that's probably the only unusual thing I've ever done. And now, I lack both the courage and the will to do anything drastic with the color, even if it was just part of my hair. My hair's pretty dark brown, so I'd have to bleach the heck of it to get it light enough to dye bright. Plus, the foot or so of damage from when I dyed it a year and a half ago to a lighter reddish brown is still noticeable, as is the fact that my hair there is lighter, and I prefer darker hair on me.

Maybe when I graduate, depending on my job, I'll put in a dark purple streak, but... probably not.

August 15th, 2011, 10:53 AM
Hello! I have been lurking here a while and I was finally approved to join! :)

I love crazy colors in my hair. I can't post pictures yet cause I am new, but My favorite is purple. I just ordered Special Effects' Fishbowl and Pimpin Purple to try.

My natural hair color is mousey brown... and I just don't like it. It's not me. Plus, my ex husband would not allow me to color my hair at all for the 10 years we were together... so the first thing I did when we separated was dye it black. I think it looks better colored. I currently have ASL black hair with a purple section in the front. This weekend I will go all purple with the fishbowl color underneath.

I was even thinking of putting in synthetic yarn extensions underneath to give me more length and volume!

August 15th, 2011, 02:45 PM
I tried Manic Panic for the first time. I'm so happy with the results. Thanks to Ashke for her tutorial on streaking. :)


I was thinking about doing almost the exact same thing-dying a bit of my hair in the back purple with manic panic (or red, if that didn't work out). May I ask which purple you used?

And it looks stunning, by the way. :) I feel like I'm going to be a total copycat now.

August 18th, 2011, 07:43 AM
I know a few of you in here use temp red dyes over henna to kick up the red and I'm wondering how you touch up your roots.

I'm considering doing it since I have hennaed over henndigo and it's still too orange red and not quite red red enough for my liking.

August 18th, 2011, 08:28 AM
Warning: IMage heavy, and long. These pictures are sprawled out over a period of YEARS (as in 7+)

The webcam made my skin blue.




These are the more recent ones (where I learned to leave most of my hair alone)





August 18th, 2011, 08:43 AM
I love multi colored hair. But a shaved head is not a style. Some of us started with shaved heads for health or personal reason and hope that is will grow nice and healthy. Here are link to guide line rules. Thank you

Um, says who? You? I bet a lot of folk here would take serious issue with that statement. A shaved head, or partially shaved head, is totally a style...

August 18th, 2011, 08:45 AM
Um, says who? You? I bet a lot of folk here would take serious issue with that statement. A shaved head, or partially shaved head, is totally a style...

Yep. A shaved head is not necessarily the start of growing hair. Sometimes it's a stylistic preference, and people work to maintain that. That makes it a style.

August 18th, 2011, 09:46 AM
I think this very dead horse has been beaten to a pulp already, then into a zombie, and then some more again, so there shouldn't be anything left to eat of it at all really :horse:.

August 18th, 2011, 09:56 AM
Oops! didn't realise how long the thread was/ read it through...:o

Upside Down
August 18th, 2011, 10:27 AM
Ah, so many fantastic pictures...!
I had some trips to bold, bright red and such... but my pigment is too dark, and trying to get such bright colors I see on all you guys totally screwed my hair.
I settled for brown, to be honest.

But, I think I will go back to a more red tone soon. I needs it :)

Fluffy Squirrel
October 24th, 2011, 08:14 PM
There is nearly no colour I haven't tried yet :D
I especially enjoyed the combination of blue, purple and pink!
I have also worn several kinds of undercuts and backcombed (yeah, I know...) my hair 80s goth style for quite a while.
I will upload more pictures if I find them... by now I can only offer you one with me having blue hair :)


October 27th, 2011, 08:29 PM
I think I am doing an undercut in two weeks. I have a work function before that, and I don't want to call too much attention to myself. I'm also considering cotton candy pink hair this weekend. I think if I do it tomorrow, it could be back to blonde by Monday? My job is on the conservative side when it comes to hair.

October 27th, 2011, 10:13 PM
:crush: I LOVE this colour, it looks amazing....

I love this thread ^_^ And the photo in the second post, WOW!

Purple hair: (you can almost feel it screaming for help can't you :p)


October 28th, 2011, 07:53 AM
^Oh, I wasn't expecting to see one of my photos when I opened this thread :D

Thank you very much ^_^

October 28th, 2011, 08:54 AM
http://a7.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc7/316908_292382510778241_100000194828272_1386310_202 5298687_n.jpg

There you go!Here you can see my blue strand.It's a little faded

October 28th, 2011, 12:47 PM
Sadly, I don't have pics from the past to share. I have had the undercut that eventually made it's way into a partial mohawk. Never had a strong desire to shave completely, though. I don't think my head's right for it.
I had a great red and pink combo when I was about 19. Dark blood red underneath with a touch of pink on top. Currently, I have a blue panel/blue bangs that I have been in love with for over a year now.
I mostly stuck with black and angled bobs during mygoth years. I did have fun with the crimping iron, lol.

