View Full Version : Moving parts around

May 31st, 2011, 12:10 PM
So I've heard it's a good idea to move parts around every so often so to not allow for possible thinning due to the hair always parting in the same spot for a very long time.

Of course, when I try to move my part around, the hairs start to hurt because they are now laying against how they have been lying for the past however long. So my question is, is the hair hurting something to be worried about? I mean I know it's normal, but would that not also possibly cause something like traction alopecia (or something a bit less severe) due to the pulling force? Should I just let the hair lie where it likes? Thanks!

May 31st, 2011, 12:24 PM
I've often wondered this myself. When I try to move my part, my hair doesn't seem to want to cooperate, and the part tends to shift back to my natural one. How do you get yours to stay in the new part?

May 31st, 2011, 12:30 PM
I think it's the same basic concept of ponytail pain. Your follicles were used to being in a certain direction, now they are going the other way. It's going to cause a strange sensation.

I think it's important to not keep your part in the same place. I will, a few days a week, wear my hair in a top knot or high ponytail with no part and then I'll switch up where I part on the other days.

I think you'd be more likely to experience tration alopecia by letting your hair 'lie where it likes' (your daily part) than if you had slight discomfort switching your part periodically.

May 31st, 2011, 12:33 PM
I've often wondered this myself. When I try to move my part, my hair doesn't seem to want to cooperate, and the part tends to shift back to my natural one. How do you get yours to stay in the new part?

I have found the best way to be able to move your part is to try to get rid of your natural part. My hair used to part down the center. I didn't have to do anything and it'd be a perfect part. But I will comb my hair straight back while it's wet or constantly be moving it so it can't dry in the normal part. Or you can tie your hair back with no part every time you let it dry. It's really hard to get your part to shift if you let it dry in it's normal position.

May 31st, 2011, 12:41 PM
I have the same at some places! Like on top of my head, when the wind is blowing my hair over (I have a pixie so it easily gets blown 'over', as in, the other direction :P) it huuurts! I have no idea why though, but it's always been like that!

May 31st, 2011, 12:43 PM
I've often wondered this myself. When I try to move my part, my hair doesn't seem to want to cooperate, and the part tends to shift back to my natural one. How do you get yours to stay in the new part?

Today I'm just wearing my bangs to the other side and securing them with a bobby pin, since I decided to switch it up after it already dried. However, when I want to move the part temporarily long-term, then I do it when it's wet right after the shower. It cooperates much easier when it dries into the position you want, instead of trying to force it when it's wet.

May 31st, 2011, 12:51 PM
I have the same problem if my hair has already been hanging out in a certain parting for a day or more. So, I switch it up in one of two ways--either right out of the shower or after wearing it straight back overnight.

For example: I usually part on the left side of my face. This past Friday I showered, and parted it down the middle with a comb, then put a bandana over it, and it dried painlessly. I wore it with a middle part all weekend. The alternative is to wear it piled on top of your head to bed (ie, no part) and then choose a new part in the morning. This can cause some temporary pain but not as bad as switching it up once it's been laying flat in the opposite direction.

I do think switching it up is important. I have slight thinning on my hairline on the left where I wore it parted for 29 years...before coming to LHC!

May 31st, 2011, 01:21 PM
I get the 'uncomfortable' feeling to when I change my parting. I think the best time to tackle it is straight after washing. Part your hair in the new position (which always feels fine to me when the hair is wet) and then let it dry and settle in the new position. You can then switch it up every time you wash your hair.

The only other way I can think of is never letting your hair settle into a 'natural' part i.e. if you wear your hair up during the day, comb the hair back from the crown rather than having a part.

May 31st, 2011, 02:49 PM
In just my opinion I can't see how keeping your hair in one type of part for a long time can make it thin like that. I can see it happening if it's been that way your whole life, but I wouldn't obsess about changing it every week. I just style my hair differently in different parts everyday just to make it interesting, not because I'm afraid I'll go thin. I think if you put pressure on your part and pull your hair back tight constantly in one part style that would do it, but if you are gentle I don't see anything happening. I could be wrong, I'm still fairly new here and still learning.

May 31st, 2011, 07:33 PM
My part has been in the same place every day for about 5 years (prior to that it was in the same place for 22 years in college i adopted a side part when i grew out my bangs) and I have no thinning. But everyone's hair is different.