View Full Version : How do you wash/cleanse your hair?

June 24th, 2011, 07:07 PM
I did a cursory search and saw a few similar polls (notably the sticky about long-term washing methods) but I'm just curious about how most people on LHC wash their hair. If you have time, I'd love to see some more details, like how long you've been using the method, your hair length and type, etc. I've included all of the methods I could think of, but feel free to tell me if I've missed some.

ETA: I do conventional S&C once a week or less. My hair stats are all over there on the left.

June 24th, 2011, 07:46 PM
I did CO for a few months and it felt like my hair was always matted to my head. I didn't really like the way my hair turned out from CO. Then I started washing my hair with a bit of shampoo on my roots and conditioner on my ends (the traditional way, I suppose) and I think that method works best for my hair. Before LHC I used to wash my hair everyday (as opposed to twice a week now) and I used shampoo and conditioner on all parts of my hair. I've definitely seen improvement since I switched to my current method though..

June 24th, 2011, 08:35 PM
My routine isn't listed. I wash with diluted clarifying shampoo, do a dilute vinegar rinse and follow with a leave in conditioner. The conditioner is optional if I do the vinegar rinse. Exact timing varies, since I can do daily washes or stretch out 3-4 days.

June 24th, 2011, 08:49 PM
I'm a Shampoo and Conditionar lover. :) I have never tried CO so I don't know the effect of it on my hair. Most shampoo's and me have a bad relationship (Scalp gets itchy/not clean), but Gardiner and Aussie are the best ones for my hair. Water only isn't the best for me either, becasue I once tried it, and for 5 weeks, my hair went crazy. Nothing could get the greecies out.

June 24th, 2011, 09:13 PM
S&C for me. Works like a charm. :)

Dr. Girlfriend
June 24th, 2011, 09:18 PM
I do CWC. I'll use either Rosemary Mint Suave or V05 to coat the length, then I'll pick a shampoo to use depending on what I feel like that day. I've been cycling through Mane N Tail, BedHead Self Absorbed, and the GVP lavender mint ATM.

I usually only wash the scalp, but if I feel my hair is extra sweaty or gross I'll wash the whole thing. I do lather twice, because I feel I get a cleaner scalp and as a result can go longer without having to do it again. After I rinse I'll use one of my better conditioners and let that sit for about five minutes before I rinse it. I am using Mane N Tail and BedHead Self Absorbed currently as my better conditioners.

Then I use my leave-in, which is either the GVP Potion 9 or BedHead Ego Boost. I'll use oils on the ends on the days I don't wash. I did like One N Only Argan Oil, but my hair seems to be rebelling ATM so I'm now using jojoba oil and Doo Grow.

June 24th, 2011, 09:28 PM
Although I wish I washed my hair with nacho cheese, I CO wash with Suave Coconut and condition with Garnier Triple Nutrition.

The idea of bathing in melty cheese makes me drool. Is that bad?

June 24th, 2011, 09:31 PM
I chose shampoo bars, but I can't just use a shampoo bar. Bad water means everything else on that list produces a mass of gunk on my head. With the exception of water only, which just kind of doesn't do anything, unless I'm somewhere with different water.
I use a shampoo bar on my scalp only, then baking soda, then rinse. A second scalp washing with bar, and baking soda, is followed by an herb vinegar rinse. I soak and massage the length in the vinegar.
Works like a charm everytime. If I try anything different, I'm dealing with shedding and gunk for months after.

June 24th, 2011, 10:16 PM
I CO wash 2x a week at the moment. I just bought some Kiwi Lime Squeeze V05 to try as my wash and will reserve my more expensive Yes to Carrots to be my conditioner. I think my shower is going to smell awesome tomorrow.

I'm due for a clarify and I do that by CWC so I can get my pre-oil out with conditioner than proceed to use my Noah's Naturals shampoo and finish off with my heavy conditioner.

June 24th, 2011, 10:43 PM
I am a newbie so haven't really nailed down my perfect regimen yet. I was trying to be CO but my hair was always matted with grease. Not sure if it was just because my hair was transitioning...or because my hair didn't like CO. I have managed to decrease my actual shampooing to every 3 days. So far my nicest hair was 2 days ago. I shampooed with Avalon Organics Lavender and then used a diluted ACV rince. My hair was definitely NOT greasy and had a great shine. Problem was, my ends were kind of dry. So then I over oiled them. Otherwise I could have gone 3 days without washing, no problem. I think I'll try some kind of hybrid washing. The shampoo and ACV worked so well on my scalp, but my ends need more oil and moisture. And I need to figure out a better leave in. The olive oil is too much.

June 24th, 2011, 10:44 PM
I use CO to wash my hair, with a vinegar rinse afterwards, and Fox's SBCC as a leave in. I use Suave Naturals Juicy Green Apple conditioner for everything :)

June 24th, 2011, 11:16 PM
S&C a few times a week. My scalp gets little pimples if I don't give it a thorough cleaning (with SLS or ALS) regularly.

June 24th, 2011, 11:53 PM
Usually I use a sulfate-free shampoo followed by a cone-free conditioner 2x a week or so. Sometimes I CWC and on occasion I just rinse my hair (WO) depending on my activity.

June 25th, 2011, 12:50 AM
I think I'm going to try using shampoo again. I got a small sized bottle of that triple nutrition stuff and I think with that new tip in the article section of working condish into the hair (FABULOUS tip, btw, you basically run your hands through your hair for a slow count to 300, worked WAY better than I thought it would!) it'll take care of the frizzies without weighing it down.

We'll see!

Although I will WO wash most days; poo is only when it needs it.

June 25th, 2011, 01:52 AM
I picked other. I usually co-wash with two conditioners. One for washing, one to condition. I use some products with some cones so occasionally, like once every two months I use real shampoo to remove any buildup. Just whenever the conditioner doesn't seem to soak in. I throw in a protein treatment whenever my hair really needs it. I deep condition it some. Often I just wash it with a light conditioner and use a little of the second conditioner as a leave in. I picked other because I do different things to it depending on how its feeling.

June 25th, 2011, 02:06 AM
Just a simple shampoo and conditioner works fine for my hair. I wash everyday and this has always worked fine for me and I never felt the need to experiment other washing methods or even stretching washes. I usually use coconut oil on the ends before I wash though. All I have to do is not use the same shampoos and conditioners all the time. Usually I'll have three sets in my shower at all times that I rotate depending on what I feel my hair needs.

June 25th, 2011, 02:23 AM
Right before I joined LHC, I tried water only and didn't have enough patience for it. :(
Then I went through a weird phase of using shampoo only.
Then I found COing! Which at first was heaven. Soooo soft!

But now, after a couple months of just COing, my hair has been feeling kind of waxy, so I'm trying just the conventional shampoo on my roots and conditioner on my length. In between I just use water and conditioner.

June 25th, 2011, 02:46 AM
I am on vacation so I recently switched routines. When school is in session, I co-wash every other day. During summer vacation, I wash once a week using the normal s&c (with a deep conditioner to follow).

June 25th, 2011, 02:56 AM
When I have the time to do the mixtures I do the oil shampoo, but the whole melting, mixing, lemon juice pressing sometimes gets in the way. Otherwise I'll do a CWC.

June 25th, 2011, 03:10 AM
I use CO in general, but I like to shampoo my hair before a henna! It doubles up as a clarify, and I like to think it makes the henna absorb into my roots better. :p

June 25th, 2011, 03:15 AM
I just started CO-wash and have better results with in than with shampoo+conditioner or shampoo+ACV... I think i will stick to CO and will see how often i need to use shampoo.

June 25th, 2011, 11:11 AM
I alternate between S&C and CWC.

Jules diamond
June 25th, 2011, 03:58 PM
Shampoo only twice a week.

June 25th, 2011, 04:03 PM

June 25th, 2011, 04:07 PM
I S&C. I use Kiss My Face Whenever Shampoo & Conditioner. They work fine for my hair. I did try CO a long time ago, but I always still felt dirty.

June 25th, 2011, 04:12 PM
I shampoo my hair every other day with Nexxus Therapy Shampoo...crown only. I follow this with Garnier Fructis Triple Nutrition conditioner on the length.

I try to oil the last 12 inches with coconut oil daily. Whatever is left on the palms of my hands I work through the length.

June 25th, 2011, 04:28 PM
I use conventional shampoo but no conditioner.