October 28th, 2011, 02:39 PM
I think I am doing an undercut in two weeks. I have a work function before that, and I don't want to call too much attention to myself. I'm also considering cotton candy pink hair this weekend. I think if I do it tomorrow, it could be back to blonde by Monday? My job is on the conservative side when it comes to hair.

I had a sidecut yesterday - I love it.

Aggie_deirde your hair looks gorgeous!

October 28th, 2011, 02:52 PM
Definitely not something I would ever do to my own hair, but it is fascinating to see pictures of other people that have done the shaved, dyed neon, etc type hairstyles. I'm enjoying this thread. :)

October 29th, 2011, 07:09 AM
Toadstool thank you very much!

October 29th, 2011, 04:58 PM
Wow, this thread is awesome! I wouldn't ever be able to get such a drastic cut/colour, but it's amazing to see the courage that others have. Keep posting your photos :)

October 29th, 2011, 06:57 PM
Oooh, I have the sudden urge to do something crazy with my hair. Don't think I have the guts to do anything involving shaving, but dying I love. Done purple, and green before, loved it! Don't bleach first, so it's not as vibrant as it could be, but I still love it.

I think this is Plum from Directions:

And this was supposed to be different, but ended up greenish and purple. Like that one too. :p:

I'm thinking blue the next time!

October 30th, 2011, 09:55 AM
http://i182.photobucket.com/albums/x223/misspurd06/243034_1989552586411_1471249053_32147852_7874506_o .jpg

October 30th, 2011, 10:10 AM
I for one love the hair styles, I would love to have it totally bald someday's, in but I haven't the courage to do so. You all look so feminine with the styles regardless of the cuts! Maybe one day...

October 30th, 2011, 01:43 PM
That blue is stunning, it makes your complexion really stand out. :)

October 30th, 2011, 02:11 PM
For anyone who is interested, search up 'wiselychosen' on flickr/tumblr (don't remember which)

Her entire head is bleached white and every few weeks she applies new shades of Manic Panic. Sometimes vivid rainbow, other times pastel, shades of sea green and blue... it always looks absolutely AWESOME! Very creative and talented with her hair colour

October 30th, 2011, 02:19 PM
I think Adora Batbrat has very inspiring hair! You should definitely google her! :-)

October 30th, 2011, 06:33 PM
i like Three-color bangs:

I always wanted greyish white hair (ash blonde) or Light Lavender hair. I also like the one sided shaved look but only on some girls and as long as its not shaved balled.

October 30th, 2011, 07:15 PM
While I personally am growing out natural. I Love all the creativity in this thread. My daughter has kind of soft brown hair and dyes it from time to time and she always looks great. The most recent was short and fire engine red ion the front and long-jet black in the back.

One of the coolest hair colorings I ever saw was a woman with a rainbow of shiny jewel tones in feathered layers from her right side part to down the length on the other side. It was a lovely sweep across her forehead starting in ruby, then fire opal, then citrine, peridot, emerald, sapphire, then an amazing deep amethyst. The rest was shiny jet black and it was absolutely stunning, lush, shiny and healthy looking. I think that ties with the girl with calf length skinny dreads I see in the art supply store as my favorite alternative hairstyle.

December 28th, 2011, 12:14 PM
I came across this thread in a search and decided to add a comment.

I am almost 56 years old and love artsy hair. I already have my bleaching kit and manic panic in purple, lavender and pink. I am thinking of dyeing a few streaks underneath that will show when I have a ponytail.

I will never be "too old" to have fun!:)

December 28th, 2011, 12:28 PM
I adore the pictures in this thread! I miss having fun colored hair :(

December 28th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I love this thread! Before I got hooked on henna, I was seriously contemplating going back to some brighter colors. I envy those brave enough to do the shaved parts.. I love the look, but HATE having short hair.
Looking at all these pictures makes me want to break out the dye again!
These aren't the best pictures, but it was all I could pull up on my mom's computer.
Here's an old one of me with Fuschia manic panic...

And one of my fabric entwined braids that eventually became my second set of dreads (sorry it's not the best picture):

One of my short purple hair after chopping my dreads, though the purple isn't so bright in this pic:

And just for fun, my dreads:
(My two year old just said, "That's like you, mommy, with a funny hair!")

December 28th, 2011, 12:48 PM
this thread really makes me miss my RED hair

this is to DYE for!! omg...so fabulous!!

Purple hair: (you can almost feel it screaming for help can't you :p)


December 28th, 2011, 12:54 PM

December 28th, 2011, 12:56 PM
I tried Manic Panic for the first time. I'm so happy with the results. Thanks to Ashke for her tutorial on streaking. :)


Ahhh that's sweet. Mind informing me where I could find this tutorial? And, do you know if you can use that stuff with henna?! (I probably would use a color different from purple..)

