View Full Version : Psoriasis and the Quest for Long Hair

June 4th, 2011, 07:43 PM
Hello, all! I was wondering if any of you out there have scalp psoriasis. I've had it all my life, and it causes me to shed more than normal. Still, I'm determined to grow my hair long and beautiful.

For a long time, I would was my scalp with either T-Gel or T-Sal, then wash the rest of my hair hair (and scalp again) with regular shampoo, and follow up with conditioner. Once a week I deep-conditioned.

This past week, I decided I'd change it up. I'm still washing every other day and using my T-Gel and T-Sal on my scalp, but I'm not using regular shampoo after that. I use conditioner. Then, once a week I use medicated oil on my scalp and leave it on overnight. The next morning I use regular shampoo to was it out, followed by a deep conditioner.

My scalp does feel less itchy, so I'm happy with the results. I hope that by the end of summer I'm flake-free, and that I'll be able to maintain it through the dry winter months.

If any of you have psoriasis or just have tips, it would be really helpful. I'm interested in CO washing, but I don't know how my scalp would fare without the medicated shampoo.

June 4th, 2011, 09:43 PM
That's... a lot of medicated shampoo.

My partner has severe psoriasis. When he's fully treated, he's basically scale free, but that takes UV treatments 3x per week, and if he misses 3, the patches will return. Untreated, he has patches everywhere, and his legs and scalp are basically one giant patch.

You're using more treatment products than he does. T-gel is one of those things that we do not run out of, because it's part of his treatment regimen. It doesn't do a ton compared to his UV treatments, but every little bit helps. T-sal isn't worth it for him. Salycic acid doesn't do anything for him, but coal tar does. Most of the medicated ointments doctors can prescribe for him are pretty minimal gain too. (more than T-sal, less than T-gel, WAY less than UV)

I also keep Aveeno lotion on hand for him, and aloe gel. They're about the only lotions that don't hurt his open psoriasis sores. When I can find it, Neutrogena's T-gel conditioner is nice. If I can't get that, I don't even bother to try conditioner. His skin is sensitive to so many ingredients if there's a bleeding patch, and it's just not worth the risk. (botanicals are serious bad news, and he reacts badly to many of them. he can handle very limited doses of some antiseptic herbs like rosemary and lavender. most of his products are fragrance free too, because his skin is so reactive.) Like most people with psoriasis, his skin is pretty dry even when it isn't patchy.

He doesn't shed excessively, even when his psoriasis is flaring up badly. And he's had his hair fairly long for a curly (I'd guess his hair is somewhere in the 3a/3b range), past his shoulders. That was conditioner free. With conditioner, I'd guess longer would be possible, but curly and psoriasis make things pretty tricky. And these days, he's happy enough with only one longhair in the house.

I don't think long hair is impossible for you. But I think like my partner, you're going to need to be very careful about what goes on your skin.

Audrey Horne
June 4th, 2011, 10:31 PM
My DH has psoriasis and we started to use just aloe vera gel and it works wonders! We've been through a lot. I used everything possible on him.

June 4th, 2011, 11:09 PM
I've had psoriasis on my scalp since age 12-ish. When it was first diagnosed I tried various things - Polytar, T-Gel, and a handful of other prescriptions. Nothing really seems to help, so I leave my psoriasis alone generally; I don't really know what else to try, I'll have to give more oils a go though. I've noticed it itches like mad if I use coconut oil on my scalp, but it seems happy with extra virgin olive oil, and strangely enough sulphate shampoo once a week doesn't seem to make it any worse.

June 10th, 2011, 09:51 PM
I got psoriasis when I was 16 ish and it was generally just bad until I gave up shampoo (age 25). I had tried every medication, tar shampoo, nizoral - everything. I definitely found the medicated stuff helped but only in the short term. I quit using shampoo on my hair a few months ago and overall my psoriasis disappeared. I still get some scales just along my hairline but they are barely visible. I would recommend using apple cider vinegar instead of shampoo and seeing if it works for you.

June 11th, 2011, 12:10 AM
I've got this too.

I don't shed more then normal... but mine is under control. I just am sure to make sure that the spot on my head that likes to flare up gets a good dose of full on sunlight pretty regularly. In the past I did use coal tar... but only if I hadn't got my regular sun!

June 12th, 2011, 10:18 AM
I have it as well. I always refuse to use "real medicine" and have it (always)under control using karite butter once a week in my scalp. I don't shed at all.
I put also (once a week) a little bit of lemon juice/water in my scalp before going to shower. I am always flake-free and just remember that I have it when I touch my scalp.
I am wondering if karite butter+ lemon juice can work together... I am going to try...

June 12th, 2011, 10:44 AM
When I use the T-gel it seems to all be fine. Im not very regular with it but I can tell when I haven't been using it and it only takes a few washes and it's pretty cleared up. I would say I only wash with it once a month and that is if I think about it. I think I have had it most my life, although undiagnosed. I always thought my scalp was bad from all the processing I did. I don't notice any difference in growing out my hair although it's not long according to LHC standards........ yet! :) and I have done co for a while with no problems.