June 25th, 2011, 04:54 PM
I have been experimenting with BS and ACV for the last two months. BS on the roots and ACV on the length. I have worked up to this once a week with a CO wash (Tresemme light conditioner) or water wash in between.
I like being able to use inexpensive natural products. Overall my hair is stronger, lighter and shinier and I like that there is less washing and chemicals.
Also for the last month I incorportated the Hollywood Castor Oil w/ Mink Oil hair treatment to see if it will help incourage strength. I apply this to the ends and roots and leave it on overnight or all day before I wash. Takes a couple of washes to get it out and sometimes I will use Tresemme clarifying shampoo with the baking soda to get it out. I have not yet noticed a difference but I'm going to keep it up!

June 25th, 2011, 04:59 PM
I'd like to find a nice oil as well. I'm not sure what to use. Cooking oils I have heard are heaving and I have fine hair. Let me know if you find something you like.

June 25th, 2011, 05:16 PM
I've done some experimenting, and I've found that CWC works consistently well for me. WO and CO delivered unpredictable results. Right now I'm dealing with a CO gone bad...it itches!

My first C is with SKR (or VO5/Suave equivalent) all over. W can be a diluted SLS or undiluted SLS-free 'poo, and the last C is a -cone condish from the ears down and rinsed out.

June 25th, 2011, 05:27 PM
I just started on CO and I like it. It makes my hair feel soft.

June 25th, 2011, 05:33 PM
I said S&C, because I have recently realized that this is what my hair really wants. I tried CWC for a long time (since joining LHC last year), but my hair is so naturally oily that I ended up having to wash it more often. CO was a disaster, lol. So now I shampoo the scalp and condition from the ears down, about every 3 days. I also spray a homemade leave in conditioner on before wet-combing after I get out of the tub.

My hair really seems to like coconut oil or argan oil on the ends... but it is easy to overdo.

June 25th, 2011, 05:35 PM
I've tried S&C, CWC, CO, and WO, and they all had good points and bad points, but WO is the only one that's stuck around for me :)

June 25th, 2011, 05:50 PM
Rassoul clay for my hair normally.

June 25th, 2011, 07:46 PM
Currently trying the NW/SO method. So far, I like it.

June 25th, 2011, 07:53 PM
I answered with two options
Most of the time, I wash my hair with Conditioner only (CO)
but occasionally I use Conventional shampoo and conditioner

June 26th, 2011, 12:13 AM
I usually CO, but sometime use conventional shampoo, and sometimes go WO. Just depends on how my hair feels.

June 26th, 2011, 03:13 AM
S&C every 2-3 days. I use a sulfate-free, very mild shampoo and conditioner. When I'm in a hurry I shampoo only. I always oil my hair after washing with coconut oil. I also use aloe vera gel.

June 26th, 2011, 07:28 AM
I CO every other afternoon right now, and occasionally throw in some (usually diluted) SLS shampoo, whenever I feel like I should. CO usually works great for me, my hair feels really soft and looks super shiny. It also makes it a little easier to do updos.

June 26th, 2011, 10:21 PM
I CO but sometimes I treat my hair once-twice a week with Indian herbs and Oil and those are the only times that I use Shampoo otherwise my hair dries out WAY too much.

June 27th, 2011, 04:23 AM
After having to take a couple of weeks out using a coney 2-in-1 (only thing I could get in hospital :( ), which made me shed a ton and gave me itchies, I'm back on the CO bandwagon. Cheap conditioner on my scalp, heavier on my ends. I have to wash every other day, but I do with conventional shampoo too - my scalp seems to just step up the oil production. I don't think I'll ever be able to stretch washes further. Stupid greasepan scalp. :(

June 27th, 2011, 05:44 AM
I use a mix of S&C and CWC, with diluted shampoo if I'm not clarifying, and finishing with an ACV rinse. :)

June 27th, 2011, 08:31 AM
I S&C every 2 days with Head & Shoulders 2 in 1 shampoo and use any coney conditioner. I have found this routine to be best for my hair :)

June 27th, 2011, 08:56 AM
I'm supposed to be doing CWC. But I don't because usually in the shower I'm too lazy, so I just S&C most of the time.

Maybe that's why I have so many split ends... Should really CWC again.

Never tried CO really properly... I tried it once but I don't think I did it correctly. Might try it again at some point.

WO isn't my thing, I don't have the patience to wait to get past the grease stage. And I'm not patient enough to mix up my shampoo or conditioner with interesting things.

Too lazy even to do a vinegar rinse even though I keep on telling myself I will.


June 27th, 2011, 09:03 AM
Pre-wash I put coconut oil in my hair and let it sit for a few hours. Then I shampoo with AO Blue Chamomile, Condition with AO Island Naturals twice a week. Once a week I do an ACV and rose water rinse.

June 27th, 2011, 10:58 AM
I currently use Suave's daily clarifying shampoo and Suave Natural's Ocean Breeze Conditioner. I usually wash everyday but sometimes if I'm running late in the morning, I skip my wash & just do the quick shower. Then I just lightly brush my hair into a low ponytail & go!

June 27th, 2011, 03:29 PM
I mostly use Lux Super Damage Repair shampoo and conditioner. Just ordinary drugstore stuff with SLS and cones. I follow it up with one of various commercial leave-in conditioners. On average I probably wash about every other day, although it's more dependent on how nice I want to look for a particular event than any set schedule.

June 27th, 2011, 03:49 PM
I've done bars and like them, been using cone and sulfate free S&C for several months now but hate the build-up, so I'm taking the plunge of transitioning to a WO routine. So far it's been 3 weeks. I do not have any results to really report yet.

June 27th, 2011, 04:52 PM
I chose other as I use very diluted shampoo and then catnip for conditioning.

June 29th, 2011, 03:04 AM
I'm a CWC and loving it! I also use a vinegar rinse while I'm doing my hair-washing business. ;)
I checked baking soda but that is more of a way that I use to stretch washings for about a day past the time they are due, than anything else.

July 3rd, 2011, 09:00 AM
I think I´m not in any of those choices, so I choose cheese.
I CO once in a while, sometimes scalp only with sulfate-free shampoo, sometimes I use ordinary shampoo, sometimes I CWC... I do like CO the best, but my hair needs washing with poo sometimes.

July 3rd, 2011, 09:07 AM
I do CO or CWC depending on how long it's been since I last washed, how much hair product is in it, how hot/cold the weather has been (more greasies), etc.

July 3rd, 2011, 09:23 AM
I'm a co washer. I use a danish cheap condish as my wash, and garnier triple nutrition after that. Perfect combination :D

July 3rd, 2011, 10:15 AM
Right now I'm using Cocoa Pink Princess Poo and Shine Sweetie. I've used shampoo bars in the past, but we have hard water, and it just didn't work out well. I'd like to try CO someday, but I'm really loving Cocoa Pink right now, and my hair looks/feels so good... I hate to change.

July 3rd, 2011, 12:37 PM
I use fragrance-free products per my dermatologist's instructions so I chose "unconventional". Don't know if that was the right category.

July 4th, 2011, 02:21 PM
I usually wait like 4 days between washes, it really depends on how I feel like it. I always do some sort of a treatment before washing, either coconut milk or cheap henna conditioner stuff. So it depends, sometimes it's S&C and sometimes CWC.

July 4th, 2011, 06:24 PM
I normally S&C. I tried CO and didn't like it at all, and I'd love to try shampoo bars.

July 4th, 2011, 06:51 PM
Hi everyone! This is my first post here at LHC! I use conventional S&C every 3 to 5 days but I condition twice. I let the first round of conditioner sit for about 2 minutes, then without rinsing, I apply another coat (mostly to the length, but a little at the top and roots) and pull the length up into an elastic. I let that sit for another 2 minutes or so, then fully rinse. After the shower, I use a Paul Mitchell serum, then I wrap my hair in a towel for about 15 minutes. After that I use Aussie's Hair Insurance leave in conditioner.

July 4th, 2011, 07:03 PM
My washing routine is so erratic right now thanks to work, ugh. I CO or CWC depending on how much chlorine is in it.

July 5th, 2011, 03:46 AM
I use diluted natural cosmetics shampoo and a few drops of jojoba oil. No conditioner, no leave-in. Works perfectly well.

