View Full Version : Money can't buy you healthy hair!

May 22nd, 2011, 05:23 AM
I read this story about a British celebrity and it makes me shudder :eek:


I think she needs to chop the lot off and start again! I can't believe what some people will do for long hair. If you want it that badly just stop messing with it and grow it!

May 22nd, 2011, 05:33 AM
Thats Jordan aka katie price, i feel so sorry for her, her hair was black, how on earch would they have lightened it without bleach?

May 22nd, 2011, 05:35 AM
Umm wow... I can't believe someone would spend THAT much on their hair?! I mean... I love my hair...but surely you could find a good hairdresser who would do your hair for cheaper :rolleyes:.

May 22nd, 2011, 05:52 AM
In general, she makes me shudder. :p But I hope she gets a pixie; I bet it'd look surprisingly nice on her.

May 22nd, 2011, 06:03 AM
Ouch, painfull for her but could've expected it with so much. If your hair is black, you bleach the hell out of it and still expect that extentions will hang in there...
hell no! I think people should ask more instead of, just do it it's fine :rolleyes:

May 22nd, 2011, 06:22 AM
I don't really think you can always blame the salon in cases like this. :p Any change that extreme is going to result in damage.. Black to blonde is easier said than done!

I agree with pepperminttea on the shuddering business! :laugh: The UK newspapers are always full of her latest antics :rolleyes:.

May 22nd, 2011, 06:41 AM
yay, celebs...

May 22nd, 2011, 07:20 AM
I don't know her. I agree, though - hair cannot handle all that bleach and extensions without being severely damaged. Several years ago I got a perm and then had it straightened 3 days later (regret!) and bits of it broke off (and it was virgin hair before that.)

May 22nd, 2011, 07:49 AM
I hope she atleast learned something from all this, though if she could not realise that lightening from very dark to almost platinum blond would mean heaps of damage to the hair and putting extensons on damaged hair will only result in more damage, whatever the cost of those treatments is, I doubt she'll make any conclusions even after she saw the proof...
One can hope though, right? :o

May 22nd, 2011, 08:02 AM
*barf* Ew,this is hideous

May 22nd, 2011, 08:20 AM
‘None of us had any idea who she was when she started coming here. She’s like Britain’s answer to Pamela Anderson but not as pretty or successful, right?'


May 22nd, 2011, 08:22 AM
Jordan can't stand her. She also is reported to have demanded they put more extentions than normally was used and then crys when she is getting bald spots hello!

May 22nd, 2011, 08:41 AM
TBH katie prices's main occupation is to keep herself in the paper for as long as possible by inventing "stories" about herself. I wouldn't be surprised if she did chop it all off (a la Emma Watson) to have a few more days in the papers. She's a clever one but I feel sorry for the salon, who's going to be brave enough to do her hair now!

May 22nd, 2011, 08:48 AM
Ha what an idiot. She seems like the dumbest whiniest person on the planet. She spends incredibly amounts of time and money on damaging her hair, and won't stop!

'since December she has spent £45,000 trying to rectify the damage.' AHAHAHHA you think she'd stop and leave it alone by now.

I don't feel sorry for her at all. She has to have something wrong in her head to not think that would be damaging. I did the same exact thing, I bleached my hair that was dyed dark brown to white blonde and then got fusion extensions applied. My hair didn't fall out but it sure wasn't pretty after. I had mine taken out in late December early January and my hair is already well on its way to recovery. She needs to stop. Or even better, join LHC.

Girl needs to get a grip.

May 22nd, 2011, 08:53 AM
I'm sure it's possible that the extensions were added incorrectly, but if she really believed that her hair wouldn't be damaged by going from dark to blonde like that, then it's her own fault for being gullible.

May 22nd, 2011, 09:00 AM
^^ her extensions where added wrong, she went against advise and asked for more than the recommended but thats her fault. http://www.newsoftheworld.co.uk/notw/nol_showbiz/1256653/Jordan-reveals-she-is-bald.html

May 22nd, 2011, 09:31 AM
Um. Very little of this story is true, I reckon.

