View Full Version : Fully rolled sock bun

June 14th, 2011, 04:40 PM
How long did you try this before you nailed it? I've tried a zillion times and it just won't like me!! I've followed Loepsie's trix, but still there's a whole hair that's just hanging outside of the shape, like 1/4 of my hair. Or there's loops that's too big for the rest of it and ... GAH! I really want this to work! Is it the layers or the short hair? What do you think? Do you have any trix? ;) I really want to do this right because I love it (ok now I hate it because it never works on me :p), it's so pretty when done right.

June 14th, 2011, 06:11 PM
I managed it first time, had to pull some of the hair over the sock to cover it. Try wrapping the first 2" round the sock first manually before turning the sock, this works best for me.

Good luck!

June 15th, 2011, 01:13 AM
I managed it first time, had to pull some of the hair over the sock to cover it. Try wrapping the first 2" round the sock first manually before turning the sock, this works best for me.

Good luck!

I agree with jojo.
I have shorter and more heavily layered hair than you so I need to wrap it all snugly around and keep tucking the ends as I turn. Mine never turn out perfectly smooth but I like them a bit softer looking.
It gets easier the longer the hair gets as well.

Good luck :)

Lisa R
June 15th, 2011, 01:21 AM
I have never been able to manage the fulled rolled sock bun but I can easily do the 'normal' sock bun way.

That is:

1. Gather hair into a ponytail and tie it off with a hair tie.

2. Slip your pony tail hair through the already rolled sock.

3. Tilt head forward.

4. make sure the rolled sock is snug up against your scalp.

5. Splay the hair all around the sock so it covers it.

6. Once you have it evenly splayed over the sock you can use an elastic or scrunchie and slip it over the hair and sock.

7. Gather left over length and twist and wrap around base of bun. Secure with pins or little claw clips. I then wrap a pretty scraft around the bun and it covers all the clips and maybe not so perfect bits and makes the bun look huge! Great for my little thin and fine head:)

I think doing it this way it comes out much neater than the fully rolled sock bun way. If you like a polished smooth look I think this is it!

Hope you get to try it if you don't already know about this way.

Have fun!!:)

June 15th, 2011, 03:41 AM
I've never managed the fully roled version eather...
If I try to do it on the back of my head, my arms are too short to manage it , and when I try to do it on the top of my head, there's always plenty of shorter hairs that get left out and it doesn't look as nice as it should be... (damn taper!)
From my experience with taper, I'm guessing that layers are a problem with that hairstyle, and make it more difficult to do...

June 15th, 2011, 04:31 AM
I had beginner's luck and got it the first time. I have had varying degrees of success/ failure sense then.

June 15th, 2011, 04:35 AM
Can I ask what a sock bun is?

June 15th, 2011, 04:42 AM
I can't even do it at my length! Its about the only bun i can't do.

June 15th, 2011, 04:49 AM
Can I ask what a sock bun is?

A bun made with the assistance of a rolled sock with the toe cut off. It can be done a couple of different ways. There's a simple method... see the lovely Loepsie's video for details!

And then there's the Fully Rolled Sock Bun, as demonstrated here:
Some people use the fully rolled method in order to make a heat free curly, wavy look.

Paranda Belle
June 15th, 2011, 05:11 AM
I had beginner's luck and got it the first time. I have had varying degrees of success/ failure sense then.

Same here. I can however make it look neat when doing it on other people. It's also easier and neater with damp /oily hair

June 15th, 2011, 05:33 AM
I will definately be trying the sock bun! I was just wondering, does the fully rolled sock bun cause damage, as all the ends are being rolled up? Does this cause tangles?

June 15th, 2011, 06:17 AM
vintage 88 - I've never had any tangling problems with the fully rolled sock bun.

I don't seem to have too many problems with it and there are quite a few layers toward the end of my hair. I just have to take. my. time. I pull the sock to the bottom of the shortest layer and take the time to splay out and wrap the hair that extends below the sock (if that makes sense).

After I get the ends going, then I'm able to roll it up, still taking time after each roll to be sure that everything is in there and secure. Once it's up, I still occasionally have to pin in some stray strands, which I attribute to doing all this on SL hair. :D

Good luck! I hope you're able to work it out!

June 15th, 2011, 07:07 AM
:) Hey Tinti.
I used to have problems with that one too. Mainly because my hair was too thin on had some layers.
One great trick is to sew/stitch the sock together so it has no chance to come apart. It rolles MUCH easier that way and the bun is MUCH tighter.

June 15th, 2011, 07:49 AM
I've tried it once so far. It was hard to roll evenly and, although I managed to get all my hair in and cover the sock (or, in my case, butchered jumper arm) it didn't all roll tightly or evenly and the resulting bun was rather peculiar and puffy.