July 5th, 2011, 03:53 AM
I chose CWC, even though I use different methods depending on how my hair feels/behaves. If its very greasy or I've oiled it I S&C, if its quite clean or I've washed it in the last few days I CO. I almost always do some sort of pre-wash treatment though :D

July 5th, 2011, 11:34 AM
I generally CWC -- 'cone free, not picky about whether or not my shampoo has SLS, sometimes I dilute shampoo and sometimes not.

I am occasionally known to S&C (especially for clarifying) or to CO. I've never tried WO, SO, Indian herbs, oil shampoo. I was doing BS/ACV for a while, but I worried that it was too harsh for my hair long term. I had a shampoo bar once, I found it pretty much the same to liquid shampoo.

July 5th, 2011, 01:16 PM
I voted "other" - sometimes I do shampoo only, sometimes CO, sometimes Neoma's hybrid wash (see "articles"), sometimes S&C. Due to babyfine hair and bedhead, I wash my hair every morning, and do whatever it seems to be in need of.

January 4th, 2012, 01:07 PM
Currently doing WO. Have done S&C and CWC.

January 7th, 2012, 05:18 AM
CWC and I am surprised that more people uses SC than CWC!

January 7th, 2012, 01:02 PM
I've been doing CWC for the last month, but I just switched from a regular SLeS-shampoo to Urtekram and I'll probably just do S&C now, since Urtekram is less harsh.

January 9th, 2012, 09:28 AM
Diluted shampoo! :D

January 9th, 2012, 09:52 AM
Shampoo on my roots, conditioner on my ends even though these are pretty much the same at this length this is how I try to keep things. And the products I use, I am always trying to use the "healthiest" I can find on market.

January 9th, 2012, 10:29 AM
I CO wash my hair every 3-4 days. To do the actual washing, I use either the Avalon Organics Lemon Clarifying Conditioner or VO5's Vanilla Mint Tea Clarifying Conditioner. Afterwards, to condition my hair, I use the Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle and Rose conditioner. I clarify my hair every 10-14 days with VO5's Vanilla Mint Tea clarifying shampoo followed by heavy conditioning. :flower:

January 10th, 2012, 12:42 PM
I have been co washing it with Suave Naturals conditioner for the past month. I do it every other day.

January 10th, 2012, 12:49 PM
No cone daily CO washer!

January 10th, 2012, 01:09 PM
Nacho cheese sounds interesting! It probably wouldn't surprise my DH if I tried it as he keeps seeing me disappear into the shower with various kitchen stuff.

I'm a very happy egg yolk washer. Works like a charm and my hair has never been as happy. Last wash I tried Rhassoul clay and liked that, too, even though I'm not sure it beats the eggs :)

January 10th, 2012, 01:41 PM
Shampoo and conditioner works best for me.

January 10th, 2012, 06:15 PM
CO for just over three months now. I normalized my routine two months ago to a CO wash every eight nights with a WO wash halfway between. Deep conditioning, as in keeping half a teaspoon each of coconut oil and EVOO on my hair at this length for 5-6 hours, happens every other CO wash. :)

January 10th, 2012, 06:22 PM
When I buy shampoo (SLS free) I pour half into an empty bottle, then top up both with water. I use this for CWC. I have quite a lot to get through, before my stockpile has gone. Which is unfortunate, because I desperately want to try soapnuts!

January 10th, 2012, 06:26 PM
I thought I was getting good results with CO-washing, but then I tried oil shampoo and my hair is so much better. I was amazed by how well it worked, since I was pretty skeptical going in. I thought my hair just wasn't capable of being soft, but now it's really soft. I do follow the oil shampoo with vo5 conditioner to make it easier to comb through in the shower, but that's all I need. It does not seem to be causing buildup. $1 for shampoo, $.69 for conditioner, and $7.50 for a jar of coconut oil that lasts me a long time and can be used for my skin or as a leave in if I want.

CO-washing made my length feel nice, but my roots were still a little greasy. I have very thick hair, and it makes it hard to effectively clean my scalp, even with shampoo. I used sulfate free shampoo and conditioner before that. That worked okay, but I'm much happier with my routine now.

January 10th, 2012, 06:33 PM
For a few weeks now I've been using aloe vera gel to wash my hair about 2x a week. I've tried the drinkable versions and the juice and finally decided that regular FOTE diluted with water works best on my hair!

Before I started diluting it I had build up pretty quick. Since I have been diluting it not so much.

I think it built up because it was hard to wash out when it was so thick...

January 10th, 2012, 07:43 PM
I have recently started CO washing. I used to CWC once a week and it was fine for scalp but ends were a little dry. Currently I CO about every three days. It has been a fun change. It is a little time consuming, but my hair seems to be loving it for the dry winter months. I use diluted shampoo for clarifying as needed. I still love coconut oil to treat my ends and length. I watch and see what my hair wants. It rarely wants a shampoo wash.

January 10th, 2012, 08:34 PM
I thought I was getting good results with CO-washing, but then I tried oil shampoo and my hair is so much better. I was amazed by how well it worked, since I was pretty skeptical going in.

I have the same story. My hair was "okay-ish" with CO-washing, but still felt kind of... like my hair was coated sometimes or something. I knew my hair loved coconut oil and coconut milk/avocado masks, and I stumbled on the oil shampoo a couple months ago, decided to give it a try when I purchased my (then) new bottle of SLS & parabean free 100% Vegan shampoo (ABBA), mix it 50/50 with organic virgin coconut oil and WOW is my hair so much happier! It's shiny, soft, almost never tangles now. I've been doing this for two or three months now, and wash my hair ever 3-5 days (depending on how much I work out), oil shampoo, cold water rinse, ta-da! I'm sticking with it. :D

January 10th, 2012, 09:25 PM
Well, I tried CO. It made my hair feel disgusting. So I'm back to S&C and the occasional CWC, both with diluted shampoo. My hair is much better now that I added the shampoo back in; it's soft, manageable, and shiny. :D Guess I have no reason to change my routine. :p

January 10th, 2012, 09:41 PM
I CO wash my hair every 3-4 days. To do the actual washing, I use either the Avalon Organics Lemon Clarifying Conditioner or VO5's Vanilla Mint Tea Clarifying Conditioner. Afterwards, to condition my hair, I use the Aubrey Organics Honeysuckle and Rose conditioner. I clarify my hair every 10-14 days with VO5's Vanilla Mint Tea clarifying shampoo followed by heavy conditioning. :flower:
Hey Diamond.Eyes, I can see from your profile that everyone asks you questions and it must be a little annoying, but I have a question about CO washing. Do you use a leave-in after you've CO'ed or do you just let it be, and do you ever use a veingar rinse after you've CO'ed?

January 11th, 2012, 02:18 AM
started CO in 2004 and love it since then. :)

January 11th, 2012, 03:08 PM
It depends on how my hair is feeling when I wash it. I either S&C or CO.

January 11th, 2012, 03:20 PM
Shampoo only, rub in some oil after washing.

January 11th, 2012, 11:14 PM
I used to CO but I don't have time for it anymore. I'm S&Cing currently but I may go back to CO someday. It worked really well for me.

January 11th, 2012, 11:41 PM
I chose "other", because I'm currently washing with eggs. :)

January 12th, 2012, 02:47 AM
I chose "other", because I'm currently washing with eggs. :)

I turned into an "egg head" about two months ago and I'm loving it! I'm very interested in other egg washer's experiences as I can hardly believe how effective this is for me and I'm kind of waiting for a downside to creep up. How long have you been doing this for and what is your precise method and recipe? How often do you wash your hair? Do you use egg washes exclusively? Thanks!

January 12th, 2012, 03:52 AM
I turned into an "egg head" about two months ago and I'm loving it! I'm very interested in other egg washer's experiences as I can hardly believe how effective this is for me and I'm kind of waiting for a downside to creep up. How long have you been doing this for and what is your precise method and recipe? How often do you wash your hair? Do you use egg washes exclusively? Thanks!

Hi, piratejenny! :) I've washed with eggs on and off for 30-odd years, but seldom for long periods at a stretch because I do love squeaky-clean hair, so back to shampoo I go. :o

I'm using eggs right now because my seborrheic dermatitis has been flaring up and not using shampoo (or conditioner) on my scalp seems to help. I tried going WO and that was OK for a while, but the greasies built up until I couldn't stand it any more....