Katie Price has an excellent publicist who keeps her in the media spotlight on a daily basis. This will be just another day and another dumb story. It doesn't matter what it is, as long as she's out there.

(I got really angry a year or two back when she claimed she'd been raped - that's a heck of a thing to claim just for a bit of media time - and then I felt evil for instantly assuming she was lying. The police got involved and she went very quiet for a while. There was a lot of bad feeling towards her after that.)

May 22nd, 2011, 09:38 AM
Over the past five years it means Miss Price – who has built up a £40 million fortune from her business empire, which includes modelling, novels and an equestrian fashion range – has spent more than £150,000 on her hair.


I don't feel quite so bad for buying new hairtoys now.

May 22nd, 2011, 09:43 AM
I think she needs to chop the lot off and start again! I can't believe what some people will do for long hair. If you want it that badly just stop messing with it and grow it!

Hehe, well I think it's not that hard to believe at all! How many people undergo a lipo to look skinny? Same thing here. Just like working out to get a toned body, growing your hair all by yourself simply takes time and effort. Most people are just so used to the fact that there's some "fast and easy tricks" out there that they don't think it's worth working towards a goal anymore. Why wait if you can get it right now? I'm afraid it's the spirit of our time.

May 22nd, 2011, 09:56 AM
Botched hair extensions, bald spots from extensions and bleaching, and frequent changes of look seem to be damaging lots of celeb's hair and this is being widely reported (with glee it seems) by newspapers. It's strange that high-price hairdressers will agree to do these damaging things to clients' hair. Doesn't it seem to go against good sense in that it attracts bad publicity for the hairdresser?

May 22nd, 2011, 10:03 AM
Before starting, Miss Price, also known as glamour model Jordan, sought an assurance that such an extreme change in colour wouldn’t damage her hair. She says the salon told her there was no risk because the lightening method they used didn’t contain bleach.

I know there are some things like honey and cinnamon that can slowly lighten hair. But is there really a way to instantly lighten hair without bleach?

May 22nd, 2011, 10:03 AM
Well that was a waste of money. I've seen poor floozies with similar-looking hair.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:13 AM
Umm wow... I can't believe someone would spend THAT much on their hair?! I mean... I love my hair...but surely you could find a good hairdresser who would do your hair for cheaper :rolleyes:.

I dunno, I agree: major waste of money. But on the other hand, extensions are notoriously poor quality. So, if I had buckets of money and wanted extensions I think I'd pay a lot for the quality guarantee (which clearly didn't work in this case!).

May 22nd, 2011, 10:13 AM
I wouldn't take what the Mail says as gospel. It's a tabloid. Read the article carefully and you'll notice the sources are not named.

If you go to the Katie Price "official" fan site, there are several posts in "News" about various tabloids reporting false stories (i.e. making stuff up).

One has to wonder if she's really as foolish as suggested by the Mail story that has her continuing the coloring and extensions process after she notices hair breaking off.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:16 AM
o.O Yikes...

May 22nd, 2011, 10:25 AM
The story is probably fake or blown out of proportion as it's in the daily mail and it's her but....trims start from £150 at his place??? What do they have magic scissors there or something?! And it seems common sense to everyone here but honestly I think there are genuinely some people who would believe anything a hairdresser said to them, including say dumping your hair into a bucket of bleach wouldnt harm your hair at all. I have met people who honestly don't believe that bleaching your hair an wearing extensions will do your hair any harm...

May 22nd, 2011, 10:28 AM
"She claims her hair became brittle and began snapping off half way through the treatment.

A source close to the twice-married star said she was assured there was nothing wrong and continued with the next stage of the process, attaching the extensions."

Something there is seriously not right. Nothing wrong!??!?!?!

May 22nd, 2011, 10:35 AM
Yikes :(
One of the best things you can do for your hair is to LEAVE IT ALONE.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:46 AM
Yikes. The extensions definitely weren't a good idea, but it IS feasible that you can bleach your hair with little damage. My bleached hair did not feel any different from my natural, and I still don't have any split ends.

