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June 8th, 2011, 10:53 PM
Just wondering something. On average what do you think? In inches, what does long length start at? and where does medium end?:)

p.s. sorry if this is repeat...

June 8th, 2011, 10:56 PM
In my opinion, I think long (as it's known to most people, not LHCers ;)) is when most/all the hair can stay behind your shoulders without moving back over them to the front. Usually something around APL.

June 8th, 2011, 11:11 PM
My view is a little biased, I think, since I've always had long hair until now. But to me it starts entering 'long' territory once you get around mid back-waist. But maybe for normal people, it's around BSL or so. I don't know. I remember a girl commenting on how long my hair was after I'd cut it back to BSL (she hadn't seen my hair before the chop), and I was thinking, "Really? You think this is long? This is horribly short." :p

elbow chic
June 8th, 2011, 11:35 PM
I've always felt like BSL was the start of "long."

Here it isn't, of course, but the world, alas, is not LHC.

Anything shorter than a bit past chin is "short," anything from around chin to about upper-back or APL is "medium."

Though, today I was watching NCIS and the character "Kate," who I'd have described as having "long brunette hair", is actually just APL. haha! Some people, I swear, give the impression of having longer hair than they actually do.

June 8th, 2011, 11:45 PM
You're not going to get a very accurate answer by asking for it in inches. While 15 inches might be BSL for one person, for a taller person, 15 inches might only be APL.

Well, anyhow, for me, long hair start around waist, give or take a couple inches. Medium ends when long starts.

June 9th, 2011, 01:11 AM
For me long hair is hip length and beyond, very long hair is past classic length. Medium is between BSL and hip. But this is only what I think about long hair. :)

June 9th, 2011, 02:27 AM
Yes, I have had the "your hair is long" comments and its only just at APL. When I first came here I would have considered apl as the start of long, but now I consider it to be very short. BSL is now long to me, but I guess when I get there that won't seem long either.

To me 26" start of long, 30" medium after that it will be very long to me. But its all relative.

June 9th, 2011, 02:48 AM
I think of APL hair as long.

June 9th, 2011, 04:41 AM
I think you can call hair long when its anything longer than BSL.

June 9th, 2011, 04:52 AM
On average I think APL is long (though as many have stated not to members here....just the general public).

June 9th, 2011, 04:56 AM
On other people, I consider BSL as the border between medium and long, and Classic as the border between long and very long... I think it's more of how it looks on the back / body than how many inches it is...
On myself though, I've just resently started to feel (on occasions) that my hair is long... :p

June 9th, 2011, 05:03 AM
I think somewhere between BSL and waist... Closer to waist.

June 9th, 2011, 05:04 AM
My opinion is a little biased too, since I haven't been above waist length in about fifteen years. It really depends on the person...everyone's got a different view of it, and they base it on lots of different things, like how short or long the person wearing it has usually kept it.

For example: My grandmother exclaimed over my cousin's hair recently, which was just brushing her shoulder blades in the back, "Oh, it's so LONG!" I don't consider that to be 'long', but for my cousin, who's only had pixie - bob length for as long as I've been alive, that's 'long'. :p

I always think of it in degrees...to me saying plain short or long is misleading because those don't accurately convey it all. Here is my chart of length, lol:

Pixie is of course, 'really short'
bob to chin length is 'short'
chin length to shoulder length is 'medium short'
shoulder to BSL is 'medium'
BSL to can-I-call-this-waist-length is 'medium-long'
hip to classic length is 'long'
past classic to knee is 'really long' (my hair is really long, in that case lol)
Knee+ is 'extremely long'.

Yeah, it sounds like a lot of micro-management, but honestly I barely think about it until I encounter a question or thread like this. ;)

June 9th, 2011, 10:24 AM
My opinion is a little biased too, since I haven't been above waist length in about fifteen years. It really depends on the person...everyone's got a different view of it, and they base it on lots of different things, like how short or long the person wearing it has usually kept it.

For example: My grandmother exclaimed over my cousin's hair recently, which was just brushing her shoulder blades in the back, "Oh, it's so LONG!" I don't consider that to be 'long', but for my cousin, who's only had pixie - bob length for as long as I've been alive, that's 'long'. :p

I always think of it in degrees...to me saying plain short or long is misleading because those don't accurately convey it all. Here is my chart of length, lol:

Pixie is of course, 'really short'
bob to chin length is 'short'
chin length to shoulder length is 'medium short'
shoulder to BSL is 'medium'
BSL to can-I-call-this-waist-length is 'medium-long'
hip to classic length is 'long'
past classic to knee is 'really long' (my hair is really long, in that case lol)
Knee+ is 'extremely long'.

Yeah, it sounds like a lot of micro-management, but honestly I barely think about it until I encounter a question or thread like this. ;)

well i like your guidelines on this... even if its your opinion. it helps me to figure it out a little better. thanks:)

June 9th, 2011, 11:44 AM
For me it does actually depend on the height of the person. In real life I don't see a short person with waist length hair and think their hair is long, if I see a very tall person (lets say around 6'0") with waist length hair it does look noticably longer.

I'd say, measured by the LHC guidelines, to me hair starts looking "long" when it is over about 35". Really long to me looks like about 40"+.