The eggs I use are from my own hens, so they can be on my hair within an hour of being laid if I like. :rockerdud I do think the fresher the eggs the less danger there is of having a disagreeable egg odour lingering.

Recipe: 1 large egg, about a teaspoon each of aloe vera gel and honey, a good squeeze lemon juice. Beat really, really well - I use a stick blender. This results in a nice thick cream which I massage onto my dry head (this is for a scalp wash) and then rinse thoroughly.

The result is not as clean as I get with shampoo, but I can live with it. It's soft and manageable and using eggs appeals to me for ethical and environmental reasons, apart from being better for my scalp. I haven't been egg-washing for long enough this time to know yet how often I'll have to wash.

Hope this helps! :)

January 12th, 2012, 11:57 AM
I've washed with eggs on and off for 30-odd years, but seldom for long periods at a stretch because I do love squeaky-clean hair, so back to shampoo I go. :o ......

Hi Teazel, thanks for the detailed description of your routine. I really wish I had access to eggs that fresh as I also have definitely come to the conclusion that the fresher the egg the less smelly the result. Normally I find that there is only some smell while the hair is still wet but it dissipates pretty quickly. Once I had the great idea, though, to use an egg that was so old that I didn't want to eat it any more and thought using it on my hair was a good way not to waste it. That wasn't so pleasant even dry :o

Anyway it's funny that you say that you don't stick with egg washing because you like your hair squeaky clean. My hair never literally squeaked after a wash until my first eggy one :p.

January 12th, 2012, 12:02 PM
I finally landed on a CWC routine after months of CO. I really liked CO but my hair never really adjusted enough to let me stretch washes without being limp and a little greasy. CWC keeps my hair soft and moisturized, but eliminated the limp/greasies of day 2 hair. I CWC every other day and use a dry shampoo inbetween washes on my bangs only. It works for me.

January 12th, 2012, 01:20 PM
CWC, but I always use a "deep conditioning" conditioner.
Once in a while I'll cleanse with baking soda and I love the way it makes my hair feel.

January 12th, 2012, 01:44 PM
I CWC once a week, but I mix my first condition with some oils. I am cone-free but not SLS-free.

January 14th, 2012, 08:43 AM
I wash my hair twice a week with shampoo and conditioner.
Once every two weeks I use a deep conditioner beforehand (CWC).

Since half a year I'm using Lush hair care products but I change and switch quite a lot.

Retreat + Rehab (once a week)
Curly Wurly + American Cream (once a week)
And their hair treatments (H'suan Wen Hua or Jasmin and Henna fluff eaze)

But that could change every minute...

So, I'm cone free but not SLS free

January 16th, 2012, 03:32 PM
I started using CWC some time ago and it really makes a difference from S&C, my hair feels really great! I also want to start using cone-free products just as soon as I finish the ones I have now. :D

January 18th, 2012, 12:05 PM
i wash about every 3-4 days and i use herbal essences, i have about 3 different ones so it just depends which one i fancy :) they smell lush and make my hair feel soft and clean so i have no need to change anything yet

January 20th, 2012, 07:49 AM
I've been alternating with CO and shampoo bars for a while now after using shampoo bars exclusively for a long time. Even when I use the bar I put some conditioner to the length so I don't get build up from the shampoo - it likes to stick to the more porous parts of hair. I do an ACV rinse when using the bar, sometimes also when I do a CO.

This routine seems good for both my scalp and hair, though I'm not sure it's the perfect routine...

I wash with shampoo maybe once a month, so I didn't pick that one.

January 20th, 2012, 08:22 AM
I use conventional shampoo and conditioner. I tried CO, but my scalp hated it (itchies and acne, yuck!) and my hair was limp and dull.

Sometimes I wonder how CWC would work, so I may try that at one point. But most of the time I'm content with plain old shampoo and conditioner.

January 20th, 2012, 08:43 AM
I use conventional shampoo & conditioner, once a week I either CWC or CO & leave it in for 30mins before rinsing.
I probably shouldn't but I wash my hair everyday otherwise it goes flat in places & sticks up in others which I really hate.

Woods Nymph
January 20th, 2012, 10:44 AM
Thus far I do conventional S&C. But I'm a noob so this will most likely change.
I am researching as we speak! ...Or, as I type...

January 21st, 2012, 11:14 AM
I wash my hair twice a week, once with organic SLS-free shampoo followed by SMT, and once with a light conditioner followed by a slightly chemical hair mask I have to use up. My next try, when I have used up all my conditioner bottles and my hair mask, will be a mix of shikakai and amla to wash, followed by an AVC rinse.

January 21st, 2012, 12:14 PM
Just, very boring, conventional SC for me every 5 days (or so). Not that adventurous, I know. :D

January 24th, 2012, 04:12 PM
Since joining LHC I have started CWC and so far I love it. I never thought about doing that but now that I tried it I love it.

January 26th, 2012, 06:52 PM
I CWC. Then 4 or 5 days after that I CO. Another 4 or 5 days after that I CWC again. I wish I could CO but after about 10 days my hair gets so dirty that CO doesn't work, so I add the CWC in between. I came to find out that I like the extra washings because I work in a horse stable and it just gets to be a little much smell wise...TMI?? haha

January 26th, 2012, 09:32 PM
I had to vote "other" because sometimes I use regular shampoo and conditioner, but other times, I use conditioner only. I have no particular system to this, I just go by mood.

January 26th, 2012, 10:07 PM
I tried WO and CO over the summer, and it didn't work the way I wanted it to. I started using S&C at the end of August, and have continued to do so...my hair is happier overall. I continue to use coconut oil before my washes, all is good there ^_^

February 14th, 2012, 08:36 AM
I alternate between conventional (sulfate/ sulfocinate - free) shampoo and silicone free conditioner, and Indian herbs. I use herbs more in the summer.

February 15th, 2012, 10:48 PM
Great idea for a poll! You did an awesome job capturing most of the methods used :)

February 16th, 2012, 04:57 AM
I S&C every other day for most of my life. The past few years, I've been flipping my head upside down to shampoo so my fingers can get a better access of my scalp without pulling on my hair. This method makes my head feel really clean and cause a lot less breakage.

February 16th, 2012, 05:01 AM
I do whatever I feel I need at the moment. Sometimes it is S&C, BS/ACV, CO, oil shampoo, and now I've tried tea. It kinda depends on how dirty my hair is and if it feels dry or oily. My scalp is a bit irritated at the moment, so trying to get back to normal on that one. It is a always a struggle between "Do I wash or do I leave it another day?" when it gets itchy like this.

wicked kisses
February 16th, 2012, 05:17 AM
I think I'm going to try using shampoo again. I got a small sized bottle of that triple nutrition stuff and I think with that new tip in the article section of working condish into the hair (FABULOUS tip, btw, you basically run your hands through your hair for a slow count to 300, worked WAY better than I thought it would!) it'll take care of the frizzies without weighing it down.

We'll see!

Although I will WO wash most days; poo is only when it needs it.

300? I can barely manage to count to 50 most days.... maybe a timer??:eek:

February 19th, 2012, 10:35 AM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner for me :)

I did try using only conditioner for 3-4 months but it just didn't feel clean enough :/ although it did make my hair wavier, which I would have liked to keep but the hair wants what the hair wants!

February 19th, 2012, 11:37 AM
Whats been working for me lately is kind of weird but here goes:

About every 7 days or so I do a bentonite/sea salt wash and leave on for around 10 minutes. Then a weak ACV rinse.

After this I rub FOTE aloe vera gel into my wet hair and rinse it well.

Doing this my hair is very full and shiny and the FOTE doesn't build up since the clay removes it.

I tried using baking soda and ACV to wash it off but it wasn't removing enough at the amount of baking soda my hair can stand. It takes clay washing much better but usually I get very static hair from it - the FOTE helps the static.

February 20th, 2012, 03:14 AM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner mostly. Sometimes I do CWC/CO periods but I think that the original way works best for my hair.

February 20th, 2012, 05:45 AM
I CWC with Garnier Fructis and love the shampoo and cone free conditioner. What I do different is that I mix a small amount of shampoo with water and a couple of drops of essential oils: rosemary, sage, lavander and tea tree and massage my scalp for a couple of minutes with this. It helps with my oily scalp, gives volume and smells wonderful.