May 22nd, 2011, 10:49 AM
I don't know who she is, but I see a Brittany-like buzz-cut in her future. And honestly, I think that would be the best possible thing for her hair. She needs to scratch it and start over. Wear wigs and other fashionable stuff while it grows out. But I bet she has no idea what her natural hair even looks like.

It must be difficult having your hair snap off and tug like that, but there should be no way it's a surprise if she has the kind of style record you all are suggesting.

May 22nd, 2011, 12:26 PM
In general, she makes me shudder. :p But I hope she gets a pixie; I bet it'd look surprisingly nice on her.

You're totally right. That's what I would do if I were her. Better yet, just shave it all off and get a wig instead of putting in a thousand extensions. I mean if you're THAT dissatisfied with your hair...

I don't feel sorry for her one bit. If this story is true than she's an idiot and shouldn't be surprised her hair's falling out. IDIOT.

AND to that US hair salon, Pamela Anderson is Canadian...

May 22nd, 2011, 01:30 PM
I don't know who she is, but I see a Brittany-like buzz-cut in her future. And honestly, I think that would be the best possible thing for her hair. She needs to scratch it and start over. Wear wigs and other fashionable stuff while it grows out. But I bet she has no idea what her natural hair even looks like.

It must be difficult having your hair snap off and tug like that, but there should be no way it's a surprise if she has the kind of style record you all are suggesting.

Ha, I was thinking she needs to do a Britney too!

How on earth would they take her hair from dark brown to blonde without damaging it? Pixie dust? :p

May 22nd, 2011, 02:03 PM
Awww I feel bad for her, I to am one of those idiots that listens to hairdressers as I think, what do I know I didnt got to hairdressing school, they did so surely they should advise what is best. However now after bad situations with hairdressers I am not so stupid and would not believe what they told me after all, you know your hair better than anyone else and when she thought something wasnt right she should have said to them to stop. I am not sure if the story is true, as surely if her hair was that bad she would have the extensions taken out, if its so bad, why are they still in her hair?

May 22nd, 2011, 02:21 PM
The extensions were "tugging at the roots" -- WTF does that mean?

If you attach something artificial to strands of hair, they're going to be heavier than before -- it really isn't rocket science. Or is she trying to say that the extensions were actually moving of their own volition and physically applying force to her roots?

What a bunch of hooey...

May 22nd, 2011, 03:08 PM
The comments on this thread are so hypocritical. Why is it okay to insult the hair and looks of other people if it isn't your ideal of good hair, body, face? And then there are 10000 pages in the "dumb hair comments" and "people made fun of my hair" threads. Oh please.

I do some snarking myself, but I'm never surprised what it comes right back. I still don't think my hair is better than the next persons. I'm also surprised because we all claim to have made horrible hair choices int he past. We've all been sad when things go wrong with our hair. Is she not allowed to feel the same? We are all still learning, and you can't fault that woman for making a choice that damaged her hair.

May 22nd, 2011, 04:03 PM
I think one of the problems is that they told her they could lighten her hair without bleaching it or damaging it. Now, as far as I KNOW to lighten your hair you have to bleach it. Even natural lightening using honey or whatever, STILL bleaches your hair (it is slower and more gradual this is true, but it's the peroxide - aka bleach - in honey that causes it to lighten). Obviously there are ways and means to minimise the damage, but when hairdressers TELL a person that their hair won't be damaged, people believe it because these are trained professionals here :rolleyes:.

Still...she probably could have had just as good a job done while paying thousands of pounds less (and maybe even without having to travel out of the country), and may have received better advice from someone who wasn't going to get such a huge amount of money out of her.

But yeah, I've heard lots of people say that they were told they could have lighter hair without damage, and almost invariably hair that is drastically lightened WILL be damaged. It may not show damage straight away, but on long hair eventually the damage does show up (it may take a year or more to really see the effects though).

