View Full Version : Tangling hair, oily bangs ):

June 6th, 2011, 05:32 PM
I have fine hair that I have so much trouble detangling. It was especially bad today, worse than it's ever been, possibly because of a new shampoo I've only used a couple of times (L'Oreal - EverPure Moisture Shampoo).
It's like my hair's in a really bad mood. :boohoo:

I currently use garnier triple nutrition conditioner which I love, but it doesn't seem to always do the trick when dealing with tangles. ):
Clarifying by also washing the ends has helped, but I don't want to do this too often since it dries out my hair.

Can anyone recommend a great conditioner for fine hair thats LOVES to tangle? Definitely might need to use cones.

And my second issue is with the hair around my face (which is a little layered, the shortest reaches my lips) gets oily extremely easily. If I wash my hair in the morning, that hair will look oily by the end of the day. My face isn't even that oily.
This might also be an issue with the shampoo I use I think, possibly its leaving too much conditioning ingredients behind on my bangs.

June 6th, 2011, 05:45 PM
I don't have fine hair, so I can't give advice on that - but the oily bangs I can help! I usually wash mine every day, but the bulk of my hair is washed much less regularly. You can either do that, or use talcum/cocoa powder to soak up the oil without washing your hair. Good luck!

June 6th, 2011, 06:21 PM
I also can not offer much advice since my hair is not fine at all. I have heard of scalp only washing before, maybe that can help a bit?

Edit: The conditioner I recommended would be one of Burt's Bees conditioners. It might work if your hair won't mind the lack of silicones. It has some but less than most

June 6th, 2011, 07:29 PM
Have you tried scalp washing?

June 6th, 2011, 07:42 PM
My hair is similar, it gets oily in the front and used to tangle a lot. I have found that condition-wash-condition has made a big difference in my hair tangling issues. I use LOTS of El Cheapo no-name type conditioner for the initial condition, shampoo scalp, then use a heavier conditioner (I think it might be Garnier, actually) which I leave in for about 5 mins while I do the rest of the bath etc.

Also, I make my own leave-in detangling spray out of about a 2 second-squeeze of my cheap conditioner with about a cup of water in a spray bottle. A bottle lasts forever.

I spray the back, sides and ends before combing (but not the front), and it makes a big difference.... but too much makes my hair feel gunky, so go easy on it til you know how much your hair likes.

Using Argan oil and/or coconut oil regularly has also helped me.

Good luck! :)

June 6th, 2011, 10:36 PM
When I wash my hair, I do only wash my scalp. I have tried cwc, but I got lazy about it. :b
Will definitely stop being lazy!

Also, I make my own leave-in detangling spray out of about a 2 second-squeeze of my cheap conditioner with about a cup of water in a spray bottle. A bottle lasts forever.

I spray the back, sides and ends before combing (but not the front), and it makes a big difference.... but too much makes my hair feel gunky, so go easy on it til you know how much your hair likes.

I recently started doing this, which I think really helps. I honestly don't know whats going on with my hair the past couple of days that even spraying the leave-in isn't doing the trick, I can't think of anything I've done differently with my hair then the new shampoo. Ten dollars for that shampoo, it smells AMAZING, I hope/wish it isn't causing the problem. ):

Thanks for the replies so far!

June 7th, 2011, 12:05 AM
I use Batiste dry shampoo to fix my oily fringe. It works like a charm for me.

Do you use any leave-in conditioners at the moment? If you don't, you could give them a try for helping to detangle.

June 7th, 2011, 06:57 AM
I have fine hair too, totally understand my all time favorite conditioner is tigi moisture maniac its brilliant, also the tresemme natural moisture conditioner is excellent and both cone free!

And I dont use conditioner on my fringe as mine gets too greasy else.

June 7th, 2011, 07:40 AM
I have fine hair and I'm doing CO washing. I used VO5's kiwi clarifying conditioner. It took a couple days for my hair to get used to it, but after that the greasies are no more! And I wash every other day.

June 7th, 2011, 09:07 PM
@ |Xei
I'll give that a try! I have a tresemme dry shampoo now that doesn't work well.

That conditioner actually sounds familiar, I'll add that to the 'will try' list. :D I used tresemme shampoo and conditioner for coloured hair today, and it worked pretty nicely.

I do like the way my hair feels after CO washing, but I shed sooo much, I'm afraid to do it. >_<

June 8th, 2011, 11:30 AM
I have issues with oily bangs sometimes too. I need to wash them every day (I don't wash the rest of my hair that much). SLS shampoos make my bangs (and the rest of my hair) way greasier. Yesterday I tried using a clarifying shampoo on my bangs and it looked terrible and greasy all day. I've had good luck washing them with my chamomile and citrus CV bar.

June 8th, 2011, 12:02 PM
Ihave fine, tanglely hair and no bangs but I don't have problems anymore. I never condition the top of my head. perhaps you should not condition your crown and bangs. I use Suave naturals Shampoo and Condish. and NEVER have tangles. I use a large tooth comb and comb my hair out in the shower when I condition it.

I have used shampoos in the past that leave me with a giant ball of tangles when i get out of the shower. But the Suave Naturals stopped all of that. I also regularly use coconut oil in my hair.

June 8th, 2011, 02:59 PM
I just discovered Treseme Naturals. I didn't intentionally buy it because it doesn't have cones, in fact, I didn't notice till I got it home that it did not, but it's doing nice things for my hair right now.

June 9th, 2011, 09:52 AM
You can try Aussie moist? Sometimes when I feel that my hair needs extra conditioning, I dampen the ends in the sink and then put a bit of it in and then walk around the house for about half an hour and rinse my ends in the sink again. Towel dry and then my hair feels nice and soft. Whenever I get the tangles, I just clarify and use a coney conditioner and that does it for me. Hope it helps? :)

June 9th, 2011, 10:27 AM
I think CWC is your best option.

I do that every 2-3 day and it's doing wonders. I also use a very cheapo condish for my firsh, a natural sulfate free shampoo and a heavier cone free conditionner.

Cutting down on cones and sulfate really helps a lot after 2-3 weeks. The first week though: hello tangles!