February 20th, 2012, 07:21 AM
CV shampoo bars and a final ACV rinse :D

February 20th, 2012, 10:37 AM

February 20th, 2012, 12:40 PM
Indian herbs/shikakai
Shampoo bars/other unconventional shampoo products


But I may begin CO...

February 20th, 2012, 01:39 PM
CO for a few years now. Anything else makes my hair too staticy and dry. Now I can ONLY CO too because I HAVE to wash my hair every day i work (5-6 days a week) and my hair still feels dry because of it. :(

February 20th, 2012, 07:07 PM
I normally shampoo and condition everyday but now I'm trying to throw in some CO and WO days.

February 20th, 2012, 07:26 PM
Hi! I'm new here and LOVE this site! I can easily see myself becoming addicted!

I Conventional shampoo and conditioner. I feel it works best for my hair. I love using Nature's Gate henna shampoo (its organic) , and then Vo5 kiwi conditioner and then I finish with a ACV rinse. My hair is really doing well with this routine!

February 21st, 2012, 02:04 PM
I use normal shampoo and conditioner when I feel dirty. (Usually every other day.)
I tried doing CO for awhile. I couldn't do it!

naturally yours
February 23rd, 2012, 07:25 AM
I cowash to wash my hair with a vinegar rinse afterwards.

February 24th, 2012, 12:37 AM
Usually, I do a modified CO (wash with SMT mixture, follow with conditioner and leave-in) and do WO in between washes. That's the routine that has worked best for me in my normal, soft-ish water environment.

However, since moving to a place with hard water (and a frustrating shower), I've had to revamp my routine. Now I CWC with a heavy oiling before and vinegar rinse and leave-ins afterward.

February 24th, 2012, 01:25 AM
I use faith in nature shampoo and conditioner at the moment, my hair really loves the rooibos and pomegranate conditioner.
I spread a tiny bit of shampoo between my palms and apply as close to scalp as possible and then massage with a little more water.
I tried co and cwc but didn't have much success. I wash every day but would like to try stretching the washes, I;m just not very good at having oily roots which happens over night without fail.
Any tips other than stick with it, it gets better?

love the site and the friendliness and helpfulness of everyone!

February 24th, 2012, 11:39 AM
I use CO on my hair but WO for scalp.

February 24th, 2012, 08:05 PM
I condition the very ends then shampoo then condition from the ears down. I do this once a week and it takes about four hours from start to end. I use Big & Sexy products.


March 17th, 2012, 03:59 AM
I used to CO, but now I am trying out WO :)

Miss Lucy
March 17th, 2012, 05:04 AM
Mostly WO.
Okay, I forgot to choose 'other unconventional shampoo products'... Because sometimes I use soap nut solution, sometimes clay. But not very often.
I've also gone a few weeks SO. I think I will be doing that more often in the future.

March 18th, 2012, 08:50 AM
I've been doing basic S&C since the fall, and it's working well. For a long time I was doing CWC, and didn't notice too much of a difference. CWC was good for helping keep summer humidity-induced fringe at bay though, so I may go back to it once the weather changes.

June 21st, 2013, 07:33 PM
I do CWC with a heavy pre oil of a mix of coconut oil, olive oil and tea tree oil because I get pimples on my scalp for some crazy reason. At least once a week I often will add in aloe vera gel to reduce shedding. I wash twice a week on Wednesday and Saturday. Vo5 is the first conditioner then I double wash with a small amount of the Aveeno sulfate free shampoo. I find the second wash helps ensure my scalp is truly clean so I can go longer. Then I do an acv rinse, leave that on my hair while I take care of my body, then rinse that out. Then I get out of the shower and get some Biolage Conditioning Balm and a small amount of honey and run it through the ends. I just run cups of cold distilled water through my hair a few times to rinse that out. It sounds complicated but excluding pre oiling it takes around seven minutes assuming I don't shave.

June 29th, 2013, 12:49 AM
I had to vote "other" because sometimes I use regular shampoo and conditioner, but other times, I use conditioner only. I have no particular system to this, I just go by mood.

I am the same way. Except my shampoo is SLS free and conditioner is 'cone free, and I'm trying to ween off of those now and only wash with diluted white vinegar

June 29th, 2013, 01:38 AM
I voted 3 choices.

S&C - I havent done this regularly in about 5 -6 years. Now i usually do it once or twice a year mainly becasue ive been doing something icky/dirty and i didnt think to cover my hair ahead of time.

CO - This was my wash method for maybe a year? I shed to much full on CO so right now im experimenting with ears down CO as needed (once every other week or so) since ive been having more tangles and waxiness isuues.

WO - My main wash method. I wash daily in cool water. I wear my hair up and i keep my hands out of it once i put it up so it stays pretty clean. Washing daily helps prevent buildup, itching, and allergies (cant avoid pollen :shrug: ). Ive been primarily WO for at least 2 years now.

June 29th, 2013, 10:36 AM
I voted CO and S&C.

- CO is my main washing method. I wash my hair twice a week with conditioner only. It cuts down one step from tradition S&C, and I love the way it makes my hair feel and look. Softer, less frizz, pretty curls. I'll usually finish off with a vinegar rinse. No tangles!

- S&C: Because I have scalp problems, sometimes flakey, sometimes scabby, I still use shampoo on the scalp occasionally as I find it helps. Then I rinse it out, and condition all my hair from roots to ends.

July 4th, 2013, 09:17 AM
Shampoo & conditioner and a weekly deep conditioning mask.

July 27th, 2013, 03:56 PM
Conventional shampoo, and no conditioner because my roots get greasy very soon, and it doesn't work for me. I sometimes finish with a herbal rinse and/or aloe vera gel in the length. I have straight, fine hair, greasy roots, normal length.

July 27th, 2013, 05:43 PM
Mostly CWC, sometimes S&C, sometimes ACV rinse, sometimes aloe rinse (must be humid out).

I try to do an over night oiling before washing. To aide the removal of the oil, I apply diluted conditioner for at least 20 minutes before stepping into the shower. So the first thing that happens in the shower is rinsing out the first C, followed by shampoo to the scalp. What happens after the shampoo is rinsed out depends on how much I thought ahead and the season. If I remembered the ACV I'll soak my length in the tub for a few seconds before pouring it all over, that is then clipped up while the rest of me is washed and eventually rinsed out. If it is humid out (and I thought ahead) I then have a tub of water with aloe and a few drops of oil to pour over as a final rinse, otherwise I put a small amount of conditioner in and mostly rinse it out.

If I decide I can't wait till the next day to wash and no oiling has happened then I'll probably just S&C.

July 29th, 2013, 05:20 AM
At the moment, bog standard 2-in-1 S&C every 2-3 days, almost always right after swimming laps. Then followed up with coconut oil on damp hair, to counter the drying effect of both the chlorinated water and shampoo. It's worked great the past 6 months. I'll be trying CWC soon, still with a bit of coconut oil though. :)

July 29th, 2013, 08:34 PM
I CWC every day. I can't stretch washes without my scalp throwing a hissy fit.

C - Suave Naturals Juicy Apple all down the length.
W - L'Oreal EverCreme Sufate free Shampoo for Dry-Normal hair on just my scalp. I make sure the suds run down my length as a rinse. Other than that, I've never shampooed my length.
C - L'Oreal EverCreme Conditioner for Dry-Very dry hair on my length.

July 30th, 2013, 01:37 PM
I voted CWC :) I've been CWC for about a month now, with the occasional S+C. I'm also experimenting with cone-free atm.

July 30th, 2013, 07:51 PM
I use shampoo and conditioner, but I shampoo only the scalp and condition enough of my hair to separate the clumps it naturally falls into as that allows me to distribute conditioner through my hair evenly and not wash a lot of shed hairs come out when I'm conditioning my hair. If I get into oiling my hair before washing it, I could start using the conditioner-wash-conditioner method.

July 30th, 2013, 08:12 PM
i shampoo and condition, but using sulphate and silcone free ones for the most part.

July 30th, 2013, 09:49 PM
I use all five Morrocan Method shampoos: Heavenly Chi, Earth Essence, Sea Essence, Pine Shale and Apple Cider Vinegar. I use a different one each time I shampoo (usually twice a day) so I cycle through all of them. I wet my hair with filtered lukewarm water, massage the shampoo into my scalp, let it sit while I soap up the rest of me then rinse off. I do a second rinse with cool water. Pat dry and let air dry. Once dry I add a leave-in conditioner. If I need to style it, I use a dime-sized amount of Mega-Tek, mix with a little water, work in evenly, let air dry (it dries quickly). If I don't need to style it, I use the MM Diamond Mist conditioner or Sapphire Volumizer Mist conditioner as a leave-in.

