View Full Version : Curly Hair Cut Question

May 20th, 2011, 01:00 PM
Ok, I will try to make this a short explanation of the short and long of my hair. I had mid back (past bra strap) length to my hair up until 3 years ago, when I cut it off short for a professional job interview. Got the job and then started to grow my hair back out. All my life my hair has been straight, fine and limp. When I started to grow it back out 3 yers ago, it came back curly, ringlets and all. I actually loved it! I did not get it cut too much for fear of loosing the length and curls (I always heard that if you cut your hair too much and too short you can cut out the curls permanently...is that true?), the hair stylist I loved was really good at cutting off the dead ends and maintaining my curls. She retired in Oct 2010 and I have not gotten my hair cut since, until a week ago. And the woman that cut my hair cut (chopped more like it) off all the damages hair....and curls with it :wail: Now my hair is both curly and staight! If that makes sense. I was hoping that cutting off all the damaged ends would bounce up my curls more, but I literally have mixed sections of hair that is straight as a board and then soft loose ringlets. Anyone have any advice to get back the natural soft ringlets I used to have? Help Please...Thanks.


May 20th, 2011, 02:12 PM
Hi I have curly hair, and it sounds like to me she does not know how to cut curly hair, I had mine cut a while ago and the girl cut one side so bad it just frizzed, no curly just fizz untill i had some length come back and it started to curl again. You need to go to a hairdresser who is experienced in cutting curly hair and those good hairdressers are few and far between. My cousin who did some hairdressing training was explaining to me that it wa something about cutting teh curly in the right place...made no sense to me. Maybe have a look on internet and curly sites for good culy hairdressers in your area.

May 23rd, 2011, 05:42 AM
Thanx for the info! I am trying to find another hair dresser that knows how to cut curly hair. They are far and few between.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:09 PM
I get the ideal curl/wave in my hair when my hairdresser cuts it dry, and puts long layers in it. This helps her cut according to the natural curl of my hair. Ask them to cut according to your hair's shape and texture. Sunnydays is right, experience with curly hair always helps.

May 23rd, 2011, 02:28 PM
Yes in the future, go to a hairdresser experienced in curly hair. And cut it dry.

But since it is done, there are lots of ways to encourage waves and curls. You should probably check out the Wavy and Wurly thread, the Wurly and Curly thread, and the CO washing thread. One of the things most of the wavy and curlies swear by is Conditioner Only washing.

I know how you feel. I chopped my hair recently and thought it would give me some nice curl, but it didn't. (It was curlier before) Some hair just needs length to curl properly.