I haven't tried since cause I prefer quick boring buns day-to-day (e.g. nautilus) and I have enough hair that I don't feel much need for sock buns' magic trick. Mostly I'm just lazy and not too fussed about my appearance. :p

June 15th, 2011, 08:55 AM
The fully rolled sock bun requires time and patience, as noted above by spitfire511. Each and every roll (sometimes half-roll) has to be carefully adjusted, redistributing the hair and smoothing it out so there aren't errant big loops. It's a lot more difficult to do when you have lots of layers, too, as they like to pop out. It's definitely NOT the go-to updo for people who want something fast and easy. Unless you are looking for big waves/curls, or your hair is over, say 30+ inches long, there is really no reason not to just put your hair in a regular sock bun for convenience's sake. That's what I did and it looked great, and just as pretty as a fully-rolled sock bun.

June 15th, 2011, 09:32 AM
My experience is similiar to Jasper. It took me about 3goes first time on shoulder length hair. After that I did it everyday for a week, then lost my handmade sock.

I've since made a new one and tried to redo this sock bun but have failed ever since. I used Loepsie's youtube tutorial and have watched it since but once again failed. My problem is short layers this time and trying to roll it and spread the hair round the sock.

June 15th, 2011, 10:06 AM
it takes me 5 tries every single time i do one..
i think the trick is in what kind of sock you use..

June 15th, 2011, 12:23 PM
Thank you everyone! I also might add that I have very slippery hair, so I guess that aoso counts. Usually I'm all about low-maintenance and quick updos/buns, but that bun is so pretty :p I'll try one more time after washing and if that doesn't work I'll save it for later.

June 15th, 2011, 12:44 PM
I haven't tried this one yet, but I'm just curious -- has anyone ever tried this with the sock opened up at the beginning?

Like, you make a ponytail, then you put the sock over your ponytail to make a ponytail cover (kinda like a ponytail snood with an open end, or like your ponytail is an arm and the sock is a shirt-sleeve), then you start rolling your hair and the sock up at the same time?

As I said, I've never even ATTEMPTED any kind of sock bun, so I may be way out in left field with this idea, but it seems like having all the hair "contained" inside the sleeve-sock would be helpful particularly for those with poofy hair (like me) or folks dealing with layers. As long as the sock wasn't the full length of the pony (so that the last few turns would just involve hair w/o sock), the sock shouldn't show through. And it seems like it would be easier to get the initial rolling thing going, because the sock won't be big and tight yet.

Does that sound like it would work? Has anyone ever tried anything like that before?

June 15th, 2011, 12:58 PM
A bun made with the assistance of a rolled sock with the toe cut off. It can be done a couple of different ways. There's a simple method... see the lovely Loepsie's video for details!

She is so cute, I like her videos.

June 15th, 2011, 01:05 PM
You might want to check out luxepiggy's blog for some useful tips. She did mention a way to make the rolling easier.

For myself, I'm not a big fan of the fully rolled sock bun using a sock because it always leaves me with weird kinked ends. I use a bun maker or just do a regular cinnamon bun for the same look

June 15th, 2011, 01:28 PM
Yesterday evening on a lark, I tried a different way of rolling my sock bun and wonder of wonders, it worked! (Never had any luck before) What I did was, instead of rolling the sock into my hair from the ends, I brought the sock all the way down to my head, like it was a ponytail holder, and then I simply pulled/wrapped my hair a few times through the sock. Ignore all the math and physics on this page, and just look at the picture, for what I mean: http://hyperphysics.phy-astr.gsu.edu/hbase/magnetic/toroid.html

It worked much easier, smoother, and with less tangling, than the other way.

June 15th, 2011, 02:36 PM
I actually can't make a sock bun with a sock. I use a knitted tube rolled up. It produces much better results for some reason, and I can stick pins through the sock material itself, which I can't do when it's a regular old sock.

June 15th, 2011, 02:51 PM
has anyone ever tried this with the sock opened up at the beginning?

I have not, GRU. I don't think they make socks long enough to wrap up even half of my hair, though, heh. Hope someone with shorter locks than me tries this and reports back.

June 15th, 2011, 03:27 PM
I've been managing them for the first time this month (in fact I'm wearing on now). My hair's on the fine side, just under BSL without layers. I couldn't pull it off with any less hair than I have now.

It's much larger than the other sort of sock bun is and makes me think at some point I'll be able to rock a head-eating sockbun.

June 15th, 2011, 03:34 PM
Congrats, farewell nancy, and thanks to you all! I'll be checking out the links and the blog tomorrow!