May 22nd, 2011, 04:08 PM
Why do they call it "bleach" or say it's a "no-bleach" formula when there's no BLEACH in any hair dyes? :confused: It's peroxide, folks, not chlorine.....

May 22nd, 2011, 04:27 PM
The proff that nothing can repair damage, growing it out is the only solution.

May 22nd, 2011, 04:34 PM
Why do they call it "bleach" or say it's a "no-bleach" formula when there's no BLEACH in any hair dyes? :confused: It's peroxide, folks, not chlorine.....

As far as I'm aware, the definition of bleach is something that removes color or whitens. Therefore whether a "bleach" is based on chlorine or peroxide is irrelevant, it's still a bleach. Ergo, my understanding of bleach with respect to hair is "anything that lightens the color of the hair"!

However, all that's sort of irrelevant as it's just a definition ;). If you strip color from hair you will cause damage (more or less depending on the agent used) and it doesn't matter whether you choose to call it a "bleach" or "no bleach"!

May 22nd, 2011, 05:12 PM
As far as I'm aware, the definition of bleach is something that removes color or whitens. Therefore whether a "bleach" is based on chlorine or peroxide is irrelevant, it's still a bleach. Ergo, my understanding of bleach with respect to hair is "anything that lightens the color of the hair"!

However, all that's sort of irrelevant as it's just a definition ;). If you strip color from hair you will cause damage (more or less depending on the agent used) and it doesn't matter whether you choose to call it a "bleach" or "no bleach"!

That makes complete sense -- the sun surely doesn't use bleach when it lightens thing! :doh:

But then, ANY type of dye that isn't a deposit-only dye has a bleaching agent in it.... so how could anything that lightens be "no bleach"? And like you said, how on earth does someone think they can lighten their hair by a bazillion shades AND heat-style it AND glue extensions onto it, all without damaging their hair? :shrug:

May 23rd, 2011, 12:14 PM
I do feel a bit bad for her to be honest. Her hair did look like totally fried when they'd done it. If you go to an expert you expect expert advice, which includes full disclosure on whether a process is going to totally rot your hair. If it was me I'd be absolutely gutted.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:16 PM
IIRC Katie Price's hair is not naturally black it's brown, and it has certainly been bleached in the recent past. Therefore the salon *may* have said they would strip out the black dye (=Color Oops) to take her back to (bottle) blonde then apply a toner. :shrug: The woman is a living Barbie doll who actually likes her boobs and teeth to look fake; she will not cut off the damage and grow out natural healthy hair.

KP has millions in the bank, thousands of pounds on repair job is a drop in the ocean, it's all tax deductible and all publicity is good publicity. ;) I wouldn't be surprised if the story has been deliberately exaggerated by her and/ or the tabloids cited in this thread; neither the Daily Fail nor the News of the World know anything about real journalism.

August 18th, 2011, 12:13 PM
Hmm...I think only time can heal damaged hair. But for a model, they can only work to a certain age and probably need hair that can be worked with during that time.

August 18th, 2011, 12:42 PM
My favorite part is where it shows a picture of her getting her hair blow dried and the caption is something along the lines of "trying to get the damage fixed." Stop blowdrying it then lady!

August 18th, 2011, 01:51 PM
I'll hold my hands up - I think the woman is a waste of space along with a bunch of other unbecominung epithets. That she's in the (low end) papers Again is (alas) no surpise - it's part of her job & a hair disaster is just a few more papers sold.
If this were to happen to anyone else, I'd be much more sympathetic (I hope!), but for a famous-because-she-has-an-expensive-publicity-team "celebrity", both story & hair are just so much cod supper wrappings.

August 18th, 2011, 02:10 PM
She could shave it all off, and then wear a wig for a couple of years..... And start using the CO-method.
And, she should join the LHC :D

August 18th, 2011, 04:19 PM
She could shave it all off, and then wear a wig for a couple of years..... And start using the CO-method.
And, she should join the LHC :D

Heehee! ^ Like!

August 18th, 2011, 04:54 PM
her bleached hair looks so sad..