I've been using MM for many years. It's super gentle on my super thin, fine hair. There's no buildup and I don't need any since I have so little hair that it almost lies flat against my head anyway. I get a little lift and spring with MM that I've never gotten with other shampoos. My hair type is 1a to 3a, Fi, 28".

July 30th, 2013, 11:23 PM
I try to use sulfate free shampoo and now I'm trying co wash with silicone free conditioner.

August 1st, 2013, 12:10 PM
Shampoo bars are the only thing that I have tried that works. Conventional shampoo and conditioner will unfailingly cause my hair to fall out in droves. Same with any conditioner method (CO, CWC). Water only works sometimes, but only if I have not used any emu oil on my hairline (I use emu oil on the hairline in hopes of encouraging the growth of some baby hairs, but it obviously repels the water with WO and is never rinsed off). I have never tried Indian herbs (except for henna, but that was for color purposes) or oil shampoo. Baking soda makes my hair fall out, just like S&C.

August 1st, 2013, 01:17 PM
Which shampoo bar do you use, Foxylocks (great name btw)?

August 1st, 2013, 02:27 PM
Most of the time I co-wash or I use bentonite clay with apple cider vinegar. I only use shampoo after my hair is straightened.

August 1st, 2013, 03:40 PM
I've tried so many things, and I always go back to co-washing! It doesn't make for the prettiest hair in the short term, but it makes my scalp so happy. Therefore, it seems to be good for the appearance of my hair in the long term. If nothing else, I'm not furiously scratching my scalp all the time... :mad:

August 1st, 2013, 03:47 PM
I use the conventional shampoo and conditioner on my hair every 2-3 days. I find this works the best on my hair :)

August 1st, 2013, 04:09 PM
I've just started CO washes after a few months of CWC. I tried using conditioner only to wash my hair a few weeks ago and it gave me the worst dandruff for about 2 days, so I went back to shampoo on the scalp and conditioner on the ends. That's the only time I've ever had dandruff, and I've put it down to not rinsing the conditioner out of my hair properly. I have also started to section my hair to wash it, so I make sure all my scalp gets cleaned equally.

March 7th, 2015, 10:10 AM
I just wash with very gentle sulfate free shampoo and then use argan oil and that's all my hair needs.

March 7th, 2015, 10:18 AM
I was so abusive to my hair in the past - conventional shampoo and conditioner every day no matter if my hair was dirty or not, leave-in conditioner, blow drying, and using hot rollers. Yeah, that was causing a lot of damage and I was too blind to even see it!

But, I've since been reformed. I discovered Lush last year, purchased one of their solid shampoo bars and a deep conditioner and after fiddling with them for a bit, fell head over heels in love with their products. I'm happy to say that getting lazier with my hair has saved it! Now, I wash 1-2 times per week only if needed, apply my leave-in treatment - and that's it. So, I'm a big believer in Lush and my hair has improved dramatically as a result.

March 7th, 2015, 11:15 AM
I went from WC to CWC to CO to WC to WCC to pre-poo oil + WCC to pre-poo oil + WC + DC... I'm pretty much sold on using shampoo, but have found that sulfate-free works just fine for me most of the time. I use sulphate shampoo once a month to cut through the cones I use on my hair. I wash twice a week. One time it is pre-poo oil + WCC and the other time it is pre-poo oil + WC + DC (usually save the deep condition for the weekend).

March 8th, 2015, 09:07 AM
Earlier I washed my hair almost every day with shampoo. This year I started CWC washes with sulfate free products. Hair feels much better than before.

March 8th, 2015, 10:21 AM
I do CWC, but I use coconut oil for the first conditioning, then wash, then use conventional conditioner.

March 8th, 2015, 10:44 AM
Conventional shampoo + conditioner is what works better on me. Can't really do anything else.
I tried cowash (leaves my hair too flat and lifeless, can't bear it), I tried herbal packs, I tried clays also (ghassoul clay) and left my hair with great volume but rough and somewhat heavy due to clay residues on my hair. So I'll just stick to the conventional shampoo forever.

March 10th, 2015, 05:32 PM
CO works best for me, certainly i will never go back to using shampoo ever again. I was tempted to try soaps when i first heard about it but still wasn't willing to risk stepping away from what works for me now. I also would like to try indian herbs and japanese seeweed cleanser. Anything else on the list above is not for me i guess.

March 11th, 2015, 03:49 AM
I usually do S&C and CWC when needed (when using harsh shampoos and when my hair feels dry).

March 11th, 2015, 04:29 AM
CWC with conventional products once or twice a week, depending how I feel that week. No conditioner touches the hair near my scalp or it'll look like an oil slick before it even has a chance to dry and my scalp will start to itch by day 2. My scalp itches just thinking about CO.

I've tried various sulfate free shampoos with minimal luck, and since I can never find the one that I did like and had to wash my hair twice with it to get it clean, I've gone back to cheap sulfate shampoo. I use cheap cone-free conditioner for the first C, since it gives nice conditioning, and heavy coney conditioner for the second C to seal it all in. I find that my routine wears down the cones in roughly the time I take between washes, so buildup hasn't yet been a problem.

My ends were rather dry when I first started this routine, so I used a mix of coconut and olive oil on just the ends the night before a wash, and that helped tons. I had to stop eventually because they were over-conditioned and starting to get... Sticky? Mushy? Weird. I didn't like it, so I stopped using oil, and my hair has stayed healthy in the year+ since then.

March 11th, 2015, 08:26 AM
I fiddle constantly.
I rinse/water only between using something to stretch washes but get pollen and other allergens off my hair because breathing is fun. ;)

I travel with poo bars, SLS and soap based, depending on what's around. I also have conditioner bars.

At home, I have Shikkai Everyday shampoo, very dilute, 3:1 H2O to the herbal mix. (This is a commercial product made in Santa Rosa, CA.) while the labels don't appear to say so, I'm convinced this is a shampoo concentrate. It's SLS free.

I do own a clarifying shampoo that gets used every couple of months. It's Trader Joe's version of Giovanni Triple Treat.

When my hair is especially weird, I'll CO for a time or two to calm it back down. After that, if I go for three in a row, it seems the shed ticks up a bit, but that could be mere mechanics. Or mind tricks.
I have two conditioners, one with cones and one without, in the shower, and one deep conditioning treatment.
When I CO, it's with 365 Everyday by Whole Foods, which is the cone free one.

March 11th, 2015, 09:19 AM
CWC, although I do the first condition and the wash at the same time :P

March 19th, 2015, 02:37 PM
I like to wash and condition. Sometimes, I CWC. Just depends.

April 25th, 2015, 04:50 AM
I just shampoo and condition, and then use some coconut oil on my ends when the hair is dry... I would really love to start using shampoo bars but I am afraid the experience will go very badly :(

April 25th, 2015, 12:31 PM
I like to alternate between CO and regular washing. Mostly I wash with gentle sulphate shampoo (uses a sulphate that is gentler than SLS and has many moisturizers) and when my upper hair gets drier I use Shea Moisture Moisture Retention Shampoo (which feels like a co wash and leaves my hair really soft like conditioner) or palmers olive oil co wash. I need more of the co wash but I havent bought it yet because I can only get it online :( It makes my hair look and feel dreamy though. But I do need to alternate in the gentle SLS to keep things residue free cuz I have fine yet thick hair.

I just shampoo and condition, and then use some coconut oil on my ends when the hair is dry... I would really love to start using shampoo bars but I am afraid the experience will go very badly

You should try it. It could be exactly what you need!! And they arent that expensive. Unless your routine already gives you exactly what you're looking for, and in that case, if it aint broke dont try to fix it.

April 25th, 2015, 12:39 PM
sulfate free shampoo and silicone free conditioner. i tried cowashing for like 3 months and it made my hair fall out and gave me a ton of buildup/greasiness/dandruff problems.

April 26th, 2015, 07:51 PM
I alternate between traditional shampoo & conditioner (after running or when my hair feels especially dirty) and just conditioner-only. I'm trying to stretch more and more the time between using shampoo, I'm down to about twice a week.

