View Full Version : The Gym....

June 13th, 2011, 06:43 PM
Ok so I've been doing good and going to the gym...yay!!! But it is killing my hair... :( or at least the sweat is making my hair all dry and nasty feeling. It was doing so good before I started going too. I would only wash about twice a week but, now its at least every other if not every day because of sweating. What should I do????? It makes me really sad. I usually have soft shiny hair due to henna and CO...any tips would be really appreciated. Thanks so much for your time!! Robyn

June 13th, 2011, 06:46 PM
I have recently been going to the gym too. I wash my hair every 3 days while gym-ing it up. I say, wash your hair with conditioner between shampoo washes and always give your hair a nice rinse and condition after every workout. I put black tea into my scalp everyday and I think that's been helping with keeping it clean but it isn't drying it up. I suggest you wet your hair a bit before going to the gym that way your sweat travels so it soaks less in one spot, making your hair less dry. Then rinse your scalp really well and condition afterward, it's been working for me.

June 13th, 2011, 07:09 PM
Maybe you should dig up the water only thread. I rinse my hair and massage my scalp really well when I get too sweaty and I never notice any kind of smell or grunge. Generally, I find that sweat rinses right out as long as you shower before it gets a chance to dry. Yay on the healthy-gym-ratting!!! Increasing circulation due to it should help to bring in a nice new crop of length!

June 13th, 2011, 07:11 PM
I'm a gym-rat too. And think I could make guiness book world records for sweating. What I've found really helps, are the bandana headbands you can find,that have elastic on the base.so you just put them on over your head,pull them up & back;no need to tie anything. They are excellent for the gym. They get sopping wet with sweat,but keeps it from dripping into your eyes. Then I just take off,straight into hamper to wash,fresh one for next gym outing. My hair,I just put into my sleep cap after a tangle teezer detangle,and next day,up in a bun or braid for work. It looks fine,actually healthier,and gets no odor other than whatever you used,last shampp/condition. I've also took bandana off after gym at bus stop:cool evening,I always braid my hair &use small claw clip to keep it up under bandana,should have said that! Braid clipped Up,bandana over. I fingered the braid & tangles out in wind waiting for my bus. Hair soaked from sweat. Got home, looked in mirror for first time, it was magazine picture ringlets. You think your hair will look worse after all the gym sweating,than it does.

June 13th, 2011, 07:45 PM
seethrugirl, here's my routine: when I go to the gym, my hair goes in a top knot squarely on the top of my head anchored in place with a chopstick. It holds throughout my entire workout. When I finish, I comb whatever few tangles there are and liberally apply condish all over my scalp and ends, rinse well and finish with a vinegar rinse (yes, I bring a few tbsps in a separate bottle).

I do this at least 3-5x/wk. At the very most, it's the hassle of going thru the extra 15 mins or so plus having wet hair for 2 hours afterwards. My hair has not suffered in the least, no more breakage or thinning for the wear and tear. If anything, my hair has grown faster from the increased circulation.

Everyone has to do what's right for them with regard to their lifestyle/hair. I've made a personal choice not to put my hair above my health and not to give things up (like exercising) because of my hair. I've adapted along the way and overcome the challenges, but you gotta do is right for you.

June 13th, 2011, 09:00 PM
I get sweaty at the dojo. I do wash my hair after a workout, but condish only, unless my hair got blood in it.

June 14th, 2011, 01:50 AM
I've put some coconut oil in a little empty lipbalm jar and carry it always, this means I can oil my hair a little before I gym, (and the heat helps it sink in!) and I only ever wash at the gym so about 3-4 times a week.
Before I started doing this sweat was making my hair dry, tangly and damaged.

June 16th, 2011, 09:44 PM
Thank you all for the great suggestions!!! I'm going to give them a try...I really appreciate you taking the time to help me out! Robyn

June 17th, 2011, 09:44 PM
I only rinse with water after the gym. I truly believe that my hair grows quicker when I exercise frequently.

June 17th, 2011, 10:24 PM
This is one of the reasons why I wash my hair daily. I just do my workout at the end of my day so I just have it in a topknot during and then afterwards I put in some coconut oil from the ears down and then wash and condition like normal before I go to sleep.

*Rose Red*
June 20th, 2011, 01:47 PM
How often do you go to the gym? I go once or twice a week, and I try to combine this with the days when I need to wash my hair. I wish I would go more often to the gym, most of the time it´s not more than 6 times a month :(