View Full Version : Can Anyone Help Diagnose This Problem?

May 25th, 2011, 08:50 AM
The last week or so my hair is looking a bit dry, particularly in the back around the canopy. I've done S&D and I don't see damage/splits. It feels soft-- not crunchy like when I know I have a protein overload. I've actually been avoiding protein the last few weeks so I'm wondering if my hair might need the protein. Or could it be oil build up? I do infrequent oiling w/unrefined coconut oil.

Anyway today is wash day and I'm trying to decide if I should
a) clarify (my least favorite option- this is always very harsh on my hair/scalp)
b) do an ACV rinse
c) use a protein-rich conditioner this time around

Any thoughts? Has anyone experienced this and what did you do?:confused:

May 25th, 2011, 12:59 PM
The last week or so my hair is looking a bit dry, particularly in the back around the canopy.
Anyway today is wash day and I'm trying to decide if I should
a) clarify (my least favorite option- this is always very harsh on my hair/scalp)
b) do an ACV rinse
c) use a protein-rich conditioner this time around

Any thoughts? Has anyone experienced this and what did you do?:confused:

I'm no expert, but it seems like it makes sense if your hair is feeling dry, to moisturize it. :o

But an ACV rinse doesn't take a lot of effort, so that would eb a good place to start. If that's not the answer, you could try a a protein-rich conditioner next time. Then an SMT.

If all else fails, clarify.:p

May 25th, 2011, 01:10 PM
I agree.

Try extra moisture. If that doesn't work, try a protein treatment. If that doesn't work, then clarify and follow with moisture :)

May 25th, 2011, 01:29 PM
Thanks, Misti and Alyanna! It's so strange because it looks dry, but doesn't really feel dry, if that makes any sense. I was thinking it's plenty moisturized but obviously it's not! So, at least now I have a plan of action. :D Many thanks again!

(P.S. Misti-- I like your blog :))

May 25th, 2011, 02:13 PM
(P.S. Misti-- I like your blog :))

Thank you so much, Firefly! <blush>

May 25th, 2011, 03:50 PM
Thanks, Misti and Alyanna! It's so strange because it looks dry, but doesn't really feel dry, if that makes any sense. I was thinking it's plenty moisturized but obviously it's not! So, at least now I have a plan of action. :D Many thanks again!

(P.S. Misti-- I like your blog :))

I tend to find when my hair feels fine but looks dry I have protein build up. I use a deep moisturizing conditioner and a heavy leave in and that sorts my problems out :)