April 26th, 2015, 09:26 PM
Just shampoo and conditioner for me, though most of the time I dilute it. And often do the rinse out oil method as well.

April 27th, 2015, 03:13 AM
Moroccan volcanic mud followed by lemon juice or ACV rinse. Leaves my hair shiny, silky and healthy. i use the mud to wash my face and neck too, and notice my skin is firmer and a couple of small thread veins are reduced.

April 27th, 2015, 07:45 PM
I used to wash with regular shampoo every day pre-LHC, then for a while I tried CO and liked it, then I tried to just stretch washes with regular shampoo, and now I use shampoo bars every other day, and do water only on days in between depending on if my scalp is fussy. I use regular conditioner (with some honey mixed in) on my length.

April 27th, 2015, 08:05 PM
I wash my hair S&W but I pre poo oil so i don't know if that counts as a conditioner:confused:

April 27th, 2015, 08:25 PM
Once a week I'll shampoo with Shea Moisture (no sulfates) but other than that I CO around 2 times a week with a non silicone conditioner. If my hair is feeling a bit dry/tangly, I'll use a silicone conditioner but I try to avoid doing so considering I loathe clarifying.

April 29th, 2015, 10:59 PM
I WCC with sulfate-free shampoo and silicone-free conditioners. Sometimes I'll throw in a CO wash in between, but I don't like to do that too often because I'm prone to shedding. Once in a while is fine.

April 30th, 2015, 12:56 AM
Regularly with any shampoo and conditioner I have on hand. Only once or twice a month would I do CWC (with either coconut or amla oil or hair mask prior the W/C) . I've tried everything, but nothing beats my classic routines.

April 30th, 2015, 04:57 AM
I love the results when I CWC, but often forget. :( So usually diluted shampoo and condish.

October 13th, 2016, 12:37 PM
CO. I'm never going back to shampoo.

October 13th, 2016, 12:41 PM
WCC, clarifying shampoo, and two cone-free conditioners. I have to clarify every wash due to my oily scalp, and as a result I have to double condition the lengths.

October 13th, 2016, 12:50 PM
Shampoo and conditioner.

October 13th, 2016, 02:24 PM
WCC, clarifying shampoo, and two cone-free conditioners. I have to clarify every wash due to my oily scalp, and as a result I have to double condition the lengths.

Pretty much the same with me + I have to keep SD away!

October 13th, 2016, 02:49 PM
Pretty much the same with me + I have to keep SD away!

Our routines are basically one in the same nowadays :lol:

October 13th, 2016, 03:43 PM
Our routines are basically one in the same nowadays :lol:

Yep. :lol: Up to the products (curl enhancing smoothie). ;)

October 13th, 2016, 06:49 PM
I do a modified ROO/CWC with shampoo bars. The night before washing I oil moderately heavily with coconut oil. On wash day, first I wet my hair, then add 5 drops of mineral oil to the length, then I use my shampoo bar and lather on the scalp only, the oil protecting the length as the suds rinse down when I rinse this. Then I add some cheap conditioner (currently Suave, sometimes VO5) to the lengths to get all the oil out and let it sit while I lather up the scalp area again with my shampoo bar and then rinse all of this out. Then I lather once more and squeeze some suds down through the lengths gently and rinse. This is followed by a dilute vinegar rinse and some heavy conditioner (currently Hello Hydration, but it varies) on the ends which sits for maybe five minutes while I finish up my shower. I only follow this full routine every week or two when my lengths need cleansing as well as my scalp. If only my scalp needs cleansing (which is roughly every 3-4 days) I'll just do a scalp wash with some very diluted sulfate-free shampoo. I think my scalp is the opposite of lapushka and vampyyri, it can't handle sulfates well at all!! Hence the triple suds with a shampoo bar, it's the only thing that's gentle enough to use regularly, but also washes out my leave-ins well enough. :)

October 16th, 2016, 03:23 AM
With WO I have transitioned from daily washes with shampoo to WO every 3 to 4 days. The positive is that my hair is not flat on my head anymore and I do not need to heat style. I do occasional scalp quickwashes (no clay masks) with very mild clay or Meinebase salt diluted with water. I use the same mixture on my face. And cold rinse. This has been my routine for 3,5 months now and so far no temptation to go back to shampoo. But journey continues.

Groovy Granny
October 16th, 2016, 01:03 PM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner (S&C)
I shampoo the scalp only (diluted) and apply the conditioner to the ends only.
I do use a wet brush to distribute the conditioner while I shower, and it does pass over my scalp(depositing a teensy bit on the scalp hair)

October 18th, 2016, 03:34 PM
I shampoo and massage my scalp, then proceed to condition my ends only. No conditioner on the scalp for me.

Kat-Rinnè Naido
October 24th, 2016, 02:35 AM
I chose other
I oil my hair 2 nights before, soak in FRW, wash with water then rinse with diluted ACV

October 26th, 2016, 12:08 PM
I double shampoo with natural shampoo and then use either a normal conditioner or a deep conditioning treatment mask and leave it in for about 15 minutes before rinsing.

February 10th, 2017, 07:18 AM
I love shampoo and conditioner too. I use shampoo three a week, and CO-wash twice a week. Or, I'll switch up and CO-wash 5 times a week instead of using shampoo. My hair doesn't ever feel matted to my head. My hair loves conditioner.

February 28th, 2017, 12:51 PM
I alternate between S&C and CWC

February 28th, 2017, 02:37 PM
I use the CWC method- Suave Naturals Tropical Coconut conditioner saturated on the length while I shampoo with Pantene Ice Shine, then a rinse followed by a final condition of Herbal Essence Hello Hydration mixed with Aussie 3 Minute Miracle.

Joyful Mystery
August 11th, 2017, 01:33 PM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner. I use a very low lather, almost no lather, sulfate free shampoo; I usually shampoo twice, followed by conditioner.

August 11th, 2017, 01:48 PM
So when I first answered this question I was on the shampoo bar bandwagon. I still think they're a great method for cleansing hair, but they were a bit finicky in my area due to some issues with hard water and didn't always work. So I have since switched to conventional shampoo and conditioner, though I retained the vinegar/EO rinse. I dilute my shampoo at about a 1:8 shampoo to water ratio using sulfate free shampoo, except for once a month when I clarify with full strength sulfatey shampoo. I'm currently using cone-free conditioner, but I go back and forth and always use a coney serum before detangling so I'm never truly cone free.

I have a kind of odd method to washing my hair. First, I wet my hair and add a fair bit of jojoba to my lengths below my ears, then I shampoo my scalp scrubbing thoroughly. Next, I rinse everything out squeeze my lengths gently and add some conditioner to my ends below the ears and shampoo my scalp again. I rinse all of this out squeeze my lengths gently and add conditioner to them. I let this conditioner sit while I do the rest of my shower things, then rinse it out. After rinsing this out I do my vinegar rinse to help with hard water. Finally, I rinse out the vinegar, squeeze my hair out and add a bit of jojoba before wrapping it up in a large t-shirt to dry a bit before adding my coney serum and detangling. It sounds like a lot, but honestly typing and explaining it takes more time than actually going through with this routine. I also only wash my hair once a week, so it's not too bad. :)

The only difference when clarifying is that I use full strength shampoo and don't do the first conditioning instead squeezing the shampoo suds down the lengths to clarify them.

August 12th, 2017, 10:48 AM
I use a shampoo bar once every 7-10 days. This is a huge change for me from CO for over a decade, but it is working wonders, especially on my scalp.

August 14th, 2017, 01:22 AM
I wash my hair once or twice a week with Kevin Murphy shampoo and conditioner. Very happy. I fix it with dry shampoo if it gets too oily between washes.

August 14th, 2017, 08:25 AM
I chose "other". I alternate between cowashing and shampoo.

August 16th, 2017, 04:38 PM
I CO wash 5x a week, and shampoo and condition once week. I also deep condition 2x week as well. Because, if I don't my hair feels hard, rough, or fragile.

August 16th, 2017, 05:50 PM
I CWC :o before, I was alternating between regular old S&C and a co-wash and my scalp really did well with that, but my length did not so now I just CWC

August 16th, 2017, 06:46 PM
I CWCWC ... I have to shampoo twice! Right now I am using conventional and a bit non convential products. I am going from washing every 3 days to 4. Also I am going from doing a scalp only wash every other time to scalp only two washes in a row then one full wash. Just started this so we'll see how it goes!

