View Full Version : Hurting Head & Hating Hair

June 7th, 2011, 10:54 PM
Well first off, at the moment I am really discouraged with my head of stringy, gross, disgusting, greasy, etc, etc, etc hair. It took me months to get into a good routine with very little oil on my scalp. But then summer happened, and I find myself having to wash my hair every day to keep down the oil that has resulted from the pool-water dryness. And if my hair is oily, my face is oily. And then my neck. And so I really look horrid even BEFORE you add in the sweat! Grrrrr! :mad:

And then second, I found out how to use these sticks that I got from a friend a few months ago, and just love them! However, Sunday I wore my hair up in a 'do' all day while I was shopping downtown, and came home with a splitting headache that lasted through till yesterday. Then today I tried to wear it up and an hour later had to take it down from the pain. ): What's wrong with me? I want my hairsticks!!!

Anyways, sorry for the rant, but I just really hate my head right now. ):

June 7th, 2011, 11:12 PM
It might be that your hair follicles are rebelling (and hurting!) because they are not used to being styled in a different direction. The follicles grow in a certain direction..and when you change that direction, the follicles will HURT.

You have to "train" your follicles in the direction you want to style your hair. So..try wearing the "do" up for 2 hours, then release the hair. The next day, try wearing it up 2 1/2 hours..and so forth and so on. Your follicles will acclimatize themselves eventually (over a period of a week or more). Be patient..it does take time.

As for your oily hair problem, maybe someone here can suggest a shampoo for oily hair.

Good luck!

June 7th, 2011, 11:12 PM
I definitely understand the horrible summertime oiliness. We have stupid hot summers where I live, and this year it's started in way earlier than usual. So I get to enjoy it for that much longer. Sigh. If you figure out a way to combat it, let me know, because I sure havn't. :p

And I get horrible headaches from hair sticks and other toys sometimes. Usually it's because I've pulled my hair up too tight, or not got it placed and anchored in just the right spot. If I can get it right before the headache starts, I'm good to go. But once the headache starts in, there's nothing I can do to fix it, so I just have to let my hair down and go lay in my bed and be a grouch (unless I can manage to fall asleep) until the headache finally goes away.

June 7th, 2011, 11:24 PM
Sometimes putting my hair up with give me a headache, sometimes it won't. It might also be the style you're trying, as well as it being too tight and your scalp just not used to having your hair up like that. I used to rely heavily on nautilus buns, but now it seems I can accommodate having longer hair and I make them too tight, and then it hurts. But if I do a knot bun and hold it up with a hairstick it doesn't hurt as often.

June 8th, 2011, 12:15 AM
Certain "times of the month" cause my head to hurt. My scalp and hair just become super sensitive. I've broken out in tears at a salon because the stylist was too rough and my head was tender.
If your hair hurts all the time, I agree with Madora... it takes some time to train them into the updo.

June 8th, 2011, 02:48 AM
I think it's a combination of your hair not used to being in the updo ... but you might also want to try using more than just the two hairsticks, practising to ensure you get the technique right and maybe varying where you place the bun (most buns hurt on me unless they're at the nape). You could also try doing two buns instead of one, to distribute the weight, or making one bun that starts from two ponytails/gathered points for the same reason.

Can't help you with the greasies, I'm afraid.

June 8th, 2011, 06:13 AM
Perhaps experiment with a scalp wash to combat the heat and oiliness? That way you can wash the part closer to your scalp without wetting the length

As for the head aches, the only idea I can think of is trying to make the bun lower on your nape, that may relieve some of the tention causing the head aches.
And if that works you can gradually do it slightly higher and let the follicles adjust untill you get to the hight you want it to be

Hope you find a good solution and feel better about your hair soon :)