December 28th, 2011, 01:11 PM
I am going for it! Today if I can.

December 28th, 2011, 01:23 PM
Aah this thread has got me craving an undercut again! ..just when I thought I was over it! It's probably not practical for my teaching interviews, unfortunately :( Maybe some day...

December 28th, 2011, 01:40 PM
I came across this thread in a search and decided to add a comment.

I am almost 56 years old and love artsy hair. I already have my bleaching kit and manic panic in purple, lavender and pink. I am thinking of dyeing a few streaks underneath that will show when I have a ponytail.

I will never be "too old" to have fun!:)

I think that's AWESOME! Don't forget to post pictures:D

December 28th, 2011, 01:44 PM
Ooh! I love multi-coloured hair. I've had mine red, pink, orange, green, blue, purple, black, and all the awkward in-between faded colours. And all this with tailbone-length. I loooooooved colouring (mostly manic panic) my locks.

Only thing is with light blonde hair, the "temporary" dyes, which are only meant to last a month, persisted in my hair for 8 or 9 months. :rolleyes:

These days I'm happy with my natural colour, but I think one day I will go mad and become suddenly turquoise. :eyebrows:

December 29th, 2011, 04:57 AM
My fringe is back to this again as of November! WOOT! :)
I'm in love with indigo and violet, but my bf prefers the pinky purple. So i'm doing half half! (also for an in joke too for our anniversary soon)

December 29th, 2011, 05:04 AM
For anyone who is interested, search up 'wiselychosen' on flickr/tumblr (don't remember which)

Her entire head is bleached white and every few weeks she applies new shades of Manic Panic. Sometimes vivid rainbow, other times pastel, shades of sea green and blue... it always looks absolutely AWESOME! Very creative and talented with her hair colour

Looking at these photos is slightly maddening. I'm not sure if my life is better or worse for seeing this thread.... I think perhaps a little of both.

December 29th, 2011, 02:20 PM
http://<a href="http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/violettwin/?action=view&amp;current=helenpinkhair.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/violettwin/helenpinkhair.jpg" border="0" alt="pink hair"></a> hope this pic comes out ok!
I miss my pink hair!maybe just a couple of little streaks upfront? lol i'll post pics when i've done it!

December 29th, 2011, 02:22 PM
http://<a href="http://s1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/violettwin/?action=view&amp;current=helenpinkhair.jpg" target="_blank"><img src="http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/violettwin/helenpinkhair.jpg" border="0" alt="pink hair"></a> hope this pic comes out ok!
I miss my pink hair!maybe just a couple of little streaks upfront? lol i'll post pics when i've done it!

hang on i'll try again http://http://i1095.photobucket.com/albums/i477/violettwin/helenpinkhair.jpg
if this doesn't work i'll return to my cave......

January 2nd, 2012, 05:47 AM
Heyy, I would like some advise please :)

I have bought some Directions "spring green" dye and would like to dye the under layer or ends of my hair... Im a bit worried about how green would look with my natural colour though... (take a look at my album) It can look quite "ginger" in certain lights but also medium-light blonde... its obviously going to look un-natural but is the green likely to clash badly with my natural colour?

also, I'm unsure how much of my length to dye because of my curl... it reaches to almost waist length when curly, but near Hip when wet... If I dont dye enough of the length it will look silly and be pointless... but if i do too much I wont be able to hide the ends with hairagami bun maker at work...

thanks xx

January 2nd, 2012, 09:39 AM
It will probably contrast somewhat, since your hair is kind if gingery, but that might only make the green look brighter! Which could be a good thing.

March 10th, 2012, 04:42 AM
My hair is fun purple but the upkeep is so so irritating! I'm too low maintainance slash BUSY these days! So i'm letting the dye completely fade out. So yay for a copper fringe i guess??

March 10th, 2012, 06:33 AM
Not sure if I've posted pictures of my colour experiments on this thread before, but thought I should so here we go.
Started with pink ends:
Then dyed the whole thing lilac:
Then added some turquoise on the ends when the lilac was faded enough:

And my most recent colour; basically I had an oral exam coming up so I decided to cover the whole thing with red as I thought that would be the best to cover faded lilac and turquoise:

Hope I'm not doing a repeat post here, but I'm fairly sure I haven't put these on before. All these colours were done with veggie semi-permanent dyes which are non damaging. The length of my hair are bleached from before the LHC but the first few inches are virgin (or rather unbleached). Next step, I'll be fading this colour gradually. Right now it's gone a bit more orangey and I have some very obvious blonde roots. I've decided to stick with more pastel/cool colours, even if the red was fun, it doesn't feel very me.

If you're interested in bigger pics, go to my album :).

March 12th, 2012, 08:03 AM
why did my pink hair not last like....ever T_T why did it have to leave me after just 2 washes???

March 12th, 2012, 09:21 AM
Well I dye my hair black and have a sharp little set of bangs. When I first cut my bangs like that one of the guys on my roleplaying group said I had an evil hairdo, that I had what he called the domina cut and that femme fatales in movies often have that hairstyle. I guess that is a gothic hairstyle, but it it not to extreme tough. I however love to see people with really unusual hairstyles. When I see that I get so happy that the God and the Goddess made us so that we could all be different.

March 12th, 2012, 10:00 AM
I've had purble/bluish hair before :D i've even had my hair bleached with pink tips! :P

March 13th, 2012, 05:19 PM
In 2008 I shaved an undercut all the way to the scalp and slightly above my ears. At the time my hair was about collarbone length and it was thick enough that if I wore the top layers of my hair down, no one could tell it was shaved underneath. That was when I was dyeing my hair dark red.

When I was in college I bleached my pixie-length hair and used Punky Colours in Rubine on it. A few months after that, it was a purple bob (Punky Colours Plum and Flamingo mixed together, if I remember correctly). Less wild, but still pretty, was the Garnier 100&#37; Color in blue-black -- emphasis on the blue!

Unfortunately I don't have any pictures of my fun colours and the pictures I have of the undercut are difficult to locate at the moment.

Right now I'm planning to use some Punky Colours or Directions in a nice dark purple on the under layers of my hair with no bleach. That part of my hair isn't 100% silver yet, but there's enough that I think the effect will be really pretty. It shouldn't be a problem where I work, but I don't think anyone will notice unless I wear it up.

March 13th, 2012, 05:24 PM
Dyed my bangs with Manic Panic Black Heart, so now they are a dark blue/green beacause seemingly my hair doesn't want to be black. Gorgeous colour actually, and if it showed up in pictures I'd show you, but it just looks dark. :p

March 13th, 2012, 05:26 PM

Here's my undercut/shaven side! I got it done December 19th, 2011. I absolutely loved it and still can't believe that I shaved the side of my head. No one where I live has unusual hair, so it was pretty cool! It's about 3 inches in length now. :)

March 13th, 2012, 05:47 PM
I have had purple hair before (loved it), but sadly no photos of that adventure.

I have always wanted a reason to shave my head - reason needed to justify it at work in the corporate world. We have some reds, purples, pinks, and blues here, but I think a full shave might get me into trouble. Time to relocate into the IT department! :D

March 13th, 2012, 06:26 PM

Here's my undercut/shaven side! I got it done December 19th, 2011. I absolutely loved it and still can't believe that I shaved the side of my head. No one where I live has unusual hair, so it was pretty cool! It's about 3 inches in length now. :)


March 13th, 2012, 06:45 PM
When I was in college I bleached my pixie-length hair and used Punky Colours in Rubine on it. A few months after that, it was a purple bob (Punky Colours Plum and Flamingo mixed together, if I remember correctly). Less wild, but still pretty, was the Garnier 100&#37; Color in blue-black -- emphasis on the blue!


I used to love this blue black color!!! it sure did look blue-black!!!

March 13th, 2012, 07:08 PM
If I dyed a few strands underneath, would it be easy to hide if I needed to? How do those of you who have done "underneath"chunks keep it invisible when necessary? (I pretty much never wear my hair down-- usually one or two braids.)

September 21st, 2012, 04:15 AM
I never had shaved and color at the same time, but I did have an undercut severely angled bob for a long time, bleached blonde, and have had lilac, green, blue, and black hair.

Now that I am most likely approaching another severe shed (baby #2 due in Nov) I am seriously considering a punky do, some kind of long mohawk thing or undercut bob. On this site, http://www.mylifeisbrilliant.com/most-amazing-punk-hairstyles-women/
#s 1, 6,7, and 8 inspire me. #14 is cool too. Many of the pics are very styled and perhaps even photoshopped, but with natural severe taper and messy hair, I could do some of the messier looking ones. Also, I want dip-dyed ends. Bleached blonde on top with turquoise ends? Leave it natural and bleach the ends then dye them purple?

these kinds of decisions aren't something to be taken lightly for me because I am a mom, work full time, and will be 40 in January, but I am very seriously considering them since my hair doesn't seem to want to get long anyway and I am bored with natural.

September 22nd, 2012, 05:11 PM
#s 1, 6,7, and 8 inspire me. #14 is cool too. .

I vote for #1 or #14. Please post pics if you go through with this :)

September 22nd, 2012, 06:01 PM
This is a neat thread. :-) I would not really do something neon or crazy shaved, though I think it looks awesome on other people. XD

I have played with the idea of doing some snow white in my hair...