August 18th, 2017, 06:51 AM
At the moment, I'm experimenting and changing my routine, but for the last few weeks it's been herbal treatment/rinse, shampoo, condition, leave-in condition.

August 25th, 2017, 04:39 AM
I wash CWC at the moment with the occassional shikakai/marshmallow root/amla/orange peel/clay/honey/vinegar mixture or rinse (Not all together, sometimes just a honey/vinegar rinse, but sometimes all together).
I have been experimenting a lot but due to hard water I need to do a vinegar rinse at the end, I use white vinegar or rice vinegar diluted in water, sometimes with honey.
I also switch up and sometimes use CWWC. The first C is always a pre-poo oil. I feel that i have to wash my scalp twice sometimes. Usually i use sulfate free shampoos and the conditioner only on the ends (which is a bit difficult since the longest part of my hair only comes to my shoulders at the moment).

August 25th, 2017, 12:47 PM
Condition wash then condition again. I find getting the conditioner in last seems to help a lot.

August 30th, 2017, 01:20 AM
my signature get-rid-of-sebum I found yesterday. wet your hair very well, then start scratching your scalp cm by cm all over. carefully of course. repeat when necesarilly. this method is as tedious as s&d but it works for me. then shampoo or co-wash as you like. you can shampoo or co imidiately or the day after, as you like. I am glad I found my own way to get rid of dirt and sebum. for some reason my hair is a real vacuum cleaner for the dirt outside.

September 2nd, 2017, 11:10 AM
I use conditioner, I let it sit in my hair and afterwards I use shampoo. Then I wash it all out.

September 6th, 2017, 07:28 AM
Just shampoo,no conditoner .I tend to buy 2 in 1 shampoo plus conditioner many times like head and shoulders.

I have extreme oily scalp so i do not even pamper my ends.I use hair mask once evry 3 months or so.

I cannot keep my scalp or hair wet for long periods of time or I get dandruff.

September 9th, 2017, 07:42 PM
I voted Indian Herbs since that is my primary wash method. My basic recipe is a mix of shikakai, methi/fenugreek, amla, and hibiscus powders. Frequent additions include neem powder, honey, and rice.

September 23rd, 2017, 08:35 PM
I voted Indian Herbs since that is my primary wash method. My basic recipe is a mix of shikakai, methi/fenugreek, amla, and hibiscus powders. Frequent additions include neem powder, honey, and rice.

How do you use these powders? Do you add water? Do they have a smell? What are the benefits of using these powders over traditional products?

September 26th, 2017, 10:09 AM
My wash routine varies since I'm still experimenting with what I like best, however my main current routine is CWC. I condition with Shea Moisture's Jamaican Black Castor Oil conditioner, and then wash sometimes twice with my Neutrogena Coal Tar shampoo. The Neutrogena is temporary for now though, because I'm in the process of correcting a scalp flare up I got.

When I'm not CWCing, I occasionally CO with Renpure Vanilla Mint cleansing conditioner. I don't do that too much anymore, since I feel that it was one of the factors that triggered my dandruff.

Otherwise, I'm still trying to break into a more natural method. Since dandruff is my only main issue I want to try using Indian herbs, as I've read on here that many of them contain the benefit of preventing dandruff. I have made some other DIY treatments though! Occasional egg washes is a favorite of mine. :)

January 1st, 2019, 02:02 PM
Conventional shampoo.

January 2nd, 2019, 01:02 AM
It varies but now I'm washing WCC.
Washing with a sulphat shampoo, 1. C a silicone free conditioner with protein and the 2. conditioner is with silicone. I don't use leave ins or stylers but I'm oiling as pre wash.

January 2nd, 2019, 02:00 AM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner. I hope to learn more about the different techniques this year.

January 3rd, 2019, 11:31 PM
Wash, condition, rinse, condition again, rinse too much accidentally, condition again, rinse too much again, condition again, lol.

December 27th, 2022, 12:50 AM
Conventional shampoo and conditioner, but without conditioning

January 1st, 2023, 06:34 PM
I am doing an egg yolk and aloe juice wash with a vinegar and water rinse. I don't want to use soap on my hair anymore.

Can anyone tell me a good way to get oil out of your hair without soap? I want to oil my scalp and hair, but what I am doing now does not do a great job of getting oil out. Maybe I am not using enough egg yolk?

mermaid lullaby
January 1st, 2023, 08:18 PM
I do shampoo and conditioner, I think this works the best for my hair.

March 17th, 2023, 08:46 PM
If I'm washing the full length, I do S&C (shampoo on scalp and conditioner shoulders down), but nowadays I'm just washing my scalp down to about APL and for that I only use shampoo.

March 17th, 2023, 08:55 PM
I do water only rinse every sunday.
I shampoo and condition my hair every 4-6 weeks.
This is is my week 6 so I might do SC again.

March 19th, 2023, 12:19 PM
I am doing an egg yolk and aloe juice wash with a vinegar and water rinse. I don't want to use soap on my hair anymore.

Can anyone tell me a good way to get oil out of your hair without soap? I want to oil my scalp and hair, but what I am doing now does not do a great job of getting oil out. Maybe I am not using enough egg yolk?

This is what I'm trying to figure out too. I have use Rhassoul clay wash with an acv rinse. There is a little oil left in my hair but I'm not dissuaded from trying again, maybe in stronger concentrations?

I've never tried egg yolk but I've heard a lot about it. Perhaps since egg yolks are high in fat, you don't need to pre-treat with oil? Worth a try maybe?

March 19th, 2023, 06:48 PM
Wash, condition, condition.

Shampoo with a gentle shampoo (currently Briogeo banana coconut or Good Dye Young), follow with a hair mask for ~30 min, then rinse the mask out and follow with conditioner that matches my shampoo.

March 20th, 2023, 02:51 AM
I shampoo twice and condition once, usually. I may condition twice only if I'm using a very light conditioner (and trying to use it up, sigh).

March 20th, 2023, 05:29 AM
Once a week I use pumpkin seed oil. At every wash I use shampoo two times (one with sulfate and one sulfate free, for reduce damage) and hair mask.

March 22nd, 2023, 10:17 AM
I just tried an oat water wash. My hair feels pretty clean. But I'll have to use it a few more times to determine if I like it. I wash every 1-2 weeks and I'm trying to find an alternative to shampoo; my hair just dries out and gets brittle or frizzy so easily. The oat water was very gentle, and even a little moisturizing.

March 22nd, 2023, 10:18 AM
Once a week I use pumpkin seed oil. At every wash I use shampoo two times (one with sulfate and one sulfate free, for reduce damage) and hair mask.

What do you use the pumpkin seed oil for? And how do you use it?

March 22nd, 2023, 06:51 PM
I thought I answered here already but can't seem to find my response.
I CWC, but really I shampoo twice, so I guess technically I CWWC. I have been doing washes once a week for a few years, trying to stretch to 2 weeks now.

March 23rd, 2023, 12:45 AM
I voted "other" but definitely not cheese;)
I wash-condition-wash , which I called reversed CWC:D. Shampoo, rinse, condition the length and shampoo again only the scalp. Perfect combination for my easily weighed down waves.
I just started testing shampoo bars so my routine could change in the future.

March 24th, 2023, 11:52 AM
What works best for me is to shampoo twice, then put conditioner on my hair, leave it for a few moments and rinse the conditioner off.

However I try to just shampoo once then use conditioner. I always use a clarifying shampoo and although my hair behaves better when clarified (it is very oily) I worry that shampoo dries my hair,

No leave-in conditioner or serum for me any more for although I used to swear by them and occasionally still use them, I find that eventually they cause build-up.

Sometimes I oil my hair, then shampoo twice and condition.

March 26th, 2023, 01:38 PM
I use Rhassoul clay and ACV rinse , I do this roughly every 10 days. Rinse my hair with cold water between clay washes if needed. I have not used any soap on my hair since November 2022. I love it, I seem to never have any tangles anymore. My hair is around bcl.

March 28th, 2023, 07:09 AM
I switched to CWC maybe 5 years ago after never using conditioner. Tbh, my hair was already quite long at that point, so I'm not sure if it helped or not. I have been meaning to switch to shampoo only just to see, but I always forget by the time I need to wash my hair. I did try co-washing on a few occasions but I wasn